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Tearful Reign

Page 5

by V L Friends

  “Easy now! I didn’t say I was planning to. I merely said it was an option. Honestly, your boyish, naïve, chivalrous attitude is boring me to death,” Julian said as he continued to bait Caleb.

  “I don’t know why I agreed to let you stay here! You will never change. You’re still the selfish, arrogant monster you have always been. You acted on this decision to tell the covens and walkers of her without my consent. Just what are you planning, brother?”

  “Enough!” Julian snapped.

  “She is not some pawn in your schemes,” Caleb said.

  “She is my daughter and I get to decide what is best for her,” Julian said.

  “You don’t get to play the daddy card! You don’t have a clue how to be a father, let alone how to act human!” Caleb could be as mean with his words as Julian. “Tell me, brother, how long after realizing who she was did your demented mind start scheming about how this could benefit you?” Caleb was clearly not letting up.

  “That’s it!”

  After Julian’s words, I could hear banging around and smashing of glass. They must have been in an all-out fist fight, but it sounded like a war zone down there. The last thing I heard was a window smashing and what must have been bodies hitting the ground from a two-story window and then the crackling of tree branches breaking. They must have taken their fight to the woods. I wondered if all walkers had this hot of a temper.

  I thought about checking on them but decided against it. Instead, I put the pillow over my head to block out the sounds and went back to sleep.

  The next morning, I tip-toed down the stairs for some coffee and ran into the damage done from last night’s heated discussion. Furniture was thrown around and shards of glass and broken pieces of wood lay everywhere in the parlor and living room, not to mention the giant open gap where there used to be a window. The place was so quiet, it was eerie.

  There was fresh coffee already brewed and some fruit on the counter in the kitchen, with a note. ‘Help yourself to some fruit, or whatever you want. Just make yourself at home. —went into town for a bit—be back soon. —Love, Caleb’

  Well, at least I knew Uncle Caleb survived the war. Good news.

  I grabbed some grapes and coffee and decided to take them into the library. Caleb sometimes called it his den. This was my favorite place in the entire house. There were several books I had my eye on that I had noticed during my tour. This seemed like the perfect time. I passed by the parlor on my way, dodging broken glass and pieces of wood all over the floor. This must be where most of the fight took place. Nervously glancing around, I wondered if Julian was going to show his face sometime today. I would like to avoid him if possible.

  While in the library, I soon forgot all about my concern with running into Julian and dove into a world of books and imagination. This collection of books was extraordinary. Many of them looked to be collector items, signed by the author. I was in geek heaven. I must have been in there for hours, when I had the unsettling feeling that I was being watched. I could feel eyes boring into my back as I stood on a ladder a few feet off the ground with my back to the door, so I glanced back at the entrance to the study. Julian was leaning against the doorpost with his arms folded and eyes steadily on me.

  “Has anyone told you that it is rude to stare?” I was trying to be snarky to hide how nervous he was making me.

  He didn’t even move, much less respond.

  “How long have you been standing there?” I said, turning back to my book search as if I didn’t care.

  “One, maybe two… hours,” he said, smirking as he walked over, sat on the desk, and scooped up some random object and began tossing it in the air to amuse himself.

  “Gee, that’s not creepy at all,” I murmured under my breath.

  “Well, I just couldn’t help it; it’s like watching a train wreck. I wanted to turn away but just couldn’t. You’ve been in here all morning. Seriously, love, you are such a nerd!” It was his turn to chuckle.

  “So I am guessing none of these books belong to you?” I asked, still verbally jabbing at him.

  “Oh, maybe one or two. I prefer a more hands-on form of entertainment and creativity,” he said with a suggestive, sly grin.

  It occurred to me to ask him, right then, what those forms were but I decided against it. I guessed I didn’t want to know.

