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Page 18

by Jessie Cooke

  “Got your mind on kicking ass today already, don’t you?” Jace still had his eyes closed, but somehow he knew she was awake and the wheels in her head were turning.

  “Yep, you wanna go a couple rounds?”

  She felt his body shake with a laugh. “Hell yeah, but with gloves off.”

  Beck pulled her body up from against his warm one and climbed up on top of him. She straddled his waist and let her bare pussy lips glide down his morning wood. “Mm...that’s nice, baby.”

  “You like that?”


  “The sun is coming up. I really should go for my run.” She arched her back and pressed into him a little harder. He groaned.

  “You’re mean,” he said with another chuckle.

  She laughed. “You say that like you just noticed, and here all this time I thought it’s what you saw in me.”

  “Part of it for sure,” he said.

  “Oh, yeah?” He put his hands up and covered her breasts with them. She moaned as he began to massage and caress them with his palms and fingers.

  “I like these too.”

  “They like you.” He slid his hands up to her shoulders and then down her back, stopping to grab hold of her cheeks and give them a squeeze.

  “This too.”

  In a breathless voice and still rocking gently against him, feeling her pussy getting wetter and wetter she said, “So, mostly for my body and how mean I am?”

  “Mostly,” he said. Jace still had his eyes closed. “I kind of like that you seem to be attracted to me too...for God only knows what reason.”

  She slid her body backwards and let her wet pussy slide down his along his hard thighs. When she reached his calves she said, “Oh, I have reasons, lots of them.”

  “Do tell.”

  She reached for his cock and waited for the gasp she knew she’d get when she wrapped her hand around it. He didn’t disappoint. She understood exactly what he was talking about because part of her desire for him came from how badly he wanted her. Beck had been wanted before, many, many times...but none of those men ever wanted anything more than her body. That first day when she had practically thrown Jace out of her room, she’d seen in his dark eyes that he was looking for more. That look intensified by the day and instead of scaring her the way she always thought it completely turned her on. Sometimes it was all she could do in the middle of the day and in front of the entire club to keep from ravaging him. The chemistry they had was off the charts and it only seemed to get stronger as they got to know each other better.

  She stroked his cock up and down, still waiting for him to open his eyes. He kept them shut, though, even when a look of ecstasy claimed the rest of his features. She bent forward and ran her tongue across the head and felt his whole body convulse. “Mm, he likes that.”

  “Fuck yeah he does.”

  “What’s it going to take to get those eyes opened this morning?”

  “You’ll have to just keep trying things...” he said, his voice becoming deeper when she ran her tongue along the groove between the head and the shaft. He sighed as she licked all the way down to the base, and back up again. They had fallen asleep after making love the night before and Jace still smelled like sex and tasted like her pussy. Beck thought that was hot, and the more she thought about him pounding that big cock into her over and over again the night before, the more excited she got.

  Her pussy was tingling as she lifted his hard cock up off his belly with her tongue and wrapped her lips around it. She slid a hand down between her own legs and let her fingers play across her swollen clit while her tongue danced up and down the throbbing shaft she now held between her lips. She looked up at his face. His eyes were still closed, but he was smiling. She took more of him into her mouth until she could feel him in the back of her throat and she had as much as she could take. She began to suck and her tongue continued to move...and the hand between her legs moved faster. She pinched on her clit and pressed on it and slid her fingers down to dip into her own moisture, bringing them back up again and using them to spread that moisture across her clit and down between her lips. Her fingers felt good in her pussy, but it was the feel of his cock expanding even more in her mouth and the memories of what it felt like inside of her the night before that really got her going. She was rocking on her own hand, now pushing two fingers up inside of her pussy while her flattened tongue tasted every hard inch of his cock. Jace was moaning and he had his big hands wrapped up in her hair, pulling it and guiding her head to where he wanted it.

