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Cruel Intentions

Page 19

by Davis, Siobhan

  Eventually, someone pulls Cam off him, holding his arm up in the air, confirming his victory.

  It’s only then I spot Jackson and Sawyer, entering the ring and pulling a sweaty, bloodied, and bruised Cam out of there.

  “That dude has serious issues,” Xavier says, pulling my hood up more firmly. “And I think we’ve seen enough. Let’s get the fuck out of here.”

  I don’t argue, letting him create a path through the crowd, dragging me by the hand, as I think things through.

  I now understand where the bloody jeans and the bundle of cash in Cam’s closet came from. Although tonight’s display was scary, in a sexy, weirdly arousing manner, it’s a relief to know he’s not a murderer. Not that I ever truly believed that, but the thought had crossed my mind.

  Cam hasn’t shown me anything of his true self since he arrived in town. He’s completely guarded, giving nothing away, and it’s bugged me. He’s content to play the sneering, guarded bully, and it’s a role he plays to perfection. But I’ve suspected it’s a front, because that’s not the guy I met at the beach all those months ago. And, tonight, I saw another side of him. A side that’s completely at odds with the sweet guy who claimed my virginity.

  Tonight, I witnessed his pain. His deep-seated anger. The self-torment that is ripping him apart on the inside. While I don’t know what’s driving it, it explains a lot.

  I should be even more frightened of him.

  But I’m not.

  All it does is ramp my intrigue up another notch.

  “Fuck. That dude is one crazy bastard. Hot as fuck,” Xavier says when we’re outside, navigating our way through the rows of vehicles. “But scary crazy.” He stops, planting his hands on my shoulders. “I don’t want him anywhere near you. He’s messed up in the head.”

  I’m not surprised Xavier has observed the same thing. He studies people as I do. “I know,” I agree. “But aren’t we all to some extent?”

  He peers into my eyes. “Shit. You’re into him, aren’t you?”

  I nod because there’s no point trying to deny it. I’ve been playing that game with myself since he showed up in town and it’s time to admit the truth to myself. “I don’t want to be, but he does something to me.” I bite down on my lip. “He…he makes me feel alive. Makes me feel so many things and it excites me as much as it scares me.”

  “Girl.” He shakes his head, grinning as he takes my hand, and we walk again. “You’re even more screwed up than me.”

  “I wasn’t aware it was a competition,” I joke. “And I thought you always knew I was a mess.”

  “A beautiful, smart, kick-ass mess,” he corrects, smiling.

  “I got so lucky the day I met you,” I say, yanking him to a stop.

  He throws back his head, laughing. “Are you kidding? You wanted to remove my liver and eat it with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.”

  “Nerd,” I tease, laughing at his movie reference as we resume walking. “It might’ve been true at first, but that was before I got to know you. Besides Jane, you’re my only best friend, and I hope you know you mean more to me than what I pay you to do.”

  “And what might that be?” a hard voice asks directly into my ear as I’m ripped away from Xavier.


  “Let me go!” I wriggle against the arm wrapped around my waist from behind.

  “Stop fighting, and I might,” Cam growls.

  “Get your fucking hands off her,” Xavier shouts, and I look up to see him being restrained by Sawyer.

  “Over here,” Jackson hollers from the place where my bike is stowed.

  “I can walk unaided,” I snap as Cam marches us forward with his arm still glued to my stomach.

  “This way’s much more fun,” he rasps in my ear, pressing his groin into my ass. My body sparks to life at the feel of his erection prodding into me, and I quit arguing. His belly rumbles with a silent laugh. “Yeah, thought as much.” I flip him the bird and gnash my teeth. “Careful, baby,” he murmurs, “You don’t want to piss me off after a fight.”

  When we reach Jackson, Cam tightens his hold on me, using his free hand to tug my hood down and push my hair aside, and nuzzles his nose into my neck. A tiny whimper escapes my mouth before I can stop it. Jackson shoots me a smug look while Xavier looks like he wants to rip Cam’s head from his shoulders. Which is dangerous, because after what we’ve just witnessed, there’s no way Xavier could ever take him on and expect to win.

