Beauty & The Crime Boss (Foster Family Book 1)

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Beauty & The Crime Boss (Foster Family Book 1) Page 30

by Zavi James

  "Let's get you cleaned," I said.

  I could tell she was still in shock. It was as if Mia was not fully with me. I helped her get out of her clothes and I stripped out of my own before I walked her into the shower. We were covered in blood and whereas it didn't faze me, I was sure Mia would prefer to be clean as soon as possible.

  "Luc." It was almost a whisper.

  Bruises had started to form around her waist and on her wrists and I bit the insides of my cheeks until I could feel the coppery taste of my own blood.

  "Mhmm?" I asked.


  Even after everything she'd just been through, Mia continued to think of everyone else.

  "Don't worry," I told her. "I'll talk to Mom."

  "She's going to hate me," Mia said. "Oh, God." The shock had worn off enough for a wave of tears to hit Mia and she began to cry.

  I pulled her into my body. "Trust me, Mia. She won't hate you. Just let me handle it."

  Mia didn't say a word but nodded into my chest.

  By the time they got out of the shower and Mia had dressed again, there was a knock on the bedroom door.

  "Hey, Luc," Tori said, stepping into the room. "Dante called." She stood by the door and looked at Mia. "I thought maybe I could keep an eye on Mia, and you can go sort out what you need to. How's that sound, Mia?"

  I looked back to my girl who was now sitting on the bed. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying and she looked so small.

  "I won't be far," I told her. "I swear to God, Mia." I didn't want to leave her, but I needed to make sure this was sorted properly. There was a body to remove and the room would need to be cleaned thoroughly. Then there was all the evidence of Stefan coming to the house to be destroyed and a cover up to be planted to make the death look like it had nothing to do with us. I would have dumped his body without a second thought, but Mom would never forgive me for that. I wasn’t entirely sure she’d forgive me for taking the parting shot.

  "Okay," Mia said, voice trembling. I pressed a firm kiss on her forehead and left the room.

  When I walked back into the living room, Dante, Dom and Gabe were standing there talking.

  "What happened?" Dom asked.

  "Stefan got into the house. I don't know if she let him in or what, but he attacked her. He fucking went for her," I said, the anger bubbling to the surface. I clenched my jaw so tight that I could feel the pain course through it.

  "Honestly, I'm surprised you only put two bullets in him," Gabe said.

  His comment reminded me of something. I stalked past the three of them to where Mia had been and picked up the gun, turning it over in my hands slowly.

  "This isn't mine," I said as I studied it. The drawer Mia must have pulled it from laid on the ground where my gun sat inside.

  "Are you sure?" Dante asked.

  "There aren't any others in the house that aren't yours," Dom said.

  Gabe stepped forward. "Lucas."

  I looked at the gun in my hands again before I focused my eyes on Gabe. "Do you know something about this, Gabriel?"

  Gabe hesitated. "It was a gift," he said eventually.

  "You gifted her a gun?!" I yelled.

  "Someone had to!" Gabe told me. "And it's fucking lucky I did, considering what happened here."

  I walked up to him. It was always done the Moretti way. They didn't think the whole thing through but waded in with what they thought best and had little regard for the consequences.

  "Because of you, Mia is up there thinking it's her fault Stefan is dead."

  I aimed the gun at Gabe, but Dante stepped in front of him.

  "Move, Dante!" I ordered.

  "Luc, think this through," Dante said, holding strong.

  "I mean it, or I'll shoot you as well." His loyalty to Tori was going to earn him a bullet if he didn’t move aside.

  "Luc! Seriously!" Dante implored.

  I tipped the barrel of my gun downwards and shot at Dante's feet, making him jump but he still refused to move.

  "I'm being serious," I told him calmly.

  Dante took measured steps towards me, his body still shielding Gabe. He knew I wouldn't shoot him. Hurt him? Sure, but I wouldn't kill him over this. We were brothers in everything but blood. Dante stood in front of me now and spoke to me in a low and serious tone.

