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Wicked Souls: A Limited Edition Reverse Harem Romance Collection

Page 42

by Rebecca Royce

  I crossed my arms over my chest and snorted indignantly. “I want to make sure we don’t run out.” We would be manning Owen’s parents’ house for the holiday while they were out of town. As luck may have it, it was supposed to be the most happening spot on Halloween. All the kids made sure to stop by the house, and I didn’t want to disappoint.

  “I don’t think that’ll be a problem,” Owen said, failing to hide his growl of a laugh with the back of his hand.

  Narrowing my eyes at the duo, I opened my mouth for another retort when the rumble of tires pricked my ears. I turned to look down the driveway as Jett, my panther mate, pulled up, parking next to Maximus’ jeep. He hopped out of the car and flicked the door closed before prowling across the yard, twirling his car keys around his finger.

  My heartbeat sped up once more at the sight of my tall, gorgeous panther. It had taken us a long time to get where we were now, but the second our eyes met, I felt the heat in the dark depths of his gaze and stepped forward to claim it.

  Jett cupped my cheek, and then pulled me against him the moment he was close enough. His lips brushed the corner of my mouth, teasing me. “Excited Quick Silver?”

  His pet name for me sent a bolt of heat straight through me, and my nipples peaked. “Yes.”

  With an amused grin he brushed his lips against mine for only a bare second before pulling back. He tossed the bag I hadn’t realized he was carrying into the trunk and nodded a greeting at my dragon and bear mates’. “Almost ready? I don’t think the rain will hold off much longer,” Jett said.

  I glanced at the sky, still in turmoil since my last look.

  “Yep, just waiting on Max,” Owen said.

  “As usual.” Jett shook his head. “Man takes longer to get ready than our girl.” He slung an arm around my shoulders, and I leaned against him.

  “He’s not wrong,” I agreed.

  “I’m getting the food together for the weekend, assholes.” Maximus appeared in the lodge doorway, a large cooler in one hand and a twenty-four pack of beer in the other. “Unless you all plan on starving.”

  I snorted. “Like Mama O’Connell would ever leave us without snacks.”

  Owen barked a laugh. He knew I was right. His mom was as hospitable as they come.

  Maximus shook his head and finished loading the car before slamming the trunk shut. “Alright, we good to go?” We all glanced at each other and exchanged nods. “Good. Let’s get moving before the rain hits.”

  The five of us piled into the car, Cash taking the driver’s seat while Owen took the passenger side. Though he didn’t need to direct Cash to bear mountain anymore, the habit had been formed over our year together.

  I slipped into the back, nestled between my wolf and my panther, their thighs pressing against mine. My beasties purred their collective contentment—a feeling I couldn’t help but agree with. After all we’d been through, just being here with all of our mates made my heart happier than I could ever say. With a blissful sigh, I took Maximus and Jett’s hands and slipped my fingers between them.

  While Maximus squeezed my hand and rubbed my knuckles with his thumb, Jett’s eyes flashed with surprise before he wrapped his fingers more tightly around mine. Even after all this time, some days I still felt like Jett didn’t feel like he was one of us. One day I hoped he’d lose that feeling and be content with our little family, but until then I was just happy he’d chosen us instead of his revenge.

  “Let’s get going,” I said.

  Cash answered with the rumble of his car and the squeak of the emergency break being disengaged. “Let’s,” he agreed. He adjusted the mirror, and his bright eyes flashed with red and orange flames for only a moment before he winked at me and the car started moving. His eyes returned to the road and I relaxed in my seat.

  It wasn’t long before we were headed out of wolf territory. As if on cue, rain splattered the windshield and Cash cursed under his breath. Maximus held my hand more tightly and Owen sat forward in his seat. My mates didn’t normally worry about the weather, but something in the air had them all on edge. Surprisingly, Jett was the calmest, gazing out the window with a bored look on his face.

  My stomach turned suddenly, and my eyebrows furrowed. I barely held myself back from squeezing their hands harder as nausea pinched my belly. What the hell?

  Maybe I was more nervous than I thought.

