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Enlightened Hearts: Mastered Hearts Series Book Two

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by Nicole, Angela

  Glancing at the clock, it is almost 12:30 in the morning. I am never going to get to sleep at this rate. I have to put Daniel out of my mind.

  I’m glad my sister is a night owl. Alex says that it is a hazard of her job as a public defender. Texting her, she immediately replies.

  Me: I can’t sleep.

  Alex: You need to have wild sex with a hot man.

  My sister, always to the point.

  Me: Maybe soon. I actually have a date on Sunday.

  Alex: Really? On a Sunday? What are you doing? Going to church?

  Me: LOL no. Daniel owns a boat and he’s taking me fishing.

  Alex: Is this the same Daniel that you told me about months ago? The one you said made you want to drop your panties when he smiled?

  Me: Yep, that’s him. I saw him tonight at a party and he asked me out. I can’t stop thinking about him. He’s a great guy.

  Alex: That’s great sissy. You deserve to be happy.

  Me: What about you? Have you found a nice hot man to keep you company?

  Alex: Shit. I don’t have time for a steady man. This homicide case has got me crazy busy. Sometimes I feel like I am drowning but I truly believe that my client is innocent.

  Me: Well, he has the best lawyer then. You will do what is right and it will all work out.

  Alex: Thanks! I miss you. Are you coming up for a visit anytime soon?

  Me: I don’t think I am ready for that yet. With my luck. I will run into Jay and school is starting in a few weeks anyway.

  Alex: Fuck Jay. He is a douchebag who didn’t deserve you. I need to see you as soon as this trial is over. Maybe I’ll come to the sunny state of Florida for a visit.

  My eyes are starting to get heavy now. Thank God for my sister.

  Me: Sounds great. I’m gonna go for now. I’ll call you after my date on Sunday.

  Alex: Have fun babe. I’ll talk to you then.

  I turn off my phone and light and start counting sheep.

  * * *

  My curtain is open just enough that the sun hits me right in the eye. Rolling over, I glance at the clock. Damn it, it’s only six o’clock. I don’t bother to set the alarm on weekends because my internal clock doesn’t care what day it is.

  Being a teacher, I always get up by six. One day I hope to sleep in until eight, although it’ll probably feel like half the day is gone.

  I can smell the already brewed coffee as I throw on some shorts and a tank. Turning my phone on, I don’t know why I do it, but I glance down to see if Daniel has reached out.

  I am obsessing over this man, and it’s unlike me. Usually, the guys are the ones who are stalking me. OK, maybe not stalking me, but it’s certainly what I’m doing to Daniel. My sister is probably right, I just need to have sex and then he’ll be out of my system.

  I’m right on time to pick up Lucy, but as usual, Serena is running late. She just woke Lucy up, so my daughter isn’t even dressed yet. My ex-wife knows I hate it when she cuts into my time with Lucy. Part of me thinks she does it on purpose.

  “You know I pick Lucy up right at eight o’clock. We have been doing this for three and a half years,” I say, not to be a dick, but to let her know my expectations.

  “Serena, my time with Lucy is so limited, I want to spend every second I have with her. You need to make sure she is ready at eight.”

  Serena cocks that damn eyebrow of hers, which means she is gearing up for a fight. I might just give her one for keeping Lucy away from me.

  “Daniel, Lucy was tired last night. Ron and I took her to the waterpark, and the sun took a lot out of her. You don’t have to be so demanding.”

  “Look, you and your doctor boyfriend were able to convince a judge to only let me see my daughter for twenty-four hours a week. That is absolutely ridiculous to begin with, and now you are taking time away from that.”

  Just as Serena is ready to respond with her usual snide comment about how I can’t take care of my daughter because I am just a fisherman, my sweet little tomboy comes running down the stairs.

  “Daddy, wanna see my new baybing suit Mommy bought me?” Lucy asks in her sweet little voice.

  “Of course I do, sweets. Did Mommy pack it so we can go swimming after we fish?”

