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Cruel Intentions

Page 17

by Davis, Siobhan

  “It will. But that’s only one part of the problem. I need to get those guys off my back before they release that recording.” Xavier is aware they are using Jane to manipulate me although I still haven’t told him about my non-virginity status and the fact Cam is also using that to force my hand.

  “I’m working on hacking into their systems, but it’s proving challenging because all their shit is encrypted and hidden behind badass firewalls thanks to Techxet’s latest malware software, but I’ll keep at it. I promise.”

  I press a kiss to the top of his head. “I have faith in you and your mad skills.” I waggle my fingers at him. “I’ll call you later to tell you how it went.”

  “You got this, babe,” he says, blowing me a kiss before burying his head in his computer.

  “What is this?” Chad asks, staring at the envelope with his name on it.

  “If everyone could take a seat,” I suggest, waving my hands toward the couches.

  Oscar helped me set up this makeshift office in one of the old living rooms we no longer use. We pushed the stuffy couches to one corner to make way for the desks and chairs I ordered. A large screen is screwed to the wall over the ornate fireplace, and every workstation has a MacBook Pro, a printer, stationery supplies, bottles of water, and snacks. Investigative work is hungry work, especially with the amount of testosterone in the air.

  “Don’t open those yet,” I tell the four boys and two girls. I’d asked Chad to find a small, trustworthy group loyal to the elite, and he delivered.

  Which is why I hate giving him that envelope, but I’m taking no chances. Too much is at stake.

  When they are all seated, I sit on the arm of one couch, facing them. “Thank you so much for coming here today and for agreeing to help even though you don’t know what’s involved. I value and appreciate your loyalty and support.”

  I clear my throat, eyeballing each person. “What I’m asking of you is illegal, but I can assure you no one will find out it involved you unless anyone in this room squeals.” I peer into Chad’s eyes, beseeching him to understand. “What’s in those envelopes is insurance. It will mutually benefit all of us. Ensure that what happens in this room stays in this room.”

  I place my hands on my knees. “Certain members of the inner circle, and others at school, seem to have forgotten their place in the order of things. Forgotten the importance of abiding by the rules and traditions that have governed Rydeville High for years. The new elite is causing waves, and we must stop them. I’m dealing with them myself, but you’ll help me regain control and restore authority and order to school.”

  “How?” the pretty girl with the cute strawberry-blonde pixie haircut asks.

  “It’s Emily, right?” I say, recognizing her from my AP world history class. All I know of her is that she’s quiet, super smart, and keeps to herself.

  I already like her.

  She nods.

  “Every person has secrets,” I say, standing and slowly pacing. “Secrets are weaknesses, and we’re going to exploit those weaknesses to gain the upper hand.”

  “We’re spying on people?” Adam Vitte asks, his eyes popping with interest.

  “Yes. I will give each of you a list of names, and your job is to hack into their private and school systems and dig up dirt. Internet research is also remarkably useful. Especially if the secrets are more of a family nature. We need to find one thing to threaten each person with.”

  “And are these empty threats, or you plan to follow through?” Chad inquires, looking noticeably worried, and I understand why.

  “I will follow through if I’m ignored or challenged, but I have a plan. I will make an example of a couple of people, and that, combined with the evidence we uncover, should be enough to scare the others into toeing the line.”

  “This sounds vindictive,” the girl with the fiery-red hair says. “And I’m not very comfortable with that.”

  “This isn’t revenge. It’s survival, and you’re involved now. There’s no backing down.”

  Tense silence filters through the air, and it’s time to nail their allegiance. “Open your envelopes. Take your time perusing the contents,” I add, walking to the coffee station at the top of the room and brewing a fresh pot.

  Chad jumps up, his face puce, stalking toward me with transparent fear etched upon his face. “Can I talk to you outside?” I set my coffee cup down and follow him out into the hallway. “How the hell did you get hold of this?” he asks, shaking the crumpled papers between his clenched fist.

  “I hacked into your computer and downloaded the photos from your hard drive. It really wasn’t difficult at all. You need to be more careful if you want no one else finding out.”

