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Blood Alliance

Page 15

by Connie Suttle

  "Finding their identities is only a matter of time; I am working toward that goal now. Should your superior, as you call him, desire to watch even bigger heads topple, then sit back and enjoy the show."

  "You have three weeks," Alken growled before terminating the secure communication.

  "Hear that, Toad?" I turned to my wizard, who cowered in a corner. "You have three weeks to find the information for me. Fail to do so and you will certainly regret it. You still have a few bits of unmarked skin for me to flay."

  Royal Palace, Galk


  Are any of them obsessed? I asked Bel Erland.

  Quin says those three at the back are the only ones. She says six others were paid by those three to make the changes, although they had no idea what they were actually putting in the rotunda.

  Standing at the doors in the very back of the meeting room stood Ocenosek and Cudworth, with hands on the weapons hanging from their belts. Both were tall, muscular and looked quite able to fend off an attack from three obsessed servants.

  I hoped it wouldn't come to that; I wanted them to submit to cuffing peacefully, and that included the six others they'd paid to cooperate.

  Anyone else involved in any part of this? I asked Bel Erland.

  No. A few noticed the changes, but thought they'd been ordered by someone higher up the chain of command.

  Good. Call out the names in question and ask them to stay behind. Send the others back to their stations.

  "The Queen wishes to speak with the following employees," Bel Erland began. "If your name isn't called, you may leave and resume your duties." He then announced nine names and dismissed the others. Six of those staying behind began fidgeting in their seats.

  The other three sat still as stone. Somehow, that concerned me a great deal. "I think we need to get those three out of here," Wyatt whispered.

  Without waiting for my reply, Bel Erland cast a spell that flung all three to Galk's smallest moon, where they blasted a very deep crater upon detonation.

  Chapter 11

  Royal Palace, Galk


  The six who'd been paid tried to run the moment the other three disappeared.

  That was a mistake; Ocenosek and Cudworth had them gathered and sitting again in no time, some of them slightly ruffled and showing purple bruising.

  "Where are the others?" One of the prisoners demanded.

  "They were carrying explosives," Tory stalked forward, a drift of smoke escaping his nostrils. "They were commanded to kill all of us. Now, aren't you glad we had a warlock to move them away from here?"


  "The explosives detonated," Bel Erland confirmed. "And there's a rather large crater on Smallmoon to attest to that."

  "What we really want to know from you six, before we place all of you in custody for conspiring against the Queen, is whether you know anything at all about Rezo Nilus' disappearance." Tory's long arms crossed over his chest as he glared at the captives.

  Quin says they aren't involved, and the three who are now dead were obsessed, so she couldn't get past that, Bel Erland reported.

  "I didn't know he was missing," another captive spoke.

  "Truth," I sighed and shook my head. "They don't know anything. We're back to the beginning on finding our missing Rezo."

  "The longer he's missing, the worse it may be for him," Denevik stated quietly. "I'll help get these six to the lockup and arrange for the proper authorities to charge them with their crimes."

  Royal Palace, Kwark


  "I feel better," I told Ilya and the others when Valegar brought me back to the palace. "Rested, at least."

  "You're beginning to show," Bleek grinned. "I like that."

  "Honey, Val has that part disguised to anyone except those who know already."

  "There's a missing Rezo on Galk," Edden sighed. "They can't find him anywhere, and he's a pivotal point in a scheduled re-vote."

  "That's not good. Val, will you take us to Galk?"

  "We will take you to Galk," Val smiled as Connegar and Daragar nodded agreement.

  Reemagar would have to pretend to be the Queen of Kwark for a while longer, but he was a student of, and reveled in court politics, so I doubted it was a hardship for him.

  "The last time anyone saw him was when Rezo Nilus invited Bel Erland for tea yesterday morning," Reah paced inside the Queen's study.

  "What time did you leave him?" I turned to ask Bel Erland.

  "Half-past eleven bells; we were in his office in the western wing, talking about the re-vote and discussing who might change their votes if pressure were applied."

