Book Read Free

My Boyfriend's Best Friend

Page 23

by Pixie Perkins

No, I’m dead ser—

  I’m suddenly turned around and Owen grasps my shoulders before pressing his mouth against mine.

  And I kiss him back.

  Like an idiot, I flippin’ kiss him ba—


  I stare at Owen in confusion. “Huh?”

  He motions ahead of me. “You have to move up.”

  Move up?

  Weren’t we just kissing?

  Why’s he acting like we didn’t just—crap, was I daydreaming?

  Did I imagine that? Yeah, I did.

  Ew, why would I—

  “Sorry,” I apologize while moving up, “my bad.”

  “Are you okay, Brittany?”

  I half-turn toward him. “I’m fine, thanks.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yes,” I sigh, “I’m fine.”

  The line starts moving and now there are only four people in front of me.

  “How are things going with Derek…and everything?”

  “Okay.” I look at the ceiling, wishing that he’d stop trying to make small talk. “They’re going okay.”

  “Good,” he replies in a somewhat dry tone, “I’m glad.”

  Doesn’t sound that way…

  Thankfully there’s no more conversation between us and soon I’m standing in front of an available cash register, thrusting my shirt at the cashier.

  “How has your day been?” she asks, looking flustered.

  “Oh my gosh.” I slump against the counter. “You have no idea.”


  I pause before pulling open Cup of Cozy’s entrance door and check inside to make sure that no one’s coming out with a coffee in hand.

  Deciding that it’s safe, I walk inside…only to see that Blake’s not here.

  “What?” I ask out loud as the door closes behind me. “No.”

  He wouldn’t bail on me again.

  “Excuse me,” I say, darting over to the counter. “There was a guy here, blond and—”

  “Oh, you’re the girl!” the crimson-haired girl exclaims. “Blake, that’s his name right?”

  “Yes, yes!” I bob my head up and down. “What did he say? Where did he go?”

  “He said that he had to run an errand.”

  “Where at?” I grip the counter’s edge. “Is he coming back?”

  “I don’t know.” She shrugs. “Sorry.”

  This can’t be happening.

  “Can I interest you in something?”

  There’s no hiding the frown on my face. “No thanks.”

  Why did I have to see Savannah?

  I find an empty booth then groan and fold my arms over the table before burying my face into them.

  Ugh, I shouldn’t have called him. What were you thinking, Brittany?

  Shocker, I wasn’t thinking. As usual…


  My eyes widen.


  “Blake!” I shriek, jumping up and throwing my arms around him. “I knew you wouldn’t, well I hoped, and now—”

  Realizing what I’m doing, I pull away with an awkward cough and heated cheeks. “Sorry.”

  He smiles softly. “I got you something.”

  “Oh,” I comment, genuinely surprised. “You didn’t have—”

  “I wanted to.” He hands me a familiar-looking pink and white polka-dotted box. “Here.”

  I lick my lips. “You got me Sweet Cakes?”

  “Consider it an apology gift for me bailing on you the other night.”

  I open the box, revealing a single cupcake with white frosting and mini chocolate chips.

  For our six monthiversary, Blake took me to Sweet Cakes (a local desserts bakery) after we had gone out for dinner and then we split…a…cupcake.

  Like this one.

  I close the box and force a smile. “Thank you, Blake.”

  His eyebrows crease. “You don’t like it?”

  “No, it’s not that.” I shake my head. “It’s just…I’m not hungry right now.”

  “You can eat it later or you could—” He stops and scratches the back of his neck. “Oh.”

  Yeah. Oh.

  Why am I so nostalgic?

  “I’m sorry.” Blake clears his throat some. “I didn’t think that—”

  “It’s fine,” I cut in, “no biggie.”

  “We could split anyway…” He motions to me. “That is, if you wanted to.”

  “Okay.” I slowly nod, sitting back down at the table. “We’ll split it.”

  While Blake sits across from me, I open the box again and peel the cupcake liner off before (rather messily) breaking the cupcake in two pieces.

