Wicked Souls: A Limited Edition Reverse Harem Romance Collection

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Wicked Souls: A Limited Edition Reverse Harem Romance Collection Page 97

by Rebecca Royce

  I settled in my seat, grateful that his attention was off me as I hurriedly finished my meal.

  I stuck around for only one serving of dessert before hurrying off with Chum in tow, leaving Bug at the dinner table. He’d been watching Charlie closely, and I knew he wanted to learn more about this new demon.

  As we headed to the cinema room, I could sense Chumley was thinking deeply.

  “Don’t like him either, do you?” I murmured.

  “No. There’s something about him, my skin gets prickly and I want him gone. And I don’t like how he looks at you,” Chum growled.

  “Glad I’m not the only one that thinks he’s off. Maybe we should say something to Dezikiel,” I suggested.

  “Why? He’s already let him in. And it’s not like he’s done anything wrong. Maybe it’s just cause he’s a demon that he makes us feel on edge,” Chum muttered.

  He was right. We had no reason to dislike and not trust the new student.

  But I trusted my gut, and it was obvious Chumley did too.

  “Well, let’s not let that ruin our date,” he brightened up, giving me a lopsided grin as we entered the leisure room.

  My mind jumped to the sabotaged meal, and I went to mention it as we entered the cinema, but thought better of it.

  He’d probably just smirk and chuckle, and it wouldn’t change anything.

  I wasn’t sure how I felt about their little rivalry over me.

  I didn’t want to think about having to choose between them. They both made me feel good, and as I followed Chum to the middle row of seats in the cinema, my heart skipping a beat as his hand brushed mine.

  “You sit down here, I’ll grab a few things,” Chum said as he indicated at the very center seat of the mini cinema.

  I did as told as he slipped out of the row and darted to the back left of the room.

  I glanced over my shoulder at him, smiling as a small light switched on.

  There was a small popcorn making machine on a counter, along with shelves of candy and a soft drink dispensing machine.

  “Cola?” he called out.

  “Yep, thanks.”

  He returned after a few minutes as the screen lit up, offering me the tub of popcorn and some M&Ms. He then darted off to bring the drinks over, placing them in the holders for us.

  I settled into my seat, nibbling on the popcorn as the familiar movie started up.

  My chest squeezed as the first ‘Step-up’ movie began playing.

  I’d used to watch it so much with my mom growing up, it was a favorite. After she died, I hadn’t watched it again. I’d never had time really, and when I did finally get a TV, I never thought of it when I was flicking through Netflix.

  I was touched that he remembered my favorite movie. I’d even taken dance classes as a child thanks to my love of it, but that ended when I moved to the States.

  Chum lifted up the armrest between us so that our arms were touching as he stole the popcorn.

  I relaxed easily with him beside me as we watched the movie, and I found myself enjoying the nostalgia.

  And when Chum’s hand found mine, his warm fingers entwining with my own, a shiver coursed through me with delight.

  We laughed and watched, and I found myself still mesmerized by the dance scenes, utterly in love with the graceful movements.

  By the time the movie came to a close, I was nestled into Chumley’s side, his arm wrapped around my shoulders as I had my legs pulled up on the seat.

  The credits rolled, and I closed my eyes for a moment, loving his warmth and charred scent.

  “Still as good as you remember?” he asked softly.

  “Better,” I sighed.

  “Can I kiss you?”

  I giggled, finding it adorable that he was asking.

  At this rate, with them all kissing me, I’d become a pro.

  “Sure,” I murmured, my heartbeat fluttering like mad.

  I didn’t even open my eyes, instead relaxing as he cupped my face and turned my face upwards.

  His warm, smooth lips met mine in a tender kiss, and I felt him relax instantly.

  I moved one hand to rest on his chest as we kissed, and I tried out a few of the moves I’d picked up with Bug. I ran my tongue across his bottom lip, nervously praying I was doing it right.

  He moaned softly, the sound making a strange heat wash through me as he opened his mouth and we deepened the kiss.