  "I suppose you wish to bend time again?" Val lifted an eyebrow.

  "I think I can handle that part," I told him. "I haven't done anything except sleep for a day and a half."

  "We will bend time," Connegar said. "That much we can do. Anything needed past that should be left in your hands, as the Vhanaraszh."

  "I'd like to come," Reah said.

  "Then let's go," I told her. "Time's wasting."

  Connegar took us back to the time indicated, to find Bel Erland saying good-bye to Rezo Nilus. The moment Bel Erland walked out the door and shut it behind him, Rezo Nilus disappeared, as if he'd been jerked away with power.

  Reah shouted her protest beside me, but it was cut off as something happened that none of us expected, including the Larentii surrounding us.


  The moment we landed in that dim, filthy building, it was to find a tortured Rezo Nilus hanging from cruel chains while two men nearby prepared to shoot him with laser pistols.

  Without hesitation, Zaria flung out a hand, rendering both men to winking sparks as she separated their particles. Changing to my larger Thifilatha, I gently released the chains hanging over a hook above Rezo Nilus' head.

  "We're in the future," Zaria hissed as she began healing Rezo Nilus before I'd even disengaged him from his chains.

  "What?" I looked down at her in alarm.

  "I don't know how we got here, but this is the future—three days in the future. I have no idea how this happened," she added, sounding slightly frightened.

  "We do not know either," Connegar and Valegar helped lower Rezo Nilus to the floor so Zaria could tend him. He was unconscious, with cuts, bruises and signs of burns all over his naked body.

  I watched Zaria heal the worst of the man's wounds, before nodding to Valegar. Val lifted Rezo Nilus in his arms. "We can go back now; he's stable," Zaria said. Realizing I was still Thifilatha, I changed back to myself and expressed agreement.

  Daragar took us back to my study, where and when we'd left it.

  "He needs more healing," Zaria said immediately when Bel Erland shouted his relief at seeing Rezo Nilus.

  "Where should we take him to recuperate?" I asked.

  "I'll take him to Quin," Zaria said. "She and I together can make him whole, and she can help him with any psychological issues that may stem from this torture."

  "Did you get a look at those two men before you killed them?" I asked.

  "I can discuss that with you later. Val, will you take us to Avii Castle?"

  "I will take you," Daragar said. "It will give me pleasure to see my Quin."

  "Let's go," Zaria sighed. "I put him in a healing sleep, but he needs food and more healing quickly."

  I watched Zaria and her Larentii bodyguards disappear, taking Rezo Nilus with them. I hoped for a full recovery, but after something like this, healing the mind could be a tricky business.

  "If anybody can get him on his feet in time for the re-vote, Zaria will," Tory came to me. Without hesitating, I put my arms about him. He obliged by holding me tightly. "We have to create a cover story for Rezo Nilus," I mumbled against Tory's chest. "And we still have to figure out if anyone else has been obsessed or pressured to change their vote."

  Avii Castle, Le-Ath Veronis


  "You're safe and with friends," I told Rezo N
ilus, who stared at Quin's red wings as if he'd landed in a bizarre fairy tale.

  "I've heard of the Avii, and I've seen images, certainly, but this is beyond my imagination," he sighed. "Who rescued me? The last I knew, my captors intended to kill me after the vote was cast."

  "I and a few others rescued you," I told him. "The vote hasn't been cast, yet," I added. "It's a bit complicated, too. You have one more day to rest and recover before we take you back. For now, your Queen is determining what sort of tale will account for your absence. We are still looking for those who pulled you away; the two men who were preparing to kill you didn't have that kind of power."

  "If you don't mind my asking, how did you rescue me?"

  "Like this." I became my Larentii self. "Three other Larentii assisted me."

  "I have never been important enough to be rescued by Larentii."

  "Don't sell yourself short," I told Rezo Nilus. "We're trying to keep hub worlds from falling into chaos and ruin. If that happens, well," I shrugged and became Zaria again.

