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The Little Angel

Page 23

by Rosie Goodwin

  Sometimes Kitty questioned why Ruby had bothered after all that time. She didn’t even want her daughter to address her as ‘Mother’ and certainly didn’t go out of her way to spend any time with her and get to know her, but then perhaps her conscience had finally pricked her now that she was getting older. On a couple of occasions, Kitty had tentatively asked about her father, but each time Ruby had changed the subject or closed up like a clam. Miss Fox had done the same. It was very frustrating but then Kitty was aware that a whole new world was opening up for her now, so she should be grateful to her mother for that, at least. Kitty was beginning to enjoy life in London. It was so different to the one she had led back in the Midlands where the highlight of the week had been a trip into the little market town where they lived. And of course, there was the undreamed of career that was opening up to her.

  Sighing like a cat that had got the cream she settled back against the pillows and nibbled at the toast that Maggie had brought up for her. It wouldn’t do to go putting too much weight on now that she was in the public eye, so she would have to watch her diet. Maggie frowned when she returned the half-eaten slice to the tray but Kitty ignored her as she swung her legs out of bed and stretched. Maggie was kind, and Kitty was pleased that she had been able to help her, but she was so … Kitty sought in her mind to find a way to describe the girl. Plain as a pikestaff and boring. Yes, that was an apt description, whereas she herself was beautiful. Richard and Max had told her so and it appeared that the public were in agreement with them, so from now on she intended to make the most of it!

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  ‘Ah, here you are at last, my darling girl. Come in, come in,’ Richard greeted her when Kitty arrived at his studio early that afternoon. ‘And looking as beautiful as ever.’ He took her hand and gently kissed each of her fingers in turn, sending tingles all up her arm and hot colour rushing into her already rosy cheeks.

  He was dressed very casually in a shirt that was partially unbuttoned, showing off his hairy chest, and Kitty found it hard not to keep looking at him. The doors into the garden were open and she could hear the birds singing. It was hard to believe that they were in a busy part of London.

  ‘I saw the other piece about you in the newspaper this morning.’ He pointed to the paper lying on a table to one side of the studio as he began to set his camera up on a tripod facing a chaise longue. ‘You will be so famous soon that I fear I shall have to make an appointment to see you.’

  She dimpled prettily. It was nice to be admired as she was discovering more and more, particularly by someone as handsome as Richard. But then glancing around she asked, ‘But where are the clothes I am to model?’

  ‘Ah, I thought we would use today as a trial run,’ he explained. ‘And it will give us more time to get to know one another properly. It always helps when the model is fully at ease with the photographer.’

  ‘Oh, I see. So … what do you want me to do?’

  ‘You’ll find a dress behind the screen. Pop that on while I finish setting the camera up, would you?’

  Kitty obligingly disappeared behind the screen but when she saw the dress that Richard expected her to wear she sucked in her breath. It was the sort of thing she had become accustomed to seeing Ruby in, so low cut that it was almost indecent. Even so, she shrugged out of her sensible blouse and skirt and slipped it on, hoping to be able to adjust the bodice a little when it was in place. However, the many tiny buttons that ran all the way up the back of it proved impossible to manage by herself so after struggling with them for a few minutes she asked timidly, ‘Could you help me with the buttons on this dress, please, Richard? I’m afraid I can’t do them up by myself.’

  He appeared so quickly that she jumped, and clutching the dress to her breasts she turned her back on him, blushing furiously. She blushed even more when she felt him trail his finger gently up her bare back.

  ‘Your skin is just perfect,’ he breathed huskily and she flinched. He was awakening very delicious but also very frightening feelings within her. She’d never been in a state of partial undress with a man before and while it was exciting she was also terrified and feeling torn in two. Half of her wanted to turn towards him and fling herself into his arms, the other half wanted to run for home and safety. Thankfully he must have sensed her unease for he then gently did up the buttons and after turning her to face him he kissed the end of her nose and led her to the chaise longue.

  ‘Just lie back against that and try to look relaxed,’ he instructed.

  She tried to do as she was asked but his close proximity was making it very difficult. The fact that she kept trying to yank up the bodice of the pale blue silk dress didn’t help either. She was afraid that he’d grow impatient with her but to her surprise after a few minutes of her fidgeting he began to laugh.

