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Falling For You

Page 4

by Lily Haycraft

  "Teacher, business owner, architect, college student, you guys sound like the perfect family" She chuckles softly.

  I can't help but chuckle along with her and nod my head.

  "Yeah Chris is actually a basketball player, he plays for the Hurricanes and Taylor is studying law" I explain.

  "Well damn, other families must be jealous" She smiles.

  "Well hey you're going to be a surgeon, that's incredible" I try to turn it onto her.

  "Well yeah but I don’t have anyone to brag about” I see a hint of sadness in Chloe’s eyes as she says that, but I decide not to push her on it.

  "Well you can brag about your daughter, because she is nothing short of amazing"

  "You're sweet, she adores you"

  "I adore her too, she's a cute little mushroom" "Mama" Our attention is both brought to the four year old standing in the middle of the diner searching for her mum.

  "Over here baby" Chloe calls and we watch as Harmony whips her head around, and comes running over to us.

  "Hey mummy" She grins and scrambles onto Chloe's lap pulling her into a hug, which Chloe reciprocates. Harmony turns around in Chloe's lap, and spots me. "Daniiiiiii" She grins.

  "Hey pretty girl" I smile.

  "What do we have here then? A lunch date?" We both look up and see Diana staring at us with a smirk on her face.

  I quickly glance over at Chloe and see that she is blushing, at least I am not the only one that is slightly embarrassed that we have been caught out. "Well don't let us stop you, I'll take this one to get her milkshake, whilst you...continue" Diana continues to smirk, lifting Harmony off of Chloe's lap and walking away.

  "I'm sorry about her" Chloe shakes her head, her eyes cast downwards.

  "It's alright honestly" I smile.

  Chloe doesn't say anything for a minute, but she looks like she wants to, her eyes are still facing her lap, and I can see her arms twitching, letting me know that she is playing with her fingers in her lap, she looks quite nervous, but I can't seem to understand why.

  "Chlo?" I probe lightly, her head snaps up and her eyes lock onto mine.

  "Would you like to go on a date with me? A real date?" She says it so quickly, I'm not sure I heard her correctly, but after I hadn't responded in Thirty seconds, I watched the panic cross her face. "Oh god I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked you that, you hardly even know me, that was weird, I'm sorry" "Chloe" I reach across the table and touch her arm that is now placed on the table, to break her out of her ramblings.

  "I'd love to go on a date with you" I smile softly, butterflies swarming around in my stomach, at the thought of going on a real date.

  "Really?" The shock on her face evident, I can't help but laugh.

  "Yes" I smile.

  "Um okay, Saturday?" She asks.

  "I can do Saturday" I nod.

  "Okay great, I'll get D to look after harmony" She smiles.

  "Okay" I smile.

  "Okay" She let's out a breath and I chuckle and check my watch for the time.

  "I should probably get going, I have to get the blue prints" I explain reaching in my bag for my purse. "How much do I owe you?" I ask holding my purse in my hands.

  "Don't worry about it, I got it" She smiles shaking her head.

  I furrow my eyebrows at her and shake my head. "No come on, how much is it?" I ask.

  "Dani honestly it's fine" She chuckles.

  "Fine, then I'm paying for dinner on Saturday night" I say rather smugly.

  "But I'm the one that asked you out on the date, I'm supposed to be paying" She furrows her brow. "Nope, I pay or we don't go" I challenge her, I can see she wants to fight me, but instead she just accepts it with a sigh.

  "Fine" She grumbles.

  "Great, so I guess I'll see you on Saturday" I smile making a move to stand up.

  "I guess you will" She grins standing up with me .

  We both sort of smile at each other, and I decide to take the plunge and step closer to her, wrapping my arms around her neck, I can tell by her body language that she is shocked, but after a second, her arms wrap around my waist and she relax's into my embrace.

  I step back after a few seconds and give her a small wave, I look over and see Diana and Harmony watching us both, I wave awkwardly at them, and duck my head as I feel a blush creeping on my cheeks, busted once more.

