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A Tale of Two Horns (Corent City Tales Book 1)

Page 4

by Hannah Walker

  Taking his first bite, he looked at his pmail program. His spoon dropped from his hand, back into the bowl with a splash. His heart thundering, he reached blindly for his phone. Three taps of his hand on the table and it was dialing Matt. He switched to speakerphone and laid the phone down, not trusting his shaking hands.

  “You not asleep yet?” Matt’s voice came through laughing. “Charlie?”

  “He replied…” Just saying those words were freaking Charlie out as he stared at the unread messages. There, at the top, was one from Callum Davidson.

  “Who did?” Matt’s voice sobered, picking up on Charlie’s unease.

  “Davidson.” Charlie was struggling not to panic.

  “What did he say?”

  “I don’t know. I can’t open it. I’m scared.” Charlie confessed.

  “Hold on.” Matt hung up on him.

  Two minutes later, Matt came racing in the door, his large bundle of keys hanging from his finger. They’d always had keys to each other’s houses from the moment they’d moved out of home. “Charlie?”

  “In here.” Charlie was still staring at the laptop, the pmail unopened, his dinner abandoned.

  Matt came storming in, and had it been any other time, Charlie might have teased him.

  “I know it’s bad if you aren’t mentioning what I’m wearing.” Matt grinned and struck a pose. He had on a mismatched pair of slippers, one a unicorn, the other a witch’s hat. They’d both bought each other the pairs as a joke last King’s Day, one of the most important holidays in the paranormal calendar, and similar to humans Christmas. On his legs, he wore thermal rainbow long-johns, a thermal red grandad top, and over that, he wore his ceremonial witch’s cape, with a fluffy pompom hat.

  Charlie managed a grin. “You look ridiculous, you know that, right?”

  “What? I could tell it was an emergency, I grabbed what was at hand. Now—” Matt took the seat beside him, and grabbed Charlie’s hand— “You want to explain to me why you haven’t opened the pmail?”

  “I’m scared.”

  “Of what? Him saying no? Oh, Charlie.” Matt reached out and drew Charlie into his arms, running a soothing hand down his back. “You won’t know what he says until you read it. Yes, he might say no, but you know what?”

  “What?” Charlie mumbled against Matt’s shoulder.

  “He’s never done a signing before, has he?”

  “Not that I know of. I know lots of the big chain bookstores have asked him, but he’s always said no. Plus, because he’s self-published, he doesn’t have a publisher forcing him into these things.”

  “Well, there you go. If he says no, it’s probably just the same as every other time. I don’t want you to take it personally if he does. It’s not you.”

  “What, it’s him? Bit of a cliché, isn’t it?” Charlie snorted.

  “Yes, but in this case, it’s true.” Matt pushed him back, so he could look into his eyes. “Now, how about we open the pmail together and see what he actually says, rather than worrying about it, hmm?”

  Charlie took a long breath and pushed back from Matt. Squaring his shoulders, he pulled his chair in and woke the laptop back up. Moving the cursor over the pmail, his hand trembled slightly. With a supreme force of will, he clicked the button.

  Dear Mr. Taylor,

  Thank you for your pmail. I have to say I was delighted to read some mail from a pmail address. It’s the first I’ve received. Now, as I’m sure you are aware, I typically say thank you, but no thank you to all event invitations. That being said, you are the first one I have received from a pmail address. Therefore, it’s my absolute pleasure to agree to attend your release day event for ‘A Date with Death.’ I am presuming you mean in Corent City? Please let me know the exact details and whether you need me to bring any stock. I look forward to seeing you soon.


  Callum Davidson.

  Charlie slumped back into his seat, and simply stared at his laptop screen. Beside him, Matt was just as speechless. “I never expected…” He shook his head. “I mean, even Knox told me I should pmail him, but I thought there was no point. I didn’t think he’d reply, let alone agree to come.”

  “Wait a minute, when did you see Knox again, and why is this the first time I’m hearing about it?” Matt reached out and smacked him on the hand. “You know better. You’re supposed to dish the details on any interaction with a hottie. You’re failing in the friend department here, Charlie Choo.” Matt was shaking his head sadly.

