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Galataea Crystallim Core 2

Page 6

by Scottie Futch

  Scott kissed her softly on the ear and whispered, “If you show me yours... I’ll show you mine.”

  "Sh-show me yours?" Shaia's eyes widened comically and she froze in place. She became stiff, a solid rigid weight in his arms much like a plank of wood. The red coloration creeping along her body intensified further, and to a degree that alarmed her master.

  The brief, but intense, moment passed when Shaia cried out ecstatically, "Ahn!"

  She went limp in his arms even as her overly stimulated body unleashed a powerful orgasm. Her arousal gushed from her maidenhood like a firehose briefly before calming itself into a mighty trickle of delighted excitement. The very idea of experiencing her master's true power in such a way caused her traitorous body to explode with a shameful joy. Shaia's pleasure threshold was low-enough to be almost non-existent, and it showed.

  Scott was lost in the moment, however. He would not let the situation pass after seeing such a shameful erotic display. His hand slipped down further. His fingers slid along her sensual folds and then penetrated those lonely guardians and invaded her most sacred of places. He whispered into her ear in a soft masculine purr, “Who knew my sweet little mermaid could become so very wet.”

  Shaia gasped and bucked a little. Never in her life did someone touch her in such a way, but she immediately knew that she liked it.

  The mermaid girl lost all sense of her strength. She could not even lift her hands to hide her face. All she could do was gasp and shudder. Her words at that moment came only in panted-sobs, and gentle whimpers of hopeful joy.

  “Damn. I’ll have what she’s having,” said a new arrival, a Crystallim who appeared to be similar in age to Pirouette. The black haired Harpy leaned her head to the side then fluffed her equally black wings.

  “Maybe if you ask me nice, Kidda,” said Jack to his long term partner.

  Kidda, the Harpy, grinned at her master-husband. “Maybe I want him to do it.”

  “Maybe you want a spanking,” replied the massively muscled man.

  The Harpy laughed at him warmly then strolled over to him. “You’re so old, though.”

  "Are you certain that you weren't born a troll?" asked Jack with a playful snort.

  "Is the old man's memory fading?" she asked him in a warm tone. "Aren't I clearly a Harpy?"

  “I’m still young enough to wreck you,” he said with a smile. He wasn’t that old. Since when was he old? "Still a lot of life in these not-so-old bones."

  “I hope so!” she teased, with an amused and lascivious smile.

  She kissed her husband on the lips then slipped one of her raven black wings around him. “It’s alright, grandpa.”

  “I’m not a day over a hundred thirty, Kidda. Calm your tits, as the youngin's say.”

  She laughed at him again then kissed his nose. “You’re so fun to tease, you goofy old bear.”

  “I’m a goofy, still-young, bear thank you. You know I stopped aging years ago,” said Jack.

  She patted him on the head. “Of course, dear.”

  Jack rolled his eyes dramatically then smiled. There was a lot of love in the room today.

  However, in the heart of one young Amazon there was only turmoil. She peeked out at Scott from a nearby doorway. Her ice blue eyes shimmered with unspent emotion as she watched the man whom she vaguely tolerated on occasion, if she felt like it; hold a slutty mermaid in his arms.

  Eina whispered harshly in an annoyed ton of voice, “Look at that bitch... acting so cute and innocent...Why are you falling for that you weak bastard?”

  The Amazonian Battle Mistress bit her lower lip and breathed heavily in and out. How dare they be so brazen? This was a gym, not a brothel!

  Eina began to pant heavily. She would have to discuss this with that stupid fatty later. She gasped softly and thought of all the horrible things she would have to do in order to remind him of his place. Meanwhile, her fingers slipped rapidly against her skin-tight bodysuit. They worked feverishly to subconsciously appease her angry and righteous vagina.

  “How dare you do this, Scott? Oh, Scott...” Eina glared at the man and stroked her slit through the ever-so-thin material of her suit. Her mouth gaped open as softly panted breaths escaped her lips. Vengeance on her mind, she continued to shame herself in the doorway for quite some time.