  I exit the small Diner and make my way towards the subway to get to the IT company.

  Chapter Five.


  Oh god I can't believe I actually asked her out, you have no idea how nervous I was in that moment, I don't even know what made me ask her, after Diana showed up, I just felt like I wanted to get to know her better, I don't know much about her, but something just calls me to her, so on Saturday, which is four days away, I don't even know what to do with her yet, I guess we could just do the normal date of going to a restaurant, it'll be our first date after all, so I'll just look online for a nice small and quiet restaurant, where we can go and get to know each other better, maybe I'll bring up a game of twenty question's and just go with the flow, that's one way to get to know someone.

  I quickly tidy up the plates from mine and Danielle's table and make my way back to the kitchen, ignoring Diana as I pass, knowing that she has a smirk on her face, I place the plates by the sink and head into the back room, getting my belongings from my locker, before making my way back out.

  Diana still has a smirk on her face and Harmony has just finished her strawberry milkshake, I can see that D wants to say something, but I glare at her and shake my head.

  "Don't even go there, go get ready for work" She throws her head back in laughter, completely satisfied with my reaction.

  God I hate when she is right about something. "You ready to go baby?" I run my hands through Harmony's curls and kiss the top of her head. She nods her head and hops down off of the stool and takes my hand.

  "Bye DJ" Harmony waves.

  "Bye little monster" Diana smiles back at her. "Have fun on your only free day away from classes" Diana grins.

  "I certainly will" I smile.

  Tuesday's are the only day that I don't have any classes, which is good for me, because as soon as I finish work, I spend the entire day with Harmony, we go to the cinema and watch a movie together, before grabbing dinner and splitting a dessert between us, then we head home and play a few games before bed time, Tuesday is my favourite day of the week, because it is just us Two.

  "So what movie are we seeing today?" I ask. "The Jungle Book, duh mummy" Harmony rolls her eyes at me, like I should already know, which I did seeing as it's all she has been going on about for the past week.

  "Oh of course, How could I forget" I play along. "Silly mummy" Harmony shakes her head, I just giggle along with her.

  I hold onto Harmony's hand as she skips along the road, and we head towards the subway.

  "Where did Dani go mummy?" Harmony asks, as we enter the station.

  I swear my daughter loves her more than she loves me, and she hardly even knows her.

  "She had to get back to work sweetie" I explain as I get our tickets.

  "What does she work as?"

  "She's an architect sweetie" I respond and begin walking her towards the platform.

  "What's that?"

  "You know the big buildings all over the city?" I ask. "Yep" She nods still skipping.

  "Well herself and other people draw the plans for all the new buildings that go up over the city" I explain. "Oh wow, she must be a really good drawer" Harmony grins up at me.

  "Yeah I bet she is" I agree, having not seen any of her work.

  "Do you think she would teach me how to draw?" Harmony asks as we climb onto the tube.

  "Maybe baby, you'll have to ask her" I smile. "Okay I will, when are we going to see her again?" Harmony asks as we sit down.

  "Well actually, I asked her out for dinner on Saturday, I was going to ask Diana to look after you, would you be okay with that?"

  "Why can'
t I come?" She furrows her eyebrows. "Because it's a date, when an adult asks another adult out for dinner, it's called a date, and they go on them to talk about their day, and to find out new and interesting things about each other " I try my best to explain, not sure if I was doing a great job at it. "And Diana is going to look after me?"

  "Yes" I nod.

  "Can I ask Danielle if she can teach me to draw before you go?" I chuckle at her question and nod softly.

  "Sure baby" I smile.

  "Okay" She nods swinging her legs happily, not even slightest bit bothered anymore that she can't come.

  -- I hold Harmony with one arm as I use the other to unlock my front door, she passed out not long after eating dessert, because of her sugar high, it happens every week, then she wakes up half hour later and wants to play games, I can't complain though. I quickly tidy up the house while she sleeps, before we make a mess playing games again.