  I put them on the two light pink napkins that were inside of the box and then slide one of the halves to Blake.


  Think of it as a friendship cupcake, Britt.

  We’ve both moved on.

  I haven’t.

  We’re both happy.

  I’m not.

  Just go with it anyway.

  I swipe some of the icing with my finger then lick it off, but the sugary goodness doesn’t even bring any comfort.


  “Britt, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” I lie, wiping my index finger on the corner of my napkin. “So, how’s Savannah?”

  “Sav’s fine,” he replies after swallowing his food. “She and her friend are out shopping today.”

  Yes she is. But that’s not all she’s doing.

  “Oh cool,” I comment in fake interest, “so everything’s going well…between you guys?”

  “Yeah.” He nods. “Things are going well.”

  Does he sound hesitant? I can’t tell.

  “How ‘bout you and Derek?”

  “We couldn’t be better!” I gush, hitting the table for emphasis. “He’s so sweet and oh my gosh, when he kis—”

  “Good to know,” Blake interrupts in a somewhat dry tone. “I actually saw him yesterday.”

  “Well, that’s not surprising.” I snort, swiping off more of my frosting. “We all do go to the same school.”

  “After school,” he points out, “at Tacky’s.”

  I lick the frosting from my finger. “Well, Derek does—”

  “He was with someone, Britt,” he says in exasperation. “With Liv…I’m guessing he didn’t mention it to you?”


  He didn’t.

  Why would Derek be hanging out with Liv?

  I mean, sure I want them together, but Derek could’ve at least told me.

  He should have told me. Now it looks like he could be going out on me with my best friend.

  “Britt, lis—”

  “Derek’s not cheating on me.” I roll my eyes. “And Liv is my friend.”

  “It’s not just Ta—”

  “Stop,” I cut him short, putting a hand up. “Okay? If anyone’s cheating around here it’s your sad excuse for a girlfriend!”


  That wasn’t how I planned on telling him…

  “Look.” Blake’s jaw tightens. “I know you don’t like Savannah, but you don’t have the right—”

  “I have every right,” I can’t stop myself from snapping at him, “it’s in the ex-girlfriend handbook…and I saw them together at the mall.”

  He scowls at me. “You’re lying.”

  My shoulders drop and I suddenly feel sick. “Blake, I wasn’t—”

  “Wasn’t what, Britt?” he cuts me off with narrowed eyes. “Trying to make me mad? Ruin my relationship?”

  “I’m telling you the truth!” I practically plead. “That’s why I called you!”

  “I agreed to hang out with you because—” He sighs. “Well, because you’re you, Britt.”

  “I’m me?” My eyebrows crease. “What does that—”

  “What did you see, Britt?” he asks in a quiet voice. “At the mall?”

  He looks so torn.

  So sad…and of course he does.

  He likes her.


  Maybe even—loves her, somehow.

  I can’t hurt him.

  “Nothing,” I decide to lie, “I was just jealous and angry…so I made it all up.”

  “Britt.” He shakes his head. “Don’t—”

  “I’m not lying,” I insist, “and I’m sorry. That was shallow of me.”

  This is so hard.

  “I should probably go,” I say, standing up, “thanks for the cupcake, sorry again.”

  He doesn’t stop me.

  He doesn’t say anything.

  And I leave the building feeling incredibly drained.

  Will I ever get him back? Could he ever want me back?

  Chapter 37: I’m Not Mad


  When I start to pull into our driveway, I see that it’s already full with Zach’s car, Liv’s car, Del’s car…and a police—oh crap.

  That’s not good.

  I quickly park and stop the car, then throw my door open so I can get out.

  Man. This is so bad, why the heck did they call the cops?

  I reach the front door, anxious beyond belief.

  Should I ring the doorbell?

  Knock? Walk right in?

  For crying out loud, Britt…you live here!

  Suddenly the door opens, revealing—

  “Brittany!” Derek exclaims, drawing me into a hug. “Where were you? Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine,” I assure him, pulling away. “Really, the police wasn’t necessary.”

