Book Read Free

Succubus Lord 3

Page 1

by Eric Vall

  Chapter 1

  “Why can’t all Earth clothing be like this?” Sia asked as we pulled into the parking lot of the Velvet Lips Nightclub.

  “Because if that kind of outfit was everyday attire, us guys would never get anything done.” I laughed and killed the ignition on Shadow, our jet-black Jeep Wrangler. “We’d all be waaay too distracted.”

  As much as I found the redhead's comment funny, I wasn’t joking.

  All three of my succubi were wearing the skimpiest, most revealing outfits they could find.

  Sia was essentially wearing a pair of slim leather strips that rested over her shoulders and ran vertically down her chest, just barely covering the nipples on her petite breasts. At her waist, leather straps attached to a pair of leather bottoms that looked like they were being devoured by her tight ass.

  Cupiditas, the fit blonde, wore a skin-tight red dress that hung just above her breasts and ended just at the top of her inner thigh.

  She may not have been showing as much skin as her sister, but she was flaunting her goods all the same.

  Then there was Libidine, the curvy, raven-haired succubus.

  Liby’s attire was specifically catered to her best assets. She wore a black, sheer top with a plunging neckline that showed off her massive cleavage. The top itself was completely see-through, and if it weren’t for the star-shaped pasties covering her nipples, nothing would be left to the imagination. To finish off the sexy outfit, the succubus wore the tightest pair of leather pants she could find.

  “I have to admit, bro,” Todd the imp spoke up as he slid out of the passenger seat, “I don’t think I’ll be too much help on this mission.”

  “Why not?” Libidine asked with concern. “Is everything alright?”

  “Everything’s perfect!” The imp chuckled and then turned invisible. “That’s the problem. It’s gonna be reealll hard to focus when all these sexy dancers are up in my face.”

  “Luckily for you, we’re not here to sit back and enjoy the show,” I joked. “We’re here to kill Zepar.”

  “He was definitely one of the easier people to find from our list.” Cupiditas shrugged. “A demon who forces people to fall in love? Where better to hide than as the owner of a strip club?”

  “And not just any strip club,” Sia added. “One of the most successful in this region.”

  “That’s why I’m worried about getting distracted,” Todd’s voice said with a giggle. “These women are supposed to be sexy as fuck, and we’re going in during prime business hours.”

  “To kill a demon and take over his operation,” I reminded the imp.

  “Oh yeah.” Todd said. “Honestly, I’m not sure which part of that makes me harder.”

  “Bro!” I gagged.

  “I’m a lot more of a sadomasochist now, so definitely the ‘killing him and stealing his shit’ part,” he continued. “Becoming an imp has awakened some things inside of me that I never knew existed, Jakey.”

  “Maybe we should let you spend a night with Sister Ira,” Libidine suggested. “That’d change your opinion really quick.”

  “No thanks,” Todd retorted. “Not into demon chicks, remember?”

  The five of us were now at the entrance of the Velvet Lips, and I slowly pushed the tinted glass-and-chrome door open.

  Instantly, all five of my senses were assaulted.

  Some sort of bass-filled techno beat blasted in my ears, and I could barely hear myself think. Meanwhile, my eyes darted around the club between the brightly lit stages, the colorful stage lights, and the sexy naked women dancing in cages and on the main stage. As we began to walk across the sticky floor, my nostrils took in the scent of the place.

  It seemed to be a mixture of sweat, alcohol, and shame.

  The five of us continued across the club until we came to a large, u-shaped booth with a black leather seat and gray table in the middle.

  “We need to get one of the server’s attention.” I motioned to the booth. “Quickest way to do that is by pretending to be customers.”

  Sia and Liby slid into the booth first, followed by me and Cupi. I wrapped my arms around the three succubi and leaned back as a seductive voice grabbed my attention.

  “What have we here?” the sultry voice had come from a topless blonde server.

  The woman stood there, her perky breasts completely exposed, and a tray in her hand. Her tiny nipples were erect, and she bit her lip as she looked us up and down.