  Beck kept sucking and licking and masturbating herself until she felt that tightening of her core and the stiffening of her legs and spine. She stopped what she was doing, still holding his cock in her mouth but not moving and she concentrated on the way the orgasm made her feel. It was like a gigantic wave of pleasure that started in her center and radiated outward, touching every part of her body. Beck tried to explain to the therapist her mother sent her to once, just how good having an orgasm made her feel. It turned out, at least in Beck’s opinion, that the therapist was a frigid woman and became almost offended with Beck’s reenacting of a mind-blowing climax. That was the day she stopped going. She wasn’t going to waste her time with anyone that told her it was wrong to feel this right.

  As soon as her orgasm passed, she took her hand out of her pussy and once again wrapped it around the base of Jace’s cock. She held on tightly, stroking it and gently massaging his balls while letting her tongue go wild. Jace was pulling hard at her hair and rocking his hips and moaning. His eyes were still closed though and the harder she sucked, the more his cock began to throb and swell and she knew he was on the she stopped and let his cock fall out of her mouth with a “pop.”

  “, you’re killing me. Put me inside of you.”

  She chuckled. “Not until you open your eyes and look at me.”

  “Trust me, I can see you with my eyes closed.”

  She laughed. “Nice. But I want to see your eyes. Open them.” He pulled his dark eyes open and settled them on her face and smiled.

  “God, you’re beautiful.”

  “That’s what I was fishing for.”

  He laughed. “Baby, you don’t have to fish for that. I think it a thousand times a day. I’m just afraid you’ll get tired of hearing it.”

  “Oh, little man, you have so much to learn about me. I love to be adored.”

  He reached for her and she let him grab her underneath her arms and pull her up on top of him. “Then you’re going to love spending time with me, baby, because I adore every fine inch of you.” She smiled and reached for his cock again; giving it a squeeze first, she lifted her hips and let him slide into her soaked pussy. They both moaned and he closed his eyes again. Beck let him this time. She closed hers too and for the next ten minutes they both got lost in the feelings that consumed them like fire. Beck reached her peak first and Jace waited for her to finish before gripping onto her so tightly that it almost hurt and slamming his cock up into her a few final times before exploding. As soon as he did, Beck collapsed down on top of him. He held onto her and she listened to and felt his heartbeat while she thought about the day ahead. She wasn’t really looking forward to getting into that octagon with whoever had finally agreed to fight her...but she was absolutely looking forward to this all coming to an end at last.


  Beck was on her way down the stairs and Jace wasn’t far behind her when she came to a dead stop and he nearly knocked her down. “Who the hell is that?”

  “Jeez, woman, say it with a little more lust in your voice, why don’t you?”


  “Of Dax Marshall? Hell, yes.”

  “Oh my God, that’s him?”

  Jace chuckled. “I’m so glad all the rumors about him being faithful to his wife are true.”

  “Oh, shut up! I wasn’t even thinking about that.” Okay, so maybe she was...a little. Coyote had talked a lot in his letters about Do
c Marshall’s arrogance, and how that wasn’t only because of who he was and how smart he was, but because he also knew how good-looking he was. He’d mentioned a time or two also how Dax looked just like his father, so Beck had him pictured in her head as attractive...but that word seemed so small in comparison to what she was looking at. Dax Marshall was tall and made out of lean, hard muscle. His hair was blond and looked like it was lightened by the sun. He had light stubble covering his chin and that gave him an edgy look. But those eyes...Beck almost couldn’t not look at them. She’d seen pretty blue eyes before, but there was something almost magnetizing about his. “Who’s the other guy? Oh! Did he find his brother?”

  Jace looked at her strangely and then said, “Yeah...several years back. How did you know about Gunner?”

  “Gunner? No, the kid I’m thinking of was named Adam or something like that. That’s what Coyote said. That couldn’t be him anyway. Coyote also said he was half Puerto-Rican or something. This guy is all white boy.”