  “I said take your hands off her, asshole.” Xavier bravely pushes on, trying to shuck out of Sawyer’s grasp but he towers over him, and he’s at least twice his width too.

  “No.” Cam’s tone brokers no argument, and then he leans down, running the tip of his tongue up and down my neck before sucking on that sensitive spot between my neck and my collarbone.

  My legs turn to Jell-O, and I slump in his arms, hating my reaction but powerless to stop this train wreck from happening. His hard-on is digging into my ass, and my body is short-circuiting at the thoughts of him taking me there.

  “I enjoy putting my hands on her,” he adds, slipping one hand under my hoodie and tank top, palming the skin on my tummy. His touch is like a branding iron on my flesh, and I bite down on my lip, hard, to stem the moans lying idle on my tongue.

  “Aw, hell, beautiful,” Jackson says, cupping the bulge at his crotch. “Now look what you’ve done.”

  “Abby, what the fuck is going on here?” Xavier asks, his confused gaze bouncing between us.

  “Who is he to you?” Cam grits out, his words laced with venom as his hand moves farther up my stomach.

  “He’s my friend,” I pant, too turned on to feel any embarrassment at my obvious state of arousal.

  “Friends with benefits?” Jackson, predictably, asks.

  Xavier and I both laugh at that, and Sawyer rolls his eyes. “You two fuckwits are too obsessed with her to recognize the truth when it’s staring you in the face.”

  Jackson’s brows knit together, and he stares at Xavier, the lines on his forehead smoothing out as he inspects him. He grins. “Might’ve known you’d sniff out the homo, dude,” he says, and Sawyer flips him the bird, letting Xavier go at the same time.

  “Wait a sec.” I yank Cam’s hand out from under my clothing and step away from him, gawking at Sawyer. “You’re gay?”

  Why did I not pick up on that?

  Sawyer glares at Jackson for letting the cat out of the bag. “If I’d known I never would’ve kissed you. Sorry.”

  “What?” Xavier shrieks the same time Sawyer says, “I’m bi.”

  “Well then, I take it back,” I reply, looking at Cam through hooded eyes. “I’m not sorry I kissed you.” I lick my lips. “It was a hot kiss.”

  “Have you gone stark raving mad?” Xavier asks, flapping his hands about. “You can’t go around kissing guys. Especially him!”

  “Guess now isn’t a good time to mention we made out,” Jackson unhelpfully supplies, blowing smoke circles into the air. “Or she gave Cam her virginity.”

  Deadly silence greets that statement, and I could happily throttle Jackson until he turns blue. “What?” He looks between us, confused. “You heard her. He’s her bestie.” He scoffs. “He already knows.”

  Xavier walks up to me, hurt and anger flashing in his eyes. “Is it true?”

  I gulp over my panic, nodding. “I’m sorry.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “You know why.” I reach for him, but he steps away, and a heavy weight presses down on my chest. “Please, Xavier. You know more about me than anyone. Jane included. But I couldn’t tell anyone this. No one else knows.”

  “They do!” he snaps.

  “I didn’t know who he was when I slept with him! Or that he’s an asshole who kissed and told.” I send daggers in Cam’s direction.

  “I wasn’t the one who revealed that,” Cam says. “That’s all on you.”

  “This is all making a lot more sense,” Xavier adds, his a
nger redirecting. “They’re blackmailing you with this too.” He puts his face right up in Cam’s with no trace of fear. “If I find out you’ve been forcing yourself on her, I will make it my life’s mission to see you pay.”

  “No, Xavier.” I pull him back before Cam punches him. “It’s not like that. Well, mostly not like that,” I add, remembering the times he groped me without permission. But I’m only fooling myself. If he’d asked, I would’ve let him because he has this toxic hold over me I can’t explain.

  “What the fuck does that mean?” Xavier places his hands on my hips, pulling me in close to his side.

  “It means it’s none of your Goddamned business,” Cam snarls. “And take your hands off her before I make you.”

  “Excuse me?” I shuck out of Xavier’s hold, glaring at Cam. “You get no say in who touches me.”

