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He's the One

Page 15

by Jane Beckenham

  "So you started Creative Weddings."

  "Something like that,” she agreed.

  "Good on you."

  A slow smile tilted the corners of Taylor's mouth. “Yeah, good on me.” Tiny at first, a tinkling sound erupted from her throat, then a full, hearty belly rumble brewed down deep, bubbling up until she couldn't hold it back any longer.

  "No one has ever spoken to my mother like that."

  "Tough. First time for everything."

  "That's what got us here in the first place,” Taylor said softly.

  "Mm.” Cade slid over the seat toward her and wrapped her in his arms. “Usually, after the first time, there's a second time."

  "I think we've already had that,” she countered playfully, hands resting on his chest. She could feel the heat beneath her fingertips, the thrust of his pulse. She swallowed hard.

  "Who's counting?"

  "Not me."

  "I was hoping you'd say that."

  "Then what are you waiting for?"

  "This.” And his mouth claimed hers. Hot. Fast. Furious. And total. Gathered in his arms, Taylor felt as if she'd come home. This was what she had been waiting for. Not just for the last few days, but since forever.

  "Delicious,” Cade murmured as his mouth moved over hers, hands in her hair. He pulled the pins from her hair. “I've been waiting all afternoon to do this.” In seconds, her hair cascaded around her shoulders. He buried his face in the loosened strands. “You smell of violets and roses."

  "Very poetic."

  "I am, aren't I?” he said, dotting tiny kisses along her eyelids.

  Taylor sighed. This was beautiful and arousing. But it wasn't enough. She wanted more. “I want you, Cade. Inside me,” she whispered as her tongue lathed a sweet path along the curve of his ear, nipping his lobe.

  She felt a tremor ripple through him.


  "Anywhere.” Her hands fumbled with his shirt, pulling it free. Higher and higher. She smiled, sliding the tip of her tongue across her lips. His chest heaved, his breathing was labored. She'd caused that. It felt good. She had power over him. Sweet, delicious, sinful power.

  Taylor hadn't realized how exciting sex in a confined space could be. The windows steamed up and her body zinged with unbridled anticipation.

  "My turn, I believe,” Cade drawled. He slid the zip on the back of her dress down with infinite ease. “Oh, yeah!” His breath hung on the air, thick with promise, his eyes roaming over her—all over. “I wondered?” He leant forward and kissed her, gently, at the apex of her breasts, just above the lace bow. Taylor's neck arched back. She gloried in him.

  "I hoped,” he said, eyes gazing at the lacy concoction she wore.

  Lifting herself up, Taylor slid one leg over Cade. The moment she lowered herself, her sex met his potent force. Clothes might have not existed, the molten heat burgeoning between them so explosive.

  As her legs spread wide, and she balanced against Cade, her dress rose up.

  Outside, a soft breeze fluttered around the lone vehicle and the shriek of an owl pierced the silence.

  Taylor shuddered.

  "Maybe the ghost of the mountain is with us,” Cade teased.

  Goosebumps slithered up and down her bare skin.

  "Hey, I'm here.” And he took her in his arms, rekindling his kisses, hands cupping her breasts, teasing one nipple between his fingers.

  "I want you.” A simple statement, potent and full of promise and anticipation. Taylor reached for Cade's zip, sliding it down. He chuckled, “My, how things have changed."

  Her hands stilled.

  "No, don't stop."

  Taylor reached for him, feeling the throbbing power of him in her hand. Her thumb brushed across the tip, and Cade let out a shuddering moan.

  "I've created a teaser."

  "You taught me well,” she responded. “Lift me."

  "Your wish is my command.” Cade cupped her buttocks, his warm fingers kneading her flesh as he did as he was told. She brought the head of him to her center, paused for a second reveling in the sensation as she brushed the tip against her wetness. Then she pushed down. Hard. Fast. Taking all of him.

  Her muscles gripped him, thighs tightening as best she could, and rocked. Not gentle, but a frantic race to the finish line. He sucked at her nipples, lathing the buds ‘til they ached, and as he moved from one to the other, the cold air hardened them further.