  "It means the entire Alliance could fall into chaos and ruin," Rezo Nilus muttered.


  "Is it possible to get out of this confounded bed? I feel fine," he said.

  "Of course. All you have to do is get up and walk wherever you want," Quin smiled at him. "I will warn you, you are in a room connected to the library in Avii Castle. It is quite high up, with a multitude of stairs to consider if you don't have wings."

  "Breakfast is on the way, too," I told him. "If you want, you can eat on the balcony outside this room."

  "Is it sunny there?"

  "It is," Quin acknowledged.

  "Then I'll have breakfast there."

  "How is he?" Lissa appeared inside the room.

  "Queen Lissa?" Rizo Nilus breathed. "I never thought I'd meet you in person."

  "I'm here," she said. "May I have breakfast with you? We really need to talk—about Galk, Kwark and a few other hub worlds."

  "You're actually the one in charge of Galk, as the highest ranking member of the Council—the real King and Queen of Galk are in a safe place on Avendor. Three other hub worlds are in the same predicament; we've replaced the leaders, because the leaders had been obsessed by Sirenali, and that isn't a good thing."

  Lissa's explanation brought a few eyebrow-lifts from Rezo Nilus; otherwise, he remained silent and processed the information carefully.

  "Who is acting as the Queen of Galk, then?" he finally asked

  "The Queen of Kifirin," Lissa replied. "One of my mates is acting as First Advisor on Corez, and I'm there with him, making sure nothing goes wrong."

  "I'm on Kwark with six of my mates and two other Larentii," I said. "My brother is acting as President of Murazal, and a former King of Hraede, who is now a vampire, is in charge of Hraede."

  "Why are you telling me this?" he asked.

  "Because we find you trustworthy, and someone should know what's going on, don't you think?"

  "Who is actually in charge of all this? Someone must be," Rezo Nilus pointed out.

  "I suppose I am. When I found out what was happening, and that hub worlds were in danger and their leaders obsessed, I pulled in others who weren't susceptible and could take care of themselves in most situations."

  "There are some not susceptible to Sirenali obsession? I must have misunderstood when I researched it a few years ago."

  "There are some races who can't be obsessed. High Demons are one of those races. Very old vampires are immune, sometimes. Pod'l-morphs are immune. The powerful are immune, and the Larentii are certainly immune," Lissa replied.


  "You may think of them as gods," I explained.

  "Again, I have no idea why you're explaining this to me. It may be better if I didn't know."

  "Because I interfered, and saved your life," I told him. "The only thing I can do now is make you a member of the Hierarchy, unless you want to be vampire."


  "A low-level god. You won't be able to have children, but you already have a son. You'll also be immortal, and able to do some amazing things. Of course, you'll have to fake your death after this mission is over, but at least you can choose which way you'll check out."

  "What do I do after that?"

  "What all the Hierarchy does. You'd be amazed at just who you may know that are members."

  "Such as?"

  Lissa raised her hand. "The Queen of Kifirin is also a member, as are those looking after the leaders of the hub worlds."

  "But what about you?" Rezo Nilus frowned at me.

  "I have a different role to play and am not bound by the usual rules the Hierarchy abide by, and such is my daughter, here." I leaned over to hug Quin.

  "It's a bit of an explanation. If you join the Hierarchy, you'll understand it better," Quin smiled at him.

  "I should have died." Rezo Nilus absorbed that information. "What does becoming a member of the Hierarchy entail?"

  "I can confer that status," Lissa told him. "You'll sleep afterward, and when you wake, you'll be younger and more powerful than you've ever been. You can disguise yourself to look as you do now, and if you need help with anything, send mindspeech. I can guide you."

  "I'll have mindspeech?"

  "Yes. You can communicate with Queen Reah at any time, once you've transformed."

  "And if I turn down this opportunity?"

  "Then I have to take you back and allow you to die at the mercy of those two men. The re-vote will occur and go the wrong way, and Galk will eventually become a casualty to those who wish the Alliances to fall."