  “You girls better be careful.” She winked at the succubi. “The bossman won’t be happy if you beauties start drawing attention away from the stage. Unless, of course, you’re here to enjoy the show as well.”

  “We want to be part of the show,” Cupiditas purred seductively. “We love to show off our bodies anyway, so we figured why not try to make some money while we’re at it?”

  “Ohhh.” The blonde woman’s eyes lit up happily, but then her face contorted into a frown. “As well as I think you’d do here, my boss doesn’t do open auditions. His dancers are hired by appointment, only.”

  “Can you go inform your boss that we’ve arrived?” Sia batted her large violet eyes at the blonde.

  “Sorry, guys.” The topless woman shrugged. “The bossman doesn’t like to come out of his office unless it’s official strip club business.”

  “Then how about a round of drinks?” I offered. “We may as well enjoy ourselves while we’re here.”

  “That’s what I like to hear.” The blonde server grinned from ear to ear. “What can I get you, handsome?”

  “Broooo,” Todd whispered into my ear. “The stripper is actually flirting with you. Like, for realsies. This is a momentous occasion. They normally just give me a disgusted look and laugh when I try to hit on them.”

  It took everything in my power not to laugh at Todd’s comment. Then I glanced over at the bar to see what kind of alcohol they had at this fine establishment. My eyes flitted past the many bottles of different shapes, sizes, and colors, until I finally spotted a familiar bottle with a blue and gold label.

  “Is that Johnnie Walker Blue Label I see up there?” I asked with a flirtatious tone. “I’ll take one. Neat.”

  “Hmmm,” the blonde’s eyes lit up, and then she crossed her arms across her tiny breasts. “A man who knows what he wants, I see. And one who has expensive tastes. What about for your friends?”

  “Bro, get me some fucking tequila shots,” Todd whispered into my ear, “and some Jaeger bombs.”

  “How about a couple shots of your top-shelf tequila and some Jaeger bombs?” I asked the waitress

  “That’s a lot of alcohol for a guy that’s so slim,” she flirted. “Are you trying to get tipsy so that somebody will take advantage of you?”

  “That’s the idea,” Cupiditas purred as she ran her hand up and down my thigh. “There’s always room for one more, you know.”

  “I’m still on duty for another few hours,” the waitress giggled and tapped at an invisible watch on her wrist, “but all bets are off once I’m out those doors. In the meantime, what can I get you beauties?”

  “I’d very much like to try this ‘Tequila’ that To-- I mean, you are getting,” Libidine spoke up.

  “I’ll have what he’s having.” Sia nodded at me. “I trust his judgement.”

  “And for you, doppelgänger?” The blonde waitress smiled at Cupi.

  “I knew there was a reason I found you so attractive,” the succubus purred. “I’ll have the whiskey as well.”

  “You know what?” I shrugged. “Just bring us the whole bottle and some glasses. We’ll separate it out ourselves.”

  “High-rolling it today, aren’t you?” The topless woman giggled. “I’ll be right back with those drinks.”

  I turned toward the
spot where Todd’s voice had come from.

  “Tequila and Jaeger?” I questioned. “We’re on a mission, you know. How fucked up are you trying to get?”

  “Relax, Jakey.” Todd snickered. “Like you said, nothing can ever be as bad as college. Remember that time we both got blackout drunk and then woke up in the trunk of Lola?”

  “I still have no fucking idea how we ended up in there.” I shook my head as we reminisced. “I miss that shitty beater car.”

  “You mind your tongue!” Todd hissed jokingly. “She may be long gone, but she was still my baby.”

  “She may not have looked like much on the outside, but she held a lot of sentimental value,” Libidine added and then turned to Sia. “It’s where the three of us first made our triple connection.”

  “I wish I could have been there.” The redhead smirked. “What happened to her?”

  “Your ‘ol buddy Azazel sent a bunch of assassins after us,” Todd explained. “They totally blew her off the road with an RPG and a full minute of heavy machine gun fire, but even then, Lola still wasn’t out. She started transforming into a giant robot--”

  “That’s definitely not what happened.” I shook my head. “At least we have Shadow now. She’s no Lola, but she gets us where we need to go.”

