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Will of Steel

Page 14

by Lynn Landes

  Mr. Franklin removes his glasses and offers to give her back the steel. “Keep it,” she replies.

  “Ms. Regent, forgive me but this hardly proves anything.”

  “I understand,” Jordan offers him a slip of paper with an address. “This is a warehouse where you will find three pallets of this steel. It’s yours. I offer it freely for you to test and use. Once you do, I have no doubt that you will want this design for yourself.”

  Ryder covers his surprise and jumps in, sensing they have his attention.

  “Mr. Franklin, you are the first to be offered this design,” Ryder explains. “Ms. Regent is asking a percent of the profits from the sale. The design will be yours to patent and do what you wish.”

  “Thank you. How long will you be in town?” he asks.

  “We are headed home tomorrow morning,” Ryder asks. “We’ll be at the Astoria tonight.”

  “If you had more samples, I could do a preliminary test in the lab,” William tries again to bend it and taps it on his palm.

  Jordan grins, “If you could show me to a private room, I could retrieve more samples for you?”

  “More!” Ryder snaps and William laughs.

  “Use my private suite,” he shows her to a small dressing room with a bathroom attached to his office and she closes the door and gets to work on her hem. When she’s finished, Jordan has eight sample bars to leave with him.

  After stacking the steel and offers her bounty to him. “That’s a weight off my mind,” she teases as she steps back. Ryder doesn’t smile he stares at her and her stomach drops. Uh-oh, he’s not happy.

  “Ms. Regent, we will be in touch. Perhaps we could meet for dinner?” Mr. Franklin asks.

  “I’d like that,” Jordan accepts his offered arm as he guides her to the door. Ryder trails behind. “Seven o’clock in the Astoria Dining room. I’ll have some tests completed by then and we will discuss this further.”

  “Wonderful. Thank you for seeing us.” Jordan glances at Ryder, who shakes William's hand and walks her swiftly to the elevator.

  “Lobby, please,” he tells the porter and this time there is no teasing, laughing or touching. Jordan glances at him and bites her bottom lip.

  “Ryder?” she says, but he shakes his head.

  “Not now, Ms. Regent.” They ride in silence to the lobby.

  Fine, Jordan thinks. I can’t be responsible for his hurt feelings. Something in the back of her mind tells her she should have trusted him.

  Exiting the building, Ryder keeps her close as they travel to the Astoria Hotel and check in. “You are in room 241, on the second floor, Ms. Regent. Your bag has already been delivered. If you need anything, please let us know.”

  “Thank you,” she turns, and watches Ryder accept his key. “Room 342, Mr. Foster.”

  “I’ll see you at seven in the dining room, Ms. Regent. Enjoy your stay,” he stalks to the elevator, leaving her standing there in silence. Hurt and anger war with each other, but in the end she just feels guilty. All he’s done is try to help her and she repays him by not trusting him.

  “Is it possible to send a telegram?” Jordan turns back and asks the clerk.

  “Yes, Ms. Regent, we have a post office on this floor,” she points to the hallway. “They are open until five.”

  “Thank you. I’ll go there next. Do you have a dress shop?” Jordan asks.

  “We do. On the fourth floor.”

  “I could also use help with my hair and dressing for dinner,” she suggests and the clerk smiles.

  “Of course. What time?”

  They discuss the details and Jordan hurries to the dress shop. An hour later she is using the key to her suite. Still no sign of Ryder. She frowns in disappointment and decides to take a bath before dinner with Mr. Franklin.

  Pushing open her door, she gasps. Her suite is gorgeous, overlooking the busy streets of New York. She fills the tub and stares at the four-poster large bed with velvet covers.

  “Bath and nap, before dinner,” Jordan whispers and strips down. Soaking in the tub, she drops a scented bathing oil into the warm water that she bought in the dress shop and sighs, enjoying the steam.

  Ducking beneath the water, she scrubs her hair and body. Leaning back, she rinses it clean and thinks about the past few months. Sometimes it’s easy to push back the memories, other times not so much.