  "I'm ready whenever you are," he told Lissa.

  "Finish your food, I kept it warm for you," she smiled at him.

  "I can keep my food warm?"

  "And your tea and your blankets on a cold night."

  "Even the air around you—or keep it cool if it's hot," I said.

  "Thank you," he nodded to Lissa. "Very much."

  Royal Palace, Hraede


  "I want you to see something in the Hall of Kings," Alrenardo coaxed the Queen, after sharing breakfast with her. She was suspicious, but not nearly as much as she would be if King Larvalis had been the one to ask.

  I wasn't sure this was a good idea, but he was right; she deserved to know what we were dealing with.

  I'd sent a message to Zaria, letting her know of Alrenardo's plans; she responded by sending a medallion for Queen Mephista. It would protect her from many things, but obsession was at the top of that list.

  Alrenardo was falling for Mephista—there was no doubt of it, and she was warming up to him—Larvalis had never made her laugh. Alrenardo did so every day.

  I pretended to be a discreet guard behind both as they walked toward the Hall of Kings. With the medallion securely in my pocket, I waited for the outcome of this revelation. If she reacted badly, compulsion would be laid and that would be the end of it. If she were intrigued or reacted in a positive way, then the medallion would be offered and her protection assured.

  There were still two Rith Naeri pretenders somewhere, and as they were vampires, they could get past most people who stood in their way.

  Nissa, Toff and Trik were on guard constantly; if the Queen accepted her medallion, I would take her and Alrenardo for a visit, and let her know that the real King and his mistress were elsewhere and kept safe.

  Not that Mephista would miss either of them, in all honesty.

  "I always get shivers when I walk in here," Mephista confided in Alrenardo as they passed the high, decorative doorway in the Hall of Kings, where statues and paintings were kept of all the Kings of Hraede.

  "Which is your favorite?" Alrenardo pulled her hand into the crook of her arm.

  "I love Rigovarnus the First, of course. But after that, I adore Halimel, Yandiveri and Alrenardo."

  "You do, eh?" Alrenardo beamed at her. "What is it about Alrenardo that you adore?"

  "They called him Alrenardo the Jus
t for a reason," Mephista sighed. "It's as if he could sort a lie from the truth, and sided with those who deserved justice, rather than taking the part of another because it was the popular thing to do."

  "Yes," Alrenardo agreed. "Even though many offered him great wealth to agree with the other side, at times."

  "Did that really happen? I've studied his writings and the history of the time. That was left out of it."

  "It really happened, but it was left out of the history at his request."


  "Because he often had help in determining the truth in the matter and did not wish to reveal how he came by it."

  "Then how did he come by it?" Mephista asked, sounding breathless. She loved a mystery, it appeared.

  "The Rith Naeri."

  Her eyes grew round in disbelief. "That's—they are a myth," she scoffed. "A child's tale. That's why these recent problems cropping up with perpetrators claiming to be Rith Naeri are considered false."

  "They are false—fake Rith Naeri, in fact," Alrenardo said. "Their crimes, however, are very real. That is why I and my guard outside this hall are diligently investigating them. With help, of course."

  "You brought me here to tell me I may be in danger, didn't you?"

  "Yes. That is certainly one of the things I wanted you to know. I am doing all I can to protect you and felt you should know everything."

  "Who else is helping with the investigation?"

  "Several factions, of which the real Rith Naeri are one."

  "You're joking. I—I'm not sure I believe that."

  "My dear, the first thing you should know is that I am not Larvalis. He, his lover and a few others affected by the enemy we hunt are somewhere safe. I am Alrenardo the Just, and an ancient vampire. That is how the Rith Naeri survive—all of us are former Kings of Hraede, and all are vampires, now. Rigovarnus the First is the one who made me vampire. If you wish, I can arrange a meeting, or take you to Larvalis, who can confirm that he has been elsewhere these past few weeks."


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