  Before I had a kid, I could always find something to do, whether it be with friends, or finding something else to do, but now I've got her, I never know what to do with myself when she is sleeping, sometimes I try to study, but I always find myself wanting her to wake up just so I can play with her, that may sound silly to some people, and most people are grateful when their kids take a nap, but I love spending time with Harmony and playing silly made up games with her, it's what I live for.

  I enter her bedroom and carefully lay her in bed, pulling her shoes off and covering her with her quilt, before walking out, closing her door behind me. The house is pretty tidy, the only thing for me to do is the washing up, but theres only a couple glasses and plates, so that can wait for now.

  I hear my phone chime in my handbag, and I walk back into the hallway, grabbing it before entering the living room and plopping down on the sofa.

  I unlocked my phone and smiled as I saw a message from Danielle.

  - So I know you only asked me today, but I'm really excited to go out with you on Saturday, I don't think I have ever actually been excited for a date before *Hides* D x-

  Okay how cute can she possibly be?

  - I'm excited too, can I hide with you? C x- This could go one of two ways sending that text, hopefully it's the way I want it to go.

  -My hiding place is kind of small, but I'm sure you could squeeze in ;) D x-

  Oh my god she sent me a wink face, she is totally flirting with me, I feel my cheeks heat up slightly.

  -So we'll basically be on top of each other? C x- I send and feel my heart beating out of my chest.

  -It would probably be more comfortable if you sat on my lap D x-

  -Is that just your excuse so you can hold me? C x- I can't help but smirk as I send a text, getting more excited for her responses, every time I see the little bubble pop up on the screen.

  -It might be *Blushes and runs* D x-

  I giggle softly at her childish behaviour.

  -Noo don't run, come back here and hold me C x- I can't believe I am talking with her like this right now, I feel like such a teenager, being hooked on someone after the first meeting, this is ridiculous, I am an adult, why has she got me acting like such a fool?

  -Come catch me and I'll hold you *Smirks* D x-

  -You're going to make me run? *Arches eyebrow* C x-

  I love how we're actually adding in our facial expressions, and what we would do, this is so dorky, but fun.

  -If you really want me to hold you, then you wouldn't complain D x-

  -Who says I really want you to?- C x

  Okay so I was being slightly cocky, I just hope she doesn't take it the wrong way and think I'm being rude.

  -You know you want me baby girl ;)-

  Oh shit okay, she called me baby girl, nope I can't even handle this, why is she making my stomach flutter? What do I even respond to that?

  -I uh *Blushes* Gotta go- C x

  -No don't go, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be so forward. I don't know what it is about you, that is making me this way, I'm sorry, I'll try control myself D x-

  -Don't apologise, you make me the same way, I just don't know how to handle it C x-

  -Oh I make you same the same way aye? *Smirks*- D x

  -Ugh you're so annoying, I take it back C x- I roll my eyes softly, of course she had to comment on that.

  -Too late, you already admitted it, you totally like me D x-

  -I never said I like you *Smirks*-

  -Well I like you.. D x-

  My stomach flips as I read the message and a huge grin forms on my face, it takes everything inside me not to let out a squeal, knowing that Harmony is sleeping in the next room.

  -I like you too C x-

  -You do?-

  -Yes Danielle I do-

  It's out there now, I can't take it back, I just hope I'm doing the right thing by allowing myself to get involved with someone new, and bringing her into Harmony's life, I don't want this to go wrong.

  -You don't care that I'm a mother? I - I ask seconds later.

  -No of course not, why would that bother me? D x-

  -Most people run for the hills when they find out someone has a child x -

  -Well I love Harmony, so I don't plan on going anywhere just yet, besides things are still fresh, neither of us know what is going to happen, we'll just go on a few dates, and spend some time as a trio and see how things progress-

  I can't help but smile at her response and nod along softly, even though she can't see me, I see the little speech bubble pop up again, so I wait before writing my reply.

