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An Extra Spark (The Spark Brothers Book 5)

Page 14

by Liwen Y. Ho

  “Trust me, you do.” He held up a black bottle of makeup setting spray and aimed it in her direction. “Now, eyes closed.”

  Emma did as she was told, holding still as fine mists of cool liquid settled on her face. Her heart pounded as she reflected on what Billy Bob had said. The Evan she knew was confident and strong. He could win over a room with a single smile, just like he’d won the heart of every teen girl in America. But there was also a softer, vulnerable side to Evan, one he had revealed to her when he shared about his insecurities. Perhaps that was what Billy Bob was referring to?

  “Okay, you’re all set. And here’s a mint for the road.”

  Emma opened her eyes and accepted the hard candy Billy Bob held out for her. “Thank you. Wish me luck.”

  “You don’t need luck. You have God,” he answered with a wink. “Go break a leg.”

  She nodded readily, soaking in the timely reminder.

  As Emma exited the trailer and walked to her set for the day, she felt a little lighter. She moved along with brisk steps, her tennis shoes tapping along the pavement as her blue pleated skirt swung above her knees. Billy Bob’s words played over and over again in her head, like a catchy song on repeat. The two of you make a good team. The two of you make a good team.

  Emma sighed. She did believe those words. She and Evan, even though they were as different as night and day, were like two halves of a whole. They complemented each other in the best of ways. He was like a shooting star lighting up the darkness, or a banner held high, waving around for all the world to see. She, on the other hand, preferred to keep her feet planted on the ground like a tree, where it was safe and secure. But they needed each other—she needed him to help her soar; he needed her to stay steady. If they could figure things out, they would make a great team. But that was only possible if she stopped reacting in fear ... starting now.

  There wasn’t much time, but she pulled her phone out of her denim jacket pocket and swiped it open. She was about to call Evan when a new text from him appeared on the screen.

  I can’t wait to see you, love.

  As soon as Emma saw the word love, a wave of relief washed over her whole being. Evan wasn’t upset with her; he wanted to see her. And she was desperate to see him. She began typing out a reply when a woman called out to her in the distance.

  “Emma!” About thirty feet ahead stood Cassie, using a clipboard to shield her eyes from the midday sun. “There you are!”

  Emma quickly pocketed the phone and picked up her pace, making it to Cassie’s side in no time at all. “Am I late? I thought I still had five minutes.”

  “You’re good. I just wanted to, uh, make sure you got a mint before your big scene.” Cassie rummaged in her vest pocket, her voice muffled as she murmured, “I had one in here the last time I checked.”

  “It’s okay, Cass, I got one from Billy Bob already.” Emma stuck out her tongue which held a partially dissolved mint. She sighed as she continued walking toward the football field where they were filming today. “It’s supposed to be a super quick kiss. Let’s hope it only requires one take.”

  Cassie nodded, her eyes bright. “I don’t think you have to worry. Who knows, you might enjoy the kiss.”

  “Enjoy kissing Zach?” Emma shook her head vehemently. She shuddered and narrowed her eyes at Cassie. What an odd thing for her friend to suggest. “Not a chance. I’m actually glad his character’s not really into mine. Hopefully the writers will end their relationship before it even has a chance to start.”

  “You may be getting your wish soon. I’ve been hearing a lot of buzz from my writer friend about some changes coming down the pipeline. Change isn’t always easy, but I have a feeling this will be good for the show. And for you.”

  Emma quirked a brow. Cassie was being strangely cryptic today. “Is there something you’re not telling me?”

  “Oh, it looks like everyone’s waiting for you,” she answered, intentionally ignoring Emma’s question. She pointed to the grassy area beneath the aluminum bleachers where the camera crew had already set up their gear. “Go on now, Em. Break a leg.”

  With a gentle push from Cassie, Emma moved forward until she was standing in the shade. Everyone around her, from the production assistants to the camera crew, greeted her with wide smiles. Emma smiled back, wondering if all this attention was due to her new standing on the show. If so, she hoped it was short-lived. She’d much rather let Evan take the spotlight.

