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An Extra Spark (The Spark Brothers Book 5)

Page 4

by Liwen Y. Ho

  “I’m happy, Em,” he simply replied. “You make me happy. Plus, this whole day has been giving me happiness vibes. Seeing Aiden and Abby say their vows made me realize something.”


  He tipped his head down to rest his forehead against hers. With hardly an inch between them, he nudged the tip of her nose with his. “I’m more than ready to say mine.”

  Emma’s mouth fell open. Was Evan saying what she thought he was saying? Was he proposing to her?

  Chapter Five


  Evan paused, eagerly waiting for Emma’s response. The surprise on her face, however, made him second-guess his declaration. Perhaps it was too forward of him to talk about marriage already, but under the circumstances, it felt right to bring it up. He was ready to take the next step, to make the commitment of a lifetime. Why wasn’t Emma?

  “You’re ready to say your vows?” Emma asked with surprise. “To who?”

  “To you, love.” Evan laughed, holding her close as they swayed to the music. “Who else is there? You’re the only woman I want to marry.”

  “I-I see. Um, are you proposing?”

  He pulled back to meet her gaze. “Not officially … yet. I wish I were though. Every cell in my body is dying to kiss you. I’ve never wanted to kiss you more than in this very moment.”

  A flicker of emotions passed over her face. “So you want to get engaged so you can kiss me?”

  “No, of course not. That’s a perk though.” He cupped her cheek with one hand. Her skin felt smooth and warm under his fingertips. “I want to get engaged because I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I know this is a huge decision, but I hope you feel the same.” He paused. “Do you?”

  Emma’s silence had Evan second-guessing himself again. Why had he opened his big mouth? He should’ve known better than to dig himself into a hole like this. Sure, he’d dated throughout the years, but he’d never been this serious about a woman before. He had no idea how to navigate their relationship to the next level. He dropped his hand and returned it to her waist. Perhaps it was better to back track … “Never mind, Em. You don’t need to answer that. I shouldn’t be rocking the boat when everything’s been going so well with us.”

  “No, Evan, that’s not it. I just … I don’t want us—our relationship—to hinder your career. You’re already having such a hard time with Margot knowing you’re dating; can you imagine what she’d say or do if you were engaged?”

  The music coming through the speakers picked up its rhythm as the deejay changed songs. More wedding guests began joining the wedding party from all sides, edging Evan and Emma out. He gestured with his head for them to take their conversation elsewhere, then took Emma’s hand to lead her off the dance floor.

  Once they were clear of the crowd, Emma immediately dropped his hand. He gave her a curious look, which she answered with a nod at the paparazzi circling the area like vultures. He chided himself for almost giving away their dating status. Thankfully, Emma had the clarity of mind to play it safe. He hated having to keep his love for her a secret, but until he figured out how to handle Margot’s threats, this was the way to go.

  Just as he was searching for a place for them to talk, Emma whispered in his ear, “Meet me by the fountain. I’ll go first.”

  Despite her gentle nature, there were times when Emma surprised him with her quick thinking. He acknowledged her words with a small smile before returning to the head table. The rest of his brothers were still dancing, so he sat alone sipping his glass of water until five minutes had passed. Scooting his chair back, he quickly rose and took the shortest route possible out of the ballroom.

  He hurried along the carpeted floor to the closest exit that led to the expansive garden. Once outside, Evan inhaled the warm summer air as he strode along paved walkways lit by lights embedded in the ground. He recalled the location of the Italian Cypress trees he had passed during the wedding party’s tour of the hotel grounds yesterday. Beyond the line of trees was a rectangular fountain where Emma would be waiting for him.

  As soon as he heard the sound of water splashing, he knew he was near. He spotted the petite figure of a woman sitting on one of the garden’s wooden benches, her red hair illuminated by the moonlight. Evan’s stomach did a little flip as anticipation coursed through him.

