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Wicked Souls: A Limited Edition Reverse Harem Romance Collection

Page 6

by Rebecca Royce

  “You found her.” The man popped up from his spot and jumped out of the vehicle. Lifting a pair of goggles to the top of his head, he studied me. “Chaney. You’re something of a legend, calling to the clones at sixteen.”

  “Chaney,” Matthew said, “This is—”

  “H422.” He stuck his hands on his hips. “But you can call me, Harv.”

  “Is that what you decided?” Scott asked, a smile playing on his lips.

  Harv took his goggles off, dragging his hand back and forth through his hair. I thought he had brown hair, but it was just dust, and when he shook it off, his hair was a brilliant orange. He smiled back at Scott. “I got the call, so I decided to come up with a name. Something a billion times better than ‘Scott.’ “

  I chuckled. Unlike my impression of Bas, I got nothing but good vibes from Harv. “Harv is better than Scott?”

  “I did research about common names to choose mine.” Scott’s tan cheeks pinked, and I realized he was embarrassed. “It had to work with my age and the time period. I thought Zebediah was a cool name, but no one from her time has that name.”

  “Actually, I knew a Zeb in the nuthouse, so…”

  “Zebediah doesn’t start with an S,” Matthew added, leading to Scott frowning even deeper.

  Without thinking, I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “Don’t worry about it. Scott is a nice name.” The sudden tingle on my lips had me taking a quick step away. Oh, shit. I probably shouldn’t have done that.

  But Scott’s frown disappeared, replaced with dimples and twinkling blue eyes, and I knew it was worth it. He snaked an arm around my waist, pulling me into the side of his body. He breathed deeply and then pressed his lips on my head. My eyes closed, and I let out a sigh that came from my toes. Safe. Whatever else they revealed, it would be okay, because now I was safe again.

  For the ride to wherever, I sat perched on Scott’s lap. There was a lot less room in the tank—which was what I decided it was—than I realized. Matthew and Robert were hanging off the back like garbage men-slash-characters from Mad Max.

  Harv drove, goggles in place. I had to lift my shirt over my nose and mouth, and bury my head in Scott’s shoulder to keep from being blinded by the dust. It wasn’t the worst position to be in by any means.

  I was starting to get used to the zing I got from his touch. He stroked my back in long, lazy, up and down motions. I tried to hold myself a little bit off of him so he wasn’t getting the entirety of my weight bouncing up and down, but he just wrapped his other arm around my waist. “Stay.” His voice vibrated through my entire body, and my nipples pebbled.

  God. These three. If they knew what their presence did to me… I relaxed into Scott even more, holding on to his shoulders and sighing. This was the most comfortable I’d ever been, and I’d be happy to stay here for however many hours we had to drive.

  “We’re going to a settlement, or colony, in what you call Mississippi. Louisiana isn’t safe for us, unless we have family sponsors. And since we’re rogue, over the border we go.”

  I lifted my head a little to direct my voice into his ear. “What happens when we get there?”

  “Matthew and Robert will want all of us to talk. Sit down and make things clear.”

  “Like that my father stole me from you. He has a name and you don’t.”

  Scott sighed, and his breath tickled my neck. “Yeah. Like that.”

  “I don’t care, you know.” I moved a little closer to him and breathed deeply. He smelled like sand and sweat, and I loved it. Pursing my lips, I laid a tiny kiss right below his ear and smiled when I felt goosebumps erupt. “I don’t care if you’re cloned. If you’re version two million of whatever category you are. To me, you’re Scott, and there’s no one like you in the universe.”

  “That’s not how it works here.”

  Harv hit a bump, and I lifted off his lap. Scott tightened his grip around my hips and softened my landing. I shifted, trying to get comfortable again and felt him beneath me, long and hard.


  Something came over me. Maybe it was the constant tingle I got when I touched him, but I wanted to feel him more fully. Shifting, I straddled his lap until I could lock my knees around his hips. Beneath me he jerked back, blue eyes locking with mine. “What are you doing?”