  "Not fair, I want to touch you,” Taylor gripped his shoulders and leaned forward.

  "Baby, you already have all of me.” And he pushed himself deeper.

  But Taylor reached down between them, girding the base of his erection with her fingers. She trailed her nails across his slick skin, felt the force of his shudder rip through him, to her as she, too, reached her fantasy. Cade—loving her.

  Taylor couldn't speak, overwhelmed instead by feelings and emotions. She stared down at Cade. Really looked at him. This man had stood up for her, taken her side, when no one ever had. He believed in her work, liked it—which was good. Cade cared enough to help her with something so personal, something he'd made so exquisite, she'd never forget for as long as she lived.

  She kissed the tip of his chin. “Thank you for making it special."

  "Just doing what a knight in shining armor does,” he responded. Then, he kissed her back. One long, sweet kiss, full of tenderness and joy and loving.

  A heavy contented sigh slid from her lips.

  Her knight. It had a certain ring to it.

  "Cade, I...” Taylor slammed her lips closed. She'd nearly said it. Oh, my God. The words were on the tip of her tongue, wrapped right around her heart. Three words. Words that until that very moment she hadn't realized were there, or even a part of her.

  She loved Cade Harper.

  Really loved him.

  How was it possible in just a few days? Did love happen like that? Instantly. Where was the courtship, the slow to grow love? This was hot, deep, lustful. Yet it was still real.

  She couldn't tell him. Cade didn't believe in love or marriage. He'd said so. And besides, it wasn't part of the bargain they'd made.

  What a fool she'd been. She'd done the one thing she said she wouldn't do. She'd fallen for the guy. Fallen for a man who didn't want her.

  Cade was the ultimate love and leave ‘em kinda guy, not someone who'd stay. Taylor didn't want part time. She wanted a permanent man.

  She did?

  That surprised her. Right up until this very minute Taylor hadn't believed she wanted anything. She had never let herself think about it, well, not really.

  Yes, you have. Every time you watch your brides walk down the aisle, you imagine it's you.

  Totally bewildered by the raw feelings flooding through her, Taylor closed her eyes. She didn't want Cade reading her thoughts, seeing into her soul.

  Scare him off!


  She shuddered. What was she doing? Half naked up a mountain with a man who had no use for her—well only one use, and that would break her heart—eventually.

  "I have to get out of here.” Unscrambling herself from Cade's embrace, Taylor skittered across the seat, pulling clothes after her. She wrenched the door open, climbed out into the night and slipped on her dress.

  "What are you doing?"

  "Exactly what I should have done earlier, instead of listening to my hormones. I'm going home."

  "You can't walk home at this time of night."

  "There's plenty of light."

  "Walking down the side of a mountain?"

  "A small hill,” she corrected.

  "Whatever.” Cade glanced over the near vertical drop that wound down the extinct volcano. “You'll break your damned neck."

  "Not a problem; that'll let you off the hook."

  "What the hell are you talking about, Taylor?"

  She shook her head. “Nevermind, pass me my purse.” She shrugged on her jacket and battled to stop her teeth chattering at the same time.

sp; "No."

  "Give it to me, Cade.” She held out her hand.

  "Get in Taylor. I'll take you home. Bloody women. Never can figure them out."

  "Dead right there,” she said. “You're right, of course. Walking down Mt. Victoria in the dead of night would be foolish. Silly me.” She closed the door, but kept herself well and truly on the other side of the vehicle.


  Taylor kept her eyes riveted on the nothingness of the dark night. Her skin tingled just hearing the sound of his voice, the hairs on her arms prickling. Her mouth went dry and as she wiped her lips with her tongue.

  Dumb move. She could taste him—all over again.

  Cade reached out for her, but she pushed herself toward the door. “No touching, Cade."

  "That's not what you said a minute ago. You wanted me to touch you—everywhere,” he said, his voice husky and salted with the aftermath of sex.

  "It's over. We've concluded our business deal. You've the plans you need so you can open the new bar, and I've..."

  "Had sex."

  "Don't be crass."

  "Why not? You've reduced it to that level."

  "I ... I'm sorry, that wasn't what I meant."

