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Beautifully Hurt (Beautifully Broken)

Page 6

by Michelle Heard

  Heading upstairs, I rush through the shower and put on a pair of gray sweatpants and a black t-shirt. Not even ten minutes later, I walk into the living room.

  Quinn’s placed the pizza, two bottles of water, and the plates on the coffee table. I glance at the TV, asking, “What are we watching?”

  “Ice Age.”

  Chuckling, I ask, “Why Ice Age?”

  “It’s funny, and I figured it’s a good movie for a couple to watch.”

  “I’m okay with watching a romance,” I tell her as I sit down next to her on the couch. “Especially if it will make you cuddle with me.”

  “You like cuddling?” Quinn asks as she reaches for a slice of pizza.

  I load a couple of slices onto a plate, then settle back against the couch. “I love cuddling.”

  “What else do you love?” Quinn asks between bites.

  She licks her lips, and it has me saying, “Kissing.” The slice of pizza pauses midway to her mouth, then I ask, “What do you love?”

  “All of the above.”

  I let out a chuckle, and before I can stop myself, I ask, “When’s the last time you kissed someone?”

  Fuck, Eli.

  I groan inwardly, then quickly say, “You don’t have to answer that.”

  It actually looks like Quinn’s thinking hard, then she answers, “Remember Bradley Williams?”

  I nod.

  “He’s the last guy I kissed.”

  “Didn’t he move away right after school?” I ask.

  When Quinn nods, I do the math. “Five years?”

  She shrugs as she admits, “You returned from the military, and every other guy just paled in comparison.”

  Holy fuck.

  My heart begins to beat faster, and then the next question spills over my lips, “You were sixteen… seventeen when Bradley left? Is it safe to assume you didn’t go all the way with him?”

  Quinn’s cheeks turn the perfect shade of pink as she nods.

  Christ, she’s a virgin.

  The possessiveness I’ve felt up until now spirals out of control, making my muscles tense.

  “I wanted my first time to be with the right guy,” Quinn says, an awkward expression fluttering over her face.

  From everything she’s told me, I think it’s safe to assume I’m that guy.

  Quinn’s been waiting for me.

  “Nothing wrong with that,” I murmur. “Thank you for telling me.”

  Quinn shrugs, then she reaches for the remote. “I’m pressing play before you get me to spill more secrets.”

  My right eyebrow darts up. “There’s more?”

  Chuckling, she shakes her head at me. “You only get one secret a week.” She picks up her pizza again but then says, “Wait, you owe me two secrets.”

  “Hmm… Which two of the million should I tell you?”

  Her smile grows. “The biggest two.”

  “You sure you can handle it?” I tease her.

  Quinn nods, focusing all her attention on me.

  “Remember when we danced to that song you chose on the jukebox?”


  “I didn’t want to let go of you.”

  Her eyes lower for a second before they meet mine again. “I chose that song for you. It said everything I didn’t have the courage to say.”

  Setting the plate down on the coffee table, I take my phone out and sync it to the TV. Going to Spotify, I ask Quinn, “What’s the name of the song?”

  “Feels like home by Edwina Hayes.”

  Finding it, I stand up and hold my hand out to Quinn, asking, “Will you dance with me?”

  She sets her plate down and takes hold of my hand. Pulling Quinn into my arms, I listen to the words she wanted to tell me as we slowly begin to sway.

  I move my hand to her face, and placing a finger beneath her chin, I nudge her to look at me. Our eyes meet, and I brush my fingers along her jaw.

  Somewhere during the song, we stop moving. I lift both my hands, and framing Quinn’s face, I take in her beautiful features.

  Her lips part, and I can feel the nervousness coming off her in waves, but she doesn’t break eye contact.

  “I’m falling in love with you,” I admit.

  Chapter 8


  Hearing those words from Eli, my heart explodes like fireworks, making every color around me a million times brighter.

  He stares deep into my eyes while my heart pounds a mile a minute in my chest.

  Then slowly, he starts to lower his head, making my heart leap to my throat. I swear it stops beating. I stop breathing. Everything stills as the anticipation builds until it’s unbearable, making my body start to tremble.

