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Galataea Crystallim Core 2

Page 9

by Scottie Futch

Scott started to say something snarky in response, but instead he turned back to her and gazed upon her glory once more. He had an idea about what was really going on, now.

  “Hey... What?” asked Eina, when Scott walked into the room like he owned the place.

  The door shut behind him, but he kept walking. She made no effort to move or to cover herself. She had nothing to be ashamed of in regards to her physicality, and she refused to give him a sense of accomplishment.

  Scott spoke to her in a serious, quiet tone. His voice filled with confidence, he said, “I’m going to do something that you’ve had coming for a long time, Eina.”

  Eina snorted loudly at him, but then slowly she looked away. Her cheeks reddened slightly, and she asked, “What might that be?”

  Scott tempted fate, and flirted with dismemberment, but he slipped his arms around the girl and pulled her close. Eina immediately cried out against such treatment, but she made no real attempt to dislodge him.

  Her voice higher and shriller than normal. She practically squeaked as she asked him, “What are you doing! Who told you that you could embrace me?”

  Instead of trading barbs with her, he kissed her softly on the lips. His right hand slid down to caress her lower back, while his left hand firmly cradled the back of her head.

  Eina’s eyes started to close involuntarily, but they suddenly opened. She pulled her head back then glared at him. “Stop taking liberties with me!”

  “I would prefer to hold you for a while,” said Scott. His hands continued to support her head and to caress her lower back. He pulled her closer once more, and gazed into her eyes confidently.

  Cheeks red like a lobster, she began to pant a little. Her eyes started to glaze over and her lips parted gently. The warmth of her breath blew against Scott a few times before she managed to regain control of herself.

  Eina growled like an angry beast, despite the heat in her face and the way her hips pressed against him. “Why would I care about that?”

  He kissed her again, a casual caress of her lips with his own. She moaned sweetly against his mouth, but immediately cursed her foolish body afterward when it pressed against him with greater force. Eina broke free from his terrible lips, but found it difficult to speak. Her body burned hotly, and sweat began to trickle along the supple curves of her feminine architecture. Once again, she started to pant a little.

  “Stop this... You’re pissing me off,” she said through softly panted breaths. Her traitorous tongue slipped out and lightly caressed his for a brief instant, before she yanked it back into her mouth with great authority.

  “I’m glad you came to help me train, Eina.” said Scott gently. He kissed her sweetly on the lower lip, his own lips lightly massaging her there. She snorted softly in response, and began to tremble. Her eyes began to close even as a sweet moan began its escape plan.

  Suddenly, her eyes snapped wide. Eina made a strangled noise in the back of her throat. Why were his arms still around her? She told him that she disliked this sort of familiarity. Did he take her this lightly?

  “Maybe you should get your girlfriend to train you,” said Eina heatedly.

  “Would she be able to help me claim you more quickly if she trained me?” asked Scott gently. He leaned in and kissed her softly on the neck.

  “Hell no...” Eina pushed at him a little, but her powerful arms produced no strength. She could not push him away, and even now her knees were close to buckling. What sort of power was he using against her? Since when was he this capable? If he pressed his advantage, now...

  Scott's right hand slid down. Casually, he slipped his index finger between the cleft of her curvaceous ass, and began to caress her gently. He lightly kissed her shoulder then the side of her neck. The heat of her body intensified further, and her panted breaths quickened.

  "Not..." she swallowed hard and fought down a sweet moan, "That's not fighting fair..."

  "I'm not the one fighting," he whispered into her ear, before blowing gently. Her body shivered slightly and she pulled him to her tightly in response.

  "You can't—" She gasped loudly and rubbed her chest against him for a moment, "You can't win like this..."

  "You've been training me, though..." said Scott warmly, before sliding his hand down further. His fingers lightly caressed her tightly puckered anus for the briefest of moments. He teased her for a sliver of a second, his finger threatening to penetrate deeply beyond one of the great unassailable gates that guarded the pathways to her heart.