  He cleared his throat and changed the subject. “Anyway, Anaya, I think we should talk a little. Why don’t you come down from there so we can get to know each other a little?” He stood up and reached out his hand to help me down. I tried to hide how my insides where doing flip flops right then by adopting an attitude of indifference. Why Julian wanted to spend even two seconds with me was beyond me. We had nothing in common. The way he moved, spoke, and even how he sat reminded me of a refined English aristocrat. Except that he was anything but a gentleman. Even his uppity accent made me feel like I was beneath him. Caleb told me that before he came to live here, Julian spent his time in Paris hob-nobbing with the rich and royalty there. His taste in music was very different from mine as well. I could hear him blasting Mozart in his room just last night. He was very well traveled, an avid art enthusiast, and spoke many languages. Compared to the company he was used to keeping, I must have been very boring to him.

  “I prefer for things to evolve naturally. There is no need to rush things,” I said, ignoring his extended hand as I buried my nose in a book.

  I was not about to make anything easy for him. Refined aristocrat or not, I didn’t have a very good opinion of him. He was rude and… Well, he just scared me.

  “Anaya, stop playing games with me and get down here now!” He sounded more like a father than I had ever heard him sound so I just could not argue.

  “Fine!” I slammed my book shut with one hand and started down the ladder. He offered his hand but I ignored it. Now I was standing in front of him with my big attitude. I had forgotten how much taller he was than me. At least six inches taller. I winced. I was never going to get used to my father looking as young or even younger than me.

  “What is it?” he commented, noticing my frown.

  “Nothing,” I said, shaking my head.

  “Very good. Shall we sit?” He gestured toward a chair.

  “I’m fine. I like to stand.” I folded my arms, still feeling reluctant.

  “Anaya.” He gave me a warning look.

  As I sat down next to him on the couch and turned to look at him, now having a full view of his face in front of me, I remembered the fight he had with Caleb. Why was it that he didn’t seem to have a mark on him?

  “What?” he asked, observing my shocked look.

  “Nothing. It’s just that… well, you don’t seem to have any injuries. It’s just odd considering the huge fight you had last night with Caleb, that’s all.”

  “Ahh! I see! So you were spying?” he said with that annoying half-smile I hated.

  “Spying? The entire neighborhood could have heard you two!” I said, giving him a pointed expression.

  “So, did you or did you not hear everything that was said last night?” he asked.

  “What are you talking about?” I demanded.

  “We were not always yelling and I know you have super hearing. So did you hear it all?”

  I nodded in surrender.

  “I see.” His look was stern. “Well, that is unfortunate. You must not believe everything you hear. Caleb overreacts.” He shifted to look at me. “So, tell me what your other extra abilities are.”

  “Why do you want to know?” I asked with suspicion.

  “Why are you being so difficult? I am just trying to get to know you,” he said defensively.

  “Oh, is that all?” I didn’t trust him.

  “Ahh, I can see that you have decided not to trust me.” He leaned over closer to me and I felt my stomach clench.

  His presence was intimidating and even more so up close. I didn’t doubt that most women would melt and give him anything he wanted. His blue eyes spark
led his amusement. Was everything a game to him and was everyone his plaything?

  He must have sensed my discomfort because he moved in even closer, put his arm on the couch behind me, and his other hand gently covered my hand. I could feel his breath on my face. He cocked his head and studied me.

  “You are a curiosity to me,” he said. There was that sly smile again. This was either an attempt to lure me into relaxing or he did it to make me uncomfortable. Either way, it was designed to learn my reactions. He was testing me. What did my mother ever see in this man? She was too smart to fall for his manipulations.

  I could feel my face getting hot with anger. I decided to take the opportunity and try and get some answers. Holding my composure, I slowly pulled my hand away from under his and moved back to the other end of the couch.

  “Since we are getting to know each other and all, I have some questions for you,” I said.

  “Okay, shoot.” He leaned back and looked as if he hadn’t a care in the world.

  I felt uncomfortable asking him my questions while sitting so close to him, so I got up and walked over to the window, pretending to be interested in the view.

  “What was the nature of your relationship with my mother? Were you two in love? If so, why did you leave? Did you know about me? If you did, why didn’t you ever come and see me?”