  Emma turned around at the sound of his footsteps and smiled in relief. “Hey, you made it. Did the paparazzi see you leave?”

  “I don’t think so. They were taking photos of Aiden and Abby.” The sweet scent of Emma’s perfume drew him close to her side. He took a seat beside her and placed an arm around her shoulders to draw her close. “It was a great idea to sneak out here.”

  She snuggled into his side, resting her head on his shoulder. “It certainly beats having cameras in our faces. It felt like we were constantly being watched. Maybe because we were,” she added drolly. “I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to that.”

  “You will. It’s a small price to pay to get to do what we love,” Evan stated matter-of-factly. Before they could get on a tangent, he dove head first into their last conversation. “Now, back to what we were talking about before. When we get back to So Cal, I’m going to figure out a way to handle Margot. Honestly, we can’t keep hiding our relationship. We need to trust God with our jobs.”

  Emma scoffed softly. “That’s much easier said than done. It feels like there’s so much out of our control.”

  “I know. I worry, too. Hollywood’s brutal. We face more rejections in this business than any other. Even when you’re a series regular, there’s no guarantee your show will get renewed. But despite all the unknowns—or because of them—we need to have faith. God has brought us both this far. He’ll work things out for us.”

  She nodded. “Do you ever feel like it’s all too much?”

  “What do you mean? The long days on set?”

  “The long days, the lack of privacy, the drama behind the scenes.” She sighed, the breathy sound soft and resigned. “I love being able to use acting as a creative outlet, but I hate how it takes away our freedom.”

  “I know, but it doesn’t have to all be a bad thing.” He shrugged. He’d always liked the attention that his celebrity status brought him, but he understood it wasn’t for everyone. His brother, Brandon, had social anxiety and hated the limelight. Emma didn’t share the same struggle as Brandon, but she was an introvert, through and through. “Getting ourselves out there is a good way to connect with our fans. We can also use our social platform for good. Remember how Aiden and Abby were able to organize a fundraiser for cancer research? They were able to get the word out so fast because of his boy band past and her radio presence. We can do similar things, worthwhile things. I’d really love to make a difference helping the next generation.”

  “You’re right. It’s so easy to lose sight of the bigger picture.” She glanced up at him with a look of awe. “You’re definitely cut out for this kind of work more than I am. Sometimes I think maybe I’d be better off doing an office job. You know, actually using the business degree I spent four years earning. And the last four years—and counting—trying to pay off. At the rate I’m going, the interest I’m paying is going to end up being more than the actual loan.”

  “You’ll catch a break soon, Em, I know it. There’s been good buzz about you on all the fan sites. That’s why you’re being offered more scenes. It’s just a matter of time before they figure out a way to write you into the main storyline. Maybe you’ll be the next girl I date. Now wouldn’t that be fun to act out? You’d be a natural at it,” he joked.

  Her eyes grew wide, shining like two emeralds. “You don’t think they’d do that, do you? My character and yours have never even talked. The quarterback and the shy bookworm don’t usually travel in the same social circle. I doubt Jaxon would even notice Faith.” She paused to chew on her lower lip. “Kind of like how unexpected it was that you noticed me.”

  He brushed a wavy strand of hair off her fo
rehead that was blowing in the breeze. “Hey, it was more like, how could I not notice the beautiful redhead who appeared on set? It also helped that we were going after the same tray of garlic fries at the craft services table. Any girl who loves garlic as much as me is a winner. No other person—guy or girl—dared to ever eat any. I knew right then and there that you were special.”

  Emma laughed. “I figured it didn’t matter if I had garlic breath on set since I wouldn’t be kissing anyone. I’m just glad we started talking that day before I ate any of the fries.”

  He tapped her playfully on her nose. “You know I wouldn’t have minded. I wouldn’t even mind kissing you, garlic breath and all.”

  She tipped her chin up, shortening the gap between them. She gave him a thoughtful look, her eyes zeroing in on his mouth. With a tender smile, she murmured, “I wouldn’t mind that either.”