  She drew her fingers away and curious about what it was, she could not resist bringing her fingers to her nose for a quick sniff. While sniffing at the wetness that she found there, myriad thoughts crossed her mind. One question proved to be most prominent. How did it happen?

  After a moment, her eyes narrowed and she frowned cutely. It was that weak bastard’s fault. It was always his fault when weird and unexplainable things like this happened. At this point she'd lost count of the times something similar occurred due to his various actions.

  “Bastard. I’ll... I’ll....” She cried out softly once again then blinked. She raised her other hand up and noticed that it too was now inexplicably covered in that strangely scented fluid. When did it even go down there?

  She stared at her hands in confusion for a moment then frowned. Why did that keep happening of late?

  It was then that she looked down and noticed the dark wet spot on her suit, and a small puddle on the floor by her feet. "What's this... can't be sweat this suit collects almost all of the moistu—" Her eyes widened comically as her brain finally started to work properly. "No way!" she cried a bit too loudly.

  All eyes in the room turned to her. Everyone saw her standing in the doorway, fingers to her nose and a slight puddle on the floor.

  "Maybe it'd be better to have what she's having instead," remarked Kidda helpfully.

  Eina's cheeks turned bright red, but she managed to stand up straight. She placed her fist to her lips and coughed once before turning away. Nothing to see here folks, move along...

  Scott whispered something in Shaia's ear and the mermaid nodded rapidly. He gently put her down then walked over to Eina.

  "What do you want, you fat idiot," she said without looking at him.

  "It's been a while... Where's my hug for returning safely?" he asked her with a smile.

  "Why would I want to hug such a useless creature? Get one of your whores to embrace you," she said.

  Scott tried to move around to look at her from the front but she shifted position and refused to let him do as he wanted. Eventually, he just wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close.

  Surprising even herself, Eina let out a loud gasp. She did not speak, merely stood in shocked silence.

  Jack rolled his eyes, turned away, and plugged his ears with his fingers. He wanted nothing to do with what was about to happen.

  Kidda laughed at his antics and embraced him as well. "Silly old bear."

  "What do you think you're doing?" asked Eina softly, her head slightly bowed.

  "Holding my girl," said Scott while fully realizing how she would react to such a statement.

  Her eyes snapped open and a scowl crossed her beautiful lips. "You fat idiot!" she snarled just before breaking his hold, whirling around, and shoving him away from great force.

  Scott flew through the air in his customary ragdoll manner and hit the ground hard enough to skip once before sliding away. He came to a stop after sliding a short distance then sat up and said, "Aww, I love you too honey."

  Eina's fingers curled into fists and she clenched them tight. With a loud growl, and a feminine huff, she turned and stalked away.

  Kidda patted Jack on the shoulder and the man opened his eyes. He noticed Scott sitting on the floor then nodded. "Show's over?" he asked.

  "Yep," she said.

  "Do I need to punch him?" asked Jack, after pulling his fingers from his ears.

  "Nah," said Kidda.

  The older man nodded to her then looked to Scott. "Get it out of your system?"

  Eina stalked back toward them, without anyone knowing it. She wanted to give the foolish bastard another piece of her mind, but she stoppe
d short of the door when she heard him speak.

  "Yeah. Hopefully she doesn't feel as embarrassed now," said Scott.

  "You know why she was embarrassed in the first place, right?" asked Jack.

  Eina's eyes widened and her face turned red when Scott said, "Yeah, I know she loves me in her own special way, but I have to make her wait for a while. Must be hard on her."

  "You should spend a little time with her without it leading to anything that would make me punch you," replied Jack.

  Eina closed her eyes tight and murmured softly in a high-pitched tone, "Dad..."

  Scott rose up from his seat on the floor then stretched. "I'm working hard so I can afford her, but I think you're right."

  The twin-tailed terror bit her lower lip and whispered, "Stupid fatty..." before turning away once more and walking down the hall. After a moment a slight smile came to her lips followed by a certain spring in her steps. A cute feminine giggle was stifled the instant she realized its existence.