  Evan! For a moment, she thought he was standing off to her right, with his back to her. It took a second glance before she realized it was Zach talking to the director. She swallowed her disappointment, but took the extra moment she had before filming started to finish writing her text.

  Evan, I can’t wait to see you, too. When will you be back?

  She paused to look out onto the empty bleachers, then took several slow, deep breaths. Peace fell over her as she asked the Lord to watch over her and Evan. She had faith they would be okay. A weight lifted from her shoulders as she hit the send button. She switched her phone to silent and placed it back in her pocket.


  Emma lifted her head, surprised to hear a text message notification sound from a phone nearby. She turned in its direction, her gaze landing on the tall man with dark brown hair who was pulling his phone from the pocket of his shorts. She gasped as she realized she hadn’t been mistaken after all.

  “Evan!” His name flew out of her mouth, surprising everyone around her with its volume. Emma blushed furiously as all eyes turned to look at her, including Evan’s.

  “Em?” A grin broke out on his face as he took three strides to reach her side. “Was that you? I’ve never heard you speak up like that before.”

  She squeezed out a smile. Part of her wanted to hide, but the other part was amused—even a little proud—of herself. “I guess I really wanted to get your attention.”

  “Well, you’ve got it. All of it.” Evan looked as handsome as ever in a navy polo and mint green shorts. The way his eyes lit up when he looked at her sent a rush of heat through her body. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get here faster. I had some business to take care of, but I came back as soon as I could.”

  “Wh-what are you doing here? I thought you—your job ...” Emma stopped short as she was suddenly overcome with emotion. The doubts she’d had over the past few days began to resurface. “I’m so sorry I got you fired. I should’ve realized Margot would take it out on someone, but I didn’t expect it to be you.”

  “Hey, it wasn’t your fault.” Evan spoke tenderly but firmly as he took both of her hands in his. “Margot had it in for both of us. It was only a matter of time before she lost her patience. But that’s beside the point. All those things—my job and her threats—I don’t care about them. What I care about is you, Emma. You’re the most important person in my life. I’m sorry I made you worry. I should’ve called you sooner. It’s just that when I saw those photos of you and Zach, I started believing the lies and the drama. I should’ve known better, but I let it get to me.”

  The fear in his voice made her chest tighten. “Oh Evan, nothing happened. Margot set that whole thing up.”

  “I know. It was the same with the photos taken of me outside my hotel room. She arranged it all, including calling the paps to come.”

  Emma shook her head. “That’s terrible.”

  “It wasn’t as bad as what was going on in my head. I can’t believe I lost faith in you, in us. Even though you’ve never given me a reason to doubt you.” He paused, his jaw tightening. “The thought of losing you made it hard for me to think straight. Because you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

  The lump in Emma’s throat made it hard to speak. No one had ever showered her with so many compliments. She hardly knew what to say in response. She choked back a sob as she watched a single tear fall from his eyes. She had never felt so valued and loved than in this moment. “Oh Evan, I feel the same way. There’s no one else I’d want to be on thi
s crazy journey with. Can we agree on something though? Let’s keep the drama of Hollywood out of our relationship.”

  “Absolutely. I’m going to make it a priority to be open with you and not jump to conclusions again. I know we can make it as long as we trust in God and in each other.”

  Emma nodded eagerly. “Less drama, more trust. I like the sound of that.”

  “Me, too,” he replied with a lovesick grin. “I love you, Emma. With all of my heart.”

  With a sappy smile back, she declared, “I love you, too, Evan. With my whole heart.”

  They locked gazes, their hands still clasped together. Emma loved the feel of Evan’s strong hands holding hers, but she longed to be closer to him. She rocked on the balls of her feet, feeling strangely sure about her next move. That’s what being with Evan did to her. He helped her see herself through his eyes. And what she saw was a woman with confidence and strength.

