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Their Wicked Wolf (Mytic Wolves, #6)

Page 12

by Boon, Elle

  Sky groaned, but River knew his twin was doing a little more than playing as Sky’s body began moving faster. “Ah fuck, you feel so good, too good. Fuck, Sky.”

  “Now who’s the hellmouth? Oh, fuck, yes, right there. What’re you doing, Raydon?”

  “Getting you ready, hellmouth. Not tonight, but soon, you’ll take both of us at the same time,” he promised.

  And just like that, her body tightened like a vice, making his own come. “Fuck, yes,” he roared.

  The next morning Raydon was in the kitchen, his mind thinking through the previous night. Hell, his dick twitched wanting to sink back inside Sky’s tight pussy or mouth. Many men, shifters, wanted their mate to be untouched by another, but he and River had never thought that way. Now, to know they’d be the last ones, that was another story.

  “Wow, it got cold overnight. Where’s Sky?” River came in the backdoor, his boots covered in snow. “Sky still in the bathroom? Want me to see what’s taking her so long?” River asked as he took off his shoes and coat. They may be shifters, but that didn’t mean they didn’t wear winter gear.

  “Hold your horses, boys. I was talking with Lula, kinda. She’s...something.” Sky skipped into the kitchen, her cheeks turning a rosy hue.

  “Lula is a female who’s a bit...different, that’s for sure. How’re you feeling this morning?” River asked, his arms going around Sky.

  Raydon poured her a cup of coffee and waited his turn.

  “I’m good. I just needed a minute to digest everything. I um...well, when we claimed each other, did you guys see my past?” She lifted the cup to her lips and looked at Raydon.

  He paused with his own cup halfway to his lips. Fuck, he’d been so wrapped up in her pleasure and not fucking up, he didn’t look past the moment they were in. Taking a fortifying sip, he placed the mug next to his hip and waited.

  “Sorry, love, I was a little distracted,” River confessed.

  Raydon moved closer, tipping her chin up to meet his eyes. “You want to tell us, or want us to look for ourselves? Now that we’re mated properly we can, just as you can. Nothing about our past or yours will change how we feel about you, hellmouth.” His thumb moved back and forth over her slightly swollen lips, a sign she’d been chewing on them out of misguided fear. “Sky, whatever it is, we’ll love you no matter what.”

  Tears pooled in her beautiful eyes, making them even more vibrant. “My parents never loved me, did they?”

  He took a shaky breath realizing it wasn’t her memory she was referring to, but the conversation Niall had with her parents, the one their alpha shared with him and his brother. “I could lie to you, but you saw. I’m sorry, love. They didn’t deserve a beautiful child such as you.”

  She shook her head. “They were hurting. I was a reminder of their loss and...”

  Raydon stopped her flow of words, his wolf growling and needing to end their mate’s hurt the only way they knew how, a kiss meant to heal. Her tongue met his, her slim arms wrapped around him, their strength that of her wolf and dragon combined. Had he been human, she’d have cracked a rib or two. When he pulled back, they were both breathing hard. “Sky, I need you to listen to me, and truly hear what I’m about to say. Your parents are fucked in the head. They did something the night of your birth. That’s the million dollar question, and we need Lula to find out, or Jenna, but it seems the Fey Queen is still out of commission since the birth of her babies.”

  “Lula said she’d be here in a jiffy, which I don’t think she truly understands means sooner rather than later, ‘cause she said something about peanut butter.” A small grin tilted her lips.

  Raydon imagined the female with long pink hair holding a jar of peanut butter and a spoon. “I can see it. Her popping in with a spoon in one hand while she shakes her fist holding the offending stuff in the other. I imagine she is either loving it or hating it.” He himself hated the shit, but River loved it. Yin and Yang, he thought, and immediately their problem came swirling to the front of his mind.

  “I caught that, too. So, Peyton thinks my twin really is a chimera?” He could hear the sadness as she spoke.

  River moved behind Sky, wrapping his arms around her, making her shiver. “Just because this other being may have once been your sister, doesn’t mean it still is. In fact, I don’t believe it is. Once a being is no longer living, and their soul is sent to another plane, they become twisted into something else entirely.”