  His hand tangled in my hair as he held me in place, his kisses turning hungry.

  My stomach rolled over and over as we kissed, butterflies dancing inside me.

  And then we broke apart, sucking in mouthfuls of air.

  “I’ve never kissed anyone, did I do okay?” Chumley mumbled with a cheesy smile.

  I just chuckled and nodded as I gave him a peck on the lips.

  “Good movie date?” he asked.

  “Definitely. Perfect choice of movie, and perfect everything,” I said honestly.

  He just beamed at me as the credits finished and the screen shut off, leaving us in darkness.

  He sighed, standing and leaving me in my seat in the darkness as my heart pounded. Then the light over the popcorn machine sprang on, and he returned to help me out of my seat and gather up our rubbish.

  I yawned, covering my mouth with my hand as he smiled warmly at me.

  “Bed time I think,” he said as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his side.

  My chest tightened at the thought of him coming to bed with me. Was that what he meant? No, surely he wasn’t that forward. Besides, I’d never…

  “I’ll walk you to your room,” he added, and I wondered if he’d noticed my sudden onset of nervousness.

  As we stepped out of the dark cinema, the light hit me, and I realized nearly everyone was in the leisure room.

  Including Bug, who had an eyebrow arched at us.

  Chumley grinned at him, not shifting his arm from my shoulders as Diane grinned widely at me and Hadley gave me an intrigued smile.

  Great. They were going to be asking me questions tomorrow.

  I gave Bug a soft smile, feeling awkward as hell while Chum led me out into the hall.

  And the way he’d grinned at Bug made my cheeks burn.

  Ugh, what was I going to do.

  They were clearly both vying for my attention. How on earth was I going to choose?

  I mulled over it as we headed back to my room, and Chum gave me a parting goodnight kiss at my door, just a soft one as he smiled at me.

  “Have a good sleep, Lily. See you in the morning,” he murmured, giving me a final kiss on the forehead before turning and striding off down the hall.

  I stared after him, touching my lips with my fingers and smiling.

  I couldn’t help it, they all made me happy and tingly, like a schoolgirl being kissed by her crush. Well, crushes.

  What was I going to do?


  I stood in the gardens, not far from where Bug and I had had our picnic. The water fountain wasn’t running now, and the sky was dark, the full moon casting an eerie glow over the area.

  I drew in the cool night air, glancing around as I shivered. I felt strange, unsettled and on edge. But I couldn’t figure out where the sensation was coming from, what was causing it.

  I looked over the hedges at the mansion, wondering where my hellhounds were.

  “They’re not here to save you.”

  I seized up at the dark chuckle that rose up from behind me.

  I slowly turned, finding Charlie standing behind me with a sinister grin on his face.

  His brown eyes had been overtaken by pools of black, flooding even the whites of his eyes.

  The sight made a harsh shiver run down my spine, like the dead were running their spindly fingers down my bones.

  I felt unbelievably cold, and my breath was coming out in puffs of smoke. It was too cold, and even as I thought of my hellfire, I knew instantly that I couldn’t draw it forth. It was like someone
had cut off my link to my inner fire.

  “You’re the key, Lily. The one that can change everything,” Charlie smirked.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I growled, fisting my hands.

  “You will, in time. But first, you need to pay the price needed. You need to spill the required blood,” Charlie snarled, launching forward.

  Darkness sprung from his body, swirling around me like a shadowy tornado, locking me into the center. Where were my hellhounds? Why weren’t they here?

  How was I going to get out of this?

  I whimpered as I threw my arms up, attempting to shield myself as the shadows tugged at me, slashing at my skin and leaving bloody gashes.

  I needed to save myself. No one else was going to come to my rescue. I needed to do it.

  I screamed, begging my fire forth, reaching into my very soul to yank it forth. It resisted, but my scream pierced the air even more, and I tore it forth, the hellfire exploding all around me and burning away the shadows.

  But the sinister laughter that filled the air rocked me to my core, and I squeezed my eyes shut as my fire burned around me.