  “That file was password protected!”

  “We have software which decrypts most passwords. Only systems with high-end tech are secure.”

  His chest heaves, pain glimmering in his eyes, and guilt presses down on me. “Chad.” I move in closer to him, staring him straight in the eye. “I’ll tell no one. I know you won’t betray me, so that information will never see the light of day. I promise.”

  “So why do it then?” he croaks, now visibly shaking.

  “Because I’m putting myself on the line, and I need insurance. It’s not personal. You know this is the way things work.”

  “Please don’t tell Trent, Drew, or Charlie. They respect me and—”

  I take his shaking hands in mine. “Drew and Charlie would still respect you if they found out you’re gay, but Trent’s a homophobic asshole who would ruin you. I know that as well as you do. I won’t tell any of them. Contrary to what most people think of me, I don’t enjoy hurting others. I swear you have nothing to fear if you don’t cross me.”

  He bobs his head, and air whooshes out of his mouth. “Okay.”

  “Chad.” I grip both sides of his head, forcing him to eyeball me. “I swear it will go no further. You can trust me.” I scan his face. “Can I trust you?”

  “With your life, Abigail.”

  Sincerity drips from his words and oozes from his expression, and I believe him. I nod, smiling. “So, we’re good?”

  “Yeah, we’re good.” He smiles too, and his shoulders visibly relax.

  “C’mon then. We’ve got work to do.”

  It shocked the others at how easily I uncovered the skeletons in their closets, but if anyone was wavering before, they’re not now.

  I play the presentation Xavier compiled with step-by-step instructions on how to conduct online investigations, explaining basic hacking techniques and how the software he installed works, and everyone is focused and attentive as they watch.

  Holding people to proverbial ransom works every time.

  It also never ceases to make me feel like a worthless piece of shit, because resorting to manipulation and blackmail is my father’s go-to strategy, and I hate I’m forced to use those tactics too.

  But there’s a bigger picture here, and my life is on the line, so I do what I must.

  We work late, making great progress, and when I call it a night at ten p.m., we have almost a third of the envelopes prepped.

  I move everyone out to the pool house, which is a lot more modern, and a lot more comfortable, than the main house.

  I convinced Daddy Dearest to upgrade it last year after failing to persuade him to modernize the mausoleum we live in. He refuses to change anything in the house, spouting the usual traditional bullshit. I know from looking at old photo albums that the current design has been around for centuries, and it shows.

  I’d live out here if father permitted it, but he’s denied my request every time I’ve asked.

  I take in the sumptuous surroundings as I fix drinks for everyone with a surge of pride swelling my chest. I hired Alex Kennedy’s interior design company to handle the remodeling, and I got a real kick out of meeting her in the flesh, explaining how Mom had been a big fan of her Kennedy Apparel brand when she was alive. Every time I come in here, a genuine smile crosses my fa
ce as I think of how much Mom would love what Alex did with the place. It has her signature style stamped all over it.

  I distribute drinks, and we shoot the shit, while watching a movie and eating pizza, and I can’t remember the last time I felt so at ease.

  I silently question why I’ve kept these people at arm’s length for so long. As part of the inner circle, even Father wouldn’t openly criticize me for hanging out with them; although he’d draw the line at any close friendships, because in his mind their families are inferior to the main elite even with their wealth and social standing.

  We repeat the process the next day and a couple of evenings that week after school, and by Thursday night, we have everything ready.

  Now, it’s showtime.


  All week, I’ve been getting Cam’s lunch even though I want to stab him in the eye with his fork every day when he smirks as I slide a tray in front of him like he’s fucking royalty.

  And every day, without fail, that bitch Rochelle is a permanent fixture on his lap. I can’t wait to wipe that smug, superior grin off her face. We’re taking this weekend to run over the plans one final time, and we’ll execute first thing Monday morning. Until then, I’m acting like a loyal slave even if it’s chipping away at my soul, bit by bit.