  "Then what did you mean? Wham, bam, thank you, Cade?"

  "What did you expect? That I'd fall for your charms, stay in bed a bit longer, until you decide it's over. Well, no way, that isn't how it's going to be. As of now our business association is terminated.” Taylor folded her arms across her chest, willing the evening to end and knowing Cade stared at her, confused and hurt, she couldn't take much more.

  "Please, Cade?” Taylor squeezed her eyes shut, forcing back the threat of tears.

  She loved him. Truly. Deeply. Totally. Yet she would keep that secret to herself. Cade had to figure out what he wanted first, and it couldn't just be her body.

  Lust wasn't love.

  Cade said he needed to see her, that he ached for her. Well, he had to figure out what that ache was.

  Chapter Thirteen

  "You ditched him? Taylor, are you absolutely nuts?” Nita punched the print key on the keyboard, while staring at her above the screen.

  Taylor remained mute. Oh, she was nuts all right. Completely bonkers in love with the guy, but she'd still walked away.

  Gathering up the printed emails, queries, bookings and replies regarding venues, et cetera, Nita handed them over to Taylor and sank back down on her chair. Her brows knitted. “I don't understand, Taylor. You fancy the pants off the guy, right?"

  Yep she'd done that—more than once. Taylor nodded, unable to stem the tide of heat flooding her cheeks.

  "So why say sayonara?"

  "Because that was the deal."

  "Blah, blah, deal-shmeal."

  "Look, we've got weddings coming out of our ears; I don't have time to discuss this."

  "You should."

  Taylor turned and rested her hands on her hips. She gave Nita a “Really” sort of stare. “Why exactly?"

  "Because you're turning into your mother. You're living your life for your past, not what could be, can be."

  Nita's observations were too close for comfort, and more than a tad uncomfortable with her assistant's intuitive analysis, Taylor looked away. “Don't be fanciful,” she said, trying to counter Nita's argument, aware of a sense of sinking in a quagmire of denial. “I know we're in the business of making fantasies come true, but that's for other people. Not me."

  Yeah. Yeah!

  "And why not?"

  "Just because, that's all. Now, let's get going. I've got to get to the caterers before ten."

  Gathering up her bag, Taylor made it quite clear to Nita she didn't want to discuss her love life any further, and thankfully, the young woman took the hint. But the trouble was, although Taylor wasn't verbalizing them, thoughts of Cade wouldn't abate.

  She loved him. It was as simple as that. And as complicated.

  She had put her life on hold for four years, lived it according to how others decreed. Now, she had to do it for herself, and Cade had to decide what he wanted.

  Hasn't he already?

  No. No. No. He had to decide. Her—or to hold onto his past, just as she had been doing.

  But first, Taylor had one more visit to make. A last one. She had to say goodbye to someone.

  * * * *

  Home to thousands of souls, all loved, all departed, the gently rolling contours of Schnapper Rock cemetery overlooked the western inlet of the Manukau harbor. It was a world of peace, with the soft caw of gulls flying overhead and the sway of the native trees shifting in the slight breeze. Everywhere, bouquets, potted plants and single stems dotted the landscape, every one of them left for someone gone from this world, but remembered by those left behind.

  Several narrow paths, just wide enough for a car to traverse, meandered through the park-like grounds. Taylor drove the path so well remembered and, as she tread across the grass, counting row upon row of gravestones, tears welled. A life cut down far too early, never having the chance to reach its potential.

  So very sad.

  Yet, Rob had been glad to go and had born his pain with dignity.

  He'd known her secret, though he'd never said a word. Just asked her to be happy. A momentous task when you're riddled with relief that they've gone, and you're still alive.

  Taylor had come to say goodbye and to ask for forgiveness.

  Bending down in front of his gravestone and seeing his name, the lettering worn by nature, Taylor cried.

  For Rob. For herself. For life.

  "I've found a man to love, Rob. A good man. Kind, considerate. But he doesn't want to love anyone. He hurts too much, so I've decided to go on, alone, and start living my life. You won't be forgotten, but I need to be me, not the person my parents wanted to mould me into.” Pushing herself up from the cushioning grass, Taylor brushed her hand across the top of the gravestone.