  “That’s because that’s not his brother, it’s Cody Miller, his SA. His brother is Puerto Rican and I think his real name is Adam, but they call him Gunner. How did...?” Jace stopped talking when Beck started moving again. She’d been dying to meet Dax Marshall. It was like everyone Coyote talked about in his letters was coming to life. She walked right up to where he and Cody were standing and talking to Bruf. There was another man with them that she hadn’t noticed earlier. He was handsome and rugged-looking, but he didn’t look like a biker. He was wearing a funky hat and vest that looked like he was on his way to go fishing. The strangest part, though, was that the odd little vest had a Southside Skulls patch on it.

  “Dax Marshall?” she said, garnering her an annoyed look from Bruf. Dax looked down at her and smiled but before speaking to her, his eyes found Jace over her shoulder.

  “Well, there’s my missing nomad. I wondered why I hadn’t seen you in a while.”

  “Hey, Dax. This is Beck...Rebekah Golden.”

  Dax looked back at Beck. The smile faltered slightly and he said, “Well, I have to say, Miss Golden, you’re not what I had pictured at all.” She wasn’t sure what he meant by that, but she was sure she didn’t like the way he said it.

  “It’s Beck, and what were you expecting?”

  “Bigger, I guess. Where’s Wolf?” He looked at Jace again, dismissing her. She didn’t know what his father looked like, but she was already sure Dax had inherited his arrogance.

  “I don’t know, I’ll go see if I can find him,” Jace said. Beck turned to go with him but Bruf stopped her.

  “Beck, this is Hunter. He wants to talk to us.”

  Suddenly instead of excitement at the idea of finding out about her daughter, she felt sick to her stomach with anxiety. What if he’d found out something bad? What if the girl needed her...and she didn’t know how to be a parent? She realized after too long that Hunter was holding his hand out to her. She finally took it and said, “Nice to meet you. I can’t believe you came all this way, though...” She would have preferred getting the news over a phone call, or from Bruf.

  “I was coming out with Dax anyway. Can we use the office?” he asked, looking at Bruf.

  “Sure.” Beck realized then that Dax was still with them. Cody had followed Jace and she’d just assumed Dax had too. When she looked at him he said:

  “I’m just waiting for Wolf, I won’t pry in your personal business with Hunter. I would like to talk to you afterwards, though.” He posed it like a question, but she knew it wasn’t.

  “Sure.” She tore her eyes off of his and followed Bruf and Hunter to the office. Once inside, Bruf closed the door and they all took a seat at the round table. Hunter’s eyes went to the pictures on the walls and landed on one of Coyote. They lingered there for a minute and then he looked at Beck and said:

  “I found your daughter. She’s living with her mother and her mother’s parents in Idaho.”

  “She’s okay?”

  He smiled at her softly. “She seems to be. As far as I can tell, from what information I was able to get and a few days of watching them, they’ve adjusted well to the loss and the move. The girl is in middle school and her mother works at a preschool. The grandparents have a nice house in one of the safest neighborhoods in the town they live in, middle class, nothing extravagant but they don’t look like they’re hurting either. Grandpa is retired military, Grandma was a housewife.” Beck looked at Bruf. He was watching her face like he was waiting for a meltdown or something. She looked back at Hunter and said:

  “What do they call her?” She didn’t ask what her name was, because in her heart, her name would always be the one she gave her, the one and only time she held her in her arms and said goodbye.

  “Sarah, her name is Sarah,” Hunter said. Beck smiled and before she realized she was talking out loud she said:

  “They kept it. I thought they would change her name.” Bruf and Hunter were still looking at her so she said, “It’s my mother’s name. I never told her about the baby because I wasn’t sure she’d ever forgive me for giving her up. But I gave the baby her name.” She was surprised then when she felt Bruf reach over and touch her arm. She covered his hand with hers for a second and then let go and looked back at Hunter. He was taking something out of one of the hundreds of pockets in his weird little vest.

  “Do you want to see a picture of her?”