  The longest seconds stretch between us, and the moment feels so incredibly perfect, I could cry.

  Eli’s mouth brushes against mine, and the emotions soaring through me are so overwhelming they have me gasping. Eli pauses, his breath mingling with mine.

  It feels as if he’s giving me a second to catch up to what’s happening so I won’t miss a thing.

  With my heart melting into a puddle, I take a deep breath, and then Eli kisses me like I’ve never been kissed before.

  My hands slip down to his sides, and I grip the fabric of his shirt tightly, needing something to hold onto when his tongue brushes over my lips.

  There’s a weird mixture of nerves and anticipation, whirling up a storm in my chest as I part my lips. The instant his tongue pushes into my mouth, my abdomen squeezes so intensely, it rocks me on my feet.

  Eli wraps one of his arms around my shoulders, pulling me tightly against him while his other hand remains on my cheek.

  It feels as if he’s tasting me, his lips kneading mine, his tongue exploring mine.

  It takes a moment for me to return to earth, and just as I manage to return the kiss, Eli lets out a deep groan, and then I have to hold on for dear life.

  His fingers move into my hair as his teeth tug at my bottom lip, sending streaks of lightning through my body. The way his mouth takes mine numbs my knees and makes my stomach flutter like a hummingbird’s wings.

  I’m so caught up in Eli, the world could end, and I wouldn’t notice. It’s more perfect than I’ve fantasized.

  The music keeps playing, one song blending into the next, while I suck in breaths filled with Eli’s scent.

  At some point, life returns to my hands, and I manage to let go of his t-shirt, moving them up along his back. My palms tingle from how good he feels.

  By the time Eli ends the kiss, I’m breathless and weak. He only lifts his head an inch, and with my eyes still closed, I can feel him watching me.

  “Gonna open your eyes?” he murmurs.

  “In a second,” I whisper.

  “Now, baby,” he orders, making my lashes flutter open. I’m slammed with the stunning blue of his irises, and then a hot as hell smile curves his lips. “That’s what I wanted to see. Never hide your desire from me.”

  Feeling more vulnerable than I’ve ever felt, I stare at Eli with my heart on my sleeve. The affection I see on his face gives me the courage to say, “Thank you for making my dreams come true.”

  “Far from done, baby,” he grins, making my heart melt all over again. He pulls me into a tight hug and presses a kiss to the side of my neck, and then he just holds me.

  I get to relive our first kiss while resting my cheek against his chest, listing to his heart beating as fast as mine.

  And it’s only then I realize Eli’s actually falling in love with me.

  This is happening between us.

  This is real.

  Eli’s my boyfriend.

  Intense emotions crash over me, and I wrap my arms tighter around him, pressing my face into the fabric of his shirt.

  Eli brushes more kisses along the side of my neck and cheek as if he can sense I just need him to hold me while the emotions wash through me.

  “My Quinn,” he whispers, and I press myself harder against him, wishing I could
really melt into him.

  I don’t know how long Eli holds me, but he doesn’t let go until I pull back. His hands frame my face, and he presses a tender kiss to my mouth before he steps back.

  “Let me warm up the pizza,” he says.

  My eyes follow him as he gathers the box and walks out of the living room, and then I place a hand over my stomach.

  A wide smile plays around my mouth as I press the pads of my fingers to my lips.

  My heart swoons at how perfect the kiss was. I remember every second, the feel of Eli’s hands, his breaths, his mouth.

  No matter what happens, I’ll never forget our first kiss.


  Since I kissed Quinn, she’s been looking at me with stars in her eyes.

  Not to be a dick, but I’m damn proud of how well I handled it. It took every bit of self-control I had to not devour her.

  Christ, she tasted sweet and innocent, feeding an addiction I never knew I had. Like an asshole, I want to beat my chest, roaring to the world this girl is mine.

  I bring the truck to a stop outside my parents’ house. It used to be a beaten-up cabin, but over the years, Dad remodeled it into a beautiful family home.

  “Ready?” I ask, glancing at Quinn, who’s clinging to the cobb salad and a bunch of peonies for Mom.