  Evan’s heart thundered in his chest as Emma licked her lips. What he wouldn’t do to claim her mouth with his and to finally taste the sweetness he was sure lay in her kisses. All he had to do was lean in. Two inches more, and he wouldn’t need to wonder anymore how soft her lips were. But knowing himself, it would be hard to stop at just one kiss. It would be too risky under the circumstances with the two of them out in the open. And there was that “no kissing until engagement” thing—whose bright idea was that? He wanted to kick himself for enforcing such a clause.

  By the light of the full moon, he saw Emma’s pupils dilate. He was sure his own eyes reflected his desires as well. The pull between them was so strong, he could almost feel a string tugging on his heart, drawing him toward her. How could he resist such a tangible attraction? The only way he knew was to close his eyes. Swallowing hard, he confessed, “I want to do right by you, Em. Please help me out here.”

  “I know. But it’s okay, Evan. I-I won’t break. I want you to kiss me.”

  The pleading tone of her voice made his eyes fly open. Emma wasn’t one to be so straightforward, especially when it came to physical affection. She had never expressed any desire to kiss him before. Maybe there really was romance in the air with today’s celebrations. “Are you sure? What about our decision to wait?”

  “It was a good idea in the beginning, but I’ve been doing some thinking. I don’t want to wait anymore. Why wait when it’s just a kiss?”

  Evan clenched his jaw as he digested her words. “Just a kiss? What do you mean by that?”

  “You kiss girls all the time on set. What’s the difference between that and us kissing?”

  “I …” His words escaped him. How was he supposed to answer Emma’s question? She had a valid point. He did kiss regularly, much more regularly than he liked, on Edenvale. Those kisses meant nothing to him though. They were as she had labeled them—just kisses. But he would never lump his and Emma’s kisses into the same category. She had to understand that. “The difference is that I don’t want to kiss those girls. I dread it any time I see a kissing scene in my script. There’s nothing enjoyable about kissing for the camera.”

  Emma’s eyes teared up as a look of relief softened her features. “I’m relieved to hear you say that. I think I knew it in my head, but it was getting hard to convince my heart that you didn’t like kissing them. Especially after …”

  “After what?” he gently encouraged her.

  “After I saw Margot in your trailer with her hands all over you.”

  He winced. “I’m sorry you saw that. I promise you nothing happened. You know that, right?”

  “I-I know. But I can’t help feeling a little insecure when I think about the two of you kissing.” She frowned, a line deepening between her brows. “Make that a lot insecure.”

  Evan swallowed hard. Here he was at a loss for words once again. He didn’t know what to say to reassure Emma at this point because he was feeling unsure, too. Unsure of how he would get through filming the new scene between him and Margot, but more unsure of Emma’s reaction when she found out what it would entail. His throat tightened as if there was a noose around it. Every part of him was sure she’d flip out. He certainly would if the tables were turned. “You have nothing to be worried about. My heart belongs to you, and only you.”

  Even as he said the words, he couldn’t help but feel a pang of guilt roll through his stomach. His heart might be Emma’s, but his mouth—and pretty soon, his body—were another matter. Evan took a deep breath as he assessed the situation. He hated adding to her doubts, but he had to warn her now about what was coming. “Emma, there’s something I need to tell you. I know you’ve said you don’t want to know about any kissing scenes I do, but I want to be upfront with you about the next one I’m filming … with Margot.”

  Doubt immediately flickered across her face. It took her a beat to reply, “Okay.”

  There was no easy way to go about this, except to get it over with. It was like him and kissing scenes—the sooner he got them filmed, the better. He had the sinking feeling though that no matter how quickly he got his next words out, Emma would be dwelling on them for a long, long time. “So, uh, remember how Margot was going to have her dad get a new script written? Well, she did it. Her character and mine are no longer breaking up. In fact, they’re going to do the opposite.”