  "You need to clear your head," he told me. "You need to think about what's next. Killing Gabe is only going to bring more trouble. You need to speak to your Mom."

  "I'm not leaving Mia," I replied.

  "I'll stay with her," Dante tried to reassure me. "You need to clear this up. Trust me." Dante held out his hand and I hesitated before handing the gun over to him.

  "I won't be long," I told him. I moved past to see Gabe staring. "This isn't finished," I warned him, narrowing my eyes.

  As I went to leave the room, Tori appeared. "What the hell happened?" she asked. "We heard a shot."

  I glanced over my shoulder at her twin. "You'll have to ask him. For now, I think it's best you both leave."

  "Luc?" Tori asked, confused by my request. I didn't bother to answer her. Instead, I pushed past and left the house to break the news to my mother.

  Chapter Sixty One


  A week later, a small congregation gathered in the cemetery at the back of the church. I clung tight to Luc's hand as if it were a life raft and without it, I would sink under the weight of the guilt and grief. He'd asked me not to attend but I wouldn't let him go through this alone. I’d spent most of the week being sick and had lost my appetite for food, but I had pulled myself together for him.

  The only reason Luc had turned up was because of Maria. Things had been strained between them since Luc had visited her that day.

  "Mia, stay with Dante," Luc said as Xavier made his way over to us.

  "I..." I tried to argue.

  "Please," Luc said to me. I could see the strain of the day in the way lines had formed at his brow.

  Nodding, I let go of his hand and left his side. There weren't many people around, but I couldn't spot Dante nearby. As I turned to walk back into the church in a bid to find him, I saw Maria approaching me. Her eyes were red, and I felt a sudden wave of nausea.

  "Mia," Maria said. "I think we need to talk."

  I swallowed the lump in my throat. "I'm so sorry." The words were small and quiet, and I couldn't help but think they weren't enough. They would never be enough.

  Maria took my hands and another lump came to my throat making it hard to breathe. "I know what happened," Maria said to me.

  "I really am sorry," I told her, on the verge of tears.

  "Mia, darling girl," Maria said. Her hands trembled slightly. "My sons are wilful and impulsive but Stefan... he should have listened to you and what you wanted. I'll never understand what possessed him to do such a thing." She shook her head and looked at the floor before she glanced over to Xavier and Luc.

  "You're angry with him," I said quietly, trying my hardest to regain some composure.

  Maria sighed. "I am. I still love him. He's my first born but I wish he had thought about his actions." A tear dripped down her cheek, but I wasn’t brave enough to brush it away. "He's like his Dad in that respect. He'll never realize just how much he's like him. I know that Luc did what he did to protect you."

  I looked away, trying not to let the guilt take over. Luc had spent so much time trying to convince me it wasn’t my fault because it was him who had dealt the fatal shot, but it was all because of me. If I was removed from the equation, then Stefan would still be alive.

  "Mia, you're part of his world," Maria told me. "I hate to say it, but these things will happen. You've seen them. Whether you stay or leave is up to you, but I hope you choose to stay."

  "Even after all this?" I asked, looking up.

  Maria reached a shaky hand out and placed it on my face. "We all have to leave at some point. I wish my baby hadn't left the way he did. I wish it hadn't been at the hands of his brother. One day I
hope I can find it in myself to forgive Luc. Until then, I know you're what he needs."

  I felt my head spin. I was still trying to find my feet in Luc's world. Still trying to place my steps where I wouldn't fall through the cracks, but I was speaking to a woman who had been a part of this for years. The way Maria could rationalize everything overwhelmed me. She had buried her son today and somewhere in her grief and pain she knew that there had been no other way for Luc to deal with the situation.

  Someone called Maria's name and we both looked in the direction of the voice, where a man who resembled Stefan stood a little way off. I felt my heart break at the realization that this must be Andrew, Stefan's Dad. He had no idea of the reality of how or why his son had died or what this world was.

  "I expect you'll still visit me, Mia," Maria said to me and I blinked in confusion. "I would miss our chats."

  "I... if you still want me to."