  I looked outside at the roiling clouds, and the darkness on the horizon. We were definitely in for a storm. Hopefully, it’d hold off until we arrived.


  My stomach turned as the pounding of rain worsened, blocking the road and the rest of the world from sight. Water blurred the passing trees into ominous shapes swaying in the high winds. After thirty minutes or so on the road, the weather was only growing worse, approaching hurricane levels of brutal rain and wicked winds.

  “We’re almost at the turn off,” Cash said, flashing a smile over his shoulder.

  I glanced back in time to catch the worried quirk of Ariana’s lips in response. I could feel her nerves from the passenger seat. The vibration of her heel tapping the floor beat in time with my racing heart.

  “We’ll be out of this rain before you know it,” Maximus said softly.

  Ariana nodded and I turned back to face the road, wishing I’d chosen to sit in the backseat instead—then I’d be the one comforting our mate and holding her hand.

  “At least the O’Connell house has that big brick fireplace,” Cash added, his voice a little higher than usual, like he was forcing his nerves down and a chipper note to his words. “We can put another one of your Halloween movies on, Ari.”

  The tapping of her foot stopped for a moment. “That’s true. I haven’t had the chance to watch A Nightmare before Christmas again.”

  Jett snorted softly. “Isn’t that a Christmas movie?”

  “It’s equal parts Christmas and Halloween,” I said, smiling. I still remembered Ariana’s widened eyes as she watched it for the first time. She was so enthralled the entire film, jumping every time the Boogeyman appeared, and even shedding a tear for Jack as he plummeted into Christmas Town. It wasn’t the first time I’d seen the classic film. My niece and nephew had also had a big Halloween movie phase, so I’d seen it at least a dozen times over the years.

  “Exactly, thank you,” Ariana said. Her gentle hand squeezed my shoulder and I snatched her hand before she could pull it back, planting a kiss on her knuckles.

  I looked back to see the flush on her cheeks, and my bear rumbled deep inside my mind, pushing forward and tempting me to pull her right from the backseat and onto my lap.

  The car turned as we descended the ramp onto the old highway that would lead us to Bear Clan territory. I gave Ariana’s fingers another squeeze and met her bright silver eyes. They glinted warmly, mischief dancing in their depths. My cock twitched in response, and I again considered pulling her out of the backseat and up front with me.

  A startled gasp from Cash had me turning in my seat, just in time for the car to skid sideways, water spraying around us. I grabbed the armrest and released Ariana’s hand as both Maximus and Jett slapped their arms in front of our mate, protecting her from harm. I ground my teeth as we spun once, twice, a tidal wave blocking my view of the outside world.

  “Hold on!” Cash snapped through gritted teeth.

  My heart galloped as we stopped abruptly. My head bounced against the headrest with the sudden movement and my seatbelt tightened across my chest as I was thrown forward and back. My breaths came quickly as I stared out the windshield at what used to be the highway but was now underwater.

  “Everyone ok?” Maximus barked.

  My heart lurched as I turned to check on my Ana. Ariana blinked back at me with startled eyes but appeared fine otherwise. Despite that, Maximus and Jett checked her over, and even Cash turned to give her a once over.

  “I’m fine.” Ariana rolled her eyes and pushed Jett and Maximus’ prying hands away. “But it looks like the road is closed�
�� or should be.”

  I faced forward again. The road hadn’t flooded in years. Of course mother nature would choose today to pour her heart out and flood our quickest way up the mountain.

  “What now?” Cash asked, looking at me out of the corner of his eye.

  I sighed. “There’s an old road up the other side of the mountain but it’s… not exactly a quick trip.”

  Ariana’s shoulders slumped in the rear-view mirror and my chest tightened. I wanted to do this for her so badly. She’d been so excited for her first Halloween—we had to make it happen.

  “What’s another hour stuck in this thing,” Jett said, shrugging. He might sound nonchalant, but I knew he didn’t want to disappoint our mate anymore than the rest of us.

  “Sure,” Maximus agreed. “Why not?”