  “I packed all by myself, Daddy. I’m going to kindergarten soon, so I have to be indepredent.”

  I love it when she mispronounces words, but I know I should help her learn the correct pronunciation. I bend down to look her in her beautiful green eyes. “It’s independent, Lucy, and you just take your time growing up.” I ruffle her long blonde hair, and she giggles.

  Lucy grabs my hand. “Let’s go get my pancakes. I’m hungry like a bear.” Gosh, she cracks me up.

  My daughter gives Serena a quick wave, and we race out to my truck. As usual, I let Lucy win.

  We talk about our plans for the day on the ride over to Hazel’s Diner. It’s our typical Saturday plan, no deviations. Part of me thinks that Lucy’s life with Serena is so fast-paced that when she is with me, she likes to slow down. I appreciate the downtime too.

  After we both finish our breakfast, we head over to the causeway so we can get our usual fishing spot. By now, the serious fishermen are already gone.

  Lucy and I have matching beach chairs, although hers is much smaller. I grab her pole out of the truck while she sets up the chairs. She doesn’t need a lot of help baiting the hook, although it does depend on the type of bait we are using. Today’s delicacy is chunks of mullet.

  “Daddy, may I have a juice box?”

  “Yep, I’ll get it for you. Just let me clean my hands.” Fruit punch and bologna sandwiches are the standard fishing fare. Then of course, ice cream on the way back to my condo.

  Handing her the drink, I inquire about her week. She fills me in on all of the new dinosaurs that she has learned about. I also hear about her friend Timmy, who is going on vacation, or as she calls it, vercation. Lucy rarely talks about Serena and Ron. I often wonder what she tells her mom about her time with me.

  * * *

  After catching a few small fish that we throw back, we head back to my condo. We each put our swimsuits on and head out to the community pool.

  After an hour of “Watch this, Daddy” and “Pretend you're a shark, Daddy,” we get cleaned up and ready for dinner.

  “What do you want for din din tonight, sweets?” I don’t know why I even ask because the answer is always the same. She is watching a show on cats, but she manages to hear me.

  “Can we please have pizza with pineapple on it?”

  Yep, always the same.

  “Are you sure you don’t want something different, Lucy?”

  “I’m sure. Mommy and Ron never get pizza.”

  I know this to be true because Serena is a health nut and wouldn’t be caught dead eating pizza. I, on the other hand, love pizza.

  “OK, I’ll order it, and you pick out the movie for tonight.”

  “Yes!” Lucy shouts with a little fist pump in the air.

  Somehow I think she is going to try to talk me into letting her watch Jurassic Park, but it’s not happening.

  * * *

  Finally, after pizza and a movie about a dog that can talk, my little sweetheart fell asleep on the couch. Looking over at her, I still can’t believe she is mine.

  Lucy has been such a blessing even in the midst of my painful divorce. She always makes me feel so much better about life. Seeing it through her innocent eyes has made me realize what family is all about.

  My thoughts suddenly drift to Nicole and our date tomorrow. I’m both excited and nervous about taking her out. Excited to share my passion of fishing with her but nervous that I’ll like her too much.

  It’s been difficult to date lately. The few women I have been out with really like the fact that I own part of my father’s business. When they find out about Lucy, well, let’s just say that suddenly they are too busy to hang out.

  It’s OK though. I don’t want to waste my time on a woman who
doesn’t want to share my attention with my number one girl.

  Today was the longest day ever. I couldn’t keep my mind on the lesson plans that I was writing. Thoughts of Daniel crept into my head while I was supposed to be thinking about words that start with the letter A.

  Of course, I could only come up with inappropriate words such as ass and Appletini.

  Finally getting something down that I can use with five-year olds, I begin searching through my closet for something to wear tomorrow. I don’t suppose a sundress is appropriate clothing for a fishing trip, so I try on several different combinations of shorts and tank tops, and I hate everything.

  I thought about calling Emily to ask her what I should wear, but I haven’t even told her about my date with Daniel. I don’t even know if he told her, so I’m not going to be the first one to bring it up.