  ‘I think we need to get you in a more relaxed mood. Let’s have a little drink,’ he said, crossing to a cut-glass decanter. He poured out two glasses and handed her one. ‘I think you’ll enjoy this. It’s a very nice wine, not too strong.’

  Kitty eyed it suspiciously. ‘Isn’t it a little early in the day to be drinking wine?’ She could still clearly remember the raging hangover after her performance at the theatre the evening before.

  Richard chuckled. ‘It’s never too early in the day to drink fine wine and this one is particularly pleasant. Go on – just try it.’

  Cautiously she did as she was asked and was surprised to find that it was indeed very nice.

  ‘That’s better,’ he told her approvingly when she’d drained the glass. ‘I can see you beginning to loosen up already. Now lean back and throw your arm behind your head as if you’re just about to take a nice little nap.’

  After the wine, it was surprisingly easy to do. In fact, she felt so mellow she was sure she was in danger of taking the nap properly.

  ‘That’s it, lovely. Now turn a little towards me and move your chin up … that’s it. Capital!’ She could hear the camera clicking every so often and after a time she began to enjoy herself. After all, there was no one there but Richard to see her so she reasoned there was no need to feel self-conscious. A few times he came over to tease her hair or adjust the bodice of her gown, and she let him do so without demur. He was the photographer and he obviously knew what he was doing. At last he straightened and smiled, then poured them another drink.

  ‘Excellent!’ he told her. ‘I’m sure there will be some beauties in amongst that lot.’

  ‘Do you think we might start modelling the clothes properly now we’ve had a rehearsal?’ she asked innocently and he roared with laughter as he sat beside her and draped his arm across her shoulders.

  ‘Oh, my dear little Kitty Nightingale. You are so very refreshing,’ he told her, then, ‘Yes, I think we can start modelling the clothes properly very soon now, but perhaps one more rehearsal, do you think?’

  She nodded as she started on the second of glass of wine he handed her. It tasted very fruity so she was sure that it couldn’t be very strong. And what if it was? I’m almost grown up now, aren’t I? she asked herself as she snuggled into his broad chest. She could feel his heart beating and hers seemed to be beating in tune with it. And then he gently took her glass from her and began to kiss her. She kissed him back eagerly and eventually she felt his strong hand close over the bodice of her gown and a little moment of panic made her stiffen.

  ‘It’s all right, sweetheart, I would never do anything to hurt you,’ he told her throatily, barely moving his lips from hers and so she relaxed again and gave herself up to the moment. It was only when she felt his hands fiddling with the buttons on the back of her dress that she breathlessly pulled away. She longed to give herself to him completely but Sunday’s warnings were echoing in the back of her head. A man and woman should not lie together until they are wed otherwise an illegitimate child might be the result.

  ‘I’m so sorry,’ Richard said instantly. ‘But I’m afraid you’re so lovely it’s easy to forget myself.’
br />   ‘It’s all right.’ Kitty got up and scuttled away behind the screen to get changed before he touched her again. She didn’t know if she would be strong enough to stop him from going any further a second time. She struggled terribly with the buttons on the back of the dress but eventually she was in her own clothes again, and when she came from around the screen she found Richard adjusting his camera as if nothing untoward had happened at all.

  ‘Would you like me to run you home?’ he offered but she shook her head. At that moment, all she wanted to do was have a little time to herself to put her thoughts into some sort of order. Did the way that Richard had behaved mean that he had feelings for her? She could only assume that it did, and if that was the case then she was thrilled. Oh, she knew that he was somewhat older than her, and with a reputation for being a bit of a ladies’ man. Had Sunday been there she would have had something to say about her being alone with him. But Sunday wasn’t there, she told herself smugly. She was living with Ruby now who was far more lenient and gave her far more freedom than she had ever known back at Treetops.

  ‘I shall hop in a cab and be home in no time,’ she assured him as she collected her bag. She was becoming quite adept at flagging the cabs down now so with a nod he saw her to the door.

  ‘Come again about the same time the day after tomorrow,’ he told her as he gently kissed her lips. Then patting her bottom familiarly, he sent her off down the steps to the pavement. When she turned back to say a final farewell he had already gone and she felt quite bereft. I think I may be in love, she thought and tripped away with a smile on her face.