  “Well, what are we waiting for then?” Cash flashed a sly smile and cranked the gearshift into reverse. He spun around to face the way we’d come before shifting into first and slowly easing up the road. Even if we hadn’t hydroplaned into the guard rail, Cash’s knuckles were white on the steering wheel. His brow creased in concentration as we glided up the road and back onto the main highway where thick puddles lay on the asphalt, but the road was still visible even through the downpour.

  I directed Cash down the highway to another turn off. We would be at least a couple of hours heading this way, but we’d make it in one piece. It’d be a lot of backroads, but they shouldn’t be flooded with ample coverage from the surrounding forest.

  The clouds darkened overhead as the first hour past, and then the second. Cash was hellbent on taking it as slow as he could while still making time. Only the rain wasn’t letting up and with every heave of the wind, Cash had to adjust so the sportscar wasn’t thrown into the ditch. With the passing hours the roads became narrower. We hadn’t seen another car in ages. I suppose shifters were the only ones crazy enough to be out in this weather.

  Rain continued to pound the car until even the wipers at full speed didn’t allow us to see the road ahead. I clenched my fists, the anxiety in the backseat ramping up my own. Maximus had been right—we should have stayed home until the weather past. But I couldn’t bear disappointing our mate or the kids on the mountain. I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t be sad too. Halloween on the mountain was one of my favorite times of the year.

  “I can’t see in this mess,” Cash growled under his breath.

  I glanced at the dragon shifter, then back out the windshield. He was right. I could barely make out the lines of the road or decipher the trees from the pavement and guard rails.

  “Maybe we should pull over and wait out the rain for awhile,” I suggested. It couldn’t last forever. Given an hour off the road, the night might darken but the rain would have to die at some point.

  “Wait what is that?” Jett leaned forward bracing his arm on the back of my seat as he peered out the windshield.

  As Cash slowed his car to a crawl, I could just make out the outlines of a dark house on the top of a hill. Shrouded by trees, it was barely discernable through the rain. Of course it’d be the keen-eyed cat to pick it out of the shadows.

  “Looks like an old house,” Maximus grunted.

  “Maybe shelter for a little while?” Ariana asked, hopeful.

  My lips twitched at the lilt in her voice. “Why not?”

  “It looks abandoned,” Cash noted, incredulous.

  Jett shook his head. “Not good enough for his royal highness?”

  Cash didn’t take his eyes off the road, but the temperature inside the car went up a few degrees. He always hated when Jett called him that. “Fine, let’s check it out.”

  The dragon shifted off the old road and up a steep driveway. Gravel crunched beneath our wheels and overgrown tree branches whipped the windshield as we passed. As the tree coverage grew heavier, the little light from the clouded sky dimmed until Cash flicked on his high beams.

  “It doesn’t look so bad,” Ariana said. She leaned forward, one hand on my shoulder and the other on Cash’s. The dragon shifter visibly relaxed at the touch.

  I knew the feeling. Something about our mate always calmed my mind and my beast.

  “I’m sure it’ll be fine for a few hours,” Cash agreed.

  “If the rain doesn’t stop, we might as well stay the night,” Jett said.

  “Agreed. Better to be safe than sorry,” Maximus said.

  The car rolled to a stop at the foot of the steps leading up to a dark Victorian house with moss-covered gray panelling, windows boarded up from the inside, and shattered glass littering the porch. It had a quaint feel to it, and I could picture it in its hay day with pristine white arches over the windows and delicately carved support beams. With a few coats of paint and some elbow grease, it would be a nice house.

  Then why was it abandoned?

  I narrowed my eyes through the pitter-patter of rain falling from the trees overhead. The home was well out of the way and might have just been forgotten. Either way, it would suit us for one night.

  “Let’s check it out,” Ariana said, breaking the heavy silence left by the rain. It had been so loud for so long; the silence was eerie.

  I was the first to open my door and step into the rain-soaked world. Cold drops hit the back of my neck and a shiver descended my spine. I wasn’t sure if it was the rain, the darkening night, or the old house, but something had my nerves fraying and my fists clenching as I knocked my door shut. I had a feeling our night was just beginning.


