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Omega Lost (The Rogue Pack Book 7)

Page 17

by Samantha Cayto

  It didn’t seem possible that he could feel so much, to want with such fervent intensity. And yet, here he was, writhing beneath Bard. He kicked his heels to urge the man to pick up speed. This slow fucking wasn’t cutting it anymore. Loki’s itch needed harder scratching. His wolf’s demands had increased once again. His cock wanted to be jerked and stroked, harder, faster.

  He found himself saying as much. In a growing litany of breathless commands, he urged the gamma to take him more forcefully. His heels echoed the sentiment in a rhythmic drumming. Bard’s thrusting increased in speed until he pounded Loki’s ass the way he wanted. The way he needed. It built his climax as if he hadn’t come in weeks instead of minutes.

  And then they were both coming, Loki’s semen erupting over Bard’s hand at the same moment when Bard’s jettisoned inside Loki’s ass. Without the knot to impede his movements, Bard kept up his rapid thrusts with a stuttering intensity that left Loki feeling even more possessed than he had during his heat.

  The one thing that was missing was the bite. He jerked his head to one side as if that alone would give access to the special spot where he needed to feel Bard’s teeth. He whimpered with a wordless plea, as did his wolf who missed the connection to Bard’s that was his birthright. Bard must have understood because with his warm breath coating Loki’s neck, he grazed the skin before sucking on it briefly. The tug wasn’t enough but somehow it was like a promise of what would come.

  “Soon,” Bard whispered in Loki’s ear.

  Somehow, the gamma managed to first turn them back on their sides, then wiggle out of his jeans, all without his cock ever completely leaving Loki’s ass. The spent rod remained semi-hard and Bard shoved it in as far as it could go in its current state.

  “Do you mind?” he asked in a quiet voice. “I can’t quite bring myself to leave your body entirely just yet.”

  Loki clenched around the dick, partly in reassurance, and partly hoping that he could make it harden again. “No. I like it.”

  Bard tweaked a nipple, making Loki gasp. “Do you now? I’d swear you’re asking for even more.”

  “And what if I am?”

  “I’d say I might have started more than I can handle. Who knew omegas could be so insatiable?”

  Loki twisted his head to look at him. “Don’t you dominants share stories about us?”

  Bard looked affronted. “I never have. Besides, I didn’t expect to have this privilege. My life should have been made with some lovely sigma female. Having you is a gift beyond imagining.”

  “Except you don’t have me, not really,” Loki reminded him. If he sounded petulant, well that was because he was starting to feel a little put out that Bard wouldn’t mate him.

  Bard tucked a few strands of hair that had loosened from Loki’s braid away from Loki’s face. The simplicity of the gesture caused Loki’s heart to squeeze. His love for this man was no longer in doubt, if it ever had been. Stubbornness had gotten in his way, that’s all.

  “You’re upset because I didn’t bite you.”

  Loki frowned. “Of course. You just fucked me silly. It was the perfect time to do it.”

  “On the contrary, it was the worst time to do it. We’d woken with a thirst for each other that needed tending to. Neither of us was in our right minds with our arousals and the scent of your slick clouding my judgment.”

  Loki groaned and flopped his head back down. “You’re exasperating. Omegas always get bitten when they are mindlessly in heat. Well, mostly they do,” he amended, remembering that the Rogue Pack had a checkered history where that was concerned.

  “Exactly,” Bard replied. “You deserve the same opportunity to make the rational choice to mate that others of our pack have had. I want you to think about this for more than a few hours, most of which was taken up by a nap.”

  “When, then?” He was trying to be grown-up about this, but his impatience was increasing.

  “Easy.” Bard rubbed a soothing palm across Loki’s chest. “If you insist, we’ll set a time limit, with the full understanding that you can still change your mind.”

  “I won’t.” Loki was adamant on that point.

  “Okay.” There was a smile in the gamma’s tone. “The obvious deadline is the coming gathering. I’m enough of a possessive gamma that I want you to be mine before a bunch of strange dominants come into your orbit. You would be a temptation few could resist.” He paused. “Make that none. How does that sound.”

