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Page 10

by Jessie Cooke

  Jace laughed. He was too busy laughing to prep himself for what she did next. His head was suddenly trapped between her hard thighs and she used the muscles in them to force him down to the floor. He probably could have stopped her if he’d fought it, at least that’s what he told himself. But he had to admit that he was impressed with her strength and before he knew it, he was flat on his back and she was straddling his face. She pressed her lips down over his, until his entire face was buried between her legs. He no longer had the inner strength to tease her and he brought his tongue out and let it explore the folds and taste her tight tunnel. He pressed his tongue up into her as far as it would go and used his nose to tickle her clit. She was still gripping his head with her legs, but now bouncing up and down and moving back and forth against his face. He loved that she was so into it. He brought his hands up and pulled her cheeks apart from behind and held them open as he licked her from one intimate place to the next. She was gasping, cussing, and saying his name in a voice that was all breath and hot lust. She was expressing a desire that Jace thought no woman would ever feel for him, much less someone as beautiful, sexy, and hot as Beck.

  She began to pant harder and he felt her grip tighten on his hair. “Oh fuck, Jace. Oh fuck. I’m going to fucking explode.” He could feel her body shaking, and the idea that he was doing that to her was almost enough to give him his own orgasm, without even being touched. He moved his face and tongue back and forth quickly, feeling her engorged clit pulse against it and ignoring the pain in his scalp that she was now digging her fingers into. She relaxed slowly, releasing his head from the vise grip a little bit at a time, and then slid her body down so she was lying on his chest on the floor. He put his hands on her butt and ran them up her back to her shoulders and back down again, touching every part of her that he could reach as she slowly came down from her high and her normal breathing was restored. He could feel her heart slamming into his from the other side of her chest...and that was hot. But not as hot as when she lifted her head and began to lick and suck at his lips, cleaning her own juices off him. She finished with his tongue and then stood up and held her hand out to him. He took it and she helped him to his feet. As soon as he was standing she was pulling at his clothes again.

  It only took Jace seconds for his clothes to join hers in a pile on the floor. He kissed her again and then once again bent down to kiss and suck and her nipples. While he was doing that, she was walking backwards, leading him to the bed. As soon as her knees hit the back of it she took his face in her hands, pulled it up so she could look into his eyes, and said: “Fuck me, Jace.”

  He almost crushed her when he pushed her back on the bed. He used his arms to push his weight off her before using one of his knees to push her legs apart. She was so wet that sinking his cock into her was effortless, and they both groaned as he bottomed out inside of her. She felt so fucking good and Jace went from zero to sixty in seconds flat. He fucked her, hard...deep...desperately. While his cock disappeared in and out of her, her fingers played across her swollen clit. The way she was so free with her body turned him on even more and he fucked her harder, feeling himself barreling toward his climax like a runaway train. He was almost there when she said:

  “I want to see you come.”

  Jace barely had time to pull out, but as soon as he did, he wrapped his hand around his throbbing cock and Beck watched in wide-blue-eyed fascination as he finished all over her chest. Her breasts glistened with his seed and she rubbed her clit harder and faster, bucking up into him and arching her back up off the bed until her body exploded like a shaken, suddenly uncorked bottle of champagne. It was Jace’s turn to watch, frozen with lust as everything she was feeling slowly took ownership of her beautiful face...making her shine all that much brighter.

  “Fuck,” he breathed out as he fell down onto the bed, heavily, next to her. He slid an arm under her neck and draped one across her body and pulled her into him. He loved feeling her body go from as hard and tense as a board to a soft, shaking, limber mass of heat. She radiated sexuality and he was stuck in her orbit.


  Not only was Jace surprised to find Beck still in his bed when he woke up the next morning, but he was even more shocked when she went downstairs to see Wolf and knocked on his door again a half an hour later. He had showered while she was gone, and he was packing. The idea of leaving her gave him a sick, empty feeling in the pit of his stomach, but he wasn’t foolish enough to think that they had anything other than some kind of strange chemical attraction.

  “I got it!” she said, holding up a piece of paper and smiling. He stepped back to let her inside and said:

  “Got what, exactly?”

  “The test,” she said. She was smiling like a kid at the front gates of Disneyland. Jace wondered if he’d been wrong and the guys hadn’t decided to put her through hell in their efforts to not only see her fail, but push her out the door, regretting that she’d ever stepped over the threshold in the first place.

  “So, it looks good?”

  She sat on his still unmade bed and laughed. “Hell no. It looks harder than the test to become a Navy SEAL would have been. These assholes think they’re going to scare me. But I’ve got news for them...I’m going to pass this bitch just so I can rub it in their stupid, cocky faces.”

  “Can I see?” he asked, holding out his hand. She acted like she was going to hand it to him but pulled it back just before he grabbed it. He cocked an eyebrow at her and she said:

  “Tell me how you got that scar.”

  He sighed and rolled his eyes. “What does one have to do with the other?”

  “I’m going to share with you, I expect something in return.”