  I awoke with a start, gasping for air.

  It was strangely hot, and smokey.

  I sat up, stumbling off the burning bed as it groaned and collapsed, the mattress in flames.

  I coughed on the smoke, turning back to stare in bewilderment at my burning bed.

  While I stood there, completely dazed and stunned, Bug and Chumley busted into my room.

  Their eyes lit up as they spread out their arms, drawing the flames into their limbs.

  I just watched as the flames tornadoed off my bed into them, leaving the charred, broken remains of my bed.

  It was beyond repair, the springs jutting through the smoking remnants of the mattress, and all I could do was stare in dismay.

  “Are you okay?” Bug asked as he stepped over to me.

  Chumley moved over to my closet and returned with my dressing gown, and I realized I was now naked, covered in ash and reeking of smoke.

  “I’m okay, thanks,” I mumbled as I accepted the gown and slipped into it. It would need a wash, but right now, I just needed to get covered.

  “What happened?” Chumley asked as he rubbed my arm soothingly.

  My mind moved back to the nightmare, and I sighed.

  “I think I set it on fire with my hellfire after a bad nightmare,” I groaned. Now it made sense.

  In my nightmare, I’d activated my hellfire out of terror.

  Had I done it in my sleep?

  Considering the evidence, I obviously had.

  “Is everything okay?”

  I turned, spying Dezikiel entering my room with a worried expression.

  “Yeah, it was an accident,” I mumbled, guilt washing over me. I would have to replace the bed, and I couldn’t afford something so lavish.

  “And you’re unscathed?” Dezikiel asked, seeming unfazed with my bed as he focused on me.

  I nodded, toying with my bracelet nervously.

  “Well, that’s all that matters. The bed can be replaced. Might be best if you gather up a few things, clothes and whatnot, and stay in one of their rooms. They barely use them. I’ll get this sorted,” Dezikiel said as he eyed the scorched wall with a slightly perplexed look.

  “I can pay for it, I’m sorry,” I murmured, utter dread washing over me. Training outside was one thing, but a fire inside the mansion? I was lucky Bug and Chum had come when they did.

  “Nonsense, it was an accident. Gather up clothes and go shower in one of their rooms. Bug, yours is the closest, she can borrow yours until morning. We’ll have this sorted in no time,” Dezikiel instructed as checked over the smoldering bed.

  As if summoned, two of the hooded figures joined us, shuffling around the bed.

  Chumley urged me into gear as he went over to my dresser. I joined him silently, grateful that Dezikiel wasn’t ripping me a new one.

  I couldn’t believe I’d set my bed on fire.

  I grabbed up a handful of clothes, some pajamas and a set of clothes for tomorrow. Hopefully that would be enough.

  Bug disappeared into my bathroom and returned with my toiletries, which was thoughtful of him.

  And then I was being ushered out as the hooded figures got to work dealing with my destroyed bed.

  How they were going to fix the burn marks on the surrounding furniture and walls was beyond me.

  “My phone,” I groaned, glancing over my shoulder at the phone that had melted on my bedside table.

  Guess it was useless now.

  “We’ll get you a new one,” Chumley stated as the pair of them walked with me.

  Bug let me into his room, and I made a beeline for the shower, hating the burned smell clinging to me from my mattress.

  My mind kept jumping back to the eerie nightmare. Did it mean anything? It felt a little like those vivid dreams with my father.

  I still wasn’t sure if they were even dreams. Maybe I needed to talk to Dezikiel about them. Maybe he’d know.

  I washed my hair thoroughly until I couldn’t smell the burning stench anymore, and then I was dressed and walking back into the room to find Bug sprawled on one side of the bed with a book.

  A part of me knew I needed more sleep, the sun wasn’t up and I’d definitely be tired tomorrow, but I also couldn’t shake this weird feeling after the nightmare.

  “Figured I should probably stay with you, make sure you don’t set my bed on fire too,” Bug gave me a small smile over his book.

  “I can’t believe I did that,” I groaned as I joined him.