  Finally after deciding on a pair on blue shorts with pineapples on them and a yellow tank, I order dinner. It would be nice to have someone to eat with, but I’m just starting to meet people.

  China Way delivers my chicken and broccoli, and I flip on the TV. Having never been on a boat in the Gulf of Mexico, I’m a little nervous about getting seasick, so I check the weather, and it looks perfect.

  My cat, Checkers, crawls up on my lap. To say that he is a little possessive of me is an understatement. Checkers hated Jay. That should’ve been the hint I needed that my fiancé was an asshole.

  Just as I am getting comfortable, a text comes through on my phone. I stare at it from across the room. Here’s to hoping it’s Daniel.

  Pushing Checkers onto the seat next to me, I grab my phone and glance at the text message.

  My heart races as Daniel’s name registers. Sliding my finger across the screen, I read the message.

  Daniel: Just wanted to say hello and let you know that I am looking forward to our fishing trip tomorrow.

  How can this man make me feel so giddy with a text message?

  Me: I’m excited to go out on the boat tomorrow. Do I need to bring anything special with me?

  Should I be playing it cooler?

  Daniel: I have everything that you need already on the boat, but if there’s something specific you want or need just let me know.

  He doesn’t know what he is asking for.

  Me: I’m sure whatever you have is fine.

  Like his ass.

  Daniel: OK, then I will see you at noon.

  Me: See you then!

  I feel like a teenager does when the cutest boy in school leaves her a note in her locker.

  Falling back on the couch, I think about how Jay used to make me feel. Yes, at the beginning he made me swoon, but then his true colors came through.

  I should’ve been the one to end the relationship when he said that having kids was the most important thing in a marriage. I was happy with adoption, but he wasn’t. Jay said he wanted his own kids, not someone else’s. He’s an asshole, and I’m thankful that he left me. I didn’t feel that way when it happened, but I do now.

  I couldn’t sleep last night, and I’m not sure tonight will be much better. Pouring myself a shot of my favorite whiskey, I draw a bubble bath to relax. I want to be rested for my day tomorrow. I don’t want to make a fool of myself when I haul in my big fish.

  I don’t know how I managed to sleep so well last night. Lucy must’ve slept all night because I didn’t hear her until she came into my room at six. She has always been an early riser, just like me.

  Lucy loves to get herself dressed, so it doesn’t matter what clothes I put out for her. The only thing she will let me do is fix her hair. Her long curls can be hard to tame, but my sister found a product that helps with the tangles.

  Lucy pulls her chair up to the table. I made her second favorite breakfast, scrambled eggs. “Daddy, can you take me school shopping next week? I don’t like what Mommy gets me.”

  “Sure thing, sweets. I’ll talk to Mommy about it.” I smile at the best thing that has ever happened to me.

  Serena should be picking her up soon. This is the part I hate the most. Sending my daughter back to her mother. It’s not like Serena is a bad mother, but she certainly could spend more time with Lucy.

  “Go wash up and brush your teeth. Your mommy should be here soon,” I tell her with regret in my voice. I don’t want her to leave. You’d think I’d be used to this by now, but I’m not. Just as I start to load the dishwasher, my phone rings. It’s Serena.

  “Yeah, Serena?” I try to be civil, but she never calls with good news.

  “Daniel, we can’t come get Lucy until tonight. We are three hours away, and our car broke down.”

  Fuck. I’m not pissed that I get to spend more time with my daughter, but it means I have to cancel my date with Nicole. Bringing Lucy on my first date can’t happen.

  “Jesus, Serena. Usually I’d love to have more time with Lucy, but I have plans at noon. Isn’t there anything you can do? Maybe rent a car while Ron waits for his to be fixed?”

  Shit, I feel like an ass.

  “Daniel, please just work with me on this. Can’t you change your plans for another day?”

  Just as I’m about to answer her, Lucy comes skipping into the kitchen with her backpack. “I’m all packed, Daddy.”