  Jordan draws her knees to her chest and rests her forehead. Closing her eyes, she prays. She prays for her family, for Tony and the Foster family who has cared for them. She prays that the Lord will heal her heart and allow her to be brave enough to love again.

  The water grows cold and Jordan climbs out, dries off and lays down to rest while she can. If Ryder is this mad, how will he feel when he finds out she used herself as bait to draw Orson to New York?

  Chapter 35

  “This message came for Mark and Felecia Seaborn,” the secretary leaves the message on his desk and hurries from the room as Orson picks up the slip of paper and reads.

  “In New York. Stop. Meeting with U.S. Steel to sell design. Stop. Astoria Hotel this week. Stop. Can you come? Stop. J.”

  Orson leaps to his feet, shouting in anger. “U.S. Steel! NO! That can’t happen!” He jumps up and starts throwing things into a bag. Stomping over to the picture on the wall, he swings it open and opens the safe, drawing out his pistols. “First, I lose the child, then the Seaborns go missing and now this! Time to go to New York.”

  He gathers his men and directs half of them to go the farm in Pennsylvania and collect the child. “She will ensure Jordan’s cooperation.”

  “What if they fight back?”

  Orson grins, “One can hope,” they laugh, and he points at him. “No witnesses.”

  “You five with me, we’re going to New York.”

  Chapter 36

  Clearfield, Pennsylvania

  Jason Daniels rides to the farm, unsure of what he will find. He rides hard, praying that he’s in time to warn them. Saint starts barking the moment he thunders into the front of the house and pulls his horse up short. Eyes are on him as armed stable hands step outside to see why the dog is sounding the alarm.

  “Obviously they know something,” he mumbles as he dismounts.

  “Saint, here boy,” he calls, and the dog goes from alert to excited in a flash. He bounds over and jumps up, smacking Jase in the chest with his big paws.

  “Jason Daniels! As I live and breathe,” Loren laughs and hurries down the porch steps to pull the dog off.

  “Mrs. Foster, it’s good to see you again,” he smiles at her and glances behind her spotting two children peeking out of the doorway.

  “I’ve come to see Ryder. Is he here?”

  “I’m afraid not. He’s in New York on business, come in,” she insists and guides him inside as she asks about his parent’s.

  “New York!” he stares at the children and watches the boy step in front of the girl in a protective move. “You must be Tony and Erin?” he asks. “I need to speak to Mr. Foster, it's urgent.”

  “Tony?” Loren asks, and he nods, taking off for the barn at a run. Saint follows, barking excitedly. “What’s going on?” Loren asks.

  “Trouble is coming,” he says and sits heavily.

  Erin watches him and walks over to take Loren’s hand. It’s trembling and cold, and Loren glances down, before squatting and lifting her into her arms to comfort her. “It’s okay, I promise your safe with us.”

  “I’m sorry to bring this news,” he watches the child thinking of all this family has been through.

  “Jason Daniels,” Donovan stomps his boots clean before entering the house with Tony next to him. “What brings you to town?”

  “Sir, can we talk in private?”

  “Speak freely, these children are stronger than most adults.” Donovan replies, and Tony nods happily.

  Jase recounts the past week, explaining how he’s working for Ryder and the Seaborns. Glancing at the children, he hesitates once more. Donovan no
ds in understanding, guides him to the study.

  “How much time do we have before they arrive?” Donovan asks over a glass of whiskey.

  “One day, maybe two at the most, Sir. Why is Ryder in New York?”

  “He’s trying to sell the design to U.S. Steel.”

  “That won’t stop this man, it may only infuriate him more,” Jason sits down. “I hope Ryder’s ready. Who knows what he will face in New York?”

  Donovan grins, “Ryder can take care of himself.”

  Chapter 37

  Jordan dresses with help from a maid named Dorothy. Stepping into her new teal velvet two-piece trained gown. It has cream tulle and rhinestone bodice trims. She chose blue silk and lace stockings and matching teal pumps. The corseted bodice hugs her waist, and she smiles at her reflection.

  “Thank you, Dorothy.” Long curls are draped over her shoulders, with the sides up, held by rhinestone clips.

