Book Read Free

My Boyfriend's Best Friend

Page 5

by Pixie Perkins

“Aren’t we?” I reply, hoping I sound at least a little tough.

  “In private,” he clarifies dryly.

  Yep, he’s got the toughness factor down pat…not me.

  “Um, sure, yeah I—” I stop and casually run a hand through my hair. “Where at?”


  “Yeah that’s fine, I—” I stop again when I realize he’s already walking toward the library. “Okay then…”

  I follow him into the library and then into an empty aisle.


  This is so déjà vu.

  “So, what do—”

  “Derek, Britt?” he asks in disbelief. “You’re dating my best friend? And only after a day?”

  “Well, technically speaking…it’s been less than a day,” I say for whatever reason. “Not by much, but—”

  “Brittany!” he exclaims, looking somewhat annoyed. “Not the point!”

  I run my finger over the tops of a few books. “Well, what is the point?”

  “I just told you,” he huffs. “Dating my best friend? Not wasting any time?”

  “You’re one to talk,” I retort in an accusing tone. “The same day you broke up with me, you left with Sabrina!”

  “Savannah,” he corrects me.

  “Whatever.” I roll my eyes. “And another thing—it seems like you two were spotted together while we were still together.”

  He doesn’t say anything, but just kind of looks around…so I continue, “I was a good girlfriend, Blake! I didn’t cheat on you once, I was encouraging, I was supportive, and I laughed at every one of your jokes.”

  He then looks at me confusion.

  “Yeah,” I tell him with a nod, “even the bad ones. I was always there, I always cared and I thought you did too!”

  I start to feel the tears threatening, but I refuse to let them fall, especially in front of Blake.

  “So if you’ll excuse me,” I say, walking past him, “have a nice life.”

  I walk out of the library and accidentally into Derek.

  “Sorry,” I rush to apologize. “This seems to be a stupid habit of mine…”

  “It’s fine, I—” He stops and looks at me with concern. “Hey, have you been crying?”

  “Oh no!” I wipe under my eyes. “Does it look like it?”

  “Not really, it’s fine—”

  “No, it’s not fine!” I exclaim in frustration. “Blake’s upset because I’m dating you and that ‘I’m not wasting any time’.” He chuckles at my air quotations, causing me to stomp my foot like a toddler. “It’s not funny!”

  Derek swallows his smile. “Sorry, you’re right…it’s not. But hey, don’t worry about it.”

  He drapes his arm around my shoulders. “The plan’s working.”

  “It doesn’t feel like it’s working,” I grumble as we start to walk.

  “It will,” he assures me. “It’ll just take some time.”

  “Like, how long?” I ask, feeling somewhat anxious.

  I hate to seem like a pain, but I have to know.

  Otherwise, it feels like I’m doing all of this for nothing.

  “Soon,” he replies, his voice oozing with confidence. “Trust me.”

  It seems like I’ve had to do that a lot lately…

  “Hey, why don’t you get your stuff and then we’ll do something,” Derek suggests as we near my locker.

  I bite my lip. “I don’t know…”

  “Come on, Britt.” He squeezes my shoulders some. “It’ll be fun. I promise.”

  I sigh in defeat. “Well, I guess so.” I unlock and open my locker door. “I have to ask my mom first.”

  “What are you going to tell her?”

  “I don’t know,” I admit with a shake of my head, “any suggestions?”

  He narrows his eyes as he thinks, then sighs. “For once I got nothing.”

  “Well, then I—”

  My words are cut off by my chiming phone.

  I grab it out of my locker and check the text: Meet me at my house. 10 min.

  “There’s the solution,” I say as I turn my phone’s screen off.

  “I don’t get it.” His eyebrows crease. “Who was it?”

  “Del.” I pull my backpack out. “She wants me to meet her at her house.”


  “And…” I sling my backpack over my shoulder. “I’m going.”

  “Well, what about—”

  “Derek,” I interrupt, closing and locking my locker door, “if Del’s willing to talk to me I have to go.”

