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Their Wicked Wolf (Mytic Wolves, #6)

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by Boon, Elle

  Their Wicked Wolf

  Mystic Wolves 6

  Elle Boon

  By Elle Boon

  © Copyright 2019 Elle Boon

  All cover art and logos © Copyright 2019 by Elle Boon

  All rights reserved.

  Cover art by: Tibbs Designs

  Their Wicked Wolf

  Mystic Wolves 6

  Copyright © 2019 Elle Boon

  First E-book Publication: 2019

  Cover design by Valerie Tibbs

  Edited by: Tracy Roelle

  All cover art and logo copyright © Valerie Tibbs of Tibbs Design

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Elle Boon


  Every story I write seems to come from another story in the series. Well, Sky has been that story just waiting to be written. I put it on the back burner, thinking this and that needed to be written first, but finally she started to scream at me, or should I say River and Raydon did. Now I am so excited I listened to my muse, or should I say muses. One of the things I think I say a lot is “When life throws you a curve, you swerve with it.” Let me tell you, I’m a professional swerver by now. I know most people say when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Nope, I say pass me the vodka and let’s get this party started. I hope y’all enjoy Sky and her guys as much as I enjoyed digging deep into their stories. Get ready for a truly wicked story and grab onto whatever is near because there’s bound to be some swerving and possibly the need for alcohol.

  Love y’all so hard



  Their Wicked Wolf


  Other Books by Elle Boon


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  His Sexy Wolf

  Dark Embrace

  About Elle Boon

  Other Books by Elle Boon

  Other Books by Elle Boon

  Ravens of War

  Selena’s Men

  Two For Tamara

  Jaklyn’s Saviors

  Kira’s Warriors

  Mystic Wolves

  Accidentally Wolf & His Perfect Wolf (1 Volume)

  Jett’s Wild Wolf

  Bronx’s Wounded Wolf

  A Fey’s Wolf

  Their Wicked Wolf



  Berserker’s Rage

  A SmokeJumpers Christmas

  Mind Bender, Coming Soon

  Iron Wolves MC

  Lyric’s Accidental Mate

  Xan’s Feisty Mate

  Kellen’s Tempting Mate

  Slater’s Enchanted Mate

  Dark Lovers

  Bodhi’s Synful Mate

  Turo’s Fated Mate

  Arynn’s Chosen Mate

  Coti’s Unclaimed Mate

  Miami Nights

  Miami Inferno

  Rescuing Miami


  Wild and Dirty

  SEAL Team Phantom Series

  Delta Salvation

  Delta Recon

  Delta Rogue

  Delta Redemption

  Mission Saving Shayna

  Protecting Teagan

  The Dark Legacy Series

  Dark Embrace


  Every bone in her body was breaking, sweat pouring off her as she lay immobile, thinking if she didn’t move it wouldn’t hurt quite so badly, but she knew better. She knew the pain wouldn’t ease until her best friend healed. Goddess, why would a father do this to his child?

  Sky moaned out loud, then sucked her lips between her teeth, holding the sounds inside as best she could. If her parents heard, they’d freak the fuck out. Not because they cared, but because they would hate for her to interrupt their lives anymore than she already did, and that was the last thing she needed. If she wanted to continue being friends with Taryn, she’d have to suffer in silence like their alpha said, “You want to be friends with my mutt, then you’ll pay the price. You willing to pay, little bitch?” Keith asked coolly. Was she willing to accept the pain mentally and internally, while he inflicted even worse on his daughter physically? The answer was yes, had been yes since he’d first asked. Sometimes, like now when the ability to breathe was almost too great, she regretted her bargain with the devil named Keith, but then she’d watch in horror the nightmare Taryn lived with, and she’d given a silent nod, knowing the bastard was aware, knowing he would be waiting to share the punishment he doled out to his daughter with Sky as well.

  Hours later she lay panting, her heart beating too fast, but the need to get up and go see her friend and tend to her very real wounds, had her swinging her legs over the side of the bed. A wave of dizziness made Sky suck in a deep breath before she could get up. “Good Goddess, what did he do this time?” she questioned the empty room. Using her arms to shove herself up, pain shot from her fingers to her shoulders, the screams she’d held inside escaped.

  “Sky, are you alright?” Her mother’s shrill voice asked through the door.

  She bit her bottom lip, stilling the tremble. “Yeah, I must’ve fallen asleep and got up too quickly. My foot’s gone numb, and you know how I seem to fall all the time.” As far as excuses went it was lame, but her mother would buy it.

  “Well, be more careful. I was cooking and almost burned myself.”

  The sharp retort made fresh tears track down her face. Where once her mother used to hug and coddle her, now she was remote, almost loveless toward Sky. She hated Keith with every fiber of her being. He was not only an awful father, and cruel leader, but he was evil to his core. Why couldn’t the adults, the ones who were supposed to protect the innocents, see that? Instead, they let him hurt those weaker than him, taking pleasure in others pain and suffering in front of the entire pack, and what he did behind their backs had to be worse. The bargain he made with Sky...she shuddered and closed off what she’d agreed to do in order to continue her friendship with Taryn, his daughter. If her taking on even a little of what the other girl felt eased some of her suffering, she’d do it, which was what she did. Silently. How Taryn could stand the actual physical pain was beyond Sky’s imagination.