  “You are welcome. You will have all eyes on you tonight,” she smiles and gathers up her tools. “Have a wonderful evening.” Dorothy leaves, and Jordan stares at her reflection in the mirror. Glancing at the clock she has thirty minutes until dinner. “Now, where is my other shoe?” she grumbles as she looks around the suite.

  A knock at her door has her jumping nervously. She takes a deep breath and opens it to Ryder. His eyes widen as he stares at her. Ryder's eyes darken as he traces her figure, taking in the color and shape of her dress, and his mouth goes dry. “You look stunning,” he replies.

  “Thank you,” she blushes. “You’re early. I’m almost ready,” she calls as she turns to find her other shoe. “Where could it be? I just had it,” she frowns as she runs around the room looking for her other shoe.

  Ryder closes the door behind him and watches her frantically searching for something. “What are you looking for?” he asks.

  Jordan lifts up a shoe and smiles, revealing her dimples. “I can’t find the other one.”

  “It can’t be far, the room isn’t that large,” he grins, forgetting for a moment that he’s upset with her. “I’ll help.”

  Jordan stops and looks at him dressed in his charcoal gray suit, matching vest and crisp white shirt, and she smiles. “You look amazing, Ryder,” she teases.

  His eyes jump to hers and he grumbles as he looks under the bed. “Found it!” he lifts the shoe with a shout of success.

  “Oh, thank goodness,” she accepts the shoe and the hand to steady her as she slips it on and sighs in relief. Straightening up she drops his hand.

  “We need to talk,” they say at the same instant.

  His eyes narrow with anger or hurt; she isn’t sure which? “I know that you’ve been through a lot, but you should have told me about the steel and the warehouse.”

  “I told you I’m not perfect, Ryder.” Jordan holds up four fingers, “Four. I don’t trust easily,” she explains and walks closer to him and whispers, “I’m sorry, Ryder. I haven’t had to rely on anyone else for a long time.”

  He cups her face with his hand, “You’re not alone any longer, Jordan. I need you to trust me with all the details from now on.”

  “All the details?” she asks, chewing on her bottom lip.

  Distracted, he groans and whispers her name, “Jordan, I really need to kiss you.”

  “You do?” she leans forward to meet him. The kiss starts gently, his lips on hers, tugging her into his arms, her body pressed against his and changes from soft to heated. Ryder pushes back to stare at her, and he’s sorely tempted to kiss her again. Only the look of shock in her wide blue eyes keeps him from grabbing her.

  “I’m sorry,” he says hoarsely, forcing the lie through his lips. “I shouldn’t have done that.”

  “You didn’t mean to kiss me?” Ryder is stunned by the anger in her eyes. She steps forward and his heart pounds harder. His body reacts to her nearness and Jordan smiles. “Ryder, I really need you to kiss me again, but only if you mean it…”

  His mouth swallows her words. Gone is the gentleman, caring and sweet. This Ryder is all man, demanding and giving, taking and marking her so she remembers who kissed her. Jordan clutches his shoulders and moans against his mouth.

  This time when he releases her, she has to fan herself. “That’s better,” she sits heavily in a chair while he laughs and sits across from her.

  “Jordan, I just figured out number five. You have no sense of self-preservation,” he chuckles.

  “That may be truer than you know. Ryder, we really do need to talk. I did something and I don’t think you’re going to like it.” He sits and grabs her hand gently.

  “Tell me.”

  Chapter 38

  “You can’t be serious!” Ryder exclaims and jumps to his feet.

  “I thought it would be safer to lure him away from the children. They are safe with your parents,” she argues.

  “No, Jordan! Now they know exactly where the children are! He will send men after them and come after you.” He paces and runs a hand over his bearded face.

  “Why would he do that! I have what he wants,” she pales and stands up to face him.

  “You are what he wants, Jordan, and he will use the children for leverage!” He grips her upper arms gently. “You said that you would have married him in an instant if you thought he’d leave them alone. He knows that!”

  “But if I sell the business and the design to Mr. Franklin, it will be too late.”