  “What was your nightmare about?” he asked as he set his book down on the bedside table.

  “Charlie. He attacked me with darkness,” I said, frowning as I chewed my lip.

  “He makes us all feel funny. Well, us hellhounds and you,” Bug murmured as his brow furrowed.

  “Why though?”

  “I don’t know,” Bug said honestly.

  I sighed as I sat against the pillows, staring at the far wall.

  I just wanted to know why Charlie put me on edge so much. Why just us too? The other students seemed unfazed by him, they even liked him.

  “How was your date with Chum?” Bug asked suddenly, and my cheeks flushed as my eyes fell to the bed.

  God. Why was he asking that?

  “It was good,” I mumbled. I wasn’t going to lie.

  Bug just nodded as he looked up at the ceiling and closed his eyes.

  “You should try to get some more sleep before tomorrow,” he said, and my stomach dropped.

  Had I upset him? I really hoped not.

  He fell silent with his eyes closed, and I wondered if he was annoyed with me.

  I couldn’t choose between them. It was too hard.

  I’d dug myself into a stupid hole because I couldn’t figure out my emotions. They were going to get hurt because I was being selfish and wanted all of them.

  I rolled onto my side, wishing my hair was dry. I hated sleeping with wet hair, but I was still tired.

  But as I closed my eyes, I kept seeing Charlie in the darkness, laughing darkly and making my blood run cold.

  Bug (Tolrun)

  Nightmares. Dreams that upset the dreamer. I wished I knew what dreaming was, but sleep was not something I could do.

  Lily was lying beside me, her chest rising and falling softly as she drifted off.

  Charlie had been the one who’d caused such mental trauma. I wish I knew why he affected us. Something wasn’t right about the new demon. I didn’t trust him in the slightest.

  I looked over at Lily, at the way her damp hair had fallen into her face. She’d been facing away from me at first, before stirring enough to clamber under the blanket and roll to face me.

  She’d enjoyed her date with Chumley as well. Maybe he would make her happier than I ever could, but I wasn’t sure. And I wanted to be with her.

  Would she perhaps have us both? In most of the boo
ks I’d read, the female heroine always ended up with one character, so I thought that was the way it had to be.

  But maybe, like the odd few romances I’d read where she chose two guys, normally brothers, she would have us both. A menage or something.

  I could probably share her. No, I would, if it meant I could have her too.

  I looked over at her, at the serenity on her beautiful face. I took in her straight nose and pronounced cheekbones, the way her mouth curled slightly in the corner, like she was on the verge of smiling even in her sleep.

  She was a true beauty to behold.

  I slid off the bed soundlessly, not wanting to wake her as I headed out.

  I’d come back and continue reading with her, but it didn’t look like she was going to have a nightmare any time soon.

  I slipped out into the hall silently, heading down to the kitchen. Chumley spent a lot of time down there, so I was sure that was where I’d find him.

  Sure enough, he was working on another few dishes.

  “How is she?” he asked instantly as I joined him in the kitchen.

  I leaned against the counter as he bustled around, the sweet aromas of desserts wafting through the air.

  “Sleeping peacefully at the moment.”


  “Listen, I’ve been thinking. She clearly likes us both, and I don’t think we should make her choose,” I sighed, planting my hands on the stainless steel bench behind me.

  “You think we should back off?” Chumley came to a standstill, clearly not enthused with the idea.

  “No, I think we should be willing to share her if that’s what she wants,” I said quickly.

  “Is that common?” he asked, cocking his head at me.

  “I’ve read about it. It can happen, and she does like us both. She kissed me,” I murmured.

  “She kissed me too,” Chumley stated.

  “So we should let her know that we’re okay if she wants us both.”

  “You’d be okay with sharing?” he gave me a lopsided smile.

  “If it makes her happy, that’s all that matters.”

  Chum’s smile dropped to a serious expression as he pondered it.

  “I only want her happy too,” he said after a moment, quickly glancing at the boiling pot on the stove and hurrying over.


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