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Harvard Academy Elite

Page 7

by Knight, Sapphire

  Drawing in a stunned breath, I sip another cold drink of my water. Father wasn’t lying when he sprouted off about their net worth. That was their grandfather’s though, so I didn’t think their father, and by default, the boys were that wealthy as well. I don’t bring anything to their table, there’s no reason they should be demanding I marry one of them. Dad is thrilled, of course, and Tristan’s father was already boasting about how I’m his new daughter by the time we ended our brunch yesterday. It’s incredibly unsettling, and there’s not a damn thing I can do about any of it. I’m just a pawn in some rich men’s games. Even with Tristan, I’m another move to make.

  By Thursday my week has only gotten tougher. Everyone—and I mean every single person, including the faculty—knows about Tristan and me. The guys who never seemed to notice me much before suddenly avoid me like I have the plague. In the moments I do accidently catch one of them staring, they’re looking at me like I’m a damn unicorn or something. You’d swear I’d shown up to school in lingerie and it’s the first time they’ve ever been acquainted with Victoria’s Secret. Though I suppose that brand isn’t even good enough anymore being linked to this prestigious family. Tristan had several boxes hand delivered to my house yesterday, one of them being from an exclusive, outrageously expensive French boutique. I fought with my mom over it all, but she demanded I wear one of the silky bras today and let Tristan know how thoughtful it was of him to send me gifts.


  I’ll admit, I’ve never felt something so soft on my boobs before, but I absolutely refuse to even hint to Tristan that I’m wearing any of it. In fact, the next time I see him, I’m telling him it didn’t fit, so I donated it to the homeless. I don’t care how good-looking or how much his smile makes my stomach twist in knots, I’m not going to make this engagement easy on him. They should’ve chosen someone else to be their newest pet.

  I’ve always been someone who gets along with pretty much everyone. At least, I thought so. I give that credit to attending camp each summer and being around people who have a shared love for the outdoors. This week, however, you’d think I was the biggest asshole around. The girls have started making comments when I walk by. It began low-keyed from a few of the wealthiest females. Since then, it’s warped to basically every girl I come in contact with.

  I’m beginning to feel like I’m losing my mind or something, as the name calling, ugly looks, and rude remarks never happen when Tristan’s by my side. The last thing I want is to need his presence for anything, but walking through the halls is much more pleasant when he’s pretending to be the committed fiancé. Cole wasn’t joking when he said they’d run the school. They came in, and within a few days were crowned academy royalty by my peers. I guess by default that makes me “royalty” as well, though I don’t want it. I’m not better than anyone, and I never will be.

  I’m finishing up our athletics class, and I can’t get out soon enough. You’d think I was a terrible person with the many glares and snooty remarks I keep trying to brush off. At what point will all of this stop? I’ve never been a subject of bullying and hate before. Why on earth would people be so cruel? Sad to say, but if Sam were here, she’d be the first one to stand up and tell them all to fuck right off. I wish I had Sam’s woman balls, and in a sense I do, but I’m trying to just ignore these mean girls to see if they’ll get bored. I’m trying to be patient and not reinforce their nastiness with my own.

  My back crashes into the wall of the girl’s locker room. I’m right inside the door, trapped in the enclosed walkway before all of the lockers, changing area, and showers. There was some whispered name calling during athletics, but I let it roll off me as I have all day. I don’t tend to be a very confrontational person, though I haven’t needed to be in the past. I got through my shower like usual, and then there were more hurtful things thrown my way. Bitch, whore, slut, trash, et cetera—the usual name-calling, but I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why I suddenly deserve them. Tears trailed over my face while under the hot spray of my shower, contemplating the treatment I’d received lately. I try to be strong, but sometimes I have to let it all out, especially if I can’t pound it out on the pavement in a long run.

  It’s not like I’m sleeping around; technically, I’m still a virgin compared to all of them. One time at camp last year and then nothing else isn’t my idea of being an academy whore amongst them. No one knows that business, as it’s none of their concern what I do and don’t do. Now, I’m engaged to one boy who I haven’t even had sex with, and yet I’m the whore? How does that make any sense? People’s logic is mind-boggling to me sometimes.