  I offer him an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” He sighs. “Fix things with Moore and have fun…I’ll call you tonight.” And then he’s gone.


  Does he ever say a simple “bye”?

  I make my way to the entrance doors and push one of them open before walking out.

  How in the world am I going to fix all of this?

  Chapter 9: Don’t Worry About It


  I wait a full two minutes before ringing the Moores’ doorbell, because…yeah, I’m a little nervous.

  Then the door opens, revealing Delanie’s younger sister Chelsea, a thirteen-year-old version of Del.

  Seriously, it’s scary how much they look alike.

  “Hey, Chels,” I greet her with a smile. “I’m here to see—”

  “Del,” she finishes. “Yeah, I know.”

  She opens the door wider and I walk in.

  “DELANIE!” she yells, closing the door. “BRITTANY’S HERE!”

  I wince some. “Thanks, Chelsea.”

  She waves me off. “No prob.”

  “Chelsea!” Delanie snaps, coming down the stairs. “How many times have I told you not to yell like that?”

  “Whatever.” Chelsea rolls her blue eyes. “I’ll leave you guys alone so you can talk about boys and clothes.”

  Once she goes upstairs, I turn to Del. “Does it really look like that’s all we talk about?”

  “Ignore her.” Delanie sighs. “Since she turned thirteen she thinks she knows everything.”

  “Oh.” I awkwardly look around, not really knowing what to do…or say. “So—”

  “Why are you dating Connors?”

  Shoot, a straightforward question.

  I shrug. “Why not?”

  Wow, I managed to answer that pretty coolly.

  Way to go, Brittany!

  “Britt, come on.” She gives me a flat look. “What’s the real reason? You’ve never shown any interest in him, and now?”

  “People’s interests change…” I trail off. “And Derek’s a nice guy.”

  She scoffs at that. “So you’re dating him because you like him then.”

  Oh boy…

  “Is that a question or a statement?” I ask, trying to buy me some more time.


  “What? Why all the—” I stop and stare at her in surprise. “Wait, Del. Do you, do you like—”

  “Of course not!” she cuts me off. “No, I—” She sighs. “I’m just looking out for you, Britt.”

  “Oh,” I say, somewhat taken aback. “I’m sorry, I—”

  “No, it’s okay.” She waves me off. “I’m the one grilling you like a shish-kebab.”

  I laugh some. “Not entirely.”

  “Yeah, I guess.” She nods. “But hey, if you like him and you’re happy…that’s all that matters.”

  “Thanks, Del,” I say, tilting my head, “that means a lot. So how was cheerleading practice?”

  She scowls. “Josie was flirting with Darren…again.”

  My eyebrows crease. “So? I thought you were over him.”

  Darren was Del’s latest…well, boy-toy.

  “I was—I am.” She groans. “It’s just so annoying!”

  “Can it be?” I decide to tease her with a sly grin. “Miss Del-Doesn’t-Care actually does care about—”

>   “Britt! No!” she cuts me off. “It’s not like that at all! He can go out with anyone for all I care.”

  “Uh-huh.” I nod, not buying it. “Sure…”

  “Let’s just drop the subject.” She rolls her eyes. “‘kay?”


  “Great!” She claps her hands together. “Now come on, I want you to see the top I got today!”

  I can’t help but smile because in Del’s language “top” means “all-the-other-clothes-I-bought-today.”

  In other words, I’m going to be here for a while.


  “How was school?” Mom asks as I walk into the kitchen.

  I nod. “School was fine.”

  No point in mentioning detention, considering that Mom doesn’t know about Derek…

  “And Del?”

  “Del’s fine too.” I sit on one of the counter stools. “How was your day?”

  “It was fine.” She smiles. “How are you doing with, you know?”

  “Okay, I guess.” I shrug. “As good as I can be anyway.”

  “Good.” She nods in approval. “He’s not worth it anyway.”

  My mouth pops open. “Mom!”

  I know she’s trying to help, but jeez.

  “Oh, honey,” she tsks, “I’m sorry…it’s just upsetting that’s all.”

  “Yeah, tell me about it,” I mutter under my breath. “What are you cooking?”

  I’m tired of talking about him and it…

  “Meatloaf,” she replies, turning to the stove. “Oh! Speaking of which, Zach called today. He’ll be here this weekend.”

  The connection there is simple: Zach loves meatloaf.

  “Really?” I ask in surprise. “That’s…great.”

  “What’s wrong?” She looks back at me. “I thought you’d be excited.”

  “I am.” I sigh. “But…he doesn’t know about the breakup and I don’t know how to tell him. It’s weird, you know?”

  “Well,” she drawls, “when he does find out you know he’s going to become Mr. Tough-Protective-Older-Brother.”

  “I know!” I wail, burying my face in my hands. “And the last thing I need is ano—”

  My eyes widen in realization. I almost told Mom about Derek.

  Not good…not good at all.

  “Britt? What’s the last thing you need?”

  I slowly let my hands drop. “Um, another person worrying about me, you know—in addition to you and Dad, Liv and Del?”

  “Oh, well…it’s our job.” She winks at me then puts the pan of meatloaf in the oven.

  That was close.

  My phone buzzes and I pull it out of my pocket then check it.


  I glance at Mom who’s now bustling around in the pantry and then quietly disappear upstairs as it buzzes again.

  I sigh before answering it. “Yes?”

  “Why didn’t you answer the first time?”

  Okay. What?

  “Hi to you too,” I reply, well aware of how sarcastic I sound. “My mom was, uh—there, so…”


  I walk into my bedroom and close the door behind me. “So, she doesn’t know…about—you.”

  “You make it sound like I’m a bad thing.”

  I cringe at how hurt he sounds. “No, it’s not that it’s just—”

  “Don’t worry about it,” he cuts me short. “You don’t have to explain anything.”

  “Would you just listen?” I snap at him. “If I told her I was dating someone, then I wouldn’t hear the end of it. She’d say it’s too soon.”

  It is too soon, even if this is all fake.

  “I guess you’re right. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay.” I run a hand through my hair. “So…”

  “How’d things go with Moore?”

  I bite my lower lip.

  Even though Delanie denied liking Derek—something tells me that she might…and that’s just weird.

  “Uh, Britt?”

  “Yeah, I’m here…” I trail off. “It was fine. We’re good.”

  “That’s good,” he drawls. “By the way, what else did Blake tell you today?”

  I clear my throat some. “Well, actually—I kind of, might’ve, sort of…told him off?”

  “Really?” he asks in surprise.

  “Uh…yes?” I reply, unsure if that was the right choice. “I know that wasn’t in the plan but—”

  “No,” he cuts me off again. “It’s fine, better than fine.”

  “Um, okay…I guess.” My eyebrows crease. “What’s next in your plan?”

  “We keep it up.”

  “That’s the next part?” I ask in disbelief. “Keeping it up? For how long?”

  What kind of plan is this anyway? What—

  “Britt,” he interrupts my thoughts, “I have to go…okay?”

  “No, no, no!” I shake my head. “Not aga—”

  The line goes dead.

  I groan before tossing my phone aside and crossing my arms.

  Why does he do that?

  Chapter 10: Laugh like a Hyena


  “I’m so glad today is Friday,” Del says while I put my books in my locker.

  “You and me both,” I mutter as I close my locker door. “All morning people still have been staring at me…and whispering.”

  “About Connors?”

  “And Blake.” I sigh, locking the locker door. “It’s just annoying, that’s all.”

  “What’s Blake say about you and him?”

  I bite my lower lip. “Well…”

  She looks at me in surprise. “He hasn’t said anything?”

  “No, he has.” I nod. “He’s upset…I guess.”

  “Upset?” Delanie echoes in disbelief. “You’re dating his best friend, he should be furious.”

  I just shrug. I know it’s the truth.

  He didn’t even defend himself yesterday and on top of that, he didn’t show any regrets…none.

  The thought makes me sick.

  “If you dated one of my boyfriends I’d be mad,” she comments thoughtfully. “No offense.”

  “None taken.” I shrug again. “We better get to the cafeteria before—”

  “I whisk you away,” Derek cuts in, draping an arm over my shoulders.

  A common habit of his, it would appear…

  “What?” Delanie asks, clearly confused.

  That makes two of us.

  “I’m taking Britt for lunch,” he informs her in a matter-of-fact tone, “right now.”

  No one told me about this.

  “Think again, Connors,” Delanie retorts. “You took her out yesterday…Britt’s eating with Liv and me today.”

  “I’m pretty sure Britt wants to eat with me,” Derek replies in a smug voice, squeezing my shoulders some. “Right, Britt?”

  “As if, Connors,” Delanie snaps before I can say anything, “she’s eating with us!”

  Del then looks at me. “Right, Britt?”


  “Britt, just tell her the truth,” Derek interrupts me. “You want to eat with me.”


  “The truth is, Connors,” Delanie says, cutting me off, “Britt wants to eat with us.”

  I sigh, not even bothering to try and say something again.

  “Britt?” they ask in unison.

  I look at both of them as they stare at me expectantly. “Honestly, I’m not that hungry.”

  Del rolls her eyes and mutters something incoherent while Derek tilts his head. “You sure, Britt?”

  “Yeah,” I say with a slight nod, “I had a big breakfast.”

  Okay, so that’s not necessarily true…less than half a bowl of cereal with some milk isn’t much. But I didn’t really feel like eating and I still don’t.

  I’m just kind of tired, because while I was trying to sleep last night all I could think about was Blake. Blake brea
king up with me.

  Blake and her.

  Blake seeming upset, but not caring.

  Blake, Blake, Blake, Blake. And the teddy bear didn’t help any either…


  I shake my head, trying to clear my mind and look up at Derek.

  Man, do I feel short.


  “You okay?”

  Concern laces his voice, causing me to smile some. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  I realize that Del’s gone and that we’re like, the only ones standing in the hallway.

  Talk about weird…

  “You sure you don’t want to get something to eat?”

  “Nah, I’m fine.”

  I also realize that his arm is still around my shoulders—weirder.

  To make things simple, everything’s weird!

  I step away from him. “So, um…”

  “I’m going to go sit with Del and Liv.” I motion behind me. “In the cafeteria, so I’ll—”

  “I’ll come with you.”

  “Oh, okay…yeah!” I try my best to sound glad. “Yeah, that’s cool!”

  Smooth, Britt.


  I awkwardly turn around and start walking toward the cafeteria when Derek comes beside me and drapes his arm (again) over my shoulders. “You’re funny, Grayson…you know that?”

  “Thanks,” I mutter with little enthusiasm. “I guess.”

  “Don’t worry,” he assures me. “It was a compliment.”


  The truth is—I don’t know why I’m so “funny.”

  If anything, I’m pretty sure I’m just weird…and slightly awkward, as well as cringey.

  He pushes open one of the cafeteria doors and I can’t help but remember that Blake used to do the same thing for me.

  Stop being a pathetic nostalgic, Brittany!

  We’re instantly greeted by the everyday, ordinary cafeteria commotion—it’s like a zoo.

  No joke.

  “OMG!” a blonde (probably sophomore), blue-eyed girl squeals. “You guys are such a cute couple!”

  Before either of us can say anything, the brown-eyed brunette next to her (her friend I’m guessing) speaks up.

  “Kare! I already told you, they shouldn’t be together.” She looks at me. “You have to get back with Blake.”

  “Jess! No!” Kare exclaims. “I like her and Derek together!”

  “She and Blake are perfect together.” Jess rolls her eyes. “It was stupid that they broke up!”


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