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Secrets in Edgewood: The Complete Series

Page 64

by Kate Hawthorne

  Calvin chuckled. “It’ll change everything.”

  “That’s what we needed though. That’s what we all need, yeah? A little bit of change?”

  Graham turned their bodies so they were facing Emory’s back. The waves were treacherously close to his carefully rolled jeans, but he was as still as a statue while the ocean moved around him.

  “Come back here,” Graham called out, his voice loud enough to be heard over the crashing waves. Emory took a step back without looking, then another, his feet kicking up the sand as he returned to where Graham and Calvin stood.

  Emory smiled, but it was forced and tight. Graham reached out and cradled his cheek, and Emory melted, leaning into his palm. He raised his hand and covered Graham’s with his own. Calvin mirrored him, reaching out and resting his hand against the side of Emory’s neck, his thumb stroking the lines of Emory’s jaw.

  “I need to tell you something.”

  “We need to tell you something,” Calvin corrected.

  Emory’s eyes opened and he looked between them nervously.

  “What?” Emory croaked out.

  “I love you,” Calvin blurted.

  “What?” Emory repeated, his chin dipping toward his chest in doubt.

  “I love you,” Calvin said again, sounding calmer and more certain.

  “And I love you.”

  The words felt good leaving Graham’s mouth. They felt true and honest, and they were ripe with the promise of a future he hadn’t planned for. His heart pumped differently when he thought of the way he loved Emory. Not that it was better than the way he loved Calvin, but more like the beats that existed for Calvin were now completed with Emory there. Graham covered his heart with his hand and rubbed at his chest, feeling the sturdy and resilient thumping resonate against his palm.

  “That wasn’t the plan,” Emory mumbled.

  “No,” Graham agreed. “It wasn’t.”

  “I…” Emory bit the center of his lower lip with his teeth. “I don’t know if what I feel is love.”

  Graham’s stomach twisted and he ached for Emory. He slid his hand from Emory’s face to his shoulder and hauled him closer. He landed against his and Calvin’s chest with a surprised oomph of air and his slender arms automatically slid around their waists. Graham pulled Emory harder and wrapped his arms around both of the men he was in love with, unsure of what to say.

  “That’s okay,” Calvin spoke for him. He stroked his hand down the back of Emory’s brown hair and pressed a kiss against his temple. “It doesn’t need saying, but it’s important that you know, just the same.”

  “I don’t know what it feels like,” Emory murmured, his words laced with a sharp edge of desperation and longing. He clutched at the back of Graham’s shirt. “How will I know?”

  “When you don’t need to ask, then you’ll know.” He held Emory and Calvin tighter, hoping they hadn’t just ruined everything.



  Emory felt like a total tool. Their trip to the coast was amazing, and Emory had mucked it up with his stupid mouth.

  He stared up at the ceiling, Calvin and Graham curled around each other to his left. Emory slipped out from the beneath the sheets so as to not disturb them, and padded out to the living room. They were staying at his house tonight; they did well at splitting their time fairly evenly between his house and Calvin’s when they were together. They never asked to stay at Graham’s and he never offered. Emory assumed it was because his rented apartment wasn’t really a home, though neither was the house Emory still, regrettably, owned.

  I don’t know what it feels like to love.

  It felt like this.

  This need, this burning ache, this desperate want. Everything inside of Emory was love for the two men upstairs in his bed, and he hadn’t told them. They deserved to know, but he didn’t think he could tell them so soon after denying it because he worried they wouldn’t believe it. A proclamation so soon after a denial would surely ring false.

  Emory pushed open the door to the room that used to be his father’s study, and he laid down on the floor. He’d had everything taken out of this room with the exception of a large Persian rug. He didn’t know why he’d kept it, but now he was glad he had because the idea of lying on a cold parquet floor at four in the morning sounded awful.

  He tapped the screen of his phone and it lit up, blinding him. He squinted and focused, checking his email. There was the usual spam, a couple things for work that definitely had to wait until he was in the office, and then one shiny new email right on top from his realtor with the subject line, Offer.