  "Idiot..." she mumbled, before turning down the hall and heading off toward her room.

  Back in the training room, Pirouette asked, "So... This happens a lot?"

  Jack looked to her and grinned. "Welcome to the family. There's a show every day."

  The dark elf laughed softly then nodded. "Seems like it will be fun."

  "F-fun?" asked Shaia before hugging herself tightly and giggling in a strange manner. The poor girl seemed lost for what to do with herself. Though, her expression was not one of fear but one of a ridiculously goofy nature.

  "Fun, huh?" asked Flora softly while considering the implications. Her musings were cut short when Pirouette casually leaned in to kiss her gently on the lips.

  The dark elf whispered sweetly in her ear, "Oh yes. Fun indeed." Her hands slid down to strongly clasp the curvaceous girl's bouncy backside, even as she nibbled on Flora's ear. Pirouette's fingers moved down and casually caressed Flora's maidenhood before lightly parting her entrance and slipping two fingers knuckle deep inside.

  Flora gasped loudly, and released a slow shuddering breath that led into a high-pitched cry of enjoyment, "S-sister..."

  Scott and Jack stared openly at the scene for a brief moment. Kidda eventually smacked Jack on the back of the head to break him from his current paralysis.

  The effect worked on Scott as well, as hearing Jack complain to his wife snapped him out of his thought train as well. "I've got the best sponsor, ever..." he mumbled quietly to himself.

  A soft laugh from Pirouette signaled her master that she'd heard what he said despite his quiet mumbling. Oh yes. Things were about to become quite fun indeed.

  EPISODE 5: So Supportive...

  The cries of passionate violence inflected upon the unwary were a thing of beauty to some people. Athletic bodies hurled brutally against each other in a winner take all brawl for dominance may have a certain sensual appeal, but the battle raging within the confines of the Heartspire gymnasium was not a spectacle for adoration. No, it was something far more necessary. The fight was both a test and a chance for everyone to know where they stood in regards to each other.

  A loud cry echoed through the room as a powerful attack made its mark. The sound of a sweet and innocent Alraune slamming brutally into a heavily reinforced wall split the air. Flora fell heavily to the floor, dark energy continuing to arc and skitter from her fallen form for a few brief seconds.

  “Flora is down!” called out Kidda. "The battle is over!"

  The Alraune gasped softly. Her eyes went wide and she cried out in surprise as her dream form dissipated into the ether. She could no longer maintain her presence due to the psychological backlash caused by the powerful attack she received.

  Pirouette nodded then smiled in approval. “She’s getting better.”

  Scott gazed warmly at the overly powerful dark elf then lightly stroked the dimly lit green Crystallim core. Flora would need to rest for a while before she could manifest her form once more.

  Two days had passed since their first meeting. During that time Scott and the girls officially relocated to the Ophun Institute. It would be their rent-free base of operations and training while Scott worked to complete his ninety-day trial period.

  Per a recent agreement Kidda came out once each day to act as a referee during training bouts. After regular training finished for the day, Flora and Shaia would train against each other. The winner would attempt to fight Pirouette. So far Flora won the training battle with Shaia twice, but lost handily against the older girl both times.

  Pirouette stretched languidly, her glorious feminine curvature pressing upward toward the ceiling like killer whales parting the surface of the early morning sea. “Level four again already... My, how the time does fly.”

  Scott laughed at her a little then nodded. “Some of us gain levels slower than others...”

  “Aww, is my poor widdle master sad?” Pirouette curled her hands into fists then pressed them to her eyes and twisted them gently. She made a fake crying sound and sobbed a little as well.

  “Someone’s cocky...” said Scott in an amused tone.

  “Do you think so? Care to try me again?” asked the dark elf before gesturing to the arena.

  “Sure, I’ll give you a go,” said Scott. If it was for the sake of training, etiquette was not an issue. Besides that, it was fun to wrestle with friends.

  Pirouette gently ran her tongue along her bottom lip. "Mmm... Really?" she asked in a soft, dangerous, tone of voice.

