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The Frozen Witch (The Coven: Academy Magic Book 4)

Page 8

by Chandelle LaVaun

  “See, I told you she’d guess it!” Henley laughed and winked.

  “GUYS,” Cooper shouted over everyone. When we all froze and turned to him, he shook his head and pointed to me. “Have none of you noticed the six-foot-tall sword in Bettina’s arms?”

  They all gasped.

  Easton shrugged. “Honestly, I’m just used to glowing things by now.”

  “Here, Bettina,” Bentley said with a grin. “I cleared a spot for you on the coffee table.”

  I sighed and lugged the sword over. It took all of my strength to hoist it up and onto the wooden table that was only two feet off the ground, maybe less. My arms were burning and sore from carrying it. I never wanted to touch the thing ever again.

  For a moment, everyone just stared.

  Then Easton lunged for it. “Imma touch it—”

  “NO!” Jackson and I yelled at the same time.

  But it was too late. Easton touched the hilt and yelped. He jumped back, shaking his hand. “Imma not touch it.”

  Deacon cursed. “That only makes me wanna touch it more.”

  “Guys, no!” Jackson tried to stop him.

  But Deacon was just as bad as Easton. He grabbed the hilt, and his hand smoked up. He cursed and yanked it back immediately. “Damn you, Easton.”

  Royce rolled his eyes. “Dude, you’re the Devil. You’re supposed to tempt people into doing stuff, not the other way around.”

  Deacon shrugged. He wiggled his fingers in front of his cousin’s face, and red smoke billowed out. “Touch. It.”

  Royce glared at him, but his arm shot out and touched the sword. He yelled then stuck his finger in his mouth. “Jerk,” he mumbled around it.

  “I want to touch it,” Braison said.

  “Me too,” Willow and Chutney said at the same time.

  Jackson rolled his eyes and plopped down in the chair across from it. “Knock yourselves out, then.”

  The three of them dove for the sword at the same time. They each yelped and yanked their hands back.

  “It’s like watching Darwinism happen right in front of us,” Tegan whispered.

  I chuckled. “Guys, Jackson got burned from it, and he was the one sent to find it. Why do you think you can touch it?”

  “Well, you were holding it,” Easton grumbled.

  Henley frowned and cocked her head to the side. “Yeah, how is that? Tegan, did you touch it?”

  “Oh yeah, I was no better than Easton. Since neither of us knew it had hurt anyone else.” Tegan laughed. “The rest of you…I’m worried.”

  I walked over and sat on the chair next to Jackson. “She went all white witch on us again after touching it.”

  Cooper cursed, and it brought everyone’s eyes to him. “I want to touch it.”

  Deacon threw his head back and laughed.

  Bentley gestured toward the sword. “I’ll do it if you do it, bro.”

  “Deal.” Cooper cringed and grabbed the hilt. His eyes widened. “Hey, it doesn’t hurt.”

  I leaned forward as he tried to lift it…but he could only pick it up about a millimeter. He dropped the sword and exhaled, like it’d taken all of his strength. He looked to Bentley then sat down on the ground. Bentley’s little face scrunched up as he bent down. His hand hovered over it for a second, then he gripped the hilt. He managed to lift it, but it was less than Cooper had. Though he seemed pleased with himself.

  Hunter and Kessler exchanged glances.

  “After you, baby bro.” Kessler laughed.

  Hunter shrugged and grabbed it. “He’s right. It didn’t burn,” he said as he set it back down. “Kessler?”

  “Okay, fine. I’ll bite.” His massive bicep flexed as he tried to lift it up, but after about an inch, he exhaled and dropped it back down. “That…is something. Cool.”

  Emersyn leapt across the room. “My turn.”

  Deacon sat up straight, all the joking gone. But he didn’t try to stop her.

  Emersyn gripped the sword with both hands and heaved. To our utter shock, she lifted it the highest—a little more than an inch. But then flames shot out from around her hands. She cursed and dropped the sword, then swatted at her fire.

  Lily raised her hand. “How high did you pick it up, Tegan?”

  “Oh, she lifted it all the way from the ground to standing,” Jackson said with a grin.