  "I would like that."

  It would give me a chance to try and get Maria to forgive Luc. I knew he'd taken all this on his shoulders but having his Mom freeze him out would hit him the hardest.

  "I need to go," Maria said. She gave me a small smile before she turned and ambled towards Andrew.


  When the weekend rolled around, I decided that hiding in the house had done nothing for my mental health. Dante told me that getting back into a routine would be best, and although Luc wasn't happy, I decided to stop at the hospital to visit Maria. The stress of the situation had caused another fall leading to yet another admission and Luc’s mood further souring.

  "Hey, Kelly," I greeted the nurse.

  Kelly beamed. "Hi, sugar! You here to see, Maria? No Luc today?"

  "No," I shook my head. "He's a little busy."

  "What about that fine hunk of a man?"

  Kelly really had her eyes on Dante, and I wished he would stop flirting with her when he came to the hospital. "Not today, sorry Kel. How's Maria doing?"

  "Good day, today," Kelly told me. "She's already got a visitor but you're fine to go in."

  "Thanks, Kel." I walked away from the desk and tried to think who would pop in to see Maria. As far as I knew it was only Stefan, Luc, Dante and myself that visited and I knew none of the others were with her today. As I came up to the room, I heard the rumbling of a conversation.

  "We need to tell him, Xav," Maria said.

  "Why? Why now?"

  Xavier was in the room with Luc's Mom. I hung outside the room and listened.

  "I'm worried about him," Maria admitted. "I don't want him to spiral. I don't know what mess Luc will get himself into."

  "He knows what he's dealing with. We all do."

  "Xavier, Mia is good for him."

  "She asks too many questions," he told her.

  "He adores her, and she loves him."

  "She'll ruin him!" Xavier said, voice rising. "He doesn't think clearly with her. First Bianchi and now Stefan."

  The knot in my stomach felt like it was made of lead. The room fell quiet and I prepared to leave but they started to talk again.

  "Luc's going to end up burning bridges if he stays with her," Xavier told her.

  "They're going to be married."

  "I won't see my son throw away every connection he has for that woman!"

  The words hit me, and I gasped.

  "What was that?" Xavier asked.

  I turned quickly, my shoes squeaking against the hospital linoleum floor as Xavier's footsteps followed me.

  "Mia? MIA!"

  Xavier was Luc's Dad? The information sank into my brain as I sprinted down the corridor with Xavier chasing after me. I hit the elevator button, but it was several floors down and Xavier was gaining on me. I dashed through another set of doors and into a stairwell. I only managed to make it down the first flight before Xavier got a grip on my arm and had me up against the wall.

  "What did you hear?" His face was close to mine and he looked furious, hair falling out of place and into his eyes.

  "Nothing," I lied.

  "Don't lie! What did you hear?!"

  Looking at Xavier now, I wondered how I hadn't spotted it. The look on his face when he was angry, the impulsive nature. Luc might not look like him, but he'd picked up a lot of traits from this man.

  "You're Luc's Dad," I repeated what I knew.

  Xavier punched the wall next to my head and I flinched.

  "Listen closely, Mia," Xavier told her calmly. "You keep that information to yourself. Do you understand? You've already caused enough trouble in that boy's life."

  I swallowed. "I..."

  "If you tell him anything, I will make sure to make your entire life miserable and trust me it will not be difficult."

  He was not a man to be messed with, but I started to feel light headed. My legs felt weak and it was Xavier that kept me upright.

  "I mean it, Mia."

  It felt like everything was closing in on me and the sound of Xavier's voice started to muffle in my ears.


  My name was the last thing I heard before the world went black.

  Chapter Sixty Two


  When I came to, I was in the day room on the seventh floor of the hospital.

  "You alright, sugar?" Kelly asked me.

  I blinked a few times, feeling a little woozy. "What happened?"

  "You passed out. Doctor will be in to see you now.”

  "I don't need a doctor, Kel."

  "I'm not so sure about that."

  "Best listen to the professionals, Mia."