  Without a second thought, she stood on her tiptoes and threw her arms around Evan’s neck. She brought her mouth to his, feeling the smile curving his lips. The instant they connected, Emma melted into him. Her curves found their home against his firm chest. Tingles danced along her skin, from her head to the tips of her toes, as she savored his warmth. She felt as if she were floating, buoyed by Evan’s strong embrace.

  When he deepened their kiss, she tasted the sweetness and sincerity of his promises. With each gentle touch, he left an indelible mark on her heart. A heart bursting with hope and trust. And most of all, love. And all of this was possible because of Evan. His love for her was more than she’d ever expected to receive in a lifetime. How gracious was God to bless her in this way. She couldn’t be more thankful or amazed.

  Loud cheers and whistles suddenly filled the air, cutting their intimate moment short. Emma looked around to find the whole crew gathered around them. She ducked her head and laughed. “Looks like we have an audience.”

  Evan chuckled. “Well, if they liked that, they’ll really enjoy the scene we’ll be shooting today.”

  Emma blinked. Had she heard him wrong? “Us?”

  “I got my job back, thanks to the best fans in the world. That’s what I was working on last night with Mr. Everly. I have a new contract.”

  “That’s great, Evan! The show wouldn’t be the same without you.”

  “What’s even better are the clauses I had added.” He held up two fingers. “One, I will no longer be filming any scenes with Margot. And two, both you and I get to be stand-ins for each other’s kissing scenes. Starting with yours today.”

  Emma’s brows shot up. “I don’t have to kiss Zach anymore?”

  “Nope. And the only lips I’ll be kissing on this show will be yours. What do you think of that?”

  “I think that’s the best ‘kissing clause’ I’ve ever heard of.” She squeezed his hand, truly grateful for this change. “Thank you, Evan.”

  “It’s my pleasure—literally.”

  For the first time ever, Emma had a feeling kissing scenes would soon become her favorite ones to shoot. By God’s grace, she and Evan were now partners on screen and off.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Evan had never felt so nervous in his life. Or more excited. The strange twisting in his gut that had started in the morning had only intensified as the day wore on. Now, as he strolled through Golden Gate Park with Emma by his side, he wondered if he looked as sick as he felt. Beads of perspiration broke out on his forehead as he rehearsed the speech he’d prepared over and over again in his mind. It was ironic how he had no problem speaking in front of thousands of people, but he was fearful of speaking in front of an audience of one today.

  His brothers had reassured him though that how he was feeling was normal. Even now, they were sending him encouraging texts—his phone buzzed multiple times in his pocket—and confirming their whereabouts in the area. The plan Evan had worked on for the past few weeks was now in place. All he needed to do was bring Emma to Rideout Fountain.

  “I’m so glad we came home for the weekend.” Emma held his hand and swung it between them as they stopped at some booths selling artwork. “We’ve both been so busy with work, it’s good to get away.”

  Evan murmured in agreement, for once at a loss for words. All he could do was stare at Emma and take in her beauty. The way her red hair cascaded down her back. How her cheeks were rosy from the early September sunshine, their color complementing the beautiful white dress she wore. With fluttery sleeves and a flowy skirt that skimmed her knees, Emma looked like an angel … or a bride-to-be. His pulse picked up speed, thinking about the latter. “You’re breathtaking, Em.”

  She glanced over, her eyes wide. “Are you feeling okay, Evan? You’re kind of pale. Maybe we should sit down.”

  “Yeah, sure, that’s a good idea.” He spotted the large fountain about ten feet away with several benches on both sides. “How about there?”

  They made their way over, passing a handful of people who appeared to be tourists. Men and women of all ages stood around chatting and sightseeing, some dressed in jeans and T-shirts, others in shorts and skirts. He made eye contact with several of them, trading friendly smiles.

  As soon as he and Emma took their places on a bench, Evan pulled out his cell phone from his jacket pocket. Several messages appeared, and he quickly cleared each one before Emma could see them. He breathed a sigh of relief as the pounding of his heart eased. Everything was set. All they had to do now was wait for the music to start.

  Emma held a hand up to his forehead. “I hope you’re not coming down with anything.”

