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Roll the Dice: The River Demons Louisiana MC Book 2

Page 13

by Brair Lake


  Flash watches me. Her gaze steady, then she leans over the counter her voice low. “Hurt Bastian. And that pretty face of yours will have a new canvas.”

  I smile as my gaze glides over the fake blonde. “Bastian’s a big boy.”

  Her eyes are cold as she returns my stare. “He is. And he’s never acted like this before.”

  I pass the blonde a glass of cold water and watch as she takes a drink. “Bastian said he’s never been in love.”

  The whore turns to Bastian. Her painted lips straight. “No.” Then she turns back to me. “People think he’s a soft touch. He’s not. Neither is he as innocent as you may think. He didn’t get to where he is by being nice.”

  I shrug as I place a glass of bourbon on a tray, “Bastian and I know where we stand.”

  “I’m sure you do. Do you have those drinks ready?”

  The riverboat sways gently against its docking station and I watch Firebird’s back as she switches off the main overhead light. She then turns to me and her smile is infectious. “Are you ready?” The only illumination in the casino comes from the lights behind the bar. It’s an hour since we docked, and the last customers left thirty minutes ago.

  I return her smile through a yawn. “Yeah. But if I fall asleep. Don’t wake me.”

  When was the last time you worked a bar?”

  Another yawn has me shaking my head. “When I was in college. Shit, I don’t remember it being this grueling just to pour beer and whisky.” I chuckle as Firebird arches an eyebrow. “Okay, I was younger then.”

  Firebird nods. “That must be a decade or two ago.”

  “Cheek.” I arch my back and stretch my toes inside my boots. “A couple more nights and I’ll have this mastered.”

  Firebird smiles. Then it slips as she sits on one of the bar stools. “The party can wait. Pass me a beer and get one for yourself.”

  The beer fizzes as I remove the tops and I pass the bottle to Firebird as I sit on the stool next to hers. “Poppy will be fine. “I’ll take good care of her.”


  “The weekend we’re away. I’ll look after your little sister.”

  The redhead takes a sip of her beer, then licks the beer from her lips. “Poppy can look after herself. What did Flash want?”

  “A chat.”

  “About what?”

  “I’m a big girl, Firebird. I can take care of myself.”

  “Maybe. But it’s nice to have someone in your corner.”

  I take a swallow of my own beer. “She just warned me about hurting Bastian.”

  Firebird studies me and the smile in her eyes is missing. “She’s one of his favorites and they used to spend a lot of time together.”

  I take another swallow of my beer. “Did they. Bastian told me he’s never had a steady girlfriend.”

  Firebird chuckles as she takes a long sip of her drink. “I’d agree with him. Flash isn’t girlfriend material. But I hear she’s good in bed and she is one of the favorites amongst the Bikers.”

  “And because Bastian’s one of the top dogs, it gives her rank.” I’ve noticed how the hierarchy works around here, even with the women.

  “Yeah. Believe it or not. It’s a good status. One she’ll be unwilling to lose without a fight.”

  “Thanks. Firebird. I’ll keep an eye out for knives in my back.”

  Firebird rises from her seat and nods. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Now, Come on. The party won’t last forever.”


  Bastian – Demon’s Lair Noir Valley

  Eve was still sleeping when I left her to attend the impromptu meeting Day has called. The Skull Collectors have been up to their usual tricks and it appears that although they have set up base thirty miles outside of Noir Valley. It is official. They are out for revenge. Since Spanish Pete’s death a couple of years ago, Jono has continued to cause us problems. However, there hasn’t been anything as dire as Spanish Pete’s murder. Mostly it’s just mild disturbances. Such as riding through the town at night. Partying when they shouldn’t be. But now they are moving into our business. Although we mainly courier drugs, we have a few select customers who we sell to and the Skull Collectors have the audacity to believe they can move in on our territory.

  “It’s gone on long enough, Day. It’s time we did something.” I watch the president of the River Demons as he taps his fingers. He nods as I continue to stare, then I turn to the club’s Sergeant at Arms. “Don’t you agree, Leon.”