  “Stella, her name is or was to be Stella. Why didn’t they go to the hospital?” she questioned.

  Raydon sighed, knowing she needed to vent and ask these questions without really wanting either of them to answer. However, River was there with words, words he felt. “Your alpha was an archaic male. Keith more than likely didn’t believe in such things or didn’t allow useless expenses. Hell, maybe your mother didn’t realize there was a problem until it was too late. Whatever happened, you are not to blame. You, like every other child, are not to blame for what happens when they are in a mother’s womb. The fault lies with nature.”

  Not liking the stiffness in Sky’s body, Raydon grabbed her from River, placing her on the counter after clearing the space. “Listen, we can argue back and forth all day and night for eternity, but the reality is that you’re here and she’s, well, she’s locked away in your mind for now. She doesn’t have a body here on Earth, yet. Did you see what Peyton suggested?”

  At Sky’s nod, he continued. “What do you think of her plan?”

  “To bring her into this world, only to kill her seems...I don’t think I could do it or allow anyone else to.” She looked at him then River. “I love you, both of you. I want to be the female you deserve, but on this I can’t budge.”

  He and River stood so close to Sky, their legs bumped hers. “I think Raydon and I knew that. Let’s not worry about any bullshit. For now, we’ve got a mating to celebrate. Plus, I imagine you’re hungry. We can throw something together or head up to the lodge for breakfast.”

  Sky’s face showed every emotion, which he thought was a damn good thing since she was closed lipped unless she was cursing. Finally, after a minute or two of silence, she nodded. “Does everyone there know what happened?”

  “Dammit, you don’t think we’d allow gossip to flow about you, do you?” River growled.

  Sky pushed him back with a hard shove, their feisty little female showing she wasn’t such a pushover. “Listen, I’m just catching up, and I didn’t quite take the time to roam your minds, so excuse me while I ask stupid damn questions, but could you please answer them?”

  “And just like that, I’m hard. Can we skip eating breakfast and go have dessert? Nekkid, with you riding my face?” He held his hands up near his chin, his goofy grin in place.

  “Dear goddess, tell me I don’t look that stupid?” Raydon shoved River out of the way, getting in Sky’s face. “Let’s get a few things straight before this one decides to forego food for pussy, which by the way tastes fucking awesome.” He winked at Sky. “The other employees at the lodge know what we told them, thanks to a little Fey magic. Nobody but us and a few others were witness to what really happened, and none of it was your fault, period. Even if the entire world knew, anyone with a lick of sense wouldn’t think it was your fault. Look through my memories, see for yourself what happened. I can stand here and talk ‘til I’m blue in the face, but you and I both know you need to see it.” He spread her legs and moved in close, resting his forehead against hers, not that they needed the physical connection for her to see his memories, but because he and his wolf needed to touch her.

  The whisper like feel of her presence soothed the jagged edges he’d had since they’d found her injured and near death. A familiar presence eased along with Sky’s in his mind, flowing through memories quicker than he’d have felt comfortable with if it hadn’t been his brother and his mate. He kept his eyes closed, breathing in her unique scent and keeping attuned to the world around them. Finally, both Sky and River left his mind, leaving behi
nd a little bit of themselves. He opened his eyes, catching a look of hope in Sky’s mind and then her intent gaze.

  “So, now do you trust and believe us?” he asked.

  Sky placed both hands on his face, holding him in place. “I always trusted you, and it’s not that I didn’t believe you, exactly. I just’s that, well I thought you would try to protect me from things you thought I was too fragile for. Believe me, I’m so far from fragile it’s almost comical. You’ve seen my memories, so now you know. I didn’t grow up a pampered princess, none of us did in the compound. Keith didn’t allow a female to get too big for her britches, and if one did, he made damn sure she was knocked back down, physically, mentally, and emotionally.”