  Maggie was waiting for her when she got home but there was no sign of Ruby.

  ‘She went out with a gentleman who called for her,’ Maggie informed her. ‘And it wasn’t Mr Smethwick.’

  Miss Fox appeared from the direction of the kitchen then and noting Kitty’s glowing face she asked, ‘How did the photographing go? Did you get to model some nice clothes?’

  Kitty had a feeling that Miss Fox strongly disapproved of Richard so she answered hastily, ‘It was just like a practice session today. Another one and Richard thinks that I’ll be ready to start modelling properly.’

  ‘Hmm, well, I still think that Maggie should come with you,’ Miss Fox said grumpily then marched on as Kitty grabbed Maggie by the hand and hauled her upstairs.

  ‘Richard kissed me today … properly!’ she told the girl and Maggie looked anxious.

  ‘I still think he’s too old for you.’

  ‘Oh, Maggie,’ Kitty giggled. ‘You sound just like Miss Fox. Surely I’m allowed to enjoy myself? We both are, and it would do you the world of good to get out and about too.’ She glanced at her friend then went on more soberly, ‘I know you’ve been through a lot, but in a funny sort of way both you and I had rather sheltered upbringings back at home. Sunday was like a mother hen, never allowing me out on my own and Mrs Dawes was very strict with you too. We deserve a little freedom now – we’re both young women with minds of our own, after all. And anyway, for all Sunday’s concern about my welfare, she soon forgot about me when I moved here, didn’t she?’ Kitty couldn’t keep the note of bitterness from her voice and Maggie patted her arm.

  ‘I’m sure she’ll get in touch eventually. She always adored you, everyone knew that. She’s probably just been very busy or perhaps she wants to give you time to settle in here without being seen to be interfering?’

  ‘Well, she can please herself,’ Kitty answered, disgruntled. The happy mood seemed to have flown now and suddenly she was dog-tired. ‘I think I’ll have a little nap. Do you mind, Maggie?’

  ‘Not at all.’ The other girl headed for the door. ‘I’ll go and see if there’s anything I can help Cook with in the kitchen.’

  Once she was alone Kitty’s fingers rose to stroke her lips as she remembered how ardently Richard had kissed her. They felt almost bruised, not that she minded, and suddenly she could hardly wait to see him again. Crossing to the bed, she lay down and got comfortable, and soon she was fast asleep dreaming of Richard with a smile on her face.

  Ruby was already in the dining room with Miss Fox when Kitty went down to dinner that evening and she was surprised to see that the table was set for four.

  ‘Max is joining us,’ Ruby told her. ‘He has some rather exciting news for you, my dear.’

  ‘Really?’ The words had barely left Kitty’s lips when they heard the sound of the front door bell.

  Ruby smiled. ‘That will be him now. I shall let him tell you himself.’

  Max entered the room and promptly handed Kitty yet another newspaper, the Westminster Gazette. ‘You’ve hit the headlines yet again,’ he informed her.

  ‘I dare say it’s better than keep reading about all the unrest abroad and Emmeline Pankhurst and those silly suffragettes getting arrested,’ Miss Fox snorted. ‘Did you know they arrived at Buckingham Palace with a petition, and it ended up with them fighting with the police? Where’s their dignity? I mean, I’m all for women having the right to vote, but the way they go about things is utterly shameless, if you ask me.’ Then wagging a finger in Kitty’s direction, she warned, ‘I hope you have no silly thoughts about joining that unruly lot, young lady!’

  ‘Foxy!’ protested Ruby. ‘Let’s have no politics at the dinner table, if you please.’

  Ignoring them both, Max kept his eyes trained on Kitty and went on, ‘Because of this I have bookings for you right through to the end of June and still more requests coming in for later in the year. What with your singing and the modelling you’ll be doing for Richard, I think you’re going to be a very busy young lady indeed, my dear. I predict that by the end of this year, everyone in London will know the name Kitty Nightingale.’