  Devon Monteith slams me against the wall again—my head bouncing off the hard surface and making me cry out. Pain explodes behind my eyes. I grit my teeth to stop the tears from falling as her fist flies into my stomach. I’ve done nothing to deserve this treatment, especially from girls I’ve known for years and have never had a touch of bad blood with. Apparently, that’s changed now, and I really wish someone would clue me in. Is it jealousy? They can have Tristan; I don’t want him. I’m just doing what’s expected of me by my family.

  Devon’s a head taller than me, and that’s saying something as I’m considered relatively tall for a girl. She’s never been so hateful toward me in the past either. In fact, we’ve always been friendly toward one another. Now it’s like she’s been possessed, and I can’t seem to escape her in gym class or the hallway. It’s ironic because if Tristan or one of the other guys is with me when I see her, she acts like a damn angel. Apparently, there’s nothing angelic about her whatsoever as her face twists in hate, spewing her unwarranted rage today.

  “Give me that ring!” she screams manically, repeating her demand.

  “Ugly Academy whore!” Her group of friends yells behind her.

  The gym doors are thrown open, banging into the opposite wall from the force. The noise booms into the area, startling my heart even more than the crazy chicks trying to hurt me. My hand’s wrapped around the massive diamond weighing my finger down, trying to stop her from jerking it free from my hand. It had to cost a fortune, and there’s no way I’ll let anyone take it willingly when I know the repercussions I’ll face for it.

  In the next blink, Brent’s furious, hulking presence is behind Devon, towering over her. He grabs a fistful of her hair, ripping her head back until she falls to the ground yelling in protest. “Get out!” he thunders, and I shrink down, attempting to make myself smaller. It’s unlike me, but I’ve been around Father in his fury. I know when to stay out of an irate man’s way.

  The group of girls who’d been taunting me behind Devon scurries out as if their asses are on fire. Brent’s breathing heavily, each pant releasing a little bit of his anger as he attempts to reel in his control. His commanding sapphire irises flick over me from top to bottom assessing the potential damage. He’s scary and beautiful like this. It makes me want to reach out and touch him. I won’t though; it’s not the time or my place to do so.

  I’m an utter mess, even if I did just finish showering and putting on my Harvard Academy uniform. I can feel it. My cheeks are streaked with confused and annoyed tears, my body trembles with the pain rolling through my muscles from Devon’s torment. My head pounds with an oncoming headache. I’ll need some Tylenol soon, or else it’ll stick around for the rest of the day.

  Brent steps forward. His hand lifts to my uniform, straightening out my disheveled clothes and I flinch. I can’t help it; I just witnessed him throwing a girl to the floor by her hair. Granted it was to help me, but it still has me shaken up inside. I’ve been hit by my father far too many times to take the brunt off my younger brother and mom, not to mention Dad directs it at me to begin with.

  I don’t know Brent well enough to distinguish if he shares in his need to hit people like Father does. I don’t get that feeling from him, however. If anything, it’s quite the opposite. He has this sense of calm and control that he makes me feel safe when he’s around. I w
asn’t expecting him today, and the violence triggered my body’s self-preservation.

  Once my clothes are to his satisfaction, he meets my teary, confused gaze. His glower is so powerful it has me drawing in a quick breath, not out of newfound fear but because he’s so beautifully dangerous in the moment that I can’t help myself. He may appear to be the same as his brothers, but there are so many differences between them all that I could never get them mixed up. Brent is definitely the oldest; he’s the powerhouse that takes care of his family when needed. He’s broody and quiet, the buff quad that you don’t see coming until he’s ready for you to and it’s far too late to do anything about it.

  “You okay?” Brent murmurs and I jerk with a short nod. He huffs, “You can’t let them hit you like that.” He’s giving me orders like I’m another person he has to take care of, like his brothers. My heart rate beats double time with his sole attention; it does that when I’m faced with any of them and we’re alone. It’s strange and confusing to feel this way with four boys, especially when they all resemble each other. It feels wrong in a sense, but I can’t seem to stop.