  “Want to spout that bullshit again?” he says in a low, deep voice that sends shivers fleeing all over my body. He steps into me, and I step back, but he closes the gap again, and we play this little game where he moves and I move until my back slams into a tree and I’m caged in by his powerful arms. “I’m waiting.”

  “You can keep waiting because I’m not in the habit of repeating myself. Especially not to bullying assholes who think they can push me around and force me into submission.”

  “Oh, baby. We both know I wouldn’t have to force you into anything.” He presses the length of his body against mine, and I silently pray for strength I know I don’t possess.

  “Get off me,” I say, but it sounds weak, and Jackson sniggers.

  “Make me. Because I can do this all night, sweetheart.” He nips at my ear, dragging it between his teeth, and the pleasure-pain sensation radiates throughout my body, eradicating all logical thought. “Remember what I said? Fighting me only turns me on,” he whispers against my face, his warm breath sending me into a daze as he thrusts his cock into my pelvis. “And I’m always horny as fuck after I fight.”

  “I hate you,” I whisper, my hands sliding around his bare sweat-slickened torso.

  “I hate you too,” he whispers back, roughly grabbing my neck and yanking my mouth to his.

  He assaults my mouth with kiss after bruising kiss, sucking my essence from a dark hidden place inside me. I claw at his back, dragging my nails down his flesh, and I know I’m drawing blood. His tongue enters my mouth, licking me all over, and I can hardly breathe with the way he’s devouring me. My nipples are so hard they could cut glass, and I’m sure he can feel the taut buds pressing against his chest even through my hoodie.

  Grabbing my wrists, he hoists them over my head, grinding his cock into my pussy, and I cry out into his mouth. When he tugs on my hair, stretching my neck back, I wince from the sharp sting radiating across my scalp, lifting one leg and wrapping it around his waist, rubbing against him in a desperate attempt to ease the almost unbearable friction climbing inside me. I’m this close to begging him to fill me up when a throat clearing breaks through the sex fog in my head, and I remember we’re not alone.

  Holy shit.

  I blink my eyes open, turning my head sideways, forcing Cam’s lips away. “Get. Off. Me,” I grit out in a more determined tone, shoving at his chest.

  “That was so fucking hot and disturbingly arousing,” Jackson says before adding, “I jacked off again.” Cam pushes off me with a gloating grin. “You going for a world record, beautiful?” Jackson asks, in between drawing on his blunt. “Because that’s twice I’ve come without you touching me. Dat’s true talent.”

  “Shut up, Lauder. Just, shut up,” Sawyer says, pinching the bridge of his nose. “And you!” He glares at Cam. “Make up your damn mind because you’re driving me insane.”

  Cam gets all up in his face. “Don’t fucking push me.” He shoves at Sawyer, but his broad shoulders barely move. “And don’t forget who’s calling the shots.”

  I’ve wondered whether Cam or Sawyer was in charge, and that answers at least one of my questions. I don’t know why Cam is purposely letting everyone think Sawyer is in control, when I know now that’s not the case.

  “Meet us back at our place,” Cam says, taking hold of my elbow. “And don’t blow us off because then we’ll just pay another little visit to Chez Manning.”

  I yank my arm away. “Fine.”

  “I want you there too.” He points at Xavier.

  “And I want to blow Hozier but that’s just a pipe dream.”

  A sly grin lifts the corners of Cam’s mouth. “I’d hate for Abigail to pay the price for your non-cooperation. I’ve missed seeing her kneeling at my feet.”

  My lip curls up in disgust, and I brush past him to my bike, lifting our helmets and handing one to Xavier. “I need to get out of here before I end up in court on a murder charge,” I hiss, securing my hair in a messy bun before putting my helmet on. I get onto the bike and rev the engine, impatiently waving Xavier forward.

  “Oh, fuck,” Jackson says, dropping to his knees. “Kill me now.” He blows a kiss in my direction. “That’s so fucking hot.” I’m wondering if all the weed he smokes has wiped a few brain cells or he just has sex on the brain twenty-four-seven.

  An amused grin appears on Sawyer’s mouth, but Cam looks like he wants to choke me with his bare hands.

  What the fuck’s his problem now?

