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Enlightened Hearts: Mastered Hearts Series Book Two

Page 13

by Nicole, Angela

  I can’t fucking believe the store was out of turkeys. Toying around with the idea of ordering pizzas, I just knew Lucy and Nicole would want turkey. But I’m sure the three TV dinners I bought are not what they had in mind.

  Setting the bags on the kitchen table, I look over into the living room and see Lucy in her sleeping bag. She’s watching another animal show. This time, I think it’s about bears. Maybe she’ll grow up to be a veterinarian.

  “Lucy, where’s Ni - I mean Miss Russell?”

  “Here I am,” Nicole says, coming from Lucy’s room.

  “Had to call my family back home in New York and wish them Happy Thanksgiving. So what’s in the bag?”

  It’s obvious that she doesn’t want to talk about it, so I don’t.

  “Um. Well, they were out of turkeys. So all I could find were these TV dinners,” I say as I pull them out of the bag.

  Nicole covers her mouth, but I can tell she’s trying to stifle a laugh.

  “At least they’re turkey,” I say with a wink.

  Lucy yells from the living room, “I love TV dinners, Daddy.”

  “Even found a frozen apple pie.”

  “I love apple pie,” Lucy yells again.

  Now Nicole and I are both laughing out loud.

  Nicole moves closer to me and places her hand on my arm. My heart beats faster, but I mentally tell myself to relax.

  “This is perfect, Daniel. Thank you.”

  “It’s perfect because you’re here with us, Nicole.”

  Oh shit, she looks like she’s going to cry. “Hey, no pressure. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.”

  Shaking her head, she tries to appease me. “It’s not you. It’s the whole having to wait thing.” She laughs through tear-filled eyes.

  Touching her cheek, she tries to pull away, but I grasp her chin. Chicken pox or not, I love touching this woman. “Yeah, waiting sucks, but I know you are worth it. Whatever we may have is worth it too. For now, it’s just us friends sharing a holiday meal together.”

  * * *

  Nicole stays with me and Lucy until Saturday morning. We ended up having so much fun on Thanksgiving. We ate our dinners, which weren’t too bad. Lucy insisted on serving the apple pie. Of course she gave herself the biggest piece. We spent Friday watching holiday movies. Lucy filled out her Christmas list, with Nicole’s help. She and Lucy held out pretty well despite how they felt.

  I hated to take her home, but she was feeling much better and wanted to work on her own Christmas list. I wonder where or if I rank on that list.

  Taking a leap of faith, I invited Nicole to spend Christmas with me, Chrissy and Lucy, but she informed me that she was going back to New York for Christmas break. Of course I was disappointed, but I understand. It’s just the thought of waking up with her Christmas morning sounded like heaven. There’s always next year, I told her.

  I have to say, that was probably the best Thanksgiving ever. Despite my illness, I spent it with two great people. Even though we didn’t have an elaborate dinner, it goes to show you that the holidays are about friends and family, not food.

  Six more months…

  It’s been a crazy month since Nicole and I spent Thanksgiving together. The day after Serena returned from Hawaii, she asked if I would take Lucy more days than just Saturday. Apparently, the boyfriend wants to travel more with Serena and can’t because of Lucy.

  I was thrilled when she asked, even though I found it pretty shitty of her mother. When we were first going through the divorce proceedings, I wanted to have Lucy half the week. Serena fought me hard and won.

  Not having the money her boyfriend had, I couldn’t fight her legally with the attorney I could afford. Doesn’t matter now, because I have Lucy Thursday-Sunday.

  Lucy was happy too, but I had to explain we couldn’t eat pizza every night she was with me. Chrissy and Emily have been helping me get a schedule together. My sister is able to pick her up from school when I’m out on a charter. Nicole also offered to help, but after discussing it, we decided it might confuse Lucy.

  Nicole and I have texted back and forth this last month. Lucy had her holiday concert at school, so I was able to lay my eyes on Nicole. She was as beautiful as ever, even with reindeer antlers on her head. Lucy sang her little heart out, and I may have teared up a bit.