  I should be grateful for this extra time I get to spend with my daughter. “Fine, Serena, but I want Lucy another night, then. I’ll drop her off to you in the morning.”

  Serena agrees, and Lucy jumps up and down when she hears that she is staying another night with me.

  Now I have to figure out what to tell Nicole.

  I woke up calmer than I thought I’d be. I’m still a little nervous about getting seasick in front of Daniel, but it’s worth the risk to get to spend the day with him. Just as I finish drying my hair, my phone rings. Oh God, it’s Daniel.

  “Hello?” I say with a nervous high-pitched voice. I inwardly cringe at the sound.

  “Hi Nicole, it’s Daniel.” God, his voice is sexy as hell.

  “Good morning, Daniel.” Now I’m pacing like an idiot.

  I hear Daniel clear his throat. Damn, this can’t be good.

  “I hate to do this, but I have to cancel our fishing trip today,” Daniel whispers into the phone, which I think is weird.

  “I’ve had some family obligations come up that I can’t change.”

  I can feel myself instantly deflate.

  “I understand, Daniel. I’m disappointed, but I understand.” I really am trying to understand.

  “I’m disappointed too, Nicole. I was really looking forward to seeing you today.”

  Well, at least he’s disappointed too.

  “Maybe we could reschedule for another time,” I say.

  “I’d like that, Nicole. I’ll be in touch so we can set something up.”

  “OK, Daniel. I look forward to it.”

  Hanging up, I can’t help but feel like something was off. He seemed very cautious about what he was saying.

  Now what? I’m all dressed up with no place to go. God, I’m such a cliché. Changing into my comfortable clothes, I call my sister. My call goes to her voicemail…typical even for a Sunday. Alex is a workaholic. She always has been. Being a lawyer is all she has ever wanted. Just like my wanting to always be a teacher. I blow out a deep breath and decide to go for a run. I have to work off this pent-up energy before I explode.

  I love my daughter. I truly do, but I’d be lying if I said that I’m not disappointed about seeing Nicole. Maybe after she and I get to know each other, I’ll be able to spend time with both of them together.

  My brain is telling myself that there isn’t a rush to get to know Nicole, while my heart is telling me not to waste precious time.

  This woman has me all twisted up, and I haven’t even kissed her yet. Shaking the thoughts from my head, I fill Lucy in on the change of plans. Of course, she is thrilled to spend another night with me. I ask her if she wants to go see her Aunt Chrissy, mainly because I need to talk to my sister.

; “Yes.” She giggles. “I love my Auntie Kissy.” Her giggle makes me laugh.

  “OK, go put your backpack in your room, and we’ll get going.”

  My sister never answers the phone when I call, but miraculously she texts back immediately.

  Me: You home?

  Chrissy: Of course, what’s up?

  Me: I have Lucy all day today and tonight and she wants to see you.

  Chrissy: Bring the rug rat over. I haven’t seen her in three weeks.

  Me: Be there in twenty.

  It’s pathetic that I’m using my daughter as an excuse to get relationship advice from my sister. I’m not sure what I’m going to say exactly. I won’t mention any names. If Emily knows Nicole and I had a date, she would’ve told Chrissy.

  Those two are always trying to set me up with someone. While I appreciate their love and concern, they are terrible matchmakers.

  Pulling into Chrissy’s driveway, Lucy starts to unbuckle her booster seat. “Hey, remember we talked about not unbuckling until I tell you it’s OK?”

  She hates to disappoint me, and I can see that she is worried that I’m mad. “Sorry, Daddy. I forgot.”

  “It’s OK, sweets. Let me get out of the car, and I’ll help you.”

  My sister greets us at the door with Lucy’s favorite puppet, Mr. Wiggles. My daughter squeals with delight and makes a run to Auntie Kissy. Sometimes I wonder why my sister doesn’t want a family. She is great with Lucy, and any guy would be lucky to have her. Of course, I’d kill any guy that touched her, so I never pushed her on it.

  I follow Lucy and Chrissy into the living room, where it has been transformed into a whole fort for my daughter.


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