  “Aww, Minx, don’t be like that. I literally bumped into him this morning.” Charlie quickly filled his friend in as he looked at the congealed remains of what had been an unappetizing dinner to start with.

  Matt rolled his eyes and grabbed his phone. A couple of clicks later, he looked up and smiled. “Pizza is on the way. I think a celebration is in order, don’t you?”

  “You’re the best friend ever.” Charlie gave Matt an over the top kiss on his cheek.

  “I know I am. Now, you have lots of planning to do. This, my friend, changes everything about your event.”

  “Oh, shit. What am I going to do?” Charlie’s wild-eyed expression betrayed his nerves.

  “You’re going to sit there, let the news soak in, eat some pizza, and think. You’ve got this— your events always rock. We’ll come up with something extraordinary. Be warned though, I’ve texted Mama and told her I’m staying here for the night. You need help.”

  “Thanks, Minx, I love you.”

  “Love you too— ooh, pizza!”

  The unmistakable chime of an incoming magical delivery sounded out from Matt’s phone. Thirty seconds later, two steaming hot pizzas appeared on the table, fresh from the oven. Charlie let loose with a loud groan. The smell of his favorite ranch pizza drifted from the box, and he grabbed it. The barbecue chicken and bacon mix was heaven in a slice. Add in the gooey stuffed crust, and there wasn’t much that was better. Well, unless you counted sex, and seeing as that wasn’t on the menu anytime soon, he would just have to rely on pizza to get his high.

  Charlie took a bite and sat back with a contented sigh. He grabbed a pad and pen, ready to take notes as needed. They brainstormed as they ate. “So, we have the servers and staff dressed as cops, both in uniform and in copies of the suit Detective Delicious likes to wear. Some will be dressed as a shadowy figure, aka our serial killer. I’m thinking of having one or two in turnout pants. We have a raffle with the cardboard cutout of the cover, winning the book series, and so on. I’ve already organized with Whisps and Whirls to have mini cakes with edible mini handcuffs, police badges, firemen insignias, and fire hoses on them. They’re making EMT themed drinks, alcoholic, non-alcoholic, and magical. Casper at the blood bank has donated a pint of synthetic blood, and we’re doing a mock crime scene. Guess the weapon that did it, and you win gift vouchers. So, what else can we do?”

  Matt whistled. “Nothing else, because damn, this is going to be one hell of a release party. You’re going to need to section an area off so that he can sign books. You’ll need to work out how long he’s prepared to sign them for. You should make sure you have plenty of stock of all the series. When people find out he’s going to be there, I can see them getting the complete set.”

  “Shit, good point. I can order them on a rush forty-eight hour delivery. I’ll need to check if he wants to bring his own stock for that though, or how he wants the sales to be split if he brings his own.” He was scribbling notes as fast as possible. “Anything else?”

  “Well, you have the original party set for eleven to one in the morning. What about extending it from nine to one? That way you can give him time to sign and chat with people if he wants. You’re going to need to see what he’s comfortable with, though. He might not want to do lots. But if you could get him to do a reading, that would be amazing.”

  Charlie snorted. “At least he won’t have to read out a sex scene. Oh, I can beg him to let me know when Detective Delicious and the hottie fireman are going
to get it together. It had better be soon. I’m getting sexually frustrated on their behalf!” He shared a look with Matt and they both burst out laughing.

  “You’re frustrated full stop. You’ll have to try and flirt with our mysterious author. Can you imagine getting an in with him and reading advanced copies, or ARCs?” Matt’s eyes widened. “Oh, we have to ask if there is such a list. I’d have his baby for that.”

  “Uh, Matt, you can’t have babies, you don’t have the right equipment.”

  “Minor detail.” Matt grinned around the slice of cake he’d found, the pizzas long since demolished as they’d brainstormed.

  “That’s gross.” Charlie’s nose wrinkled as Matt just laughed. Catching sight of the clock, Charlie groaned. “I need sleep.”