  Emory opened the email, finding as promised, an attached offer on the house. It was fair, close enough to market value that he wasn’t taking a loss. He replied to his realtor and cc’d Zach, requesting a time to sign the paperwork. Emory dropped his phone beside him on the thick pile of the rug and closed his eyes. He wasn’t able to fight back the smile that pulled on his lips, and he sprang up, running back upstairs to the bedroom.

  He flung himself on the bed, wrapping his arms around Calvin and Graham’s sleepy and surprised bodies.

  “I accepted an offer on the house,” he whispered, peppering kisses between their cheeks and foreheads and chins.

  “That’s good, let’s go back to sleep,” Calvin grumbled. He reached up and tried to pull Emory between them and back under the covers.

  “I’m too awake.”

  A hot hand reached beneath the waistband of his briefs and thick fingers circled his cock.

  “An orgasm should put you back to sleep.” Graham’s voice was scratchy in his ear, but even as he said it, his hand worked slowly as he fought to hold his eyes open.

  “Let me.” Emory pushed his hand away, definitely too excited to go back to sleep and already horny and hard from the work Graham had put in.

  “Be my guest.” Graham’s eyes slowly opened and focused on Emory, who flung a leg over Graham’s thighs and pushed the sheets away. Emory pulled Graham’s sleep pants down, revealing a thick and soft cock against his leg.

  He slid down Graham’s body, his mind whirring with the anticipation of selling the house mingled with the high from realizing earlier that he was, in fact, in love with Graham and Calvin. He couldn’t say it yet, but he could show it. Emory licked Graham’s cock, taking his entire flaccid length into his mouth. Graham’s hand curled around his shoulder and he grunted, cock quickly hardening against the roof of Emory’s mouth.

  He licked and sucked until Graham was hard and he was choking, pulling back enough to get air. He slid back down, working the muscles of his throat to grip and tug at the tip of Graham’s dick.

  “Fucking hell,” Graham panted, sliding his hand up the side of Emory’s neck to tangle into his hair.

  Emory leaned back, letting Graham’s cock fall from his mouth. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and grinned. “You look awake now.”

  Emory leaned over to the nightstand and grabbed condoms and lube, tossing them onto the bed.

  “I’m awake.” Graham bracketed Emory’s hips while he tore open a condom and unrolled it down Graham’s spit-soaked dick.

  “You’re hot like this.” Calvin rolled onto his side and watched Emory’s hands while he opened the lube and slicked Graham’s cock.

  “Like what?” Emory shifted his weight forward and pointed Graham’s cock toward his ass, lowering himself down.

  “Demanding.” Calvin reached over and took the base of Graham’s cock in his hand. Emory braced himself against Graham’s thighs and worked himself down, his thickness stretching him, reminding him he was here and he was alive.

  And he was loved.

  When Emory’s ass touched Calvin’s hand, Calvin pulled it away, and Emory seated himself fully. Graham’s fingers tightened around him and Emory worked himself up and down, using Graham’s cock to slide against the most sensitive places inside of him, his white as paper skin coloring crimson from his exertion.

,” Graham added, arching off the bed to reach deeper.

  He blushed. “Kiss your husband. Show me how you love him.”

  Calvin arranged himself on his side and joined his mouth with Graham’s, licking between his lips at a leisured pace. Graham touched them both, one hand still firm around Emory’s waist, the other curled around Calvin’s head, holding their mouths together. Calvin and Graham moaned into each other, and Emory continued to ride Graham, pinching his fingers around the base of his cock to will back his orgasm.

  The moment closed around him, their existence now in a bubble where time stood still and the only thing that mattered was the way Emory loved them and the way they loved in return. His orgasm was a fierce thing, boiling inside of him and threatening to overtake him. He needed to stop himself because he wasn’t ready for this moment to end.

  He stilled, rocking back and resting on his calves. Graham gave Calvin a peck against the corner of his mouth and rolled his face away, looking up at Emory.

  “Why did you stop?” Graham pushed up deeper into Emory. “You feel so good.”