  “It’s too late,” he quipped, pretending to pout. With the heel of his palm, he massaged the area over his heart, making circles on his black and silver striped dress shirt. “I already have the worst bug there is.”

  Her brows furrowed in concern. “What bug?”

  “The love bug,” he announced with a wiggle of his brows.

  “Evan!” She elbowed him playfully. “You’re so silly.”

  “It’s true.” He brought his arm around her shoulders and hugged her to his side. She fit so well against his body. With a kiss on the top of her head, he added, “And I never want to be cured of it.”

  A contented look softened her features as she met his gaze. “Me either.”

  They both glanced up as the strumming of a guitar filled the air. The volume was loud, like the music was being blasted from a speaker nearby. A lanky man walking in front of them suddenly stopped and turned to catch a petite woman who jumped into his arms. He lifted her up and spun around, setting her down for a moment, before picking her up again.

  “Look!” Emma squealed in delight as she watched them. “This might be a flash mob! I’ve always wanted to see one in person. They’re dancing to a Heartland song.”

  A handful of folks ran over and joined the first two dancers. They continued dancing, waving their hands and twisting their bodies to the upbeat rhythm of the pop tune. The group moved from the left to the right, then back again as they used the park as their impromptu stage.

  “This is amazing,” Evan remarked with genuine awe. The flash mob was turning out far better than he expected. Another dozen or so passersby stopped whatever they were doing and began dancing, too. Seeing everyone moving in unison, with big smiles on their faces, put a smile on his face as well. “I’m impressed.”

  Out of the corner of his eye, Evan spotted some familiar faces waving to him. There they were, his four brothers with their significant others. They all ran to the front of the crowd, with Aiden in the lead. He and Abby found an empty spot between two older teens and began imitating their moves. Next came Brandon and Bria and their two kids. Seth gave them a thumbs-up, his blond hair flying into his eyes as he pushed Sofie in her stroller. Colin pulled Candy over, her cheeks tinged with embarrassment, and the two of them began moving to the beat. Lastly, Darren, carrying Danica in his arms, joined along near the edge of the crowd.

  Evan couldn’t wipe the grin off
his face. Having their family here for this special day was all he could ask for. That, plus the satisfaction of seeing Emma truly surprised.

  “What—how? Evan, what’s going on?” Laughter tumbled out of her lips as she leaned forward. “Why is everyone here?”

  “They came for you.”

  “Me?” She turned to give him an incredulous smile. “Is this … is this what I think ...?” Her voice trailed off as tears filled her eyes.

  Evan heard the song’s final chorus playing and rose to his feet. He smoothed the front of his khaki pants, then blew Emma a kiss. “I’ll be back,” he told her before running toward the flash mob.

  He took his place next to Aiden and began putting all the moves he’d learned and practiced into action. A two-step to the left and a shoulder lean to the right, followed by a body roll. After a circle turn and more two-steps, the group fanned out, leaving Evan alone in the middle.

  He ran over to the bench and took ahold of Emma’s hands. The warmth of her soft skin against his sent a thrill through his body. She looked at him incredulously, but he was sure she knew what was coming. She walked with him to the center of the circle, smiling through her tears as they passed their siblings.

  “Evan,” she murmured, her voice breathy and joyful. “You did all this for me?”

  “Of course, Em. Only for you.” He faced her and looked into her beautiful green eyes. With a deep breath, he began speaking from his heart. “Emma, my dear, sweet Emma. Being with you gives me more of a rush than any amount of applause ever could. You’re my adrenaline, but you’re also my calm in a storm. You may seem quiet and unassuming, but I know better. You are a force to be reckoned with, especially for those you love. I know you have my back, and I will always have yours. I would love to be a force for good together, with the help of the Lord and our families.”

  She granted him the sweetest smile as he fell onto one knee. He took out the ring box he’d been holding onto all day in his pocket and opened it. Inside, a silver band lined with multiple rows of small diamonds sat on a black velvet cushion. In the center of the setting was a large diamond surrounded by gold petals. The ring resembled a sparkling, flowering rose. The design was elegant and unique, just like Emma.


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