  Kitty beamed and tossed her head. Ruby was doing her best to look pleased, but deep down she was hurting. Max hadn’t received a single request for her to appear anywhere and it seemed that she was destined to live in her daughter’s shadow from now on. Still, at least it would guarantee her a good income in her retirement, and Kitty was so pliable and naïve that Ruby was sure she would do exactly as she was told, which was one blessing at least. Perhaps it hadn’t been such a bad idea to finally claim her daughter, after all.

  Chapter Thirty

  In the blink of an eye they were into June and the heat in the city was almost unbearable. Kitty had been rushed off her feet dashing from one music hall to another and hardly knew if she was on her head or her heels as she tried to adjust to the adoration that was now heaped upon her by multiple admirers. Not that she was complaining. After each performance, she would return to her dressing room to find it full of gifts and messages from gentlemen who wished to take her out to dinner.

  As it happened she had eyes for no one but Richard, and Maggie wasn’t sure if this was a blessing or a curse. Admittedly she would have worried had Kitty been dilly-dallying all over the place with one admirer after another, but there was something about the photographer that she didn’t like and couldn’t take to. During the time they had spent together, Maggie and Kitty had become close, although they were still like chalk and cheese in both looks and nature, just as they had been as children, back at Treetops. Maggie had become very protective of Kitty, like a hen with her chick, which Miss Fox thought was no bad thing, for Ruby would not take on the role.

  Sometimes, Maggie wondered why Ruby had wanted her child back. It certainly wasn’t for any special mother-and-daughter time, for Ruby was very self-centred and selfish and never went out of her routine to make time to spend with Kitty. Despite the fact that Ruby was designated her manager, it was Miss Fox who kept her eye on the girl and checked out the venues at which she was booked to appear.

  ‘I’ll not have her singing in some den of vice,’ Foxy would declare. ‘She’s naught but a lass, after all!’

  Maggie had heard her scolding Ruby one night and Maggie respected her for that. In fact, she and Foxy, as the woman had now instructed both girls to call her, had struck up an unlikely friend
ship. Maggie guessed it was because they both had Kitty’s best interests at heart, which was just as well considering Ruby didn’t seem to care what her daughter did, one way or another.

  It was early one morning as Maggie was carrying the clothes Kitty had worn for her performance the evening before down to the laundry that Miss Fox stopped her on the stairs to ask, ‘Is Kitty still in bed?’

  Maggie nodded. ‘Yes. I came home as soon as I’d helped her to get changed after her performance, but she went on to have supper with Mr Fitzherbert somewhere and I don’t think she got in until the early hours so she’s having a lie-in.’

  ‘Is she indeed.’ Miss Fox tutted. ‘This really isn’t good enough. I think it’s time I had a word with Ruby. The girl isn’t old enough to be staying out until all hours, as far as I’m concerned.’

  Secretly, Maggie agreed with her although she didn’t think it was her place to say it. Kitty was stirring when Maggie returned to her room with a tray of tea and she yawned as Maggie went over and drew the curtains, allowing the sunlight to stream into the room.

  ‘Mm, isn’t it a lovely day?’ She stretched luxuriously and grinned as Maggie glared. The girl had lain awake until two in the morning waiting for Kitty to come home and felt as if she hadn’t been to bed, whereas Kitty still managed to look beautiful despite the hours she kept.

  ‘You were very late in this morning,’ Maggie replied primly.

  ‘Oh, Maggie dear, don’t start. You sound like my mother!’

  ‘Well, someone has to keep an eye out for you,’ Maggie retorted as she poured the tea. ‘Lord knows what Sunday and Tom would have said if you rolled in at all hours.’

  She instantly felt guilty as she saw Kitty’s face fall. Kitty tried to make believe that their lack of correspondence didn’t bother her, but Maggie knew that it did. The couple had raised the girl as their own and had been far better parents to her than Ruby was, from what she could see of it. Already, Maggie was suspecting Ruby’s motives for bringing Kitty to live with her. Kitty was now earning a very respectable sum from all her stage performances, but all she got after each one was a very measly payout from her mother. Maggie had tentatively raised this with Kitty once but the girl had defended the woman, saying, ‘But you have to realise that a lot of the money I earn is going on building my wardrobe for now and paying back my mother for her expenses. Also, Max is my agent, and he needs to receive his cut of my fees.’


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