  Emory opened his mouth, but there were no words.

  A knowing look sparked across Graham’s face and he whispered into Calvin’s ear while holding Emory’s stare. “Kiss your lover. Show me how much you love him.”

  Graham’s cock pulsed inside of him and Calvin sat up, taking Emory’s face between his hands and attacking his mouth with the same level of methodical dedication he’d shown Graham. Emory moaned, his body going slack, and Graham began to move, lifting off the bed to pump in and out of him. Emory clung to Calvin’s arms, eagerly inhaling his breaths and moans.

  “More,” he panted against Calvin’s mouth. “More. More.”

  “What do you need?” Calvin hovered so their lips touched, their noses bumped.

  Graham hadn’t stopped moving, his cock still splitting Emory with every surge of his hips, somehow impossibly thicker inside of him. Emory patted around the tangled blankets until his fingers landed on another condom. He tucked it into the palm of Calvin’s hand and folded his fingers down around it.

  “Show me,” Emory managed to mumble.

  Graham’s hips snapped up and Emory fell forward, burying his face into the crook of Graham’s neck. He ran his palms up the lines of Emory’s sweaty back, and he used his shoulders to inch Emory away.

  “Hey,” Graham coaxed, using his nose to bump Emory’s cheek.

  Emory felt Calvin move behind him, his fingers kneading into the globes of his ass. Calvin pulled him apart, exposing the rim of his ass, stretching him wider.

  Calvin poured lube down the crack of his ass, using his fingers to smear it around, and Graham slipped in deeper. Emory was stretched open, two of Calvin’s fingers flattening against Graham’s cock and pushing inside of him.

  “Fuck,” he cursed.

  “Hey,” Graham repeated, his voice just as soft but more demanding.

  Emory ground his teeth together as two more of Calvin’s fingers forced their way inside of him. He burned, and it was too much and not enough all at once. His skin broke out in gooseflesh and sweat trailed down every curve of his body.

  “Emory,” Graham tried again and Emory swallowed, nostrils flaring as he finally looked him in the eye. “Show me how much you love me.”

  Emory mewled and dragged his lips across Graham’s waiting mouth. Behind him, he felt empty, and then so, so, terribly full. He cried against Graham’s lips, and Graham held him steady, licking Emory’s protestations and pleasure from the backs of his teeth.

  “Don’t stop,” Emory managed to beg into Graham’s mouth, and he didn’t know if Calvin heard him, but he didn’t stop, instead he slowly inched forward, his cock splitting Emory in two between them.

  How fitting, Emory thought, that he be flayed apart between two men who loved each other as wholly and completely as Graham and Calvin. And that was the last thought he had before his body evolved into nothing more than burning pleasure and a declaration of love he was too scared to verbalize.

  Calvin fucked him slowly, though some part of him was cognizant enough to realize this wasn’t fucking at all, at least not anymore. Graham’s hands raised to his face, wiping his cheeks with rough fingers.

  “That’s real good, baby,” Graham praised, dragging Emory’s sweat and tears down to his chest. He twisted Emory’s nipples between the calloused pads of his fingers and Emory whimpered, body falling back against Calvin’s chest. “You’re so fucking pretty like this.”

  Calvin wrapped his fingers around Emory’s hips and pushed him downward as he thrust in, his breath hot against Emory’s ear. “I’m so close.”

  Emory nodded, his head lolled back against Calvin’s shoulder. Calvin’s hand slipped around Emory’s stomach, and circled his cock. Emory’s hips snapped forward and Calvin hauled him back, stroking his cock in time with his thrusts. Graham reached for him too, another thick hand covering the hot and swollen length of his dick. Their fingers tangled together and they worked him until he came, ribbons of white cum painting Graham and Calvin’s hands.

  Emory cried out, a desperate and pained shout as he emptied onto their fingers. Calvin fucked him so hard he was sure he’d come again, but he didn’t, Graham did. The muscles of his stomach convulsed and tightened, the veins in his neck bulging as he fought to not bury himself even deeper inside of Emory’s well-used hole.