  “For now,” the imp corrected. “The ride back from San Francisco was a little crowded with you, me, the succubi, and Jane all in there. We’re gonna have to work on that fast-travel ability the girls told us about sooner rather than later.”

  “I’m not sure I’m strong enough for that yet.” I shrugged. “I can’t seem to teleport anything more than a mile or two, let alone across the country.”

  “Believing in yourself is the first step, Jakey,” Todd encouraged. “That, and getting a fuck ton more succubi that you can bang so you will become stronger.”

  “Todd’s on the right track, you know.” Sia confirmed. “Look at how strong you’ve gotten with just the three of us. Now, imagine what will happen when you have all seven of Azazel’s succubi?”

  “Who knows?” I leaned back and put my hands behind my head. “Maybe someday I’ll have an army of succubi at my side. Hundreds, no, thousands of beautiful naked women who want nothing more than to serve me.”

  “I think all of our recent success has been going to your head, Jakey,” Todd laughed, “both of them.”

  “Nonsense.” I said. “I’ve already got three succubi, a sexy cultist, and an entire army of followers at my side. It can only get better from here on out.”

  “I heard you say something about followers?” the blonde server asked as she set our drinks down on the silver table and then plopped down at the far end of the leather seat. “Can you teach me your secrets?”

  “Uh, secrets?” I tried to play dumb.

  “She’s onto us bro!” Todd whispered fearfully. “You want me to light her up?”

  I discreetly stuck out my hand to calm the invisible imp down.

  “Yeah!” the topless blonde bubbled. “I want to know how you got so many followers. I’m gonna let you in on a little secret of my own--”

  The woman leaned over and motioned for me to come in close.

  As I leaned over the table toward her, I tried not to stare at her hanging breasts. At least, not obviously.

  “I’m working here at this strip club, but that’s not what I really want to do with the rest of my life,” she whispered.

  “Oh?” I tried to feign surprise.

  “Nope.” She giggled. “I want to be a model. I have an account on every social media platform known to man, but barely any followers. I want to know your secret!”

  I let out a sigh of relief and laughed. “Maybe after I’ve had a few drinks, I’ll be ready to spill the beans.”

  “Or spill something else.” The blonde winked coyly at me. Then she stood back up and picked up her serving tray. “I’m only a waitress for a few more minutes. Then I get to get up there on stage. Maybe you’d like a dance?”

  “Maybe,” I said with a playful wink as the topless woman started to walk away.

  As soon as the blonde was out of earshot, I turned back to where Todd was sitting.

  “See?” I said with a raised eyebrow. “That’s why we don’t just burn people to death when they’re acting funny.”

  “Well shit.” Todd clicked his tongue. “I guess I owe an apology to a couple of the birds I saw in the park the other day. The little fuckers were eyein’ me, I swear to God…”

  “What do we do now, Jacob?” Sia asked with concern in her voice.

  “We relax,” I explained as I reached over for the Blue Label. “Zepar’s not going anywhere. We’ll figure out a way to get him to come out here, and then we’ll go from there.”

  I opened the bottle of Johnnie Walker whisky and tried to distribute it evenly into our cups. Then I sat the bottle back down and spread out the six shots of tequila between Liby and Todd. Finally, I slid the imp his Jaeger Bombs.

  “Still think that’s a mistake, bro.” I warned Todd one last time.

  “I’ll be fine, Jakey.” He promised. “Just drink your high-class fancy shit, and I’ll worry about the sticky deer-blood.”

  I raised my glass into the air, and all four of my friends followed suit.

  “Cheers!” I called out and then tilted the glass backward.

  The whiskey was as smooth as butter going down, with a small hint of nutty-caramel-smoky flavor. As the liquid traveled through my throat, I felt a warm sensation spread out all across my body.

  This was some high-quality stuff. But I already knew that.

  Beside me, I saw two of the shot glasses of tequila lift into the air and then pour down the invisible imp’s gullet.