  She smiled sensually for a brief moment before leveling a piercing gaze in his direction. “Break me, master...”

  Scott shook his head then equipped his combat gear. A shimmer crossed over his body. A set of powered gauntlets appeared on his hands, one of them linked up with his bracer. A black body suit replaced his normal street clothes and a gold colored torc now rested comfortably around his neck.

  He did not have much personal combat equipment in that regard. His primary role would be support until he gained a few more levels. Still, the equipment he wore did increase his status by a reasonable amount for their value.

  “That outfit does not leave much to the imagination...” said Pirouette.

  Scott smiled at her then took up a fighting stance. However, not long afterward he leaned his torso back and ran his hands down along his chest. "Do you still dream of me?"

  She made a cute strangled noise, a rare sign of embarrassment. Suddenly a deep scarlet color arose on her cheeks. Most Crystallim dreamed of their masters frequently when they rested in their natural form. She'd simply erred and admitted it to Scott. He teased her mercilessly with that tidbit of information over the course of the last two days.

  "Are you a dream worth keeping?" she asked haughtily, her cheeks still clad in scarlet shame, "I wonder..."

  Pleasantries and pre-fight flirtations at an end, the battle would soon begin. Scott eyed her critically. She wore no special equipment, but her stats still eclipsed his by a good bit even at a similar level. He would do his best, but at his level and with his current equipment, the fight would be rather short and they both knew it. His only hope would be to last longer than Flora at least.

  Kidda raised her hand and cried out, “Battlers ready!”

  Pirouette nodded. She expended most of her vital force against Flora by using her skills. The battle raged for a while, but everyone involved knew that the dark elf did not put everything she had into the fight. The battles were set as more of a way to test the girls than to crush them.

  She would face Scott using hand-to-hand combat, as even though she still possessed plenty of vital force, neither of them wanted to risk turning him into desiccated man-jerky. The shadow element destroyed life force as its primary aspect, after all.

  Scott nodded. He possessed no special attack abilities that would be useful against her. The only conceivable way that he could hurt her would be if he were to bring out his ranged weapons. They might hurt her a little, but that was not what the tests and trials were about.<
br />
  “Begin!” cried Kidda before cutting her hand downward through the air. The harpy grinned when the battlers cried out at the same time and then raced toward each other in a heated display of aggression.

  Pirouette was a sword and shadow type of girl. She had neither to work with at the moment. Still, her agility and strength were impeccable and she possessed a lot of actual combat experience despite sitting behind a desk for the last few decades.

  Scott was a gun user most of the time, but all ADF soldiers learned hand-to-hand combat through real life exercise and extensive VR-simulations. In raw unarmed skill he was slightly superior to his opponent.

  The dark elf casually ducked under her master’s expert feint then delivered a powerful strike to his abdomen that hit with crushing force. The difference between them was made quite clear in that moment. Scott did possess greater unarmed combat skill, but comparing his body condition and strength to Pirouette’s was similar to comparing those of a small child to a veteran warrior.

  The hunter immediately found himself on the defensive as a flurry of blows rained down upon him. His vital force dropped like a rock tossed casually from a bridge. She pounded him fiercely with a bevy of blows that rocked his body and nearly sent him reeling. However, Pirouette did not realize the flaw in her movements. He'd discovered an opening to use during their last few bouts.

  Her fighting footwork was that of someone who fought wielding a light weight sword. The reach advantage of her sword was negated at the moment. Her movements were effective, but not nearly as much as they would be if she adopted a style more suited to the short reach of unarmed combat.

  Her footwork was not ill-suited to unarmed combat, so much as it lent itself to using primarily light strikes and feints performed in a rapid series of blows. A master of the hand-to-hand might use such movements to close distance and then immediately move into a more powerful finishing strike. She did not.

  Without the heavier strikes available when using footwork designed more for facilitating powerful physical blows, her attacks were only mildly punishing. Further, with each strike she left herself open to a counter. Only her speed and reflexes saved her most of the time.


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