  Leon turns from the window. First, he glances over to Day, then he’s looking at me. “We’ve let them run circles around us long enough. We have staff who can manage the boat while we stay on land. Clear up this mess”

  Day continues to tap his fingers. His gaze stares blankly at the wall behind me. “Or we could let the Skull Collectors and Jono have the drugs.”

  I stop pacing as I turn to Day. If it wasn’t for his lopsided smile, I would have believed he meant what he just said. “Explain.”

  “We need rid of Jono and his men. He can have it.”

  TJ’s scowl deepens “And the catch. -There better be a fucking catch.”

  Day meets TJ’s stare, then he pushes his back against the back of his chair. “We give them enough rope to hang themselves.”

  I run my hand through my hair. “And how the fuck do you plan to do that?”

  Day turns his gaze to me. His gaze cold. “Bernie owes us. He’s in pretty deep with the tables. We call in the favors.”

  I scratch my cheek. Bernie is the town’s police commissioner. It’s well known he visits the boat on a regular basis. But just how much does his family know. “Don’t use Flash.”

  Alex shuffles his feet. “She’s our best.”

  I nod at him. “I know. And sometimes the best puts others on guard. TJ compile a list of women for the job. We’ll take it from there.”

  TJ nods. “I’m sure Kit and I can find a worthy candidate.”

  “I want Bastian in the meeting.” The scrape of Day’s chair as he pushes it back signals church is over.

  I glance over to TJ just as he is leaving the room and he gives a nod.

  Disappointed Eve hasn’t returned any of my calls or texts, I slip my cellphone back into my front jean pocket as there isn’t time for me to do anything about it. As I ease into the large chair behind the office desk, I watch TJ and Kit walk in. We’re set to sail in a couple of hours and tonight I’m working. By the time I get to see Eve again, it will be over twenty-four hours since I last saw her. My cock twitches. A sharp reminder it’s going to be several more hours before I sink into her body again. As I watch TJ and Kit settle into chairs on the opposite side of the desk, I file Eve away. Although she’s never far from my mind, this is not the time to dwell over the woman. With a smile and a thanks, I accept a beer from Alex. “Have you a list of possible candidates.”

  TJ chuckles as he removes several pieces of paper and hands them out. He scratches his head, then leans back in his seat, crossing his ankle over his knee. The chair squeaks and I squint. Sure it’s about to give way beneath his weight. “Never thought I’d be playing matchmaker. If this works, I might set up one of those dating agencies.” TJ turns to Alex. “There’s money in this game. Legal prostitution. How about it, Kit. I bet Data could set up one those websites.”

  Kit chuckles as he reads his list. “Just keep my name off it.”

  “Don’t be like that. Just think of those soccer Moms. Gagging for it”

  Kit shakes his head. “They’d run for the hills when I asked them for what I want.”

  “What about you, Bastian. Should I see who I can fit you up with?” TJ chuckles. “Has to be about five ten. A brunette with a sassy smile.” TJ places his hands in front of his chest and jiggles them up and down. “Needs to be big in the tittie department.”

  “Leave Eve alone. And let’s get back to the job in hand.”

  “You think I was describing Eve.” TJ tilts his head. “Tell m
e, Man. Are you gonna claim her? Not that I don’t mind. I’m all for the competition dwindling out of the fuck race.”

  Ignoring the crack about Eve, I spread the sheet of paper TJ handed out, over the table. “The club will go on a binge if some poor sucker takes you on?” Kit chuckles and I look directly at TJ. “You got anyone in mind.”

  “Nope. That’s one road I intend to take wide and avoid. Fancy Free. That’s me. Hell, have you seen the women at the club? Some of the best pussy in Noir Valley. If not the State.” TJ winks. “Now why would I want to deprive those lovely ladies of this immaculate specimen of manhood. No, Bastian. You take monogamy and I’ll keep partying. After all. Someone will need to vet the members for my new dating service.” TJ places his finger and thumb in a letter C and spreads them out in front of him. “What do you think? Sugar and Spice where vanilla meets sinella.” I shake my head as I return my attention to the paper in front of me.