  It felt cold. Dead.

  The time had come to say a final goodbye.

  * * * *

  "You're going out dressed like that?” Nita's eyes bugged, and if Taylor hadn't been so darned nervous, she would have giggled at her assistant's astonished expression.

  "Something wrong?” she queried, trying for nonchalance.

  "You are joking aren't you?"

  "Do I look like it?"

  Nita shook her head.

  Taylor could understand her assistant's bafflement. She patted her hip. “Don't they look good. Is my behind too big?” she giggled, pirouetting full circle.

  "Big butt? You've got to be joking; though not much of it is covered."

  Taylor squirmed. Nita was dead right. “They're leather."

  "I can see that.” Nita eyed the shiny black shorts that appeared to be so tight they could have been painted on.

  They felt exactly as they looked. Too tight. And definitely very sexy.

  "Where on earth did you get biker shorts?"

  "We deal in fantasy,” Taylor said giving her a cheeky grin. “So, I hired them from a fancy dress shop. The top, too,” she said, thumbing the leather vest. The brass stud buttons wouldn't do right up and, unfortunately, left very little to the imagination. Taylor eyed her reflection in the full-length mirror—neither did the shorts. They were jailbait material.

  "How women can wear these on bikes, I haven't a clue; my butt is blue."

  "Sure is cute, though."

  "You think?” Taylor twisted again so she could see her rear in the mirror.

  "Oh, Lordy.” Heat scorched her cheeks, rising right to the roots of her hair.

  "See what I mean,” Nita chuckled.

  She sure did. Butterflies erupted into a tango in her stomach and beads of perspiration broke out on her forehead. She wiped the back of her palm across her eyes, pressing hard, willing the rampant wave of nerves in her gut to cease their frantic dance.

  "Being a bad girl is hard work. Maybe I shouldn't go."

  "Why not? You want to, don't you?"

  Taylor n
odded. She'd left her long hair loose and the thick tresses cascaded around her bare arms, and as it brushed against her skin, its texture sent a hot shiver up and down her spine.

  That's excitement, and anticipation, her subconscious chided.

  She did want to go. But for what reason? “Cade isn't interested in me. He would have contacted me otherwise.” Taylor heard the uncertainty in her voice. Nothing could cancel it out, and she'd been battling it for days.

  Yet here she was, ready to roll.

  Or fall.

  Nita clasped her hand. “The truth is I don't know, and neither do you. Men are a stubborn breed. Who knows what Cade is thinking?"

  "He wanted sex."

  "So did you."

  "I know. At first, but...” Love had got in the way.

  "Oh, my goodness,” Nita slapped a hand on her forehead, excited eyes twinkling with excitement. “I've got it. You've fallen for him, haven't you? You're in love with the hunk."

  Wordless, Taylor nodded.

  "So what are you doing here? Go get him."

  Lordy, this was way too hard. “What if he doesn't want me?"

  "Oh, he wants you."

  "Sex only. I don't want that, Nita. I want more."

  "Then make him want more. Teach him to want more."

  "Can I do that?"

  "Sure you can. Why are you going to the bar? I mean, I presume it's Cade's bar you're going to?"

  "What you mean is, why am I going dressed like this?"

  "Uh huh.” Nita gave her the once over—again.

  "They say a man lusts after what he can't have,” Taylor finally ceded.

  "And you intend Mr. Harper to be drooling."

  "Got it in one,” she smiled.

  "Cool. Now would it be a good time to ask for a pay rise?"

  Taylor laughed aloud, suddenly aware the rioting nerves she'd been battling a few seconds earlier had disappeared. Tonight was about her and Cade. She'd made her decision. She wanted to live.

  Gathering her nerves she walked to the door.

  "You're temptation all wrapped up in one, Taylor Sullivan."

  "You think?” she said, loving for the first the time the freedom to fantasize, to let go, even if it was just a little.

  "Cade is one lucky guy."

  Hand on the doorknob, Taylor halted. “Cade might see something he likes, but until he decides what he really wants, then this package isn't part of the deal."


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