  “Whoa! Whoa!” he said, holding up his hands in surrender. “This sounds more like an interrogation!” he said, chuckling.

  He took in a deep breath and saw that I was stubbornly waiting for his answer. Something dark seemed to be in his eyes and his jaw seemed to tighten. Was I making him uncomfortable now?

  “Well, I have to say, I am little disappointed. I thought you were like your mother. She was exceptional. You, coming here, to find your long-lost father, is incredibly foolish. What are you, 19 years old? Your mother really didn’t prepare you for this world, did she? I know she would have warned you to stay away from me. You are indeed a foolish one for not listening. You should have stayed away.” Julian spoke with such a bitter tone and, to my surprise, a twinge of pain hit me deep. He really didn’t want me. I would not let him see that he had gotten to me though.

  He was baiting me. Prodding to get a reaction. More testing. I strode over in front of him as he remained seated on the sofa, locking eyes with him for what seemed like forever but, in reality, it was probably only a few seconds. I wanted to make him pay for that remark. I just didn’t want him to have the upper hand or even think he could hurt me.

  “Let’s just get one thing out of the way.” I leaned toward him, pointing at his chest. “I don’t need a father; I had one. Number two, this whole touchy-feely, get to know you crap was your idea!” My words flew from my mouth as I clenched my jaw. “What’s the matter, Julian, can you not handle questions that might reveal your true heart intentions? Maybe you just don’t want me to know you for the truly horrible monstrous, unfeeling creature you are? The truth is you can’t answer questions to do with love because you don’t love! I don’t care if you answer my questions but let’s just stop this game of pretending you are interested in getting to know me. You don’t want to know me, you just want to know what I have that you can use to your advantage! I didn’t come here for you, Julian, I came here for Caleb!”

  I watched his reaction the entire time I spoke and he had no expression, only one small twitch of his jaw when I finished. It occurred to me that I had gone too far, not that he didn’t deserve it.

  I stood straight and backed up, folding my arms over my chest. He stared at me for a moment.

  “Well, you are a mean little imp, aren’t you?” he finally said after a minute.

  I looked away as I felt tears forming. I didn’t want to say these things. This wasn’t me. What was this man, this walker doing to me? He really did get to me.

  “Are you afraid of me?” he asked

  “I don’t know, maybe. You are wild, unpredictable, and self-centered. Some would say dangerous. I guess I should be afraid of you,” I answered honestly, without hesitation.

  “Good!” He got out of his chair and walked over to me. There was a fury in his eyes that caused me to flinch. “You should be.” He reached his hand out to grab me but somehow I pushed away just in time and backed up. He kept advancing at me. Instinctively I began throwing things at him, anything I could grab… books, knick-knacks. I rushed to the other side of the desk to get away but he caught me and pulled me to him. With one arm around my waist, the other hand grabbed my face and he pulled it up so I was looking directly into his eyes. They were glowing!

  “What are you doing?” I cried out.

  “I need information about you and I don’t have time for this game. Stop resisting. It won’t take but a minute,” he said gruffly, holding my jaw firmly so I would peer directly into his eyes.

  I was fighting him by clamping my eyes shut.

  “Open your eyes!” he demanded with a shake. He was truly terrifying!

  Tearfully I did and our eyes locked. I suddenly felt like I was in a trance I couldn’t get out of. What was he doing? It was like he was going into all the history of my life and seeing everything I was. He was scanning my soul!

  I began to tremble and scream! I tried to resist. I felt like I was going to shake apart. Now I couldn’t breathe! An energy was surging through me! Pain stung my brain.

  “Stop resisting! You’re making things worse!” he snarled.

  “Julian! What the hell are you doing?!” said a voice from the doorway. “Stop!”

  It was Caleb. Julian suddenly let go. I fell to the ground and continued my panic attack. I could not breathe and began wheezing through my tears.