  “Yikes!” Todd coughed violently. “I don’t remember it being that potent.”

  “That’s because we always bought the shitty big box store stuff,” I said with a laugh. “It was all we could afford.”

  The invisible imp let out a loud belch, but luckily, everybody was too focused on the women on stage to notice.

  “Easy there, buddy.” I warned. “Your body is way smaller now. It probably can’t handle as much as you’re used to.”

  “Nonsense, Jakey-boy,” Todd said as he picked up two of the jaeger bombs and poured them into what I assumed was his mouth. “I can throw ‘em back just like I used to. See?”

  “I’m not sure if it’s the alcohol talking, or what,” Libidine giggled, “but this music makes me want to get up and dance.”

  “That’s it!” Cupiditas stood up in revelation. “The dancers! That sexy blonde waitress said that she was going to be switching over to be a dancer pretty soon here, right?”

  “How could I forget?” I chuckled.

  “Maybe she could be our ticket to getting Zepar’s attention,” the blonde succubus mused. “If there’s one thing that a demon loves more than raw power, its riches.”

  “I’m not following,” Todd hiccuped. “Do you want Jakey to get up there and start stripping?”

  “Of course not.” Cupi shook her head and laughed. “Even though that’s a sight I’d love to behold. No, Jacob’s going to flaunt his riches for everyone to see.”

  “You want me to make it rain?” I couldn’t believe my ears.

  “How much money did you bring?” Sia asked.

  I rifled through my pockets and produced the large wad of twenties we had pulled out of Robert Quinn’s bank account.

  “About six grand, if I’m remembering correctly,” I said as I counted the money.

  “Excellent.” Sia’s eyes narrowed. “Spend it all.”

  “You’re going to make it rain all over that woman who was flirting with you,” Cupi explained. “Show the rest of the girls up there that you’re a high-roller--”

  “And then I’ll have the attention of all the strippers in this place, and Zepar won’t be able to ignore me,” I finished. “That’s a brilliant idea, Cupi!”

  “Not to mention,” Todd hiccuped, “it gives Jake
y an excuse to have a bunch of hot chicks grind on his crotch and shove their tits in his face.”

  “That too,” I said with a big smile. “That too.”

  “Gentlemen, give it up for Chastity!” the announcer’s said, and his voice was met with cheers from the entire club. “And now, let’s give a big, Velvet Lips welcome to our own Megan Miracleeeeeee!”

  It was the waitress. She wore a shimmering silver bikini as she walked out onto the stage and struck a seductive pose.

  “Do we have a song suggestion for this sexy, sultry siren?” The announcer asked the entire club.

  “West Philadelphia, born and raised!” the tipsy Todd called out from beside me.

  “Did I hear ‘Cherry Pie?’” the announcer continued even though no one in the club had suggested it. “Let’s do it!”

  The opening guitar riff of the song blared through the club as the blonde woman strutted around the stage like she owned it. Once the lyrics of the track started, the dancer slowly began to grind her hips and flip her flowing hair to the beat.

  “Showtime.” I grinned as I stood up, adjusted my shirt, and then headed toward the woman in silver.

  “We thank you for your sacrifice, brother!” Todd’s voice giggled sarcastically.

  The blonde woman had drawn a decent sized crowd up around the stage, and she was getting bombarded with dollar bills left and right. She looked up and then froze for a moment when she saw me approaching. A sly grin slid up her face, and the dancer started back up again. Without breaking eye contact, she stuck her thumbs underneath the straps of her bikini and pulled at them teasingly.

  The crowd roared and whistled for her to take it off, but the blonde only tugged it down enough to expose the very tips of her areolas.

  Finally, I made it to the front just in time for the main event. I pulled out one of the twenties, locked eyes with the dancer, and gave her a wink.

  The blonde woman must have understood because she instantly bit her lip excitedly. She tugged the bikini top down the rest of the way and exposed her perky breasts and erect nipples.

  I could feel myself grinning like a fool as I extended two of the twenties out for her to take.

  “Thank you, darling,” she cooed as she stuffed the bills into the sidebands of her panties.


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