  “Th-they surprised me,” I admit with a chastised croak.

  I clear my throat, watching with rapt attention as Brent licks his lips. The move instantly has me thinking of his tempting mouth on mine. He has a full, pouty mouth, with a bit of a natural downward pull to his lips making him appear to be frowning. They’d be perfect to kiss. I know it. As if reading my thoughts, his hand lifts, his thumb lightly stroking over my wet, bottom lip I’d been biting on and not realized. He stares intently at the spot he grazes, lost in the moment. I want him to kiss me so badly I can’t breathe. The air’s stuck in my lungs as I wait for his next move.

  With his next blink, Brent’s walls fall back into place, and he takes a step away, putting some respectable distance between us. His massive paw engulfs my bicep, carting me along with him through the gym doors. It happens so quickly, my feet are moving before it registers he’s taking me to my next class. I don’t need to be manhandled, especially after being put through the ringer by Devon and her cronies.

  “What are you doing?” I whisper as we head through the hall, students openly gaping at him carting me around like a bratty toddler. No one says anything about it, however, as his glare is threatening enough.

  With a growl, he explains, “I’m taking you to your fucking class before you get into any more trouble. Try to stay out of the girl’s way if you aren’t going to stick up for yourself. I have other things to do besides saving your ass.”

  I’m about to retort that I’ve never asked for his help in the first place, not even once when Brent jerks me to a stop. We’re at my next class. My mouth opens, and he barks, “Get inside.” Then the moody asshole spins on his heel and heads in the opposite direction.

  The instructor’s brow rises as I meet her curious gaze. She takes in my disheveled appearance without commenting on it, probably thinking I’m giving it up to the four of the entitled bastards and I hastily slide into my seat. Thankfully, she goes into her lecture garnering the class’s attention once more and saves me further from my embarrassing state. I can’t believe he just did that in front of everyone without a care in mind. What would his father think if he caught wind of students witnessing us like that? Would he even care? I’m assuming that’d be a no or else Brent would keep a lid on his temper better. One thing’s for sure, I have my hands full when it comes to Brent, Tristan, Cole, and Axel. I have a sinking suspicion that won’t be the first time they embarrass me…or save me.

  My day only gets worse as I’m bumped into in the hallway and called variations of slut or whore by numerous peers. Devon and the other girls from gym class quickly spread around details of the locker room altercation and how I’m going to get my ass kicked again if I don’t give up my new status with the quad. Other students throw in their own variations of threats, making me feel sick about the entire situation. I’ve never experienced anything like it, even when I was younger and on the chunky side. I’d caught some rude looks and such back then, but not to this level of hatefulness. Sam’s attempted several times to defend me as well, by throwing her elbow into anyone who’s gotten too close, but it’s not helping. If anything, it only makes me feel worse, my heart aching with guilt over the snide remarks thrown her way also for being my best friend.

  “It’s jealousy,” she claims as the day finally finishes and we escape out the back door near the football field again. I don’t want Tristan to think I’m coming out to watch him because I’m not. This route was the quickest way to get away from the students determined to harass me. I don’t want Sam having to deal with any more of this nonsense today either.

  “That’s absurd, Sam; they have no reason to be jealous of me. Majority of the tormentors today are wealthier than my family! I have nothing they could want…think about it.”

  Her long, dark hair glints in the sunshine as she huffs, “You’re so oblivious, Kres. God! This is exactly why you need me by your side, and I won’t let you run off and hide alone like I know you want to. The girls around here have always been intimidated when it comes to you, and you’ve taken it up a bar with your new status. You’re the whole package babe—beauty and brains. Majority of the chicks attending Harvard Academy are on the short list for boob implants and nose jobs in hopes their dear ol’ daddies will marry them off to some old rich guy. The only consolation they have is if the guy croaks early and they get compensated with wealth and a young, hot pool boy.”