  Caleb rushed to my side. “What have you done? What’s wrong with her?” he screamed at Julian.

  “She’s having a panic attack. She gets them sometimes. I forgot it can be a side effect of the scanning as well. She’ll come out of it.” Julian just stood there unconcerned. I hated him!

  “Julian, it’s getting worse; she is going to lose consciousness! Do something!” Caleb sounded panicked.

  Julian paced a bit, seeming a little reluctant, but he rolled up his sleeves and pushed Caleb out of the way and then he did something very unexpected. Julian sat on the floor against the wall and pulled me to him with my back up against him.

  “These sometimes turn into full-blown asthma attacks. I will talk her down; you go get a paper bag and her asthma inhaler. She keeps it in the top right drawer of her dresser in her room.”

  How did he know this? I wondered, but the thought faded as I gasped for air. The pain in my chest was rising.

  Julian put his hand on my chest and began speaking softly in my ear. “Listen to me, love, we are going to get through this together, okay? Let’s breathe together. Just concentrate on breathing with me.” Having no choice, I just concentrated on the sound of his gentle voice as he talked me down. My chest moved up and down at an even rhythm with his now. Breathing in and out.

  Caleb was on the scene in seconds, asthma inhaler and paper bag in hand. First, I began breathing into the paper bag a few times, then he gave me my inhaler. A few minutes later, I was already recovering but I still couldn’t move. I was exhausted. We all just sat there, Julian still holding me and Caleb just sitting in the chair staring off into space. It was over. Julian repositioned me so my head was in his lap and he continued to play with a strand of my hair.

  I closed my eyes, so it must have appeared like I was asleep to them because they began talking as if I was not in the room.

  “Julian, what were you thinking pulling something like that?” said Caleb

  “You weren’t here; you should have seen the way she looked at me, the things she said... She thinks of me as this monster! I couldn’t wait around for her to warm up to me!” Julian said, sounding very much on the defensive.

  Warm up to him? He was the one baiting me!

  “Well, if she didn’t think you were a monster before, she sure does now!” Caleb scoffed.
  “Where did she learn to be so mean? Her mother was not like this. Who could she get this from?” said Julian.

  Caleb snickered. “Maybe she was following your lead.”

  “Look, I am sorry, but I tried your way and it didn’t work!” Julian said.

  Caleb sighed. “I know what this girl means to you but it’s up to you to show her, Julian.”

  “It’s not that easy. I have been out of touch with my human side for so long,” Julian said.

  Even if Julian had his reasons and never meant to harm me, he was not getting my forgiveness for his actions and the way he had spoken to me. Even still, it seemed like he had an unfair advantage now that he knew my life. I wondered how much he knew.

  “Sooo, was the scan successful?” Caleb had to ask.

  I wondered if Caleb knew I was not asleep. I think he was reading my thoughts again.

  “It was difficult to get through her mind; she put up a fight,” Julian said. He began to stroke my hair again. “She is stronger than I ever thought. She has more gifts than she even knows.”

  I was starting to feel funny about them thinking I was asleep. I felt like I was lying. I pretended to stir a bit and then opened my eyes and sat up. Julian had his arms wrapped around me and released them now.

  “Well, how do you feel?” Caleb asked with half a grin as he stood up to help me up from the floor.

  “Much better, thanks,” I said shyly, realizing that he probably knew that I was fake sleeping.

  “Terrific, well, what do you say we all go out on the town for early dinner or late lunch?” Julian hopped up and acted as if nothing had happened.

  “Um, I am not going anywhere with you,” I said, shooting Julian a glare as I stood up and pushing past him, giving him a shove that barely moved him. I pointed directly in his face. I was not letting him get away with what he had done to me. “Don’t you ever do that to me again!” I stormed out.

  I couldn’t get away fast enough. As soon as I got in my room, I shut the door and just melted to the floor. My emotions were all over the place. I felt angry, sad, and frightened all at once. I just hugged my knees as my body shook in a torrent of weeping. How could he do that to me?!


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