  “Yes,” she breathes, nervous as fuck even though she’s known my parents all her life.

  “They already love you,” I tell her to set her at ease.

  Quinn nods. “It’s just… today I’m here as your girlfriend.”

  A wide smile forms on my face. “Say that again. The part about you being my girlfriend.”

  Quinn’s face lights up with her smile that’s made of pure sunshine. “I’m your girlfriend.”

  The possessiveness in me stirs, and I lift a hand to her cheek. Leaning across the seat, I press a kiss to her mouth, and then I murmur, “Mine.”

  I pull back, and as Quinn shoves her door open, climbing out of the truck, she says, “I’ve always been yours.”

  “Christ,” I mutter, throwing my own door open. Meeting Quinn at the front of the truck, I wrap my fingers around the back of her neck and tug her against my body. “You can’t say things like that when I’m seconds away from seeing my parents.”

  Her big green eyes dance with laughter. “Why?”

  I lean down and let my breath fan over her ear, then I whisper, “Because it makes me hard as fuck.” I pull back and let out a chuckle at the pink glow on her cheeks.

  Taking the cobb salad from Quinn, I wink at her before I walk toward the porch. “Come on, baby.”

  “Ah… yeah,” she mumbles, quickly catching up to me.

  I walk inside the house and head toward the kitchen, where I can hear laughter.

  “Hey,” I say, setting the salad down on the table. I give Mom a hug then pull Ethan into an embrace. “Happy Birthday.”

  “Thanks,” he replies, and when we pull back, I quickly hug Dad.

  Quinn inches closer to my mom and hands her the flowers.”"Hi, Nina. Thank you for having me over.”

  “My favorites.” Mom glances at me. “Did you tell Quinn?”

  “I remembered Eli got you some a while back,” Quinn answers. She glances at Dad, giving him an awkward wave. “Hi, Mr. Jackson.”

  “Call me Alex,” he chuckles at her.

  Quinn steps closer to Ethan, and I watch as she hugs my brother, who’s only a year older than her. “Happy Birthday, Ethan.”

  “Thanks, Quinn,” he murmurs, and then he catches me watching them, and the fucker wraps her up in a tight hug, wagging his eyebrows at me.

  “Don’t let this be your last birthday,” I say as I take hold of Quinn’s arm, pulling her away from him.

  Everyone bursts out laughing at my possessive comment.

  Mom walks to the sink with a vase to put the flowers in while Dad says, “You’re right, Nina. They make a cute couple.”

  “I’m always right,” Mom sasses Dad, making us all laugh again.

  The bantering has the nervous tension leaving Quinn as she watches my family with a soft smile tugging at her lips.

  Wrapping my arm around her shoulders, I ask, “What’s for lunch?”

  “Dad’s famous shrimp casserole,” Ethan answers.

  “You’re in for a treat,” I tell Quinn.

  “Can’t wait.”

  “So what… are you an official couple now?” Ethan asks as his eyes jump between us.

  “Yes, so hands-off,” I joke.

  “Wow,” Ethan lets out a low whistle. “First girl you’ve brought home. It’s about time.”

  “Shut up,” I chuckle at him.

  “Time for your gift,” Dad says, pinning Ethan with a look. He picks up an envelope and holds it out to Ethan. “We gave Eli shares in the hardware store, so we feel it’s only right you get something similar.”

  “The other half of the Jackson’s Hardware?” Ethan asks as he pulls a document out of the envelope, then surprise tightens his features. “No way. You didn’t.”

  Mom comes to stand next to Dad, wrapping her arm around his lower back as they both watch Ethan’s reaction with unconditional love on their faces.

  “Half of the gym?”

  I’m not surprised. Ethan’s always loved that gym and spends all his free time there.

  He darts forward, wrapping Mom and Dad in a tight embrace. “Thank you. This is the best gift ever.”

  “The ball’s in your court now. Make a success of the business,” Dad tells him the same thing he told me.

  I glance down at Quinn, and seeing how happy she is for my brother, I know in my gut she’ll fit perfectly in with us.