  Loki snuggled closer to him. “Perfect. And it will give me time to turn this hut into a proper home. I will make you a good mate, Bard. I promise.”

  “Baby, I have no doubt of that. And, I promise that I will love you no matter what for the rest of my life. I will dedicate it to serving you and our pups.”

  With those vows made and reassurances given, they settled down into a peaceful silence. His wolf curled up to slumber some more, but Loki’s brain didn’t. With his eyes closed, he pictured how he would decorate and catalogued all that he would need. There wasn’t much time left, so he’d better get to it.

  Chapter Ten

  Loki smoothed the quilt over the pallet one more time before standing and eyeing his efforts. The covering had come out exactly as he’d hoped, each square carefully and lovingly stitched to depict a scene from his birth lands—snow-covered mountains, crystal-clear streams, the flora and fauna of the arctic. And in the middle stood a large and proud white wolf with a smaller one nestled safely against his side. That was them, he and Bard, with room to stitch in pups as they came. There was not a wrinkle to mar its appearance, and he hoped that Bard’s first look at it would be pleasing.

  It was silly perhaps to go to so much trouble with something that was only going to get mussed up again soon. The very thought of his mating night made him blush. Good thing there was no one to see his cheeks heat up. Soon, though, Bard would come. The Gamma had been busy all day counseling with the alpha and the other dominants over the coming gathering, then taking his turn on guard duty. They’d passed each other not long ago as Bard headed to the showers and Loki carried out the dinner. The way the gamma had looked at him brought a promise of a fabulous night.

  But not before Loki had done his part. Their hut was finished now, appointed with all of the things that Loki had wanted to start their home together. The furnishings were sparse. That would change. They had what they needed and the rest would come in time. Every window was covered with curtains that Loki had made. Throw pillows, also made by his hand, accented their two rooms. A rough cubby built by Bard held enough clothing for the two of them. Soon, Loki would start in on some for the pup.

  He was deliriously happy. This was what he’d always wanted—a home and mate to keep. There was nothing more for him to wish for except a safe whelping and long life with the man he loved.

  Out in the main room, the table was set with mismatched everything. He didn’t mind. What was there belonged to him and Bard. With time, newer and better furniture would be added. It was adorable how Bard was trying to learn finished carpentry. Few gammas Loki had known would have considered such a job acceptable. The Rogues, being mostly woodland wolves, were different and so was Bard. He’d accepted his new home with enthusiasm, and Loki could do no less.

  Fidgety as he waited for his almost-mate to come home, he double-checked that the connecting door was shut tight. Destin had taken the adjacent section of their family longhouse for himself, and Loki knew his brother wouldn’t be home that night. Carr and Ben were on the other side with Daniel and Reed past them, which meant that Loki and Bard would have even more privacy when they mated.

  Not that he should expect that, nor should he care who heard when he was finally claimed. Somehow, he did. Bard had understood and hadn’t pressed him when Loki had asked to do it without fanfare. They would have a quiet dinner that Loki had cooked, then they would truly become a couple. It was silly how nervous he was given that he and Bard had done nothing but fuck for the last few weeks. This time would be different, thoug
h, if for no other reason than his and Bard’s wolves would finally form that special bond.

  “Something smells wonderful.”

  Loki whirled to find Bard standing in the doorway. His hair was still wet from his shower and tied back in his usual tight braid. He wore a fitted black T-shirt and black jeans. Both hugged his large muscles to a distracting degree. He’d toed off his boots so as not to track dirt onto Loki’s spotless floor. The considerate gesture pleased Loki. It was the small things that spoke of the type of mate the man would make.

  Suddenly shy, Loki grinned in greeting while tucking strands of his hair behind his ear. He’d elected to leave his hair unbound and it flowed over his own short-sleeved, pale blue shirt. He rubbed the top of one bare foot against the calf of his other leg. Bard’s gaze roamed all the way down Loki’s body. He plucked nervously at his pale, worn jeans, hoping Bard liked what he saw.

  He must have because upon entering, Bard pulled him in for a long, slow kiss. “You look every bit as delicious as dinner smells.”

  With a nervous chuckle, Loki swatted him. “Stop.”