  “Getting comfortable?” I hadn’t meant for it to come out a question. I rolled my hips and almost unwillingly, he thrust against me and groaned.


  “Do you want me to stop?” I started to cough so I buried my face against him again and felt him do the same.

  He kissed me, trailing his lips up and down the cord of my neck, and then shook his head. His lips were rough, as if they were covered in silt from the dust. Everywhere he touched came alive, like nerve endings were waking up.

  When I could breathe again, I eased back just enough to see his face. His face was dirty, the golden skin covered in a fine layer of dirt that stuck to his cheekbones and eyebrows. Next to his eyes were tiny lines, like he’d been squinting into the horizon. I leaned down, shifting slightly to roll my hips again, and kissed him.

  In that second, everything changed.

  A million volts of energy shot through me. It should have fried me, but instead, I lit up like a Christmas tree. I dug my fingers into his hair as our tongues dragged against each other, dueling, exploring. Scott met each roll of my hips with a thrust of his own. Every bit of my skin prickled, like a static charge was lifting the tiny hairs all over me. It moved through my skin, down to muscle and bones, traveling into my veins, and then following that blood straight into my core.

  Oh, God. I was going to come. I was going to come just from his kiss and the press of his dick against me. “Scott.”

  He must have known—known and didn’t care—because his hand went to the back of my neck, holding me in place as he deepened the kiss. One arm held me tight against him as he picked up speed. He pulled away for one second to growl, “Come on.”

  And that was it. Spots of lights danced behind my eyes as I came. I cried into his mouth, not caring that Harv was driving five feet away or that Robert and Matthew could see me. I wanted them to see me.

  I imagined a connection between all of us, the one that they’d hinted at earlier. My body—my cells—called to theirs. The air hummed with something alive as whatever was in me curled around Scott and attached to him.

  “I don’t care,” Scott whispered, peppering my face with kisses. “I won’t take it back.”

  While I didn’t understand the specifics of what he was hinting at, I knew what he meant. There was no reason to take back what we’d just done, because it was meant to happen.

  He touched his lips to mine, and I sighed against him. His hand went gentle, squeezing and massaging my neck and shoulders as we kissed.

  The tank slowed and stopped, and I reluctantly pulled away. Scott stared up at me, a smile creasing his eyes and relief shot through me.

  In the front of the tank, a door slammed, and then the one next to us opened. “Hey there, hey there,” he said. “You don’t look too worse for wear.”

  My face heated, but when I peeked at him, I saw only a wide smile. There was nothing in his gaze that hinted he knew what we’d done. But behind him…shit.

  Matthew and Robert stood behind him, arms crossed, eyes narrowed. Scott squeezed my neck again and gave me a little push. Harv held out his hand to help me, but Robert pushed him aside. “Mine.”

  “Yikes.” Harv glanced between them before lifting his eyebrows at me. “Oh, princess. What did you do?”


  It was on the tip of my tongue to be a smartass and say, “Scott,” but I hadn’t, so I bit my lip and took Robert’s hand. Electricity zipped along our skin as he pulled me into him, bent his head down, and kissed me.

  I hadn’t been expecting it. Not at all. So I stood frozen under his lips for a moment before that same electricity jolted me into action. I felt his hands go under my butt, lift
ing me, and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

  “We’re supposed to talk first,” Matthew said in a warning tone.

  “Too late for that, buddy,” Harv said from some distance away. I realized Robert was carrying me. “She’s bonded you. Nothing for it but to finish.”

  A hand went to my back, rubbing soothingly. Scott. “Keep moving.”

  I had questions, but I didn’t want to ask them. A fire was building inside me, crackling and snapping.

  I sucked Robert’s tongue into my mouth, felt him shudder, and his arms tightened. I thought that Scott was trying to comfort me, but that wasn’t it. He pushed a little bit, and Robert changed directions. He was guiding us, moving us to a spot where we could all deal with whatever was happening.

  The air around me changed. It had been humid when we’d stopped, but now it was cool. It happened so abruptly, I pulled away from Robert to study our surroundings.