  -And if you don't want me to get to know Harmony more, until we have gotten to know each other better then that is okay too, I can understand you not wanting Harmony getting attached to someone, if nothing is going to come out of it D x-

  -Okay that's just creepy, it's like you literally read my mind C x-

  -I have super powers ;) D x -

  -OMG NO WAY? C x -

  -Yes way! But the only reason I read your mind is because I know that I would be the same, if I was a single mother I would be the same, because my child would always be put first-

  -So technically you don't have super powers then-

  -I couldn't tell you even if I did, it's against the rules to share our identities and powers with humans D x-

  -So you're telling me that you're not human? *Gasp*-

  -Crap! Um.. forget I said anything D -

  -You're such a dork C x-

  I shake my head laughing softly at how childish Danielle actually is, but I find that completely adorable, it's obvious she has a wonderful mind, and is extremely grown up, but she is still connected to her childish side.

  -Yeah but you like me anyway D x-

  -That I do :)-

  "Mama" I turn my head to the side and see Harmony standing at the end of the sofa.

  "Hey baby" I smile and open my arms.

  She crawls onto the sofa and into my arms hiding her face in my chest.

  "You okay baby?" I ask resting my cheek against her forehead, realising that she's really warm.

  "My tummy hurts" She pouts.

  "Aww baby" I mumble turning and kissing her head softly. head to look up at me.

  "What were you doing on your phone?" Harmony questions.

  I give up wondering why she asked some of the things that she does, she asks me so many random questions during the course of the day, I just go with it now.

  "I was texting Dani baby" I respond.

  "I want to talk to her, Can we call her?" She asks lifting her head.

  "I thought you felt sick?" I arch my brow.

  "She'll make me feel better"

  "Oh I can't make you feel better?"

  "Mummy" Harmony groans, obviously not knowing what to say, so I just let her off and clicked back onto my messages, seeing Dani’s reply.

  -I'm glad that you do-

  -My beautiful bundle of joy has just woken up from her nap feeling sick, and wants to know if she can call you so you can make her feel better *Rolling my eyes*-

t did you say" Harmony asks once she realises I hit send.

  "If she's free to talk on the phone" Okay so maybe that weren't the whole truth, but it was quicker. Seconds later, my phone started ringing for facetime, a phone call would've been fine, but I swipe across my screen to answer anyway.

  "Hey little mushroom" Dani smiles at Harmony as soon as the call goes through.

  "Do I not get a hello?" I arch my brow.

  "Hello beautiful" She smiles at me and I turn to hide my face in Harmony's hair as a blush creeps onto my cheeks.

  "Hey" I mumble back feeling shy.

  "Why am I a mushroom?" Harmony asks.

  "I don't know, it just sort of came out" Dani shrugs. "Can't I be a princess?"

  "You're my princess" I say turning back so Danielle can see my face.

  "Yeah you're mummy's princess, and my mushroom" Dani grins.

  "Can't you both call me princess?" She asks. "Hmm I don't know, you'll have to ask mummy" Dani and Harmony both look at me waiting for an answer, knowing that I had heard her.

  I let out a dramatic sigh and stare down at Harmony. "I guess she can call you princess too"

  "Yay thank you mama" Harmony grins pecking my cheek softly.

  "Is your tummy not hurting anymore" I arch my brow. "Yeah it does" Harmony nods curling further into my body.

  I'm not sure if she is lying and playing the sick card or if she is actually sick, she does feel quite warm so we'll just have to see how it plays out.

  "Why don't you guys curl up on the sofa and watch a movie, and hopefully you'll fall asleep and feel better in the morning" Dani suggests.

  "But I don't want to hang up from you" Harmony pouts.

  "Then we can watch the movie together okay, I'll put it on my tv too and we'll stay on the phone" Dani smiles.

  "You don't have to do that" I interject.

  "Why can't you just come here and watch it with us?" Harmony asks, I literally have no idea how to respond to that, and the look on Dani's face, says the same thing.

  "I uh" She stutters.

  "How far away do you live from us?" Harmony asks yet another question.

  "About fifteen minutes" She responds sheepishly. "So you can come?"

  "Baby" I quickly interrupt running my fingers through her hair. "Dani has had a long day at work, she probably just wants to relax on her own tonight" I explain.


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