  Bard grinned down at him. “You think I’m being corny? I can’t help it. Seeing you in our home, knowing that I’ll soon claim you, is driving me and my wolf wild. I can’t help the words that come out of my mouth.”

  Loki widened his eyes. “Maybe we should skip dinner?”

  Bard pulled back. “Never. You went to all that trouble, I’m sure, and I’m starving. Given your insatiable appetite for my cock, I need all my strength, too.”

  “Bard!” Loki immediately ruined whatever admonishment he intended by giggling.

  “Come on, show me what you’ve made.” Entwining their fingers, Bard tugged him over to the table. “I smell fish.”

  “Trout. Destin caught them for me. Here, sit and I’ll serve.”

  He liked that Bard didn’t resist when Loki guided him to a chair. Nor did he try to help with the meal. The gamma understood that this was Loki’s job, feeding his mate. He sat quietly as Loki whipped off the cloth covering the platter to reveal the fish and roasted vegetables. He’d seen Bard eat often enough to gauge how much food the gamma needed to satisfy him. Being in whelp gave Loki a bigger appetite than usual, as well. He portioned out a mound of food for Bard’s plate while still having plenty for himself.

  There was bread that he’d baked that afternoon and soft butter from Joey’s endless stock of kitchen staples. He filled Bard’s glass with ice cold water and his own with milk. He wasn’t any happier about drinking the stuff during a meal than he’d ever been, but it was good for him and he wanted to show Bard that he could trust him to take care of himself and the pup. The approving look on the guy’s face confirmed that he’d done well.

  Having served up the meal, he took his seat opposite Bard and picked up his fork. “I hope you like it.”

  “How could I not?” So saying, Bard shoveled in a big mouthful of fish. He moaned, the sound shooting straight to Loki’s dick. “Wonderful.” He winked, a sign that he knew how his reaction had affected him.

  Loki grinned and dropped his gaze. He focused on eating instead of the enticing man sitting across the table. And it was good. Loki had always enjoyed cooking and he was glad that Joey gave him free rein in the kitchen now.

  “Have some bread,” he said, tearing off a hunk and buttering it. He handed it over. His fingers brushed with Bard’s as the gamma took the offering. The simple touch was electrifying. Then Bard did the sweetest thing by taking Loki’s hand and bringing it to his lips. He licked a spot of butter that had smeared on the side of Loki’s finger. The feel of the gamma’s velvety tongue on his skin sent a shiver down Loki’s spine.

  He snatched his hand back. “If you keep that up, we’ll never make it through dinner.”

  “As you say,” Bard replied with a grin. He went back to eating, though, biting off a big chunk of the bread and plowing through the mound of food on his plate.

  Loki could have sat and watched the man eat all night. It was so gratifying to care for his mate. Almost mate. Soon-to-be-mate. Loki squirmed as he chewed.

  Bard grunted. “If you keep that up, we’ll never make it through dinner.” He grinned some more as he threw Loki’s words back at him.

  Loki batted his eyelashes. “What?”

  “Do you not scent your own arousal?”

  “Am I supposed to?”

  “No, that’s for my pleasure, but surely you feel it.”

  Oh, yes, he did. That now-familiar itch that plagued his hole seemingly endlessly these days. He squirmed some more before forcing himself to sit still. “Sorry. I’ll be good,” he added with smile.

  Bard chuckled. “No need for that. Not all the time anyway, as we’ve already established.”

  They had indeed. With each passing day, Bard had taught Loki many ways for him to be naughty. The gamma seemed to delight in Loki’s enthusiasm for mounting and other forms of pleasure. He didn’t expect Loki to be shy and demure, and that was fine by him. He liked participating in their sex life instead of simply accepting it as a duty.

  “How is the planning for the gathering coming along?”

  “Well,” Bard replied with a nod, “we’ve cleared enough trees along the perimeter to give our guests room to comfortably bed down. Although I believe the Green Mountain Pack is bringing campers to stay in. We’ve extended the parking area in any event to accommodate their vehicles. The Strongbloods are coming on foot.”

  “I hear they stay naked all the time.” Nudity was natural among their kind, but most wore clothing as least sometime.