  Probably blue balls. I smirk as the thought lands in my mind.

  Xavier climbs on the bike, wrapping himself around me like a koala, and I rev the engine again, press my foot to the pedal, and floor it out of there, bits of mud and leafy debris spraying up in my wake.

  We arrive at the house before the guys. They’ve locked the gate, so I park the bike, and we both sit down on the ground with our knees raised, waiting for them to show up.

  We discuss strategies for the impending conversation, debating the pros and cons back and forth, until we agree on an approach.

  “What’s going on between you and those guys?” he asks. “And no bullshitting or hiding the truth this time.”

  “I couldn’t tell you the virginity stuff, and I held back on some other shit because I was afraid you’d storm Rydeville High and confront the guys.”

  “It hurts that you didn’t confide in me,” he admits. “I thought we were friends.”

  I turn into him, pleading with my eyes. “We are friends. Please don’t let this come between us. I’ll tell you everything now, but you must promise not to physically retaliate. The best way to get back at them is the way we’ve planned.”

  I tell him how it all went down, from that first encounter with Cam in Alabama when he was merely a handsome stranger, and he listens attentively as the story pours from my heart.

  It feels good to get this off my chest.

  Then I explain the shit that’s happened since school started. Some of it he knows, but most of it I’ve kept from him because I knew what his reaction would be. He climbs to his feet, pacing, with his jaw pulled tight and murder glimmering in his eyes when I finish. “I fucking knew it!” His fists clench at his side. “Those fucking assholes.”

  I stand. “It doesn’t matter.”

  “The hell it doesn’t! They can’t do that shit to you!”

  I shrug. “They’ve done it, but things will change.”

  “How?” He grips my shoulders. “If the news gets out about your virginity, your father will literally kill you, and I know you won’t throw Jane to the wolves.”

  “That’s why we’ll find something to blackmail them with! I know there’s something, and we’ll unearth it and bury those fuckers.”

  “Are you sure that’s what you want? Things seem…intense between you and Marshall, and it doesn’t look like you’ve much self-control around him.”

  “Maybe I’m seducing him,” I throw out.

  “Are you?”

  “No.” I sigh, rubbing the back of my neck. “I told you I was all messed up.”

  “I didn’t realize it was this bad.”

  The quiet purr of an engine pricks m
y ears, and I look over his shoulders at the approaching vehicle. “They’re here. And remember.” I narrow my eyes. “You promised. We do this my way.”

  His only reply is to hop back on the bike as the gates automatically open, and we follow Sawyer’s Land Rover up their driveway.

  The instant we disembark, Xavier charges at Cam, and I roll my eyes, muttering cusses under my breath.

  So much for promises and restraint.

  He rams his fist into Cam’s face as I stand there with my mouth hanging open. “That’s for assaulting her and humiliating her in school. And if you fucking touch her without her permission again, I will end you.” He pushes his chest into Cam’s. “That’s a promise.”

  Cam surprises me by turning around and walking into the house without uttering a word or punching him back.

  We follow Sawyer through the door into the wide lobby and enter the large living space that functioned as party central the last time I was here.

  A massive cream leather couch is the focal point in the room with all the other furniture centered around it. Cam slumps in one of the leather recliners with his leg tossed casually over the arm. His feet and upper body are bare, and the top button of his jeans is undone. His lip is bloody, his cheek and eye swollen, and the faint hint of bruises already appears on his jawline and across his rib cage, but he’s still the sexiest guy I’ve ever seen, and my libido reawakens with gusto.

  Stupid damn hormones.

  Sawyer drops onto the couch, gesturing for us to sit beside him. Jackson wanders into the room from the direction of the kitchen, gulping down water and offering bottles around. He sits cross-legged on the floor in front of the couch, winking at me. Ignoring his deviant, flirtatious ass, I take sips of water as I wait for the interrogation to begin.

  “Who are you, and how do you know Abigail?” Sawyer asks Xavier, not beating around the bush.

  We’ve already discussed this, and I see no harm in being mostly truthful. If we lie about the obvious stuff, they’ll catch us on it because Sawyer has tech skills too. And I want none of this coming back to bite Xavier.


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