  River growled from beside him, making his own wolf need to rise. “Sky, if we could, we’d kill that bastard ourselves. Fuck, we were so close to you all these years and had no clue. It guts us, knowing...” he bit off, pushing back to pace away. “We can’t change the past, but we can make damn sure the future is better, starting now. So, let’s get that fine ass up and out of here before River and I decide to say screw food and screw you instead. Your scent is driving my wolf insane with the need to dominate. It’s taking all my control to tell him you need a little down time after last night.”

  The little vixen gave him a grin that could only be described as wicked, then she hopped off the counter. “How about we run in our fur there and come back here the same way afterward. I don’t know about you, but I think that’ll make our wolves happy, and maybe give them the time to get acquainted?” At the french doors leading to the back patio, she glanced over her shoulder and with a saucy wink, she lifted the borrowed T-shirt over her head, dropping it on the floor, leaving her in nothing but a pair of lacy panties. “Race you both,” she challenged.

  Since the Fey had gifted them with the power to shift and Jenna had shown them the way to do so without having to undress, none had needed to do so since. However, watching Sky dare them before she shifted seamlessly into an almost pure white wolf, had him rethinking the need, versus want. Hell, she leapt off the deck and into the woods faster than he could process, making the decision for him. “Last one there has to cook dinner,” he said as he shifted and followed Sky, knowing River was right behind him. It would be a tossup who got to her first, both of them evenly matched.

  Through the woods, he tracked her scent and easily caught up with her smaller form before they reached the lodge, her beautiful white fur blending in with the snow almost too well. He tracked the sweet smell of cotton candy and spiced apple as she dodged around a tree. His wolf came to an abrupt halt, snow spraying around him as River did the same. Sky stepped out in human form, her body dressed in a pair of black leggings and an oversized white sweater along with a pair of boots with faux fur lining.

  River shifted first, whistling. “Damn, girl, how’d you do that?” he asked, walking toward Sky.

  Raydon sat back, scenting the air.

  “Lula gave me a crash course on all things Fey when I was with her. I told you, I may have weak moments, but I’m far from weak. That bitch in the box—” she tapped her head. “She’s going to learn who’s the boss of this body.”

  Raydon shifted, his wolf easing back to allow the human part of him to takeover. “I second what River said. Damn, Sky, I think that was one of the sexiest things I’ve ever heard you say. Want to skip brunch and fuck?”

  Her gorgeous head tipped back, a real laugh escaping her. “Eat, run home, then make love. Sound like a plan?”

  River eliminated the distance between them, bent and hauled their mate over his shoulder, slapping her rear as he headed toward the lodge. “Woman, you are a damn tease. I swear, I’m going to feast on that pretty pussy for hours,” he growled.

  Listening to their banter, he couldn’t help but chuckle. For the next however many years, he knew he’d never grow tired of waking and sleeping as long as he had Sky and his brother with him.

  River stomped his feet at the entrance, making Sky giggle as he accidentally shifted his hand between her thighs while he held her over his shoulder. Fuck, he was hard and seriously gave zero thought to who could see it. “Alright, love, I’m gonna set you down. You ready?” He didn’t want to but knew he couldn’t just walk around like a caveman with his prize slung over his shoulder. Plus, if he just righted Sky, she could be dizzy. He was nothing if not a gentleman.

  Sky snorted. “I heard that,” she whispered near his ear.

  He gave her ass another firm slap for good measure, bent and kissed her soundly while putting her in front of him, uncaring that they were in the middle of the check in area. “Good. Next time I’ll be sure to think dirty thoughts.”

  She lifted onto her tip toes. “Don’t you always?”

  Sassy, sexy, mate. “When it comes to you, yes,” he agreed.

  “Why does it feel like we’ve been together, the three of us, a lifetime instead of just weeks?” Sky asked, looking for Raydon.

  River felt his brother enter the lodge, his twin the more serious of the two of them. “Because that’s the way of mates, and the three of us have been inside each other’s...minds, plus, we’ve been inside your delectable little body, and neither of us can wait to do it again. Let’s eat so we can get on to part two of my day.”

  Raydon slung his arm over River’s shoulder. “You’ll learn his part two is really his part one. He only allows it to come second because necessity rules. Speaking of needs, I can feel your hunger. Let’s go get a table.” Raydon reached for her hand, steering them toward the dining room.