  “If this works out. We’ll discuss your project.” I raise an eyebrow. “Although I think I’ll go with TJ’s Harem. The Escapees.”

  “Hey. Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.”

  “Bernie. TJ.”

  “Yeah. Hell, it wasn’t easy putting this list together.”

  “But you did it.”

  “Yeah. Well with Data’s help.”

  “Shit. TJ. The less people who know what we’re doing the better.”

  “I know. But we need someone who’s Bernie’s type.” TJ scratches the side of his nose. “You know who turned out to be the perfect candidate. Ma Keys.”

  I blink as I hold my snort back. “Shit, TJ, for your sake, I hope her name’s not on the list.”

  TJ shakes his head. “Although if they should meet by chance....”

  “Forget it. We want someone young. Someone nubile who doesn’t mind being filmed. Shit, Ma Keys is at least twenty years older than me.”

  TJ’s eyebrow arches. “Yeah, Yeah, I know. For her age, she’s still a looker.” As the idea that TJ might be on to something begins to sink in, I shake my head, dispelling the notion altogether. His smile sinks to the pit of my stomach. “Tell me you wouldn’t jump her.”

  I wipe my hand over my face. I know what I’m hearing is a figment of my imagination. “TJ. You got the hots for Oyster’s Mama?”

  His smile widens. “Why not. She’s been on her own for a while. I think after Bernie. I’ll make her my next priority. What kind of man do you think she’ll go for?”

  I wiggle my eyebrows. “Bernie.”

  “I think she’s got someone.” TJ and I gawk at Kit, who’s looking at his list. “TJ’s come up with six names.” Kit looks at me. “Which one do you think is the one?”

  There may only be six candidates on the list, but it takes several hours to dwindle it down to the hot favorite. “I’ll take this to Day.” I turn to look at TJ. His broad smile has me smiling in response. With a shake of my head, I turned to Kit. “Kit you talk to her. Brief her. Just don’t give too much away.”

  I find Day alone in the club’s saloon, sitting on one of the overstuffed chairs. A movie plays on the oversized TV screen and he drinks a beer. After grabbing a beer from the bar, I join him. “Is it any good.” I barely glance at the movie as I watch Day.

  “It’s okay.” He takes another swig of his beer without taking his gaze from the screen.

  I glance at the main door, then back at Day. “This thing with Poppy. You have it under control.”

  “Don’t worry about Poppy. I can handle it. What about Bernie?”

  I take another sip of my beer. My stomach twitches, and it has nothing to do with either Bernie or Eve.

  “You can talk about it, Day.”

  “It’s got nothing to do with the club.”

  “Fuck. It has everything to do with the club. It’s Firebird sister. That means Leon and TJ are involved. That makes it club business.”

  “Leon and I can handle it. If you need to know. Or it puts the club in jeopardy. I’ll tell you.”

  “Poppy’s living in my home. It’s time to tell me what’s going on.”

  “I’ll move her.”

  I lean back in my chair and run my hand through my hair. “She can stay where she is. There’s no need to upheaval her again.”

  “Good.” Day takes another sip of his beer. Then he turns his gaze to me. “You found someone for Bernie?”

  “TJ think’s Ma Key’s our lady.”

  Day sputters into his beer. His back curving forward as he chokes. “I fucking hope you’re joking.”

  I scratch my ear. “I’m not sure. But for now, we’ve managed to talk him out of it. It wasn’t easy.”

  “So, who’s the lucky girl?”


  Nutmeg’s newish to the club. An unknown quantity to Bernie and he’ll not suspect anything. He’s been after getting into her panties since she joined Demon’s Lair. Until now, we’ve kept her away from him. The young whore is moving into the big time and she holds our livelihood in her hands. Day purses his lips, then nods as he returns his attention back to the tv.