  Chrissy, Lucy and I spent Christmas Eve together. We ate homemade pizza and sang Christmas carols. Of course, I couldn’t help but think about Nicole and how much more complete it would’ve been with her here.

  Christmas morning, Lucy was thrilled with her haul of toys. Nicole wanted to get her something, but she decided against giving anything additional to Lucy. She did give a small token gift to each student.

  Nicole and I made plans to video chat tonight since it’s New Year’s Eve. It’s all part of my big plan to surprise her. I was able to find Nicole’s sister online, so she helped. Emily and Mac agreed to take Lucy for the next two days. Lucy was thrilled because she loves to help with Shane.

  Christmas with the family went as well as expected. Alex and I spent a lot of time together at her place. She told me about her trial, which is slated to begin in January. I’m very proud of her. She’s worked hard to get where she is. I keep asking her to move down with me and start her own practice, but she always says no.

  Alex is going out tonight with a court officer she met at work. She told me that she probably won’t be home tonight, so not to worry. I’m pretty excited about my New Year’s Eve plans, a video chat with Daniel.

  He texted me earlier, saying that Lucy plans to stay up in order to watch the ball drop. Daniel is pretty confident she won’t make it past ten o’clock.

  Alex is getting ready for her date. I’ll have her place to myself for the rest of the night. I’m just waiting for my call.

  Just as Alex’s date comes to pick her up, my phone buzzes. I quickly wish them a good night and go off to my room, praying it is Daniel who is texting me. It’s actually a picture of Lucy, already passed out on the couch. Her hand is still in the popcorn bowl.

  Daniel: She couldn’t even make it to ten.

  Me: She’s so sweet. What did you do to tire her out today?

  Daniel: Chrissy took her shopping. I just puttered around for a while.

  My heart sank a little. I wish we were able to spend the holidays together like we did at Thanksgiving. Well, minus the chicken pox of course.

  Me: I’m looking forward to our video chat tonight.

  Daniel: Me too. I’ll call you around 11:00.

  Me: Sounds good. See you then.

  Rolling onto my stomach, I feel like a teenager all over again. My stomach has butterflies again. Actually, I have a very nervous stomach. Daniel has this effect on me. I never felt this way with Jay. Sure, at the beginning I felt an attraction, but my stomach never felt like this.

  I’m in love with a man that I can’t have for another five months. Hell, I’m not even sure he loves me. Will he even wait for me?

  I don’t know why I’m suddenly so insecure about Daniel. Perhaps it’s my admission to myself that I’m in love with him.

  I busy myself until eleven. Daniel calls as promised. When I see his face at first, my heart leaps while other parts of me are on fire.

  I can’t help but smile when I see him. He’s wearing a suit and tie. No wonder he asked me to wear a dress. He also had a bottle of champagne delivered. I thought it was somewhat strange, but now I get it.

  “Happy New Year, Nicole.”

  “Happy New Year,” I say, feeling as if my face is going to crack from my smile.

  “I thought maybe this would be a safe way to actually have a date before we can officially be together. No one will see us, and there’s no chance we will get physical. Unless you want to have cybersex.”

  I burst out laughing because there is no way I’m doing that again. “I’ll settle for just the date tonight, Daniel.”

  “Fair enough, gorgeous.” He smirks.

  This man m
akes my heart sing when he calls me things like sweetheart. Maybe it’s because Jay never did.

  “How was your night with Lucy?” I ask just as there’s a knock at the door.

  “Daniel, hang on. There’s a knock at the door. Who the hell could that be?”

  “That’s weird,” he says.

  “Well, I’m not going to answer it. It could be a serial killer or something.”

  “Nicole, I’ll stay on the phone while you answer the door.”

  “No way. I’m not going down there.”

  “Nicole, I think you should answer the door.”

  “Crap, alright, but you better stay on the phone with me.”

  Walking down the stairs, I hear the knock again.

  “Alright, I’m opening the door.”

  I hear laughing coming from the other side. Slowly opening the door, I can’t believe my eyes.

  “You know you probably should’ve looked through the window first,” I say with a smirk.