  I laughed. “And then it brought her all the way back down with it.”

  She shrugged. “Go big or go home.”

  “The question is…” Constance frowned and eyed the sword. “Why can the Bishops touch the sword, yet not Tegan? And why can Bettina?”

  “I think…” Jackson scratched his jaw. “I think it’s because of Bettina’s angelic runes. I think they protect her.”

  “It does kinda burn, too, but it’s manageable.” Then a thought occurred to me. “Maybe the Bishops can touch it because they’re an original bloodline? Jackson’s mother was really excited and honored to have Tegan in her house.”

  “Possibly.” Henley nodded. “But her being the Aether Witch changes things for her. Plus, the Lancasters are an original bloodline, too.”

  The front door flew open and slammed against the wall. The whole house rattled. Ice-cold air rushed through the room and everyone shivered.

  Tennessee stomped inside. The aura around him was downright menacing. He wore black leather gloves but no jacket, which confused me. He went right for Tegan. His mismatched eyes looked her up and down, then he sighed and took her chin between his fingers. “You okay?”

  She grinned and gave him a quick kiss. “Totally okay, babe.”

  He nodded then turned to me and gave me a smile. “Bettina, welcome to The Coven. We’ll have to get you initiated soon.”

  “Thanks, Tennessee.”

  “Lancaster,” he said and held his left hand out toward Jackson. “Excellent work, man. Congratulations.”

  Jackson shook his hand and flushed. “Thank you.”

  Tenn backed up to turn away when his gaze landed on the sword lying on the coffee table. His eyes widened. “Whoa, is this it?”

  Jackson nodded.

  Tennessee didn’t seem to notice the way everyone sat up straighter and looked around at each other. We all leaned forward, watching him. I knew everyone was holding their breaths.

  Tennessee reached down and picked it up. All the way up. Like it was nothing. Like it was any normal sword. He whistled and held the blade up in front of his face, then swung it around a bit. “Wow, I’ve never felt a sword like this. That’s for sure.”

  Tegan grinned. “God, you’re so hot.”

  Tennessee looked around with wide eyes. “What?”

  Chapter Fifteen


  “What?” Tennessee looked around the room, still holding Michael’s sword. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  Jackson just shook his head, like he couldn’t believe it.

  Royce laughed. “Not. Human. Boss.”

  Tennessee frowned. “I don’t understand.”

  Royce leaned forward. “That’s the archangel Michael’s sword, boss.”

  “I know. But what?” He glanced over his shoulder to Kessler. “Was I not supposed to touch it?”

  Kessler chuckled. “No one else could, son.”

  Tennessee’s face fell. He looked at the sword then set it back down on the table.

  Deacon pointed to the sword. “We all touched it, boss. It burned each of us—except for the Bishops.”

  “But we could only pick it up like an inch.” Emersyn rubbed her arms. “And it took all of my strength to do that.”

  Something sparkled and caught my eye. Then Tennessee reached up with his left hand and pushed his hair back, and I saw it. I gasped and sat up straight. There were two glowing metallic gold bands wrapped around his forearm, below and above his Emperor’s Mark.

  “Guys…” I pointed to his arm. “Is this always here? Like can I only see it because I’m in The Coven now?”

ne turned toward me—and gasped.

  Tegan’s eyes widened. She grabbed his arm and held it up, then ran her fingers over the golden bands. They shimmered and swirled, like glittery water. “Whoa.”

  Tenn’s jaw dropped. He pulled his arm out of Tegan’s grip, but then he just stared at it.

  Bentley walked up next to Tenn and looked up at him. “Take your gloves off then pick it up again.”

  He looked down at Bentley, then shrugged. He peeled both leather gloves off.

  Everyone leaned forward. Something was about to happen. I didn’t know how I knew, but I just knew. With a bare hand, he reached down and gripped the hilt.

  Bright golden wings shot out of his back.

  His feet lifted off the ground.

  Everyone gasped and jumped back.

  Tennessee cursed and then his feet hit the hardwood floor again. He looked around the room, then over his shoulder at his wings. They were huge. And translucent.

  And they looked a lot like Michael’s.