  “Yes,” Beck said, without thought. She wasn’t thinking that it might be harder to not know her if she had a clear image of what the girl looked like. Hunter laid the photograph down in front of her. It looked like it had been taken from across the street. A petite girl stood in front of a two-story white Victorian house. She was smiling and Beck realized then there was a dog in the picture whom the girl was smiling at. She felt tears spring to her eyes and fought hard to control them as she looked at her daughter. Her hair was dark blonde, a lot darker than Beck’s, but looked just as curly. She couldn’t really see the color of her eyes in the picture, but she remembered them vividly from the day she was born. They were green, like Bruf’s. She was beautiful, and Hunter was right, she looked happy. She tried to hand the picture to Bruf but he wouldn’t take it and only then did she realize that the reality of Sarah might be even harder to deal with than not knowing anything about her. She held out the picture to Hunter and he said:

  “That’s for you, if you want it.” She thought about that and almost made him take it back. But in the end she couldn’t do it. Looking at the little girl’s face hadn’t been easy, knowing that she might never see it again. But at least it gave her some sense that she had done the right thing...made the right choice. Maybe if she kept it, when she started feeling bad in the future, a look at Sarah’s happy face would help.

  “Thank you,” she said, closing her hand around it. Bruf thanked Hunter and walked him out. As soon as they were gone, Beck opened her hand and looked at the girl again. She had created a beautiful life and she was sure the little girl had brought hours of joy to her parents and helped ease her mother’s grief when her father passed. If she couldn’t be proud of herself for actually raising was at least something.

  She was still sitting there when Dax came in. She pushed her chair back and stood up as soon as she saw him. “Can you and I talk for a minute?”

  “Sure.” She sat back down and Dax turned around and closed the door. All of a sudden Beck felt slightly claustrophobic. It was strange, but it was like his presence practically filled the room. He sat across from her and said:

  “I’ve been looking forward to meeting you ever since Wolf told me you showed up. How are things going?”

  She wasn’t sure if he was talking about the “test” or if he even knew about that so she just said, “Good. Things are good.”

  “Rebekah, Wolf told me what you came here to ask him for. He’s also told me how well you’ve been doing with every test they’ve given you so far. I’m impressed.” He said he was impressed, but Beck got the feeling there was a
“but” in there somewhere. Still, she smiled and said:

  “Thank you.” He nodded and went on...and that’s where the “but” came in.

  “Wolf is very impressed with you, not to mention influenced by the fact that you were so close with Coyote. But...” She braced herself, wishing Jace were there to keep her from saying something stupid. “I would like to ask you to reconsider your request.”


  “Because if Wolf patches a woman in, he’ll lose the respect of a lot of men that he’s spent years building it with.”

  “Like you?”

  Dax’s blue eyes never wavered from her face and his expression never changed. It was impossible to read him, but when he opened his mouth she knew that it was also unnecessary. He said exactly what he was thinking. “I have a lot of respect for Wolf and honestly, patching you in knowing what a mess it will be in the end won’t make me lose that respect. But it will make me wonder about his ability to lead. Leadership doesn’t always mean doing what your heart, or sometimes even your head, tells you is right. Sometimes it means listening to your gut and I know that Wolf’s gut has to be telling him what a mistake that would be. But I also know Wolf and if he made a promise to you, the only way he won’t keep it is if you give him that option.”

  “So you’re asking me to just walk away from all the years I’ve put into this? All the time I’ve put into it, and the struggle I’ve gone through over the past month to pass their stupid test that they would never dare give to me if I was a man. Hell, the test that most of them couldn’t pass themselves? In the Navy, one of the biggest virtues of leadership is the ability to think outside of that box that the world has put you into. I was put into a box as soon as I was born because of my gender, and Wolf is in a box that tells him that he can only add people to their team based on their gender and not their qualifications.” Beck stood up and said, “With all due respect, Mr. Marshall, if Wolf wants me to withdraw my request, he’ll have to ask me himself.” She expected him to look angry, but instead, he looked amused.


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