  Nicole responds by jumping into my arms. Wrapping her legs around my waist, she buries her face in my neck.

  “Well, that greeting was worth the trip.”

  “I can’t believe you are here.” Nicole looks at me, but it doesn’t take long before my mouth meets hers. She is so eager, she actually backs me up to the door. My tongue matches her ferocity. Suddenly, Nicole pulls back, placing her hand over her mouth.

  “What’s the matter, sweetheart? No one can see us here. Your sister is gone for the night, it’s just you and me.

  She looks confused, so I continue.

  “I contacted Alex online to make sure it was OK if I came up. Wanted to make sure you didn’t have a date or something first,” I say, trying to make her laugh, but she doesn’t.

  “Daniel, I’m both shocked and thrilled that you are here, but don’t you understand how hard this is going to make it for me when I go back to Florida?”

  Closing the four feet that she put between us, I grab her hand and pull her up against my body.

  Looking down at her, I smile. “Will it be as hard as I am right now?”

  She must have a knot in her throat, because she swallows hard.

  Damn him and his sexiness. I almost lost control the minute I laid my eyes on him. My mind and heart are battling right now. Daniel must sense it because he pulls me close.

  “Hey,” he says, tipping my chin up so our eyes meet.

  “Are you sure you’re happy I’m here?” he asks.

  Shit. Cue the waterworks.

  “Oh God. No, don’t cry, Nicole,” he says as he wipes away my tears. My happy tears.

  “It’s not what you think, Daniel. These are happy tears. No one has ever done anything like this for me before. I’ve missed you and your kisses so, so much.”

  “Thank God,” he says. “I wasn’t sure I could walk away tonight.”

  Curling up under his arm, I finally tell him what I want. “Then don’t walk away. Stay with me tonight.”

  “Are you sure, Nicole?”

  “You still owe me the rest of my spanking,” I whisper in his ear.

  “Fuck,” he growls back as he lifts me by my waist. I immediately pull him closer so that I can feel every inch of him.

  “Which way to the bedroom, sweetheart? I don’t think I can wait much longer.”

  “Up the stairs, first door on the left.”

  He starts to move. I don’t want him to let me down, so I squeeze my legs tighter.

  “Don’t worry, Nicole. I won’t drop you.”

  “This is crazy,” I say while staring into his eyes. He doesn’t take his eyes off mine while he carries me to the bedroom.

  He looks like he wants to say something, so I encourage him. “Daniel, what is it?”

  He’s quiet as he opens the bedroom door with his back. “You know if we do this, things will have to go back the way they were once you come back?”

  “I don’t care, Daniel. I’ll take you any way I can get you,” I say. He chuckles at my declaration.

  “I don’t give a fuck either. All I know is, right here, right now it’s perfect.”

  He puts me down, and as I stand in front of him, my mouth waters. Reaching over, I start to run my hands up his shirt, but he stops me. “You first,” he says as he turns me around and starts to unzip my dress. It falls off my shoulders and to the floor in one move. Unhooking my bra, I shiver as Daniel pulls the straps down my shoulders.

  I hear a groan as Daniel moves his hands to my waist. He presses up against my back as my head falls to his chest. “As sexy as you are in these lace panties, they have to go.”

  Now it’s my turn to moan. Daniel hooks his thumbs into the waist of my panties and pulls them down. I’m so wet, and he’s barely touched me.

  Moving my butt against the front of him earns me a grunt.

  “Fuck, Nicole. You better not do that, or I’m going to come in my pants.”

  “Then I guess we better get you out of them fast,” I say with a smirk.

  Daniel looks me in the eye as he shrugs off his jacket. I’m frozen in place, as if I’m watching a striptease. Well, I guess I am.

  His tie is next, and once it’s removed, he throws it on the bed. My eyes follow the movement, then back to him with a raised eyebrow. “Only if you want to, Nicole.”

  I’ve always fantasized about what it’d be like to have someone tie me up. Jay was never adventurous in the bedroom. I think my sex life with Daniel will be a lot kinkier.

  “I’ve never been tied up, but I’d like to try it. I trust you.”