  “Holy. Shit,” Royce breathed. “Not. Human.”

  Cooper’s face turned sheet white. “Please tell me someone knows what this means. Jackson?”

  Jackson flushed and shook his head. Then he frowned and reached inside his jacket. He pulled out an envelope and held it out to Tennessee. “I found this note on my bed right after we found the sword. It’s a note from Michael, asking me to keep his sword safe until he returns for it.”

  Cooper’s eyebrows rose. “You think this is Michael saying for Tenn to keep it?”

  “I have no idea.” He leaned back in his chair. “But clearly, he should be the one who hangs on to it.”

  Cooper turned. “Uncle Kessler?”

  Kessler opened his mouth then shut it. He shook his head. “Tegan?”

  “I’m working on it,” she mumbled and flipped through pages of the Book of Shadows furiously. “But I agree. Tenn needs to keep that sword.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  Two hours later, I was standing outside next to the Holy Land out back of Headquarters. I had on a ceremonial white sheath dress—the same kind everyone in The Coven wore. Tegan had conjured it up for me with magic I didn’t understand. She said it was mine now. Because I was in The Coven.

  I’m in The Coven.

  I still couldn’t believe it.

  It wasn’t something I’d let myself even hope for, because I thought there was no way in the world it would ever happen to me. Yet here I was…about to be initiated. I didn’t get to see Jackson’s initiation. They were for Coven members only. But he and Deacon had given me a nice pep talk. They warned me that it might hurt a little, but once it was over, I’d have magic like I’d never experienced. I was nervous about the former, excited for the latter.

  Because it meant I should have ice magic.

  Someone cleared their throat behind me.

  I jumped and glanced over my shoulder—then sighed. I smiled. “Hey, Cooper.”

  He smirked. “Am I interrupting?”

  I shook my head. “No, definitely not. Just standing here overthinking, as usual.”

  He pointed to the spot beside me. “May I join you?”

  “Oh, yeah. Of course.” I tucked my hair behind my ears. My cheeks warmed. I looked up at him and cleared my throat. “What’s up?”

  He smiled and shrugged. His big biceps were on full display in his ceremonial sheath. He shivered. “Aren’t you cold out here?”

  “Oh…” I frowned and looked down at myself. I didn’t even have shoes on. “I guess this comes with the Card?”

  “Oh, right. Timothy’s Card… Ice.” He nodded, his eyes locked on something in the distance. “Makes sense.”

  I opened my mouth then shut it. I didn’t know what to say to him. Which was weird. I’d never had trouble talking to Cooper. But suddenly, I felt awkward next to him. I had no reason to. We weren’t actually dating. We’d never even talked about it. We’d just kissed like two times. So it wasn’t like I did anything wrong by sleeping with Jackson. I certainly didn’t regret it. I just felt weird about it…with Cooper. It wasn’t like Cooper and I were going to work out together anyway. Shit.

  After a minute of torturous silence, Cooper cleared his throat. “Can I ask you a question?”

  I nodded. “Yes.”

  “You’re in love with Jackson, aren’t you?”

  I sighed. “Is it that obvious?”

  He glanced down at me and smiled. “Actually, no. I didn’t see it until we were on that quest. Granted, maybe I should have.”

  I groaned. “I’m sorry, Cooper.”

  He shook his head. “You have nothing to be sorry for.”

  “I was trying to date you while being in love with someone else…”

  He arched one eyebrow. “Someone who has a soulmate that isn’t you. That’s a tough break, Tina. I don’t blame you for trying.”

  That should’ve made me feel better. It didn’t.

  “I have to get over him, sooner rather than later.” I looked up at him and hoped he saw the truth in my eyes. “And I wanted it to be you, I really did. I like you, a lot. You’re an amazing guy.”

  He chuckled. “Well, I don’t know about that, but thanks.”

  “It’s true.” I glanced back at the house and frowned. “You’re my best friend’s brother, and whereas being with you would be great, I don’t want to make things awkward. I’m gonna be around a lot. It’s bad enough with Jackson and us both being in The Coven now. I don’t want that with you.”

  “I don’t want that either.”

