Wicked Souls: A Limited Edition Reverse Harem Romance Collection

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Wicked Souls: A Limited Edition Reverse Harem Romance Collection Page 98

by Rebecca Royce

  “So you’re fine with me telling her she doesn’t have to choose? I think the thought that she has to is difficult for her.”

  “Yeah, we can share her if that’s what she really wants. But if she decides to choose instead, we have to be okay with that too,” Chumley said, not turning away from the pot he was now stirring.

  I knew he was right, but my stomach lurched at the thought. I’d rather share her than not have her at all. But as long as she was happy, I’d be happy for her.

  I left Chumley to do his cooking, returning to my room and joining Lily on my bed. I picked up my book, all the while going over what I would say to her in the morning.


  I awoke groggily, finding myself staring up at Bug as he sat beside me reading.

  “Morning,” I mumbled as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

  “Morning, no nightmares?” he asked as he set his book down on the bedside table.

  Gentle sunlight was filtering in through the window overlooking the garden since his room was on the same side of the hall that mine had been.

  “No,” I groaned, remembering the issues of last night.

  I’d burned my bed to smithereens.

  “Good,” Bug said cheerily.

  Ugh. Why couldn’t hellhounds sleep? No one should be so cheery first thing in the morning.

  “You better get ready, you’ve overslept, and breakfast will be ready soon,” Bug informed me.

  Right