  It’s actually embarrassing…

  “Of course they were.” He cups my face with his hands. “Do you have any idea how worried everyone’s been?”

  “But I’m okay,” I insist. “No bumps, no bruises—”

  “That’s not the point, Britt.” His hands drop. “I mean…why didn’t you answer your phone?”

  “Dead battery?”

  Okay, so my phone was off.

  “You know…” He sighs. “I don’t—”

  “Britt!” Liv shrieks before throwing her arms around me. “I thought you were lost or—”

  “I’m fine, Liv.” I pull away. “I didn’t—”

  “Brittany!” Delanie yells, cutting me off. “Where the heck have you been?”

  “Britt-Brat!” Zach pushes past them and hugs the life out of me. “What the—”

  “Brittany!” Mom exclaims before glancing over her shoulder. “Officers! She’s here!”

  Mom all-but-shoves Zach aside then hugs me. “Honey, are you okay?”

  “Mom, I’m—”

  “Is this the missing young lady?” a tall police officer asks, interrupting me.

  “I’m not missing.” I pull away from Mom. “And I’m fine.”

  Mom sighs. “Brittany—”

  “Miss,” the officer addresses me, “I’m going to need you to…”

  I don’t even bother listening to what he’s saying or anyone else for that matter, instead I push my way into the house then run upstairs…ignoring everyone’s calls.

  I lock the door once I’m in my bedroom and then let out a deep breath as I slide down to the floor.

  All I wanted was a little freedom.

  Some time with Blake. An escape.

  There’s a knock at the door and I lean my head back with a slight groan. “Go away.”

  “Let me try,” I hear Derek say. “I am her—”

  “Well, we’re her best friends,” Delanie cuts him off. “So we should—”

  “I’m her brother,” Zach joins the conversation. “It should be me.”

  “She and I have an understanding,” Derek tells them both. “Okay? Trust me.”

  Zach scoffs. “Understanding or not, Britt’s my sis—”

  “Best friends here!” Delanie exclaims. “Hello?”

  “Let me just try to talk to her,” Derek insists with a sigh, “by myself.”

  That gathers more comments/protests as well as annoyed sound effects.

  “Fine,” Zach finally agrees. “Go ahead and try.”

  Delanie lets out another complaint, but I hear them walking away…so it’s just Derek and me.

  “Hey, Britt,” he says in a gentle tone. “Let’s talk, okay?”

  “I don’t want to talk.”

  “You just talked though.”


  “Did I do something wrong?”

  No, except that you forgot to mention what you were doing at Tacky’s with Liv…

  “Where were you, Britt?”

  What part of I-don’t-want-to-talk/go away is he not getting?

  He makes a noise of frustration. “Open the door, Britt.”


  “I’ll tell you a secret.”

  I raise an eyebrow at that. “What kind of secret?”

  “You gotta let me in first.”

  Of course, but a secret is a secret. And I’m curious.

  I slowly reach up and unlock the door then crack it open. “There, it’s open.”

  “Funny,” he replies sarcastically, “open it all the way.”

  “That wasn’t part of the deal.”

  “Okay.” He clicks his tongue. “What if I say please?”

  “Hmm,” I hum, “on your knees?”

  “If it’ll make you happy…” I hear him moving around. “Okay.”

  I open the door a little wider to see him on his knees with clasped hands. “You’re seriously—”

  “Please open the door all the way,” he pleads. “I’m begging to speak with you.”

  I can’t help but laugh as I open the door more. “Better?”

  “Yeah,” he says, sitting cross-legged, “now I can see that cute face of yours.”

  “Shut up.” I try not to blush as I sit in the same fashion as him. “Tell me the secret.”

  “I will.” He nods. “But tell me what’s wrong.”

  Deciding that talking to him might help, I proceed to narrate my pretty much horrible day.

  Excluding my daydream kiss with Owen and anything having to do with Owen…Derek doesn’t need to know about that.