  I looked up to see Xavier standing close by and I shook my head.

  "I gave Luc a call, sweetheart," Kelly told me. "He's coming straight over. Are you fine for me to leave you here?"

  “Sure,” I said, and Kelly bustled out of the room. Xavier made his way to me and I got up from the day bed and stood next to it.

  "Mia, I meant what I said," he told me. "You can't breathe a word to Luc."

  "I can't lie to him," I said.

  "That's exactly what you're going to do."

  "No, Xavier. I'm not," I told him firmly. "You've lied to him his whole life. You and Maria. Charlie went to his grave believing Luc was his son! That's wrong."

  He advanced on me, but I held my ground, behaving more confidently than I felt.

  "If you mention anything of this to him, I swear to God that I will make sure you lose everything," Xavier threatened me. "Because if you tell him I will lose everything."

  "You should have thought of that before."

  "You just can't keep your nose out."

  "Mia?" Luc walked into the room, looking concerned. Xavier stepped away from me as Luc took my face into his hands and looked me over. "Kelly said you passed out. What's wrong? Has a doctor seen you?"

  "She refuses to see a doctor," Xavier said coolly.

  Luc looked at the older man. "You found her?"

  "In the stairwell," Xavier answered.

  "What were you both doing there?" he asked.

  "Luc," I said.

  Xavier cut me off. "Talking."

  Luc's brow furrowed and I put my hands on his to take them off my face so that I could speak but Xavier beat me to it. "I caught her on my way out. Reminding her to try and see her father."

  I turned my head, confused by the turn of conversation Xavier had taken.

  "I think we all realize life's too short. Imagine if something were to happen to Hector and you hadn't managed to fix your relationship," Xavier said to me.

  I felt my blood run cold. My father and I may not have been on speaking terms and he may have forced me to choose, but he was still my Dad. I had done all I could to look after him from the moment I could, and Xavier stood there making veiled threats.

  Luc pulled me in close and buried his nose in my hair, kissing the top of my head. "He has a point, Mia. We need to go and see your Dad as soon as the doctor has seen you."

  "I don't need a doctor," I argued. "I haven't been eating well."

  Ever since everything with Stefan, I hadn't been able to eat properly. Food wouldn’t settle in my stomach.

  I glanced over to Xavier and his words were ringing in my ears. The only reason I came into Luc's life was to save my Dad. I couldn't let anything happen to him.

  "Can we just go home?" I asked, looking up at Luc.

  "Are you sure?"

  I nodded, desperately wanting to be away from this room and as far away from Xavier as possible.

  "Okay," Luc said. "Let's get you home. Thanks, Xavier. Any luck with Mom?"

  "Don't mention it," Xavier brushed him off. "I'm still talking to her."

  "Thanks," Luc said and led me out of the room.

  "Hope you feel better soon, Mia," Xavier called after us. I didn't turn around to him, instead, I kept walking with Luc, gripping his hand a little tighter.

  When we got to the car I was quiet and Luc put his hand on my knee. I covered it with my own and Luc picked my hand up and kissed the back of it.

  "Are you sure you're okay?" Luc asked, worried about me.

  "Just tired," I lied to him.

  "We'll be home soon."

  I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the headrest while Luc started the car. My mind spun with everything that had happened and I started to feel sick again. Lately, I had been put off food and feeling nauseous, which was unusual for me. Everyone I had been around hadn't been sick, so I doubted I’d picked up an illness. Nausea, tiredness and now passing out, I had to be sick, which meant imposing myself to isolation so no one else would catch it... unless what I had wasn't contagious.

  My eyes snapped open and I sat up straight.

  "Luc, you need to stop at a drugstore," I told him.

  "Why?" he asked me, confused.

  I’d had my period recently so surely this couldn't be an option.

  "I need to pick something up," I told him.

  "What is it, Mia?"

  The bile burned as it climbed up my throat and I swallowed hard to push it back down. "A pregnancy test. I need to pick up a pregnancy test."

  Luc's head snapped towards me and the car swerved slightly.


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