  He reached up absently and ran his hand across the scar on his neck. He had tried to forget it was there for a long time. Despite what he’d told her the night before at the party, he had worn collared shirts for a long time after getting it, trying to hide it. It was only after he realized that it was more shocking to women to see it in the midst of getting hot and heavy than to know it was there up front that he stopped. He wasn’t as “brave” as she thought. It was just huge and ugly and hard to hide. The fact that he had to look at it daily did nothing to help him forget how it had gotten there either, and that was the really fucked-up part. “I got in a bar fight. Now let me see.”

  “, I don’t think so. I need more information.”

  He sat next to her. Maybe he didn’t need to see the paper. Even back on the road, all he’d have to do was call the club for a dose of the rumor mill and someone would keep him posted on her progress. But then again, he was what difference did it make if he just told her? He doubted that she’d talk to anyone else about it, and she’d be gone by the time he came back fucking way would Wolf patch her in. Jace hated the thought of her being so disappointed and beating herself up before she finally had to accept that...but he was sure that’s what the reality of all this would be.

  “My little sister, Rosie this piece-of-shit gangbanger to go to a party with him one night when she was only sixteen. I wasn’t even supposed to be in town, but some shit happened and I’d shown up unexpectedly. When I found out where she had gone, I flipped out and went to get her. I didn’t take a weapon with me...I was just so pissed that...the person who was supposed to be taking care of her had let that happen, that I didn’t even think to take anything with me. I took a few of them down with my hands, but I was way outnumbered. In the end they had cut me up, put their cigarettes out all over me, and left me for dead. I didn’t die. So that’s the story. Can I see the test now?”

  “ are one tough bastard, aren’t you?” she said, ignoring his question again.

  He shrugged. “I guess you just never know what you’re capable of, until you’re pushed.”

  “Your sister...?”

  “I got her out before they sliced me up. She wasn’t hurt, at least not physically.”

  “So, who was
supposed to be taking care of her?”

  He chuckled. “Huh-uh, you got your answer and then some. Let me see...”

  She grinned and, surprisingly to him, gave in. Jace looked at the paper and as he read each bulleted “requirement” he got angrier and angrier. By the time he finished reading it, his blood was boiling and he was on his feet. “You realize what they’re doing?”

  “Yes, I told you, they expect me to fail.”

  “But you’re going to go through with it still? No, Rebekah, bullshit. I’m talking to Wolf!”

  “No!” She was on her feet too, standing with her back to the door before he even knew it. “You’re not saying anything to anyone. Jace, you trying to ‘save’ me will only make this harder. They expect that. They expect me to need a man to hold my hand through this. Well, fuck them, I’m going to show them that I don’t.”

  “Did you really read this?” he asked, holding up the list. He wasn’t a chauvinist, far from it. But what they were asking her to do was absolutely ridiculous. Hell, it would be fucking insanity for a man.

  “I read it. It won’t be easy, I’m not going to lie and say I can kick the ass of a professional kick-boxer...but I can go three rounds with him.”

  “Beck, please. You don’t have to do this. You can join a woman’s club...”

  “I hate women.”

  He had to bite his lip to keep from laughing. “Okay then...start your own club. Make your own rules.”

  “Seriously? It’s not that easy. People don’t just stand back and give up territory, and you know as well as I do that very few men, if any, would join a club that was run by a woman. I have a better chance patching in here.”

  “Listen to me, Beck, please. They’re just fucking with you. They’ll never let you in this club even if you live through all this shit.”

  “They might think that...but if I do all of this, Wolf will honor his promise. At least if he’s as much like his father as I think he is.”

  Jace knew she was right...but then that would just open a whole new can of worms. Wolf would have mutiny on his hands in his own club...and Jace shuddered to think about what Boston would have to say about it. Beck wearing a Skulls patch was never going to happen and he wanted to convince her of that...but he already knew her well enough to know he was beating a dead horse. “I’m just glad I won’t be here to watch it,” he finally said.

  Beck reached down and placed both her hands on the front of his jeans over his instantly responded, especially when she said, “What can I do to convince you otherwise?”

  “I’m not up. I’m just sitting up. I can’t take lying on my back for another second. I’m so bored. And God, I miss my baby. How is he? He probably thinks I’ve abandoned him.” Being away from Mason was killing Sabrina. She’d only spent one or two nights away from him since he was born, and she hated it.

  “He’s good. Mack and Charlie were going to take him to the park and zoo today as soon as the mess from last night was cleaned up.”

  “Good. He loves the zoo.”

  Bruf smiled. “I know.” Sabrina smiled too. Bruf had been so afraid he couldn’t be a father and here he was almost two years into it, killing it with a kid that didn’t have his DNA and couldn’t look any more different than his dad if he tried. Her heart swelled every time she saw them together. She almost couldn’t imagine, when she found out she was pregnant this time, how she could love anyone else as much. She was learning, though, that the heart grew to encompass each new love that came along.

  “How did the party turn out?”

  “Great. Nate loved should see that bike that Jace made for him, it’s crazy cool. Cheney cried.”

  “Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry I missed that!”

  Bruf chuckled. “It was cute. Huge, burly, hairy, slightly greasy man in tears. I’m sure someone got it on video.”