  “Like kiss again?”

  “Yes … and more.”

  “How much more?”

  His face heated thinking about the details. Good thing it was too dark for Emma to see him clearly. He just needed to stick to the facts. “According to the script, we’ll be naked in the same bed together and, well, you know what that implies.”

  The horror on Emma’s face confirmed she understood exactly what he meant, which didn’t make him feel any better in the least.

  Chapter Six


  Emma froze, her limbs growing cold, despite the warm summer breeze rustling the bushes around them. The relief she’d felt just moments ago fled her body. She thought she’d heard Evan correctly, but maybe she was wrong.

  “I know it sounds bad,” Evan continued explaining, “but it’ll only look like we’re naked. There will be a sheet covering us, and we’ll be dressed underneath that. It’ll be a couple of kisses, then the scene will fade to black. That’s all, Em.”

  That was all? Emma wanted to laugh—no, actually, what she really wanted to do was cry or maybe even scream. She had known this day would come, that Evan would be required to do a bedroom scene, but a big part of her didn’t want to accept it. How could she be having a conversation with her boyfriend about him sleeping with another woman? Okay, so technically, they would only be pretending, but that didn’t negate the fact that Evan would be lying in the same bed with her, with her hands and lips all over him.

  Evan seemed to be okay with the idea though. He was going on about the technicalities of the scene, including how many cameras would be filming them, and talking as if this were a typical shoot in the Edenvale gym or cafeteria. After a minute though, he seemed to discern from her silence that she was far from okay.

  He stopped talking and met her gaze. His handsome features were distorted with worry. “Talk to me, Emma,” Evan pleaded. “Please say something.”

  Emma shook her head. The words wouldn’t come no matter how hard she tried to voice them. It wasn’t that she didn’t know what she wanted to say. Oh, she had a boatload of opinions about this scene. But none of the phrases going through her mind in that moment were suitable to be spoken out loud. Even worse, she was afraid if she opened her mouth, she wouldn’t be able to stop herself from crying. The last thing she wanted was to be an unsupportive girlfriend. Especially not when Evan was trying so hard to ensure she kept her job. So, she did what she’d always done when she wanted to keep the peace. She swallowed her feelings, then bit the inside of her cheek to keep her lips from quivering.

  Evan leaned close and took her hands in his. “Your hands are freezing. Are you okay?” He shrugged out of his tuxedo jacket and quickly placed it around her. Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, he d
rew her to his side.

  “Th-thanks,” Emma murmured. Evan’s masculine scent filled her senses, along with the musky fragrance of cologne. She loved how familiar he smelled, and how privileged she felt to be able to rest her head on his shoulder. To her, it was little gestures like this that made their dating relationship special. The sense of belonging and closeness she and Evan shared was unique to them … or so she had thought. Little did she realize how many other women would be experiencing these intimate moments with him, too. The very thought made her stomach want to lose its contents.

  “If you aren’t comfortable with me doing this scene, I’ll talk to Greg and see if there’s another way to shoot it.”

  Emma pulled back to look into Evan’s dark brown eyes. The worry she saw there matched the concern in his voice. Just the fact that he offered to talk to the director made her feel better. But she really wanted to know Evan’s take on this scenario. “How do you feel about it?”

  Evan seemed taken aback by her question. He ran both hands through his hair and took a moment before answering. “I’m more concerned about how you feel. The last thing I want is for this to affect our relationship.”

  “I appreciate that, Evan, but this is your job we’re talking about. I want to support you.”

  A grateful smile curved his lips. “You have no idea how much I appreciate you. You’re always so good about thinking about others, Em. That’s what I love about you. You don’t have a selfish bone in your body.”

  Emma shook her head adamantly. She was fairly certain that every bone in her body, from her head to her toes, was groaning with jealousy. But as much as she tried to protest, Evan wouldn’t let her shake the compliment.


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