  Sawyer is aloof, as usual, and Jackson is being his normal flirty self. Apart from that, the guys are lying low, and I’m keeping my head down too, pretending like I don’t notice how most everyone has defected to support our enemy and how much they enjoy taunting me as they grow braver in the absence of the guys.

  I’ll enjoy watching them come crawling back on their hands and knees.

  The triad is waiting for me at my locker when school ends Friday, surrounded by adoring groupies fawning over their every word. It’s pathetic how these girls throw themselves at them with zero shame, self-control, or self-respect.

  I shove my way through the crowd, ignoring the guys, as Jane and I get books out of our lockers. Without a glance in their direction, I link arms with my bestie and attempt to walk off, but someone fists a hand in the back of my jacket, reeling me back. My book bag slips off my shoulder onto the floor, and I sway unsteadily on my heels before an arm wraps around my waist, and I’m hauled against a hard chest. “Careful, beautiful. Don’t want you falling and messing up that pretty face.”

  I shove Jackson’s arm off and spin around. “Aw, you think I’m pretty?” I flutter my eyelashes and deliberately pout. “I think you’re pretty too,” I add with a sly smile, deliberately pausing for a beat. “Pretty fucking gross.”

  “Now, we both know that’s a downright lie.” He steps all up in my private space. “You didn’t think it was gross when my tongue was licking the inside of your mouth or when I had your ass cheeks cupped in the palms of my hands,” he murmurs, nipping at my earlobe.

  I spy Rochelle scowling out of the corner of my eye, and I can’t resist winding her up. Placing my palms on his chest, I stretch up so I can whisper in his ear. “I was referring to the fact you stuck your disease-ridden dick in that whore’s saggy cunt.” I ease back, shaking my head as a shiver works its way through me. “Ugh. I thought you had more class than that.”

  He grabs me to him, grinning like a maniac. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re jealous. But that couldn’t be right, because you’re engaged to the love of your life.” He quirks a brow, grinning knowingly, and I push him away, knowing it’s time to end this convo before it turns nasty. I take my bag from Jane as she shoots me a worried look, propping a hand on my hip, and leveling the guys with a “get a move on it” look.

  “Leave us,” Cam instructs the fangirls, and they scatter like dust in the wind but not before sending me scathing glares. Rochelle doesn’t budge, looping her arm through Cam’s and sticking her tongue out at me like she’s reverted to six years old. Cam turns to her with an icy look. “Are you deaf?” he growls in that mean, gruff tone of his which never fails to heat my blood and stir my desire.

  I’m still fucked in the head when it comes to him.

  She flinches, the smug grin slowly disappearing from her face. “Surely, you don’t mean me?”

  He growls at her. “You’re getting on my last fucking nerve.” He throws her arm away.

  “Get lost, Rochelle,” Jackson supplies, clicking his fingers dismissively. “You’re not wanted.”

  “And she is?” she fumes, jabbing her finger in the air at me.

  Cam grips her chin. “Who said you could question us?”

  Jackson moves behind her, and she’s trapped between both assholes but not in a good way. “The only time you should open that mouth is to suck cock,” Jackson says. “Otherwise, keep your mouth closed and your opinions to yourself.”

  I resist the urge to tell her I told you so, and I don’t gloat either. I take a leaf out of Sawyer’s book and adopt a disinterested look. “I’ve got plans, so whatever you need to say, say it now or I’m gone,” I supply, eyeballing Cam.

  He releases Rochelle’s face, walking away without a second glance. “You’re coming with us.” He takes my elbow and steers me forward.

  “I’m coming too,” Jane pipes up, shooting hostile vibes at all three boys.

  “No!” I glance over my shoulder at her. “Take the car and go home. I’ll text Oscar and call you later.”

  “Abby. Please.”

  “Run along now, cutie,” Jackson says, squeezing her waist. “I’m sure you have plans too.” He waggles his brows, and a naughty glint appears in his eye. “Like hot, naked, phone sex with your fiancé.”

  All the color drains from my face as I shoot daggers in Jackson’s direction. Jane’s face turns fire-engine red, and Jackson chuckles.