  What a creepy old house.

  I narrowed my eyes at the piece of ancient Victorian heritage long forgotten by the world. With darkened windows, paint long washed away by weather, and two large willow trees cloaking part of the structure in shadow, it might as well be a house from a really bad horror movie. Not that it bothered me.

  Slamming my door shut, I followed my mate from the car and up the rickety steps. They groaned beneath my weight, and I hopped up the last few before the steps caved beneath me. What a mess. Not only was this house straight out of hell, but at this rate, our Halloween trip for Ariana would be a total loss. I sighed and shook my head.

  The door rattled loudly, the wood creaking and hinges squealing. “It’s locked,” Ariana said. She stepped back, placing her hands on her hips as she pouted.

  A smile pulled at the corners of my lips, but I quickly cleared my expression. “Well, duh.”

  Ariana narrowed her silver eyes at me, and I again suppressed a grin. She was too easy to rile, but I’d never get tired of her attempt at glaring daggers. It was far too cute to take seriously.

  “Maybe there’s a key hidden somewhere?” Owen suggested. He looked around the porch at the large, empty pots where plants had once been, and the shreds of a welcome mat rustling between the porch railings where it was stuck.

  “Or we could use my all access pass,” I said.

  My gaze was met with general confusion. I guffawed and rolled my eyes. It was an abandoned house. Why would there be a key under the mat? Stepping up to the twin doors, I shooed my mate aside before leaning back and slamming my boot against the door on the right.

  Wood splintered and the lock snapped. Both doors flew open from the force of my kick, slamming off the interior walls before rattling in the wind.

  “Jett!” Ariana snapped. “That’s breaking and entering!”

  I shrugged and levelled her a cool look. “No one lives here, sweetheart. And from the lack of tracks up the driveway, I’m guessing no one has been here in years.”

  Ariana pursed her lips in disapproval. I smirked and stepped closer. She moved to take a step back, but I captured her hips and pulled her tight against me. Her lips parted in a tiny pink ‘o’ and my body heated slightly being so close to my mate.

  My panther rumbled for more, and I quickly tamped him down. I wasn’t about to take my mate on the porch of this shithole. Once we were inside however… “No one will know if you embrace your inner bad girl for a night.”

Her cheeks flushed a delicate shade of pink as if she were embarrassed, but her eyes told another story—wicked heat. She might seem innocent on the outside, but inside our mate was a wild cat just like me.

  “That’s enough,” Maximus growled. He shoved between us before stalking into the foyer of the house.

  I narrowed my eyes at the wolf, my panther snarling to life. I might not be jealous of the wolf’s claim on our mate anymore, but that didn’t mean Maximus didn’t have a jealous streak of his own. After all the times we’d shared Ariana, you’d think he’d be over it by now.

  “Alright boys, simmer down,” Cash said with a chuckle. He clapped me on the shoulder, a knowing look in his eye as he pushed me towards the door. “Let’s get our mate out of the rain, shall we?”

  At least we could agree on that.

  I stepped inside the house and was immediately assaulted with the stench of mildew and dust. Despite the wetness outside, the inside was surprisingly dry for the most part. Through the foyer was a set of stairs leading up, while an archway to the right led into a large den with a fireplace. We all crowded inside, taking in the sheet covered furniture layered with dust. At least if the furniture was covered that meant it was decently well kept beneath. With two large settees on either side of the fireplace and an armchair in the corner, we would be comfortable if only a little crowded.

  “A fireplace, excellent,” Cash said. He grinned as he pulled back the black cage surrounding the brickwork and grabbed a poker from the rusted gold stand seated next to it. “What do you think the chances are we can find some logs around here?”

  “I smell timber,” Maximus said, tilting his chin up. “It’s around here somewhere.”

  “A fire sounds nice,” Ariana said. She held her elbows, her arms crossed under her breasts. The exposed skin on her forearms prickled with goosebumps, and she trembled slightly.

  “You’re cold,” I realized. I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and rubbed her upper arm. Her sweater was damp, and her hair clung to her forehead from the rain and dampness. “We should look for some blankets.”


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