  Sabrina smiled at the thought. Before she came to the club looking for her father, she’d had such a different image of these guys. Even knowing Coyote hadn’t helped her envision anything like what the reality was. “So, did Wolf give Rebekah the list or whatever you guys are calling it?” Bruf went straight to the hospital after church the day before. He told Sabrina what happened because he knew something like that wasn’t going to be something they’d be able to keep under wraps. Most of the men had left the meeting still grumbling; what they were letting Beck do was going to spread like wildfire and Bruf knew it. Plus, Sabrina got the feeling that he wanted to make sure she knew that Beck wasn’t there for him, about the child. He was so afraid she’d gone into early labor because he’d told her about him and Beck. That was far from the truth, and she tried to tell him that when things calmed down. Bruf had a habit of carrying around guilt that wasn’t his to bear, though, so it wasn’t easy. Sabrina’s only issue with it was that she wasn’t sure she agreed with her old man that they shouldn’t try to find her. If nothing else, Sabrina thought, she’d want to know the girl was okay. She didn’t know Rebekah, but as a mother she could understand where she was coming from. Her little girl had wonderful parents and then suddenly one was gone. She had to be devastated.

  “Yeah, he gave it to her.”

  “And what did she say?”

  “She still plans on going through with it.”

  Sabrina made a face. Bruf had told her what they put on that list and she felt like they were being way too hard on the other woman. They were showing their chauvinism, and as far as Sabrina was concerned, their asses. “I don’t understand why Wolf didn’t just tell her no and leave it at that. Why is he on board with letting her go through all of that?”

  Bruf sighed and sat next to her. “He tried to just tell her no, and Beck challenged him. She accused him of making decisions for the club like a dictator. So he put it out there in church, to prove her wrong. I honestly think he believed we would all just automatically vote the idea down and we could move on. He wasn’t counting on them...” He hesitated.

  “Setting her up to fail?”

  “Yeah. It sucks, but once he opened it up to a vote, it was out of his hands.”

  “How did you vote?”

  Bruf looked like he had been hoping she wouldn’t ask. He put his hands in his pockets as he stood and looked out the window behind her. After a long pause he said, “I voted no. I don’t think women belong in the club, as patched members.” When Sabrina didn’t say anything right away he said, “Does that make you think less of me?”

  “No, baby. I actually agree with you—men and women aren’t made the same and there are some places that women shouldn’t really be. But I am pissed at them for this ‘test.’ I don’t believe any of the prospects that Wolf has right now could pass that you?”

  Bruf laughed. “Hell, most of the brothers couldn’t pass that test. It’s bullshit, but like I said, there’s nothing Wolf can really do at this point thanks to opening it up to the club. If he vetoed the whole thing now, they’d be almost as pissed off as they will be if she passes the test and he tries to keep his word.”

  “You think he will?”

  Bruf sat next to her again and said, “I know you haven’t known your brother long, baby, but I have. One of the best things he learned from Coyote was that a man never goes back on his word. He’ll patch her if she passes this test. At least, he’ll let her prospect. And the club will be up in arms over it. So, in all honesty, the best thing that could happen would be if she does fail.”

  “The best thing for everyone but Beck. Baby, can I ask you something?”

  “Of course.”

  “Aren’t you even curious, about your daughter? I mean, wouldn’t you at least like to know for sure that she’s okay?”

  Bruf sighed. “Yeah, of course I’m curious and I do want her to be okay. What I don’t want to do is walk into her life and confuse or upset her. But I was going to tell you, I called Hunter this morning.” Hunter was a bounty hunter and private investigator that Dax used often to do work for the club. He’d done more than a fe
w jobs for the Westside Skulls too. He was good at what he did, and he was completely discreet and loyal.

  “I’m glad.”

  “You’re not mad?”

  “Baby, I have nothing to be mad about. You had a life before me. My life with you couldn’t be any better. And I was going to push for you to at least find her so you...and Rebekah...can rest easy, knowing she’s okay.”

  “How did I get so fucking lucky?” Bruf put his arm around her and kissed the side of her face. “I love you so much, and Mason, and this one,” he said, putting his other hand on her belly. “It’s ironic, isn’t it, that neither of us would be here, or be this happy, if it weren’t for Coyote of all people.”

  Sabrina laughed. “Yeah...definitely ironic.”


  Jace lay on his back, sweaty and spent, with Beck’s arms and legs tangled up around his body. He wasn’t sure how to feel about her wanting him to stay. But he was confused about it so once he caught his breath from the marathon sex they had just finished...again...he said, “You don’t want me to be your champion, or your knight in shining armor. I get that. You’re right. The guys would have a field day with that. But I’m not sure I can promise you that if I stay around and they keep mouthing off the way they have been...that I’ll be able to keep my cool.”

  Beck pulled her head up. A long, blonde curl was hanging down in her eyes. She blew it out of her face and smiled. “It’s funny how different people turn out to be from your first impressions. I wouldn’t have ever believed you would be the kind of guy that would feel the need to defend a woman’s honor.”


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