  Her eyes flared open and she gasped loudly, only to find his lips firmly pressed to hers. He pressured the beautiful iris of her doom gate with his finger. If he pressed any harder, he would penetrate deep into her virgin territory and claim ground that no man had ever lain his hand upon before.

  Her ass cheeks clenched slightly then relaxed. Her lips devoured his for the briefest of moments. However, despite her instinctive reaction he'd gone too far. Her amazonian pride rose up and gave her enough strength to resist for a moment. "You... You think you've trained enough?" she said through panted breaths.

  "Hmm?" asked Scott softly, his voice rumbling gently in a warm and pleasant tone.

  Eina's knees nearly buckled when she heard him speak, but she refused to back down now. She began to rally back. "Your training hasn't nearly brought you to the point that you can defeat me..."

  Scott kissed her softly on the cheek then pressed his forehead against hers. While looking into her eyes with a soft and confident expression, he said, “Then train me well so that I can claim what’s mine.”

  She snorted softly, but then looked down and to the side. She bit her lower lip for a moment then whispered, “What exactly is it that you think is yours...?”

  He slipped his hand down and casually caressed her between her thighs. “This sweet aching pussy and your beautiful heart are mine.”

  Eina cried out in a sweet voice and her eyes started to close once more. However, this time he truly did go a step too far. Her instincts kicked in, and her strength suddenly returned in full-force. She hurled the hunter away with casual ease. “D-Don’t say stupid things! My heart would never belong to someone so weak!”

  “Ah, so you admit that your pussy belongs to me?” asked Scott from the floor.

  “No! Who said that? Stop assuming things!” Eina began to scream and rant for several minutes. Scott smiled inwardly, and watched her flail her arms around. She cursed, and screeched. She threw pillows around, and her chest heaved in maidenly fury. It was good to have her back. It was also good that she had not put on any clothes yet. The show just kept getting better...

  “So what do you have to say now you damned pervert?” she asked heatedly, after emphasizing every one of his character flaws in detail and making certain that he knew exactly how unworthy he was of her affection.

  Scott lifted his fingers to his nose, sniffed them twice, and then slipped his tongue out to lick the tip of his index finger. “I was right; you really are a sweet girl.”

  “W-what?” asked Eina. Her pupils shrank down to the point that they almost seemed to disappear.

  He kissed his fingers once more. “Yes, such a sweet girl.”

  Eina glared at him then pointed at her door. “Get out!”

  Scott gasped loudly then tilted his head to the side. His eyes wide, and he raised one hand to his lips. His voice quivered with faux-fear, “What, without a kiss good night? You’ll make me think you don’t love me anymore."

  “Who loves you, asshole!” Eina threw her arms into the air for emphasis. Her breasts flailed around mightily in their equal disapproval of his shenanigans.

  Scott tilted his head to the side and casually noticed a tell-tale trickle between her thighs. Though, were he to be honest, it seemed more like a dam had burst during a hard rain.

  “I think I know someone,” he said casually.

  Her face turned bright red, and she clamped her thighs together. Eina's left arm cross over her breasts and hid them from view while she point
ed toward the door with her other hand. “Get out!”

  He hopped back to his feet then nodded. “If that’s what you want..." said Scott with an overly dramatic sigh, "Oh, how I had hoped that you’d want to cuddle a little and confess your eternal love for me, or something.”

  “Get out, dammit!” snapped Eina. "Get out! Get out!"

  “I won’t leave unless I’m dead, or I get a good night kiss,” said Scott with a warm and friendly smile.

  She glared hatefully at him. “Don’t tempt me!”

  “I won’t fight back either way,” he said. He gazed intently into her eyes. "I would never willingly hurt you on purpose."

  Eina took an involuntary step back due to the intensity and sincerity of his posture and words. However, she regained her composure quickly. Her eyelid twitched spastically, and she said, “Door, open.”