  Scott’s hand disappeared, replaced with two strong hands who tugged me out of Robert’s arms. Robert let me go and stood staring at me, chest heaving as he sucked in breath after breath.

  “Talk first.” When Matthew spoke, it sounded as if it pained him.

  Robert’s hand dropped to his center, rubbing against the growing erection that was pressing against his pants. My mouth went dry, and I had to stop myself from dropping on my knees and yanking him free. I’d never given head to anyone, hadn’t even had sex for that matter, but I wanted that. I wanted to lick—

  “Chaney.” Matthew spun me around to face him. His eyebrows were drawn low, and his frown was deep. “You have to understand something first.”

  His lips were beautiful when they formed words. My hand lifted of its own accord to trace them, and his eyes closed. “Fuck.”

  Yes. Let’s do that, I wanted to say. Instead, all that came out was a tiny mewl.

  Matthew shook his head. “Fuck.”

  I tried—I really did—to focus. He wanted to tell me something. Okay. Ignoring the ache in my core, I used every brain cell I had to form words. “Tell me.”

  “Now that you’re here, our connection is getting impossible to ignore, and once you and Scott…” He glared at a spot over my head. “Once you and Scott started this, it’s going to hurt to stop. But if we go any further, we’re not going to go back to what we were.”

  “Virtual strangers?” I asked. I stepped closer to his heat as the cool breeze hit my sweaty skin.

  “Not strangers,” he whispered. “We were never strangers.”

  No, we weren’t. “I’ve wanted to be with you since the moment you stepped out of those masks.” My core clenched, and it almost folded me in half. What had been a pleasurable ache was turning into a painful reminder of being empty. “I want what comes next.”

  Matthew’s face set into harsh lines, but his eyes went soft. He blinked, coming closer. “We’re not easy men.”

  But they were mine. “I want what comes next,” I repeated.

  He glanced over my head and nodded once. The next thing I knew, I was on my back on a soft blanket, and three men whose hands trembled when they touched me were stripping my clothes from my body.

  Scott pulled his shirt off, revealing a tan chest covered in tattoos. No. Not tattoos. I reached out to touch him, dragged a finger down the symbols.

  I turned my head to study Robert and Matthew. Their bodies wore the same symbols.


  Zeroes and ones dotted their flesh in different places. On Matthew, they ran across his left pectoral muscle to the center of his chest. Then they started again at his hipbone and ran all the way down one thigh.

  Scott’s traveled from one pec to the next, covering almost every inch of his skin in a V-shape. It wrapped around his pec toward his back, but I couldn’t see the rest of it.

  Robert’s started on his shoulders and went down both arms like full sleeve tattoos. “They cover my back as well,” he whispered. He lifted his gaze to mine before leaning over. He kissed me again, and I sighed into it. He propped himself on top of me, the heat of him bleeding into me.

  Needing that heat, I arched up to press my naked body to his. “You’re beautiful.”

  With a groan, he kissed me, diving into my mouth and then pulling back to bite my lower lip. The fire built up again. I became aware of another set of lips working their way along my neck. Robert shifted, making room for the person kissing their way from my neck to my chin and then back down.

  Two hands gripped my knees, pulling my legs up and apart so the cold air hit my wet, overheated core. There was a time in my life when my stepfather had complained that I always had to be different.

  I didn’t think most virgins got to have sex with three guys who were utterly focused on her pleasure. I wrapped my arms around Robert and Scott’s necks, holding them to me as they kissed and sucked at my skin.

  Matthew nibbled my knee, licked the back, and drew the skin between his lips.

  My hips undulated, completely out of my control, searching for something. Someone’s hand went to my center, fingers dragging through the wetness to circle my clit and I cried out. Yes. This was what I needed.

  The hand slid back, and then forward, one blunt tipped finger testing my readiness. I was ready. God, I was so ready.

  Gently, carefully, it pushed inside me, stretching places that had never been stretched, readying me for what was to come.

  We became a blur of skin and sensation. I kissed every place I could reach, explored with my hands. Unable to keep my eyes open, I focused only on touch, feeling my way along my masks until I had memorized their features.