  “One of us has to have our priorities straight. Ain’t that right, love?” River held her other hand, tension had her squeezing onto both their hands like a lifeline. “Easy, nobody will do or say anything that upsets you, if they value their life.”

  He didn’t need to look at Raydon to see his twin agreed. A human girl met them at the podium that had a sign telling them to wait to be seated. If River hadn’t been head over ass in love with his mate, he might’ve given the girl a second look. However, he only had eyes for Sky, and his dick only stood up for their sexy mate. Which was a blessing, because if roles were reversed, he sure as fuck prayed to the goddess Sky felt the same. He’d almost hate having to kill some unlucky sonofabitch who tried to take what was theirs. Almost.

  Sky snorted again, letting him know she was inside his head. “I think someone needs a timeout,” she whispered.

  This time is was Raydon who snorted. “That don’t work. When we were kids our mama tried it. He found invisible friends to play with. Even if he could talk, you know, that was part of the timeout, no talking. He’d make hand puppets or shadow puppets. Seriously, the only thing that would bother him would be withholding food, or now you.”

  River gasped. “Never, don’t even think to withhold my Sky Sky.” He winked at the young girl leading them to the table. Oh, he knew she was probably wondering which one of them Sky was with, what with her holding both of their hands, yet here he was clearly making more of a production of her being his. Again, he gave no thought to what anyone else thought.

  “Ah, there you three are. I’ve been looking all over Fey and Earth for you.”

  River froze at the sight of the gorgeous female with long pink hair coming toward them. Goddess, he still wasn’t sure what to think of the dragon female, other than to maybe run the other way. Problem with that was she could fly and obviously transport anywhere she wanted. Oh, and lets not forget she’s a fucking dragon. Nope, he’s not forgetting any of those things.

  “Uh, why would we be in Fey, Lula?” Sky asked, letting go of him and Raydon.

  Lula held her hands out to her sides. “Because I was there, duh. Plus, you were calling me like elevendybillion times, so you clearly missed me. Come on, give mama Lula a hug. Oh, you too, Sky.”

  “You are a nut. You realize that, right?” Sky hugged the other woman, ignoring everyone else around them.

  “Takes one to know one. Ps. Did you know there’
s a weird saying about these nuts?” Lula looked around the room. “Why’s everyone staring at us. Why you all staring at us? We’re not going to make out like in one of those movies, perverts.” Lula winked at Raydon and River. “So, whatcha doin?”

  “Would you like a booth or a table?”

  Raydon had forgotten about the female. “Can we have a booth as far away from everyone else as possible?”

  “He’s afraid I’ll embarrass him. I’ve told him I’m housetrained. I don’t even shed a scale or anything.” Lula flipped her hair over her shoulder, her arm going around the other girl with ease. “Lead the way. I’m famished. I think I could eat a horse. Not a real horse, Jenna says that’s not allowed. Besides, in my human form, I couldn’t stand one. I’m kinda a vegetarian, not to be confused with a pescatarian. Do you know what that is? That’s when someone eats only fish. I mean they eat other non-living things. I think. I should really do some research, ‘cause that is just not my thing. I can be friends with them, but our dining choices are seriously limited.”

  “Dear goddess, she’s something out of this world, but I think I love her, like a sister. An annoying sister only we can talk bad about, but a sister,” River whispered.

  “She’s pretty awesome, but don’t piss her off. You don’t want to see what happens to those she doesn’t like.” Sky shuddered.

  “Did a horse piss her off?” River asked.

  Raydon pinched the bridge of his nose, hoping like hell the answer was no. He didn’t want to even contemplate the cute little pink haired female chowing down on a gorgeous stallion.

  “No, horses like we have here on Earth aren’t in Fey. I’ll show you later if you want, or you can just go look now.” Sky tapped her head, but River shook his head.

  “Pass. I want to eat, and I’m pretty sure that might ruin my appetite.” He shuddered comically, making Sky laugh.

  “We eat fucking Bambi, why the hell would it bother you if she ate a damn horse?” Raydon asked with a growl.


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