  A scoff escapes as I roll my eyes. There’s no way that can be true. “I’m practically invisible, or at least I was before now. Besides, Devon and her friends are hot; they can’t be intimidated by me.”

  “Plastic bimbos,” she grumbles and rolls her eyes. “Are you kidding me? Didn’t you notice how last year half of the females at the academy showed up on day one with lavender-tinted hair? It wasn’t because all the other colors at the salon were gone.” She shoots me a look believing its enough substantial evidence to prove her point.

  “Well, I’ve never noticed it before, and I thought the hair was because of a trend. Besides, when they left me alone before, it was exactly what I wanted. I need to concentrate on classes and get that scholarship. It’s my main priority.”

  “Your dad will pay for school, Kres. He already said he will, and you should take it. It’s the least he can do.”

  I nod because she’s completely right. “Yeah and he’ll also be picking which college I attend if he does end up paying. I don’t want him to have any more power over my life then he already does.”

  She shrugs, waving my worry off. “So, he picks it... Would it really be that bad? I could enroll in the same college or one that’s nearby. Maybe it wouldn’t be as terrible as you think it would be.”

  Sam’s wrong, but I don’t have a chance to reply as Axel stands in my way along the path leading to the student parking lot.

  “Can I talk to you?” Axel interrupts, appearing a bit nervous.

  My gaze snaps to his as Sam shoots me a teasing wink and waves at the throng of practicing football players. “I’ll call you later,” she calls not breaking stride and leaves me behind.

  I move to sidestep the intelligent quad in my way, but he quickly follows, holding his hands out. “Please, Kresley. Give me a moment…just one…to explain. I tried to speak to you in class earlier, but you left before I had a chance to pack my stuff up. This can’t wait any longer.”

  “I don’t have anything to say to you right now, Axel.” It pains me to cut off our friendship so early on, but I’m upset he didn’t at least think to warn me about his brother’s intentions and underhanded actions.

  “I do, please. I can make it quick, just hear me out.” His palms lightly reach out and cup my elbows. His movement brings us closer together, encompassing us into our own little bubble. There may be people all around on the practice fields, but it’s like Axel has expertly cut them all off from the two of us. “I
want to apologize.”

  A disbelieving snort escapes me as my gaze drops his to stare off toward the empty bleachers. We don’t have regular football stands that you find in other high schools. Our field is state of the art with individual seating in rows. Each placement provides plenty of leg room and comfortable padding wrapped in outdoor material. It dries quickly if it rains, is easy to clean and doesn’t mold, because clearly wealthy people can’t stand to be out of their comfort zone even when it comes to football. Not that I can complain. I’ve sat in these stands my fair share of times, and I’ve enjoyed the posh comforts over visiting other high school stadiums.

  Axel leans in and confesses softly, “I’m being serious, Kresley. I don’t want this tension between us. I don’t like having you upset with me.”

  Briefly closing my eyes tightly, I exhale and meet his pewter irises. “I figured out of the four of you, you’d be the one I could actually trust. It’s stupid. I’ve barely met you, and I should’ve known better. I have myself to blame for being blind and so easily trusting, not you.”

  Axel’s perfect white teeth bite down on his plump bottom lip. He’s pensive as if he has so much to say but isn’t sure if he should or how to breach it all with me. “It’s not stupid, not in the least and you can trust me. I want you to; I want you to feel like you can come to me at any time with any subject. Even if it has only been two weeks, it feels longer to me. You’re not the only one in this that feels like they’ve grown close. You’re my friend, Kresley,” he admits, and I agree. “I didn’t know that was going to happen at brunch. I was caught off guard as well,” Axel shares, his voice coming out in a near whisper.

  Is he afraid that someone may overhear us having this conversation? I flick my gaze around, but no one seems to be paying us any attention. His brothers are MIA as well; Tristan and Brent are out running around on the field, busy with football practice. My friend Brandon left as well after seeing me at lunch again. He’s not out here with the rest of them at practice, so there’s really no reason for Axel to be so quiet.


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