  “Eina...” said Scott, in a soft and sincere tone.

  "Y-yeah?" she asked, slightly confused.

  His eyes filled with sincerity, and his voice equally as soft and sincere as before, he asked, "May I kiss your nipples once or twice?"

  She rushed forward with a ferocious speed and strength that he could never possibly match and grabbed him by his pants and shirt. Eina span around quickly and hurled her useless fatty out the door. Just before Scott landed he tucked into a ball to help minimize the impact. He slammed hard against the far wall on the other side of the hall, and bounced twice before he rolled to a stop.

  He heard Eina's voice tell the door to close. It entered privacy mode immediately afterward.

  Scott re-oriented himself then smiled. She really was a sweet girl. "You held back on my account didn't you?" he asked lightly, and to no one in particular. He was alone in the hall.

  He could hear the sound of a screaming rant from the other side of the door a moment later, however. Eina was obviously working out her issues with him in her own special way.

  Scott hopped to his feet and dusted himself off. Thanks to his equipment and superhuman status he'd survived being thrown like a human feed sack.

  The ranting inside the room continued unabated, but Scott only smiled. "Glad you're feeling better, Eina."

  EPISODE 6: Disappointed...

  The air was alive with the joyful enthusiasm of a festive atmosphere. Several hundred people lazed about the entrance area to the Abados Illusion Dungeon. Such a thing was a common sight around well-known local dungeons. Twenty high-level Crystallim in full battle gear, and their four ADF masters, guarded the entrance. Only those deemed appropriate might enter and seek their fortune.

  “So, this place is still popular?” asked Pirouette curiously. She was currently the only Crystallim manifested on Scott's team. The others remained ready to be drawn to battle. The ADF would arrest anyone who summoned more than one Crystallim at a once while outside the dungeon.

  “You have been here before?” asked Alexis. The blond woman tilted her head to the side and offered Pirouette a curious glance.

  The Dark Elf nodded to her politely. “Yes, a long time ago.”

  “You’re lucky to have an experienced Crystallim, Scott,” said Alexis. She smiled gently and looked between them with no sign of malice or insincerity.

  “Yeah, Pirouette is great,” said Scott without a moment of hesitation. "She does so much for me," he continued, a smile on his lips.

  Dark elf and human master gazed into each other's eyes for a brief instant. The old euphemism, 'sparks flew between them' would have been appropriate in that moment.

  Alexis’ gentle smile shifted into a petulant frown. “Yes, I’m sure she does...”

  Scott overlooked the sudden shift in his girlfriend’s mood. It would be impossible to know if she was just being contrary, or if her innate genetics were reacting to his usage of another woman’s name in her presence.

  Ginger lashed her tail once then curled it around her master’s thigh. “You’re great too, master.”

  Alexis gave her alpha a soft kiss on the ear. “Thanks Ginger.”

  The foursome made their way to the entrance to the dungeon. As with anything that the government had their hand in operating, there was a line. While they waited, Scott looked over the status of his team. He reviewed their levels and vital force through the quick status, menu. Quick status was a short-form used to garner the most basic information about his team. When people used their scanning equipment, the quick status was normally what would be shown.

  [-Team Status-]

  Scott Matthews – [Level 5] – [Vital Force: 175] – [Hunter Rookie] – [C-Rank]

  Pirouette – [Level 10] – [Vital Force: 2280] – [Dark Elf Blade Dancer] – [A-Rank]

  Flora – [Level 7] – [Vital Force: 925] – [Alraune] – [C-Rank]

  Shaia – [Level 4] – [Vital Force: 148] – [Caseg] – [C-Rank]


  Scott nodded in approval. Shaia showed the greatest approval overall since her refinement to C-Rank. She worked hard and quickly regained a few of her levels by fighting her stronger sisters. The heavy drop in required experience points per level was the main reason, however. She was able to acquire levels in a few days that would have taken weeks before. Her level remained the lowest, but she was far stronger than before.