  She took her first tentative step, feeling aches in every joint, throbbing in every cell of her body seemed to shout with each move she made. “For fuckssake, what the hell is Taryn going through?”

  Once in the bathroom, she inspected herself in the mirror. Like every other time, she didn’t look as though she’d been beaten, not like Taryn, not on the outside. Inside however, was a different story. Where nobody could see, she knew she had more than a few bruised ribs and possibly even more internal damage.

  With Keith, one never knew exactly what you’d get. However, he wouldn’t want to alert the pack to what he’d done. Of course, he was alpha, so he could do anything he wanted. The thought sickened her, knowing he could and would do what he pleased, and nobody would stop him, not even her parents. She splashed water on her face, pulled her hair into a ponytail, then left without looking too closely at her image. Keith had a mate once, Taryn’s mother, but
he didn’t care who he forced a mating with for the night, only drawing a line with age. She shuddered at the thought of what it meant to be with the vile beast. “I’ll kill myself first,” she vowed, uncaring if he caught the thought.

  By the time she made it to where Taryn lay, her bones had cracked like she’d been to a chiropractor, making her sigh in relief. Damn, how many more times could she go through...she stopped the thought before it could finish. For Taryn, she’d go through the same thing she’d gone through over and over again, like she’d done for the past ten years or so. She just hoped her body held out. An anguished cry escaped her at the sight of Taryn lying motionless in the center of the gathering. All around pack members stood, staring at the alpha’s daughter, yet none moved to help her.

  Movement from the other side showed Joni entering. Neither of them said a word as they gathered the battered and broken form of Taryn up from the ground, ignoring the blood pouring from wounds too numerous to count. The crowd of gawkers parted for them, eyes evading them as if they were ashamed. Sky wanted to shout that yes they should be, but her own body still ached.

  “She’s still alive, Sky, so stop with the heavy breathing like you’re about to breakdown,” Joni ordered.

  If only Joni knew the heavy breathing was due to the bruised ribs and the injured lungs still trying to heal themselves. She felt his evil eyes staring at her, knew he was commanding her to look toward him. Sky’s head inched to the right, her eyes finding the malevolent gaze of Keith the bastard. His stare held her spellbound for precious seconds while a fist seemed to wrap around her throat, making it hard for her to breathe. “Remember our bargain, little bitch, or the life you hold will be no more.” His deep gravelly voice in her head made her hold Taryn too tightly, causing her best friend to flinch even though she didn’t wake. Sky didn’t know if Keith meant her life, or his daughter. Either one, she didn’t want to lose. Not yet.

  Several days later, after she and Joni worked to keep Taryn as comfortable as possible, their friend woke a changed woman. Sky could tell their life would be forever altered as she looked into the beautiful eyes of one of the only true friends she had. Even though they’d not been allowed to do much together, Taryn had been the one person she’d held closest to her heart, besides Joni. The only other person she’d give her life for. A stab of fear wormed its way through her. Sky had a feeling it would be her life that would be forfeit if Taryn found a way to escape, for Keith would look for a new chew toy. He wouldn’t look too far since he knew Sky could handle his punishments without complaint, at least the ones on the inside. Goddess, she didn’t want to contemplate going through what Taryn did, but she also wanted her friend free, even if it meant her life. Heck, she didn’t have much of one anyhow.

  “Thank you, jeezus. I didn’t think you’d ever wake the fuck up. I swear you scared like ten years off my life,” Joni said, coming to stand beside Taryn, a glass in her hand.

  “How long was I out?”

  “Three motherfucking days,” Sky growled. The longest three days of her life with Keith beating at her head asking for updates. Finally, she’d opened up, allowing him to feel everything she did. The recoil of shock and...horror was almost worth the backlash she’d received.

  Taryn tried to sit up at the announcement. “What? I didn’t wake at all?”

  “I almost hauled your ass in to the hospital. One more day and you were going.” Joni held the drink out, the anxiety she’d obviously felt clear in her tone. “Drink this, and then you need to eat, and no you didn’t wake.”

  Taryn gulped the juice down, her eyes blinking back tears.

  “How do you feel?” Sky asked, although she already knew the answer.

  Taryn stretched her legs out, followed by her arms, smiling broadly. “Damn, I feel pretty good for a chick who just got run over by a truck.”

  The feel of Keith’s hands wrapping around her throat kept her from responding for a few seconds. Finally, she licked her lips and tried again. “We took turns watching you, making sure none of the assholes decided to come in and take advantage of you. The second day, we decided to wash you up a bit. I couldn’t stand to look at the blood on you a moment longer, but we didn’t want to jar you too much. Do you think you’re up for a bath?” Sky asked. Someday she’d make a great mate, just not to one of the jackholes in their pack. Of course, if Keith had his way, she’d be one of his stable of women. Bile rose up at the thought.