  Bard eyed him over his fork. “That is my understanding as well. Maybe they’ll carry backpacks with them.” He shrugged. “Who knows? They are practically still feral. Give them a wide berth.”

  “You’re not worried they’ll try anything, are you?” Loki widened his eyes in alarm.

  “No!” Dropping his fork, Bard reached over to grab Loki’s hand. “I didn’t mean to scare you. If we thought they posed a danger, we wouldn’t let them come.” He rubbed Loki’s knuckles with his thumb. “I just meant that, um, they’re reputed to be extremely, ah, virile. That’s all.”

  A stain of pink blossomed over Bard’s cheekbones. “Oh,” Loki gasped in understanding. “You’re afraid I might find them desirable?”

  Bard cleared his throat and looked away. “Perhaps.”

  “But, I’m mating with you. Tonight. Remember?” He was actually thrilled at the show of jealousy.

  “Yeah, well…” Bard kissed those same knuckles before letting go and finishing up his meal.

  Loki let the subject drop and focused on eating. “I made blondies for dessert,” he offered when Bard’s fork scraped his plate.

  Sitting back, Bard gave him a heavy-lidded look. “That was marvelous, and I have a craving for something sweet to be sure.” He raised his hand and beckoned.

  Loki didn’t hesitate. Rising, he practically threw himself at the gamma. Bard pulled him onto his broad lap and began the ritual they’d built over the last few weeks.

  It started with kisses, lots of them. Fast and hard, slow and tender, Bard had taken to showing Loki how much he savored the taste of his lips and mouth. Wrapping his arms around the gamma’s neck, Loki gave as good as he got. He’d learned that it was okay for him to be the aggressor, chasing Bard’s tongue back and forth between them.

  He breathed the scent of the gamma in deeply and caressed the firm, warm muscles of the guy’s broad shoulders. There was always a steady beat audible that rumbled along with Bard’s moans within his chest. When its pace picked up, Loki knew that he was having the desired effect. It didn’t take much to arouse his man.

  The familiar hardness beneath the fly of Bard’s jeans teased Loki’s ass. It held such promise. Just the idea of being filled with that cock sent Loki’s slick coursing out of him. He wiggled around to sling one leg over in order to straddle Bard’s lap. Then he slipped a hand under the T-shirt and up the gamma’s torso.

  Bard l
iked to be petted as much as Loki did. And, his big nipples were incredibly sensitive. Loki pinched one between forefinger and thumb, rolling it around just the way necessary to make Bard moan. The man didn’t disappoint, his low sound reverberating into Loki’s mouth. Loki smiled around Bard’s lips before pulling back. He grinned at him as he lifted the shirt up to expose Bard’s pecs. Then he replaced his fingers with his lips, fastening around the nub and suckling like a pup.

  “Oh, Gods, what you do to me.” Bard wound a big hank of Loki’s hair around his fist and held him in place.

  Loki ran his hands up Bard’s back to help anchor himself. He used his tongue and teeth to lap and nip at first the one nipple, then the next. Bard’s hold gave him the freedom to do what he wanted, helping, not dominating. Loki licked his way up the broad expanse of Bard’s chest to his strongly corded neck. The gamma threw back his head to give better access, and when Loki returned to Bard’s lips, he let him feast to his heart’s content.

  But the gamma didn’t stay passive for long. As Loki kissed him with his tongue embedded deep inside his mouth, Bard cupped Loki’s ass and pulled him in closer to mash their pelvises together. The hard rods confined within their jeans clashed. Loki instinctively humped. It wasn’t enough. He needed to be released. He needed skin-to-skin contact.

  His wolf rose up to yip at him with impatience. Loki broke the kiss to slide his tongue over to Bard’s ear. “More,” he whispered before scraping his teeth along the lobe. It had become their ritual for Loki to always say when he needed things to ramp up. The control thrilled him.

  Bard shuddered and groaned. “As you command.”

  The gamma again aided Loki in his intent by plunging a hand between them and somehow freeing their cocks while Loki was busy continuing to ravish Bard’s face and lips. The feel of the man’s fingers encasing Loki’s dick made him groan and shiver himself. He bucked into the hold, only to be held in place by Bard’s stronger grip. He whined in frustration.


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