  His personal status was ridiculously low compared to both Flora and Pirouette now. He was still stronger than most level five hunters by a wide margin due to the combination of passive bonuses received through his bonds, but he knew that the gap between them would only widen in the future.

  The fact that all Crystallim increased their stats with each level was the main difference, one of several reasons why the girls would be designated to do most of the fighting. He could handle a low-level Nightmare, but once they reached levels beyond three or four he would be at his combat limit when dealing with most of them. Only augmentation and developing his bonds with his battle harem would bolster his stats enough to survive in the wild.

  Pirouette gave him the best overall bonuses. Thanks to their union, several of his stats increased each level. He'd already developed well beyond what normal leveling would have allowed him to achieve.

  Scott thought about it for a moment. He had been using his vital force augment to bolster his vital force a little. It worked well enough, and he still reached level five while draining experience into it so that he could try to increase his vital force just a little more. He decided to take a look at his information one last time before entering the dungeon.


  Name: Scott Matthews | Class: Hunter | Rank: C

  Age: 20 | Level: 5

  EXP: 2 | EXP to Next Level: 500

  Augmentation Points: 0


  City: America

  [D]Vital Force: 65[175]


  Attack: 13 [29] | Defense: 14 [22]

  Strength: 10 | [B]Agility: 10[30] | [F]Vitality: 13[16]

  [C]Intellect: 7[20] | Resonance: 20


  It was quite depressing when he looked at it. Compared to the girls, other than Shaia, his total status was miniscule. His equipment was decent for his level, but even Shaia had left him behind by a small margin now in regards to base statistics.

  A sobering thought to be certain, but it was the truth. All of his enhanced prowess would be gone the moment he unequipped the girls form his bracer. It was pointless to compare himself to them, but he had no choice. The Nightmares would be weaker than his trained team for the most part, but if he went down it was the end of the road for everyone.

  Scott thought about it for a moment. He would absolutely have to save up the money to acquire better gear and augmentation upgrades. His equipment would be more important than the equipment of his team for the moment. They would be able to train and grow stronger with ease. Technology and skill development were what he needed in order to acquire an edge.

  They reached the front of the line after around an hour. The ADF soldiers reviewed their information for a moment then looked to Alexis. The guard lead
er said, “You’re authorized to visit level one. If you choose to go deeper, you do so at your own risk.”

  “Understood,” Alexis shared a smile with the man and he nodded. It was impossible to tell under his tinted face mask, but he could not take his eyes off of her. It was a common affliction that fell upon human men when she was in their presence. She would have politely brushed it off had she known of the intensity of his gaze.

  The foursome moved forward, and the two hunters held hands right before entering. Their Crystallim team members would enter with them regardless, but the only way for two humans to enter the same locations in an illusion dungeon would be to maintain solid physical contact while entering.

  “Ready?” asked Alexis. "You'll have to hold me tight..."

  Scott grinned at her. “Yes. My body is ready.”

  She grinned back at him and then they both looked to their Crystallim partners. They signaled their readiness as well.

  “Right. In we go,” said Alexis. She was the group leader so she was the one who had to enter in the lead.

  A few short seconds after they walked into the dungeon the world went crazy. Light flared up all around them. Once it died down they found themselves in a large room that connected to several different corridors.

  “Well, here we are. You remember about these sorts of dungeons, right?” asked Alexis.

  Scott nodded. “The corridors and rooms will change of their own accord whenever someone enters the area." He looked to Alexis. "The failed Crystallim reacts to their mental state.”

  “Yes, but more than that... We will be randomly shifted around the dungeon at times,” she said. "There's a reason why places like this are guarded. People who don't pay attention to their surroundings can die pretty easily."

  “Right... ” said Scott. It was even possible to completely miss another group walking nearby because the dungeon's appearance might be entirely different to them.


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