  “I’d love a bath, but I don’t have one. A quick shower will suffice though. You two best be getting back to your places. I don’t want you getting into trouble on my behalf.”

  Sky could’ve told her she was already paying a price for her friendship, but she’d never do that to her. For one, Keith would know, and goddess only knew what he’d do to them both. For another, Taryn already suffered too much. “Taryn, you’re always welcome in my home, you know that.” Her parents would fall all over themselves if they thought Keith would pay them favors for allowing his daughter in their home.

  Like always, her friend waved aside the offer, making excuses and shooing them out the door. Another piece of her heart broke at the loss of her friendship. For her, Taryn and Joni were the only light in her world.

  “We’ll see you in a day or so. Rest and eat, woman.” Joni shook her finger at Taryn, hurrying out of the small space ahead of Sky.

  “When will I see you again?” The question slipped out before she could stop it. Knowledge was power. On one hand she wanted the answer, but on the other she didn’t. Keith could and would pull it from her if she knew.

  “I’ll be in touch. I just need...I need a little time.” Taryn raised her hand, smoothing her palm over Sky’s head. “Take care of you, Sky.”

  “You’re leaving.” Sky stated.

  Taryn didn’t deny her words.

  Before she could make a fool of herself, she wrapped her arms around Taryn’s stomach and gave her a quick hug. “Take care of you.” Sky turned and hurried out the door, feeling Taryn stare as she nearly ran all the way home. Goddess, she was such a pussyass little bitch. She should’ve told Taryn. She should’ve explained about the bargain she’d made with Keith all those years ago. Now, it was too late, and she had a sinking feeling that when Taryn disappeared, Keith would come looking for a new body to replace his favorite punching bag, for when he needed to beat his anger out. Only Sky wasn’t as strong as Taryn.

  Chapter One

  Sky smiled at Talia, her friend Taryn’s mother, her savior. It had been months since Keith’s death. Goddess, she finally felt as if her world was going to be bright again after so much darkness. “How’re you liking Mystic Lodge so far?” she asked the older woman.

  It had taken Sky a couple months to acclimate herself to the new normal, but now she felt as if she was...steady. No longer did she flinch at a raised voice or the slamming of doors.

  Talia smiled. “I’m still trying to take it all in. There’s so much to see and learn. Of course, it’ll be worth it once my girls...anyway, it’s beautiful up here.”

  She totally understood what Talia had said, and what she hadn’t. Taryn and her other daughter Taya were both mated to Mystic Pack members, but it had taken them a little to warm up to their mother.

  “Are you two just standing around gabbing? Don’t you have work to do?” The anger coming from the manager was new and off-putting, something Sky wasn’t sure she could deal with much longer. Yes, she liked working at the lodge, but she wouldn’t stay if she had to work for the man much longer. He’d been fine until a month or so ago.

  “We’re on our appointed break, which is our legal right to do,” she said, glad her voice didn’t crack.

  Talia put her hand up, stopping him from whatever he’d been about to say. “Can you tell me again the number of guests we’re expecting?”

  Sky didn’t stick around to hear whatever else was said. Her job didn’t include office duties, not like Talia’s. No, she was in charge of nothing too important, other than making sure the fron
t of the lodge was kept up to standards. Meaning she was a glorified cleaning lady. She didn’t mind though since she could blend into the woodwork when she wanted. Unlike Talia who’d been held as a prisoner for over twenty-five years, beaten, broken, and worse, by Keith her supposed mate, yet she was willing to step in when Sky cowed away. “Goddess, I’m sick of being such a little bitch like he called me.”

  She went outside, hoping the fresh air would clear her head. She’d go for a drive in her Beamer, her one luxury she still had thanks to her parents being smart enough not to give Keith all their money. Goddess, just thinking the bastards name made her stomach roll.

  Her mind went back to the last time she’d driven the winding roads. Only then she’d been running from something. No, she’d been running from someone, make that two someones. Hell, she didn’t know what was up and what was down, only remembered the need to flee and she had, nearly killing herself in the process by running head first into a diesel. Luckily for her, the driver had been more aware of the road. She’d been able to swerve back into her own lane in time, barely missing a head-on collision. Sometimes, Sky wondered if everyone wouldn’t be better off if she weren’t around.

  She’d even thought she could run off to Texas, losing herself among the millions of people there. It had been a pipe dream as Keith had been waiting for her when she’d returned, his need to feel flesh under his fists and claws were great that evening. “Don’t think about it or him. He’s gone and can’t hurt you or anyone anymore.” She shuddered.

  “Who’re you talking to, little lamb?”

  Sky spun around, coming face-to-face with a man she’d never met. Power pulsed off him, making what Keith had seem miniscule in comparison. “Pardon me, I didn’t see you there.”

  The man floated forward. “Of course you didn’t, because I didn’t want you to. What’s your name, little lamb?”

  Breath froze in her throat the closer he got. His nickname for her made her feel as if it was prophetic. A lamb being led to slaughter flashed before her eyes.


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