  Matt was suddenly a whirlwind, getting rid of the trash and tidying up the kitchen as Charlie shut everything down. Within a few minutes, they were both up the stairs, Charlie in his room, Matt in what Charlie referred to as Matt’s cave. As soon as his head hit the pillow, he was asleep.

  Chapter Six

  Yawning, Charlie walked down the street. He could have done with more sleep, but he still had a spring in his step and a smile on his face. He’d jumped out of bed, full of hope and happiness. He’d typed up his notes and returned Callum’s pmail. As well as outlining his plans, and making other suggestions, he’d asked for Callum’s input. He wanted it to be good for the author as well as for him. He knew some bookshops only ever cared about their bottom line, but he and Evie weren’t like that. They wanted the readers, the customers, the authors that visited, to come away from any event happy. It wasn’t all about the money. For him, it was about the love of books.

  Waving at Sam and Alfie, he grinned when they beckoned him over.

  “Here, lad, I think you might like these.” Sam gestured to the drink and bag on the table.

  Picking up the bag, he sniffed, his eyes widening. “Carrot cake?”

  “That’s the one you like, isn’t it?” Sam lifted a brow.

  “It is. Thank you, this is the perfect start to the day.” Charlie cradled the bag to his chest. “This will keep me going.”

  “You look better this morning,” Alfie commented dryly.

  “I had some good news. The event I’m hosting next week, well, the author, Callum Davidson, has agreed to come.” Charlie bounced slightly on the balls of his feet. He caught a look pass between the two old men. “What?”

  “Have you ever met him?” Sam narrowed his eyes.

  “No, why? I don’t think anyone has.” Charlie looked back and forth between the two men. “Or do you know something that I don’t?”

  “No, no, just me being old.” Sam shrugged. “Now, where are my gorgeous babies? Is your sister late today?”

  “Is she not in?” Charlie looked towards his shop, seeing it all fully locked up. “I hope the twins didn’t keep her up again. She’s been so tired lately.”

  “Evie still worried about Lane?” Alfie’s face fell.

  Charlie really wanted to say something about Lane coming home soon, about what Knox had told him, but some inner instinct kept him silent. The last thing he wanted to do was to get Knox into trouble. Especially because Alfie and Sam were ex-PAF and they still had plenty of contacts. He didn’t blame Knox at all for talking to his brother. Shit, if he had a chance for Evie to talk to Lane, he’d do anything to arrange it. Pulling himself back into the moment, he looked at Sam and Alfie, sadness in his eyes. “She is. It’s hard on her, especially with the kittlings so young.”

  Alfie reached out, patting him on the hand. “Being PAF is always hard on the family, but she has you, she has her babies, and she has us. That will help. You know she can always talk to us if she would like. We’ll need to be careful, make sure that we don’t say too much, but we can reassure her about certain things that are in place to ensure the safety of those working in the groups.”

  “You would?” Charlie smiled. “I’d really appreciate that.”

  “I’ll come by and see her later. Now, you’d better get to work and start getting yourself sorted for your event. If you need any help, just give us a shout. Make sure we get our invites.”

  “You’re coming?”

  “Of course we are. Why wouldn’t we be here to support you?” Sam looked genuinely confused.

  A flash of respect and admiration swamped Charlie. He was surrounded by people who cared, deeply. “Thank you.” He reached out and squeezed Sam’s hand, trying to communicate without words just how grateful he was. With a final wave, he unlocked the door with his free hand, hip-checking the door open.

  Smiling as he shut the door behind him, he looked around his shop. A thrill went through him, the same as he always felt whenever he considered the fact this was his baby, his and Evie’s. Humming to himself as he set up for the morning, he raced for Evie the moment she came in. Pulling her away from the babies’ stroller, he lifted her and spun her around and around. She tipped her head back laughing.

  “Let me go, you pest. What’s got you so happy this morning?”

  “Do you never check your messages?” Charlie tsked. “He said yes!”

  “Who said yes? To what?” She waved at Danny, Faith, and Jasper, who were all giggling at their uncle’s antics.