  “You aren’t listening! Men like this don’t like to be beaten and he will want revenge. We need to get through this meeting and get out of here!” Ryder releases her and grabs her bag, tossing it on the bed.

  “Stop,” she whispers. “I need to think,” she says louder. Ryder continues packing, ignoring her, until she shouts at him. “Stop!” Ryder jumps and turns to her. “I can’t think!” she whimpers, and he pulls her into his arms.

  “Do you trust me, Jordan?” he asks.

  Jordan stares into his eyes and sees determination, fear, and something deeper, that she isn’t ready to name.


  He presses a soft kiss to her forehead. “It’s going to be okay, but I need to send a telegram to my father to warn him. You pack and meet me in the dining room. Can you do that?” he asks.

  “Of course,” she watches him walk away, “I’m sorry that I brought this to your family Ryder.”

  He stops and walks back to her. “If you believe that God directs our path, Jordan, as I do, then every step has led you to me. I can’t be sorry for that.” He kisses her softly on the mouth and leaves her speechless.

  The door closes softly, and she smiles through tears, “For I know the plans I have for you,” Jordan whispers. Closing her eyes, she gives thanks and asks God to protect his family and hers. “Guide my steps, Father, help me to start acting instead of reacting. Help me to trust in you. Amen.”

  Ryder hurries to his room, packs his bag and draws out his pistols. He pulls off his jacket and slips the double shoulder holsters on, securing his pistols, making sure he has extra ammunition and pulls his jacket back on. Leaving the room, he hurries to send the telegram only to find the office is closed.

  “Lord, I need you to prepare my family, protect and guide them,” he whispers as he walks to the desk to pay for their rooms.


  Jordan walks into the crowded dining room and is struck by the opulent beauty. Dark walnut floors and wood-paneled walls are set off by large crystal chandeliers, sending light bouncing around the room.

  Ryder and William Franklin are waiting for her, and both men stand as she approaches the table. A hum of conversation flows around the room and Jordan holds her head high as she walks towards them.

  “Gentlemen, I hope I haven’t kept you waiting,” she smiles as Ryder holds out her chair.

  “It was well worth the wait my dear,” William says and waits for Ryder to sit before he starts to speak.

  “Judging by the excitement gleaming in your eyes Mr. Franklin the tests went well?” Jordan asks.<
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  “Very.” He glances at Ryder, “Tell me where you got the ore used to create the test samples?”

  “The Temple Mines in Michigan,” she replies, drawing his gaze back to her.

  “I’ve heard of them, we’ve never used them because of the impurities,” William sips on his water.

  “What did your tests show, William?” Ryder asks.

  “Exactly what Ms. Regent said they’d show. Stronger, lighter steel. Why are you selling this and not using your husband's plan to build an empire?” he demands.

  “I don’t want an empire. This has brought nothing but death and destruction to my family. As I explained earlier, Barnaby Steel wants the design.” She glances at Ryder, not sure how much to tell him.

  He grips her hand gently asking, “May I?”

  “Of course,” she nods and reaches for her own water. The trembling isn’t lost on William as she struggles to compose herself.

  “Jordan’s husband was murdered two years ago for this design.”

  William’s eyes widen, though not with surprise. “I can see why.”

  “What?” Jordan gasps.

  “Forgive me, my dear, but you do not understand what you’ve brought me. A lesser man would kill you and take the design and never look back.” His eyes flash and he doesn’t miss the way Ryder sits back and unbuttons his jacket.

  “As if I’d be stupid enough to bring the design with me,” Jordan snaps back. “You try anything, and I’ll make such a scene that every man in this room will jump to help!” Rage ripples through her at the thought of him hurting Ryder.

  Both men stare at her in astonishment and she slams her glass down on the table. “After he killed my husband, he drugged my parents, and set fire to the brownstone with my six-year-old sister inside. Orson Barnaby took my injured sister as his prisoner and used her as bait, letting me think she was dead. He tried to break me and almost succeeded,” Jordan’s voice breaks and she looks at Ryder with a plea in her eyes. “I can’t…” she whispers. He grips her hand in his, offering his support.


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