  “And I want you to be with someone who feels for you the way I feel for him,” I said softly. It was hard to admit it out loud. “Besides, the rest of your family has soulmates. Something tells me one is coming your way.”

  Cooper rolled his eyes and smirked. “I’ll cross that bridge if I ever get there. But I want you to be happy too. Promise me if someone else makes you smile, that you’ll give them a chance at least.”

  I smiled. “That I can promise.”

  The back door of Headquarters opened, and a sea of white poured out. My heart fluttered. Butterflies danced around in my stomach. This is it.

  Cooper chuckled. “You ready?”

  I nodded. “I am so ready.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  Don’t freak out. Don’t freak out.

  “You have to breathe, dude,” Tegan said with a chuckle.

  I inhaled then let it out. “Jackson and Deacon told me this was probably going to get weird and maybe hurt.”

  She groaned and threw her arms up. “Spoiler alert!”

  “That’s not funny, dude.”

  She grinned. “Let’s do this, y’all.”

  Willow nodded and rubbed her hands together. Pink and orange flames flickered around her hands, and then blue lines spread out over the field.

  I cleared my throat. “So how does this go?”

  She pointed at my feet. “Stand right here in the middle of the pentagram and don’t die, ‘kay?”

  Pentagram? Pentagram, what pentagr— OH. Black lines shot across the field in the shape of a pentacle and a circle around it. Everyone else moved into place. Tegan stood at the top point. Bentley was on my right, and Constance was on my left. Behind me on the two bottom points stood Emersyn and Tennessee. Everyone else spread out around the circle.

  Okay. I can do this. Just stand here and don’t die. Easy enough.

  Bentley opened up a book and started flipping through pages, which I thought was weird. Why wouldn’t he just be ready? Seriously? Critiquing the Hierophant now?

  A cool breeze swept through the clearing, brushing through my hair. I smiled and soaked it in. The air was crisp and cold, but it wasn’t as cold as it should have been. There weren’t even goose bumps on my arms. We were barefoot in sleeveless sheaths. We should’ve all been freezing. Yet, not a single one of them looked cold. So maybe it wasn’t just me.

  I glanced over to Jackson before
I could stop myself. He needed to not be the person I looked to for strength. But Jackson winked and gave me a thumbs-up, and some of the anxiety rolling through me eased.

  Blue mist rose up from the ground around the outside of the circle then flew up into the air, to the tips of the trees far above our heads. Something moved in my peripheral vision, and when I looked, I found the moon sinking lower and growing fuller. Stars that hadn’t been there suddenly twinkled in the midday blue sky.

  Lily raised her left hand, and I saw her XIX Mark, the Sun Card. Bright yellow light poured out of her palm. The sun slid behind a huge cluster of clouds, and the clearing got a little less intensely bright. She smiled and flicked her long black hair over her shoulder.

  A sea of pink flowers of every shade popped up from the ground around my feet, filling the pentagram circle and surrounding me. Emersyn flicked her wrists, and two balls of fire appeared in her palms. She flung out her hands and shot her fire to the ground just outside the circle. Flames flickered all around us. She sighed.

  Tegan dropped to one knee and pressed her palm flat to the grass. A cloud of rainbow mist billowed out from under her fingers, and then bright white light flashed. Ice slithered out from her hand, covering every inch of the black lines of the pentagram.

  She stood and winked at me. “Next time, that’ll be your job.”

  I grinned and my pulse quickened. I was ready. It scared the hell out of me, but I was so ready. I wanted to have magic like that, something strong. A force to be reckoned with. I was tired of feeling weak. I’d learned to use my magic, and even to make my own spells. I’d learned how to be a warrior, like Black Widow.

  But now I was ready to be more than that. It wasn’t something I planned or prayed for, but I was welcoming it with open arms.

  Bentley shouted in the ancient language, and it reminded me that I still needed to learn it. Starting tomorrow, I was going to make a real effort. I didn’t want to be held back anymore.

  Bentley’s shouting grew louder, and sharp pain shot down my spine. I gasped. My legs gave out from under me, and my knees crashed into the cold, hard ground. Every single muscle in my body tightened. My pulse hammered in my veins.


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