  Scott’s hands were rough, so he was careful when he touched me, often using his palm or a squeeze as he learned me. Robert was hesitant and oh, so tuned in. When he kissed my lips, his hair brushed over my skin, and I sighed. It was like a fan, cooling me off enough that my body allowed my brain to come back online.

  Matthew didn’t just touch me, he commanded me. It was as if he knew how my body would respond better than I did, and when he licked a long line from my core to my clit, I detonated—that was the only word for it.

  I was an atom bomb, pulling in all the air and releasing it like a shock wave. Never, never had I come hard like that. I wasn’t finished when Robert slid inside me.

  There. A sense of rightness filled me when he did. It was as if every second in my life had been leading up to this point.

  He grunted, eased back, and pushed back in. A hand slid between us as Matthew and Scott continued to kiss along my neck. “You can do it again,” Scott whispered.

  Their legs tangled with mine, and their lips set my skin aflame, and somehow, I was able to build back up again. Robert’s speed picked up as Matthew—it had to be Matthew—rubbed tight circles over me.

  Robert grunted again. “Chaney.”

  He was touching a spot deep inside me with each thrust. I felt him harden even further and then warmth spread throughout me. I came again, crying out, and Scott caught it with a kiss.

  Robert held himself over me, face strained and muscles standing out along his arms and chest as, for the first time, I could open my eyes. We moved together like we were meant to do this.

  I squeezed him between my legs, and he jerked, his movements speeding up, and I cried out, grasping his back before Scott took my hand in his and sucked on my fingers. He bit down. That, plus the way that Robert moved his hips, sent me over. I came, this time seeing stars in front of my eyes. Oh. Wow.

  It was like my brain had shut off. How was I supposed to think?

  Robert kissed all of my face as he came inside of me. His moan might have been the sexiest thing I’d ever heard. Matthew kissed all over my face, leaning over as he did. And though I instantly felt the absence of Robert when he pulled out of me, I had no time to feel lonely. No, instead, I was quickly against Matthew.

  He stroked his thumb down my nose, a long stroke before his mouth met my own. He tasted like happiness. I closed my eyes and dove into the experience. He pinched
my nipple, and I sighed, loving the slight bite of pain. Was it possible to want all of it this much?

  I reached between us, pulling down his pants, ridding him of the rest of his clothes until I could stroke his long length. He shuddered against me. “You do that, and I’m not going to make it inside of you.”

  Smiling, I realized I’d never felt this kind of power before. I’d never understood how much control there was in someone’s desire. Not that I would ever take advantage of that. I just loved the heady feeling. Or maybe what I adored was how hard he got in my hand. I stroked him up and down one more time before I spread my legs, inviting him inside of me.

  The pinch of earlier was gone, but I was sure as I let Matthew inside of me—knowing Scott would be next—that I was far from done.

  Even if this meant that I was going to be in some discomfort later, I was sure it would be the best kind of pain. We moaned together, and on his face were so many emotions, I couldn’t decipher them all.

  But…I thought I saw discomfort. Like for me, this was a mixed bag of pleasure for Matthew. That would be my guess at least.

  Not that I could think all that clearly. My brain had turned to mush. He leaned over and sucked on my breast. Or maybe it was Scott who did. Colors ran together, my vision blurring. I could do nothing but feel, and so that was what I did. Every thrust of Matthew’s cock in my body, every slide in and out. It was heaven.

  And then the pressure was too much. The buildup was faster this time, and stronger, as though my body figured out how to do this. It wanted more, and I wasn’t going to complain.

  I exploded around him, not sure where I ended and Matthew began. He came inside of me, calling out my name. We both panted, and I held on to him, not realizing for a long moment that I dug my nails into his back. Poor guy. I let go, and he laughed before he shook his head. Maybe his brain was muddled, too.

  Kissing his chin, I could taste his sweat. He left my body slowly, the reluctance to do so in the tension in his muscles.

  “You’re amazing,” he whispered to me.


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