  One of Graham’s hands pressed against Emory’s chest, the other snaking around to Calvin as his own orgasm hit. Calvin’s hand scrabbled around Emory’s front, reaching for him and Graham. Calvin pushed him forward, his entire body still, except for the pulsing throb of his cock.

  Emory’s eyes were heavy as he rested the side of his face against Graham’s cheek, the insistent thumping of his heart loud as a drum against Emory’s ear. Calvin rolled to the side, his cock slipping free, and Emory winced, the emptiness somehow both welcome, but unwanted.

  He felt thoroughly sated, well taken care of, and completely loved.

  “I should have said it earlier,” he mumbled, against his previous judgement.

  “You weren’t ready.” Calvin arranged their bodies so Emory was tucked safely between his and Graham’s broad chests.

  “It’s been a few hours,” Emory managed a weak laugh.

  “Sometimes that’s all it takes.” Graham patted him on the hip. “But now we know.”

  “I still haven’t said it.”

  Calvin turned Emory so they were nose to nose. His hand slid around Emory’s back and two fingers pressed softly against his hole. “Yes, you did.”



  "I’m gonna take off early today.” Calvin rapped his knuckles on the edge of Zach’s door and waited for his boss to look up.

  “That’s unlike you,” Zach observed. “Everything all right?”

  “Yeah.” Calvin straightened, smoothing down the tie Emory had picked for him earlier in the morning. Emory had taken to picking his ties every night they spent together, and they grew more colorful and bolder with every passing day. Today’s tie looked like a splatter paint art project gone awry with snaps of primary colors on a black silk base. “Just heading out of town for the weekend.”

  “Is Monica all set with everything she needs? With Emory being out sick and everything, I don’t want her to be left hanging.”

  “She can handle it,” Calvin assured Zach, frustrated on Monica’s behalf at Zach’s lack of faith in her abilities.

  “Alright, then. Have a good weekend, Calvin. When you get back, we’ll talk about that partnership.” Zach clicked the end of his pen a few times.

  “Not necessary, Zach.” Calvin waved him off and pulled the office door closed behind him.

  Emory had moved his estate over without any prompting, not that Calvin would have prompted him anyway. He’d been thinking a lot about his life over the past few months, the past weeks specifically, and he knew his dedication to work had caused problems between him and Graham. They could hav
e easily been a one income family, but neither of them had ever felt right about quitting their jobs when Graham’s was the one that had brought them to Edgewood in the first place.

  Now, Calvin could at least take some time away and focus on what was important, which was why Emory had pretended to be sick, and why Calvin was on his way out the door. It was a plan he’d come up with all on his own, much to the surprise of both of his lovers.

  “New tie?” Monica stepped in front of him as he reached the elevator.

  He offered her a friendly smile and pushed the down button.

  “On loan.”

  “Same as all the other ties?” Monica grinned and folded her arms across her chest.

  “The same.” Calvin looked up at the elevator display and took a deep breath that he hoped would last him through the five floors between the elevator car and this awkward conversation.

  “Haven’t seen more flowers.”

  “That’s right,” Calvin agreed. Graham hadn’t sent him more flowers, but he’d sent them to Emory intended, of course, for them both, but he wasn’t going to tell Monica that. “Are you seeing anyone yet, Monica?”

  Three floors.

  Monica’s cheeks turned pink and she glanced away. “Uhm, not exactly. Yes. But no.”

  Calvin arched a brow and waited for her to explain.

  “It’s not serious.” She waved her hand casually in the air and laughed.

  The elevator arrived and the doors opened. Calvin stepped inside and turned. “You have a good weekend, Monica.”

  Her eyes sparkled and narrowed as the doors closed between them.

  Twenty minutes later, Calvin was home, and he found Graham and Emory waiting patiently on the couch, overnight bags packed and ready by the door.

  “I’m surprised the two of you aren’t naked,” he observed, toeing off his shoes and padding down the hallway toward the bedroom.

  “That’s against the rules.” Emory popped up and followed him down the hall.


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