  “You’re an asshole,” I snap.

  “So you’ve said.” He winks, placing his hand on Jane’s lower back as he moves her forward.

  “I’ll be fine,” I reassure her when we reach the door. “Just go.” I kiss her cheek, giving her a gentle nudge toward the car waiting at the bottom of the steps.

  Cam moves to take my elbow again, but I sidestep him. “Unless you want my bodyguard all over your ass, I suggest you stop manhandling me.” I plant my hands on my hips, challenging him with my expression. “Where are you taking me, anyway?”

  “It’s a surprise,” Jackson singsongs, swatting my butt as he eyeballs Oscar with a grin. My bodyguard is now out of the car, a perplexed look puckering his brow.

  I sigh. “Give me a minute to fix this.”

  “I’ll pull the car around,” Sawyer says, skipping down the steps.

  I walk toward Oscar with a sunny smile planted firmly on my face. “I’ve got a group assignment to finish with the guys. I’ll get one of them to drop me home after.”

  “Is everything okay, Ms. Abigail?” he asks, glowering at Cam and Jackson over my shoulder.

  “Everything is fine. Stop worrying. Just make sure Jane gets home safe.”

  He rubs a hand across the back of his neck. “Your father will kill me if he discovers you’re hanging out with the new elite.”

  “He’s not here, and he won’t find out. This is one of those times when I need you to turn a blind eye, Oscar.” Indecision washes over his face. “Trust me. Please. I’ve got this, and Drew is fully aware.”

  “Call me if anything happens. And watch your back. I don’t trust those punks.”

  That makes two of us, buddy.

  I press a kiss to his cheek. “They won’t hurt me,” I lie. “Stop worrying.”

  Sawyer pulls his Land Rover to a halt at the curb, and I wave at Oscar as I get in. Cam rides shotgun while Jackson gets in the back with me, sitting way too close for comfort. But it’s part of his M.O. and I don’t move because that would give him the upper hand and I’m already weak in their eyes.

  “You’re friendly with the help,” he teases. “You banging him?”

  I pin him with a disgusted look. “You’re unbelievable. He’s older than my father!” I ram my elbow in his
side. “And I don’t use sex as a bartering tool. Unlike some.”

  “Yet you’re keeping him in line,” Cam says, turning around in his seat. “If you’re not using your body, how are you manipulating him?”

  I fold my arms over my chest and smirk at him. “That’s for me to know and you to find out.”

  “Our little virgin is keeping more secrets,” he taunts.

  “Stop calling me that when you know it’s not true.”

  “I’m curious,” he says, smoothing a hand over his skull tattoo. “Have you fucked anyone since me?”

  “Wouldn’t you like to know,” I drawl.

  “That’s why I asked.” He cocks a brow, waiting for me to answer.

  “Aw, you’re worried you didn’t measure up.”

  An arrogant smirk appears on his face. “We both know I fucking rocked your world.” He licks his lips, and I hate how my eyes greedily follow the motion. “I’m just wondering if the rumors are true.”

  “Okay, I’ll bite,” I say, leaning forward. “What rumors?”

  “That you’re fucking Trent’s ole man behind his back,” Jackson replies.

  “I’d die before I touch that sleazebag,” I hiss, shuddering as my stomach simultaneously twists into painful knots. A muscle ticks in Cam’s jaw as he penetrates me with his piercing blue eyes, and Sawyer glances at me through the mirror with a slight frown. Rage is a slow burn in my veins as I consider the shit people are spreading about me. “Let me guess,” I say through gritted teeth. “That bitch started the rumor.”

  Jackson chuckles. “She sure hates you.”

  “Believe me, the feeling is mutual.”

  Any last-minute guilt evaporates. Rochelle deserves everything coming to her, and I can’t wait to see her face on Monday as her world falls apart.

  Sawyer pulls up in front of a diner downtown, killing the engine and getting out. He opens my door, offering me his hand, and Jackson sniggers. I take hold of his warm hand, letting him help me out. “Thank you.”

  He smiles, and it reaches his eyes. Wonders will never cease.


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