  This earns me a sexy smirk. “I’d never do anything to hurt you or anything you don’t want to do.”

  “I know, Daniel. That’s why I want to try it, but only after you finish stripping.”

  He chuckles as he unbuttons his shirt. I start fidgeting because he’s going too slowly. When his shirt finally comes off, my eyes immediately go to his chest. The man is built like a god.

  Needing to move this torture along, I move closer and reach for his pants. “Impatient, Nicole?” he asks, and I respond with an eyeroll.

  “You are teasing me, and you know it. I need you naked right now.” Assertive Nicole is coming out, and I like it. She’s been tucked away for too long.

  I finally remove Daniel’s belt and unzip his pants. Jesus, I forgot how big he is. His hardness is coming out the top of his boxer briefs.

  Daniel grabs my hand and places it on his erection. “Feel this, Nicole? This is what you do to me.”

  Looking up at him, I see such want in his eyes. Not taking my eyes off his, I pull down his boxer briefs and drop to my knees.

  Daniel lets out a growl. “You don’t have to do that, Nicole.” I don’t even acknowledge what he says, instead I take him into my mouth. He’s so big, I do the best I can to pleasure him. His hands are in my hair. He moans my name, telling me how good it feels. I feel so powerful like this. Knowing that I’m controlling how good he feels, it’s hot as hell.

  “Nicole!” he tries to yell out, but it gets stuck in his throat. “You need to stop, baby, or I won’t make it very long.”

  Taking my mouth off him, I question Daniel, “Is that a problem for you?”

  Daniel pulls me up and gently tosses me on the bed, making me giggle. He moves over me so his face is directly over mine. “Yes, it’s a problem for me. I want to spend New Year’s Eve inside the woman I’m falling in love with.”

  I’m shocked to say the least, but it feels so right at the same time. Looking up at the gorgeous man who is leaning over me, I tell him how I feel.

  “Daniel, I’m falling in love with you too, but I’m scared. I’m scared that I won’t be enough.”

  “Sweetheart, I can understand that. Sometimes I’m scared too. But tonight let’s put that aside so I can show you just what you mean to me.”

  I hadn’t planned on telling Nicole how I felt, but after looking into her eyes, I wanted her to know it. This isn’t a game to me. Never thinking I’d ever fall in love again, Nico
le proved me wrong.

  I wrap my arms around her and flip us over so she is on top of me. She immediately lifts herself up and onto my dick. This is a different Nicole, one who is taking control of what she wants, and I love it.

  She moans as I enter her. The feeling of being inside of her is almost beyond words. Her warmth and tightness surround me. It’s been so long since we’ve been together, I’m afraid I won’t last long. As she moves up and down, my fingers dig into her hips. I tell her to take what she needs from me.

  As soon as I say it, Nicole moans out my name. Nicole’s eyes are closed, and she looks like she’s in another world. Suddenly, I feel her contract around my dick. “Look at me, Nicole. I want to see you when you come.”

  My beautiful goddess looks down at me and let’s go. Nicole shakes and whimpers. The movement and sound go right to my dick, but I try to hold off. Flipping her over so she is on her back, I move to get the tie that’s still at the foot of the bed. When I look down, her eyes become bigger.

  “Hey,” I tell her, “we don’t have to use the tie.”

  Apparently, I misunderstood the look because she smiles and says, “Daniel, I want you to tie my hands above my head, and then I want you to fuck me.” OK, then.

  Wanting to make her happy, I do as she wishes. Of course, it’s no hardship for me. Taking her hands in mine, I secure them in front of her with the tie. It’s not tight since this is our first time; I want to ease her into it.

  “Lie back on the bed and put your arms over your head. Don’t move them, no matter what I do to you,” I tell her.

  She nods and does it just as I said. “If at any time you change your mind and want me to untie you, all you have to do is tell me, and I will.”

  “I know you will, Daniel. Now please just stop talking. I need to feel you inside me.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Daniel is torturing me. I know he means well, but if he waits any longer, I’m going to scream, and it won’t be in ecstasy.


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