  I pull the bike up in front of the house but remain seated as a look at the two-story building. The shit is about to hit the fan and I’m unsure how Eve will react. She was okay about Poppy. But that was nothing compared to what was about to happen with the Skull Collectors. As I continue to stare at the house, the front door opens, and Eve is there. She has one of my tee-shirts on and the hem barely touches her thighs. As my gaze wanders over her legs, my heart hurts and I smile.

  Eve smiles back as she leans against the door jamb. “You staying there all day.”

  “I might if you make it worthwhile.”

  “Now. Why would I want to do that?” Eve moves away from the door and onto the path and my smile deepens.

  “Fancy a ride?”

  Her laughter is clear and carries over the morning air. “What kind of ride do you have in mind.”

  “One that’ll not leave you complaining.”

  Eve is close and her morning scent teases me, curling around me. My fingers itch to reach out to touch her. To stroke the flesh of her arms. The pulse at the base of her neck throbs and the coils in my stomach tighten. She’s in touching distance, yet I keep my hands in my lap. She tilts her head exposing the long line of her throat. If I was a vampire. I wouldn’t have held back as I sunk my teeth into the veins as they throbbed with life.

  “We can go into the house.” Her soft voice is too much, and I pull Eve in close and taste her lips. Mint toothpaste mingles with the shot of whiskey I had before leaving Demon’s Lair. I pull her body closer to mine and cup the flesh of her ass. The kiss is long and deep, and I search every crevice in her mouth as I taste her. With a sigh of regret, I pull back, releasing her from my grasp and climb off the bike.

  “Maybe later, Eve. I’ve a meeting in a couple of hours and I want to be fresh for it.”

  Chapter 13

  Eve – Eve’s Home Noir Valley

  “Hi, Eve. Sorry about the late appointment. Are you sure you don’t mind showing Sue-Ellen the house?”

  “Not at all. The quicker we sell. The sooner I leave Noir Valley.”

  I drop my cellphone and look out of the window. That was Charlene to let me know a prospective buyer was coming to look at the house. Due to a previous engagement, she was unable to attend the viewing and had asked if I was happy to show the buyer around. As I watch the white sports car drive down the road, I stifle my sigh. Oliver had rung earlier. A problem has cropped up with the building project and he’s asked me to go back to Washington to sort it out. The temptation to refuse his request had lingered on my tongue. Recalling how distracted Bastian is, I decided to accept the offer. My flight to Washington is booked for the end of the week. The white car pulls onto the drive and I watch as the occupant climbs out of the driver’s side. The straight blonde hair pulled back into a braid enhances the classic beauty of her face. A beauty which will not fade with age. As she walks to the door, I make a mental note sh
e is the ninth person to view the house. That’s not counting Bastian and Marilyn’s offer. I bite my tongue as I watch the blonde. Is she another timewaster and has she been sent on behalf Bastian and The River Demons? When the bell rings, my smile slips into place and I turn to the door. “Flash.”


  Flash watches me as I hesitate to invite her in. No one warned me how I would be inundated with people just curious to see the inside of the house. “Do you plan to make an offer on the house.”

  Flash smiles, but it doesn’t reach her eyes. Her neck stretches as she glances over my shoulder. “Let me have a look around and I let you know.”

  “You do know you’re not the first buyer Bastian has sent to the house. I’ll tell you now. I have no intentions of selling to either Bastian or The River Demons.”

  Flash glides past me, giving me no choice but to open the door further as she steps into the hallway. “Sounds like you don’t trust him, Eve.”

  I shrug as I close the door and follow her to the bottom of the stairs. “Want to start upstairs.”

  Her smile coils the nerves in my stomach as she looks down the hallway, then up the stairs. With one last look at me, she nods, and I follow as she mounts the stairs. There are three bedrooms and two bathrooms upstairs. Flash checks out the bathrooms first, nods, then turns to the first empty room. After a swift look around, she opens the door to the second empty room and closes it without saying anything. Then she’s opening the door to the room Bastian and I use. This time she steps into the room and drops her purse onto the bed. “You don’t have much furniture.”

  “I’m not planning on stopping.”

  Flash strolls to the dresser and picks up my hairbrush. “Does Bastian know?”


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