  “Callum Davidson said yes! He’s coming to the release party.” Charlie finally put Evie down, but started to dance her around the shop, reaching for Danny’s hand as he gestured he wanted in.

  Evie’s eyes widened for a moment before she let out a whoop of delight. “Oh, my gods, are you serious?”

  “Yes!” Charlie cried out, doing a shimmy across the floor.

  “Holy shit, that’s… I’m speechless. I never expected him to agree. How the ancestors did you manage to pull that one off?” She picked up the twins and started to dance with them as Charlie took Danny by the hands.

  “I have no idea, but I’m happy. This is big, Sis, I mean really big.” Charlie turned to try and look at her, but Danny wanted more dancing, something he was happy to oblige in.

  “Let me get these two into their playpen and you can tell me everything,” Evie called, managing to dodge the flying stuffed unicorn flung in her direction energetically by Jasper. “Little terror.” She softened her words by kissing him sweetly on the forehead.

  A more upbeat tune came over the radio, and Charlie bent at the waist, dancing around with Danny, who was singing at the top of his voice, happy as anything. It had been a while since he’d seen his nephew this happy. He was missing his daddy, so Charlie didn’t have the heart to do anything other than smile widely and encourage him. Shimmying his ass back and forth, he sang with Danny, living in the moment, and loving every minute of it. Picking Danny up, he spun as Danny giggled.


  Round and round they went, slowing down until Charlie fumbled to a stop, eyes wide, mouth open, a blush spreading across his cheeks. “Oh, umm, sorry? I didn’t hear anyone come in.”

  Leaning against the wall by the door, legs crossed at the ankles, stood Knox, one side of his lips tipped up into a smile, dimples on full display. “I could tell.” Knox pushed off from the wall and strode towards them, exuding a sexy confidence that Charlie could never hope to achieve. “What are we celebrating? There has to be good news to be this happy first thing in the morning?”

  Danny started to slip down as Charlie’s grip on him loosened. Knox reached out, plucking Danny from Charlie’s arm, and setting him on his hip, while tickling him under his chin. “And how are you, Master Danny, on this beautiful morning?”

  Danny’s eyes lit up. “Hot Choc Man! Mallows?”

  Knox chuckled. “As much as I would love to get you a hot chocolate with marshmallows, I think both your mom and uncle wouldn’t be too happy. It’s a little early. I tell you what, if I get a chance to pop in later, I’ll see if I can sneak you in a treat.”

  Danny pursed his lips, considering Knox’s words. “Okay,” he finally conceded, wriggling to get down. Knox let hi
m go.

  “Good morning.” Knox’s full attention shifted to Charlie. “You look especially happy today. You didn’t say what you’re celebrating?”

  “You remember telling me to send that author a pmail? Well….” Charlie’s eyes danced with happiness. “He responded.” Knox went to reply, but Charlie held up a finger, stopping him as a customer walked in. “Give me a minute?”

  “Of course.” Knox resumed his position leaning against the wall as Charlie helped the customer.

  “You’re having that party, aren’t you?” Freddie, a vampire, checked.

  “We are, next Friday night. Are you coming?” Charlie asked.

  “You bet, I want a crack at the crime scene. I’d like to think I know blood patterns,” Freddie winked, making Knox laugh. “Besides, I want to get my hands on a certain detective as soon as possible. I’m hoping he finally gets it together with Teaks, the fireman. I swear if they don’t get it together soon, I might combust.”

  Charlie grinned. “It’s not fair, is it? How can they not be together yet?”

  “If it doesn’t happen soon, we need to club together, find out who and where Callum Davidson is, kidnap him, and hold him for ransom until he agrees to make them kiss,” Freddie growled, his long fangs dropping from his gums. “It’s so bloody frustrating!”

  Charlie caught sight of Knox, who was smirking away at the pair of them. He narrowed his own eyes, making Knox’s smile deepen, flashing those damn dimples again. Charlie forced his attention back on Freddie. “I take it you want me to reserve you some books?”


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