  Then it hits – I brought a girl home to meet my family.

  I let out a soft chuckle because it’s not like I didn’t know Quinn’s the one.

  The only one for me.

  Chapter 9


  With my dad on the road, I’m spending Saturday night at Katie’s. It was her twenty-second birthday yesterday, but she had dinner with Jason. Tonight, I’m getting to celebrate with Katie and her parents.

  We have a tradition of watching a movie of Katie’s choice while filling up on snacks. Afterward, Katie and I always lie beneath the stars, dreaming about what our futures will be like.

  Eli dropped me off at Katie’s, and he'll come to get me again tomorrow morning, so I can spend the day with him. The past two weeks of dating him have been nothing short of heavenly.

  Settling down on the couch, Mr. Conley rolls his eyes at his daughter when he notices we’ll be watching Five Feet Apart. “What I wouldn’t do for my baby girl.”

  She grins at her father. “Thank you, Daddy.”

  Mrs. Conley places a bowl of popcorn next to the candy and cupcakes I made for Katie. “That should take care of the snacks.”

  “Yummy,” I say, reaching for a vanilla cupcake. As I peel the paper off, Katie presses play.

  She always cries her heart out, but Five Feet Apart is her favorite, so I brace myself for the tearjerker.

  Halfway through the movie, Mr. Conley gets up, and I assume he’s done torturing himself watching the drama with us as he heads to the double garage that’s attached to the house. He loves to tinker around in there.

  As he opens the door, I hear a manic-sounding chuckle, and then someone slams a baseball bat over his head, making Mr. Conley stagger backward.

  A startled scream tears from me, but I sit frozen in horror while Katie and Mrs. Conley dart to their feet.

  Time freezes and nothing makes sense as Mr. Conley falls to his back, blood seeping from his hairline. Two men enter the house, and they begin to beat and kick Mr. Conley.

  “Daddy!” Katie screams, drawing the men's attention to us.

  One points a gun at her, shouting, “Shut the fuck up.”

  Pins and needles of fright spread over me, making my skin tingle horribly.

  Mrs. Conley grabs her phone off the coffee table, and then a loud bang rips
the air from my lungs.

  In absolute shock and horror, I watch as Mrs. Conley falls back onto the couch before slumping to the floor. A spine-chilling red stain bleeds into the fabric of her sweater.

  “Mom!” Katie screams.

  My body just reacts, and within a second, I drop down beside her. My hands tremble as I reach for her, whispering, “Mrs. Conley?”

  It takes a moment longer before everything registers, like lightning bolts striking through me. Every nerve ending in my body goes on high alert, and the shock sends adrenaline rushing through my veins. Terror fills me, my eyes darting to the two men.

  I have to get help.

  Not thinking, I dart up and run for the front door. Before I can grab hold of the doorknob, the bat slams against the side of my head, and it sends me stumbling into the kitchen. I fall against the table and barely manage to keep myself standing as my head spins, a dull ache slowing my thinking process.

  I hear Katie scream, and through my blurring vision, I watch as the guy with the gun throws her down on the carpet. He straddles her before hitting her with the gun.

  “Katie,” I cry out, and ignoring the throbbing pain in my head, I start to stumble toward her.

  I hear manic laughter, and then the bat slams hard into my side, knocking all the breath from my lungs. I fall onto my knees and hands, intense pain shuddering through me.

  All I can see is Katie’s head sticking out from behind the couch. She turns her face to me, fear tightening her features as she tries to fight off her attacker.

  The terror is crippling, distorting my reality as I’m roughly shoved onto my back. My body just reacts, and I begin to claw, slap, and kick at the guy as he straddles me, and then our eyes lock, and recognition shudders through me like an earthquake.

  It’s the guy from the bar a couple of months back. The one who wouldn’t leave me alone.

  He sneers down at me, an insane light in his eyes. “Think you’re too good for the likes of me, bitch?”

  I quickly shake my head while trying to squirm out from beneath his weight.

  White-hot panic seizes me in a terrifying grip. Even though the lights are on, it feels as if everything around me is growing dark.


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