  “Sounds like you’ve been busy.”

  “Yeah, well…” I trail off, “not by choice obviously, but—what were you doing at Tacky’s with Liv?”

  “Who told you about that?” He stiffens some. “Blake?”

  “Relax,” I drawl, “I’m not mad…just curious.”

  He rubs the back of his neck. “I can’t tell you, Britt.”

  Okay, well now I’m mad.

  “I’m sorry,” I say, staring at him in disbelief, “what? Why not?”

  “I just can’t.” He sighs, running a hand through his hair. “You weren’t even supposed to know…”

  “Well, newsflash, Connors,” I snap at him, “I know!”

  He chuckles and I cross my arms. “Why are you laughing?”

  “Hearing you call me by my last name is just kind of a turn on.” He proceeds to wink at me. “That’s all.”

  “Wha—you’re a—” I sputter, “a jellyfish!”

  “A jellyfish?” he asks, looking amused. “I’m a—”

  “Yes,” I cut him off, standing up, “you are. And I’m not talking to you.”

  “Come on, Britt,” he says, standing up too. “I was just—”

  “I can’t believe you got her out!” Delanie exclaims, coming toward us with Zach and Liv behind her.

  “I told you…” Derek drapes an arm over my shoulders with a smile. “We have an understanding.”

  Though I’m irked at him, I act coupley for the sake of our “relationship.”

  I affectionately lean my head against him. “We sure do.”

  Making sure it sells, I even proceed to plant a quick kiss on his cheek.

  “Okay, okay,” Zach says, standing in between us. “You got her out…keep your distance.”

  “Aw!” I fake a pout as I reach for Derek. “Derey-Beary!”

Boo!” he plays along in a whiney voice.

  Delanie clutches her stomach. “I think I’m going to puke.”

  Me too.

  “Yeah…” Zach winces. “Same here. Go home, Derek.”

  “At least let me say bye to Britt,” Derek practically sobs, going around Zach. “Bye, Britty-Boo.”

  “Bye, Derey-Beary,” I reply, pretending to be sad just like he is, “I’ll miss you.”

  He steps closer. “I’ll miss you more.”

  I shake my head. “No, I’ll mi—”

  “Cut it out!” Zach exclaims, stepping between us again. “We get it…you’ll miss each other.”

  Trying not to laugh is so hard.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow!” I call after Derek as Zach leads him down the hallway.

  “Tomorrow?” Derek echoes in confusion, looking back at me. “What’s tomorrow?”

  I smile. “Dinner with your family!”

  It’s kind of hard to read his facial expression, but no doubt he’s thinking: crap.

  Because the last time I was over at the Connors’, went oh-so-well.


  I raise an eyebrow as I see Zach come out of his room wearing…well, nice clothes—almost like dress clothes.

  “Where are you going?”

  He turns around, looking somewhat surprised.

  “Oh, Britt…hey.” He jabs a thumb behind him. “I’m just going out.”

  I motion to his clothes. “In that?”

  He nods. “Yep.”

  And then he resumes walking down the hallway.

  Curiosity gets the best of me as I silently follow him downstairs.

  Whatever he’s up to…you can be sure that I’m going to find out what it is.

  “Stop trying to be quiet, Britt-Brat,” Zach suddenly says, not looking back. “I can hear you.”

  I freeze in my bent-over-spy position then stand up and brush off invisible dust from my jeans. “I wasn’t trying to be—”

  “Sure you weren’t,” he cuts in, reaching the bottom of the stairs, “that’s why you were following me without saying anything or ‘making any noise’.”

  I roll my eyes at his air quotations. “Why would I—”

  “Later, Britt.” He winks at me before walking over to the front door and opening it. “Don’t stay up too late.”

  “But where—” I stop when he walks out and closes the door behind him, “are you going?”

  There’s only one thing for me to do. Spy on him.

  I pull my phone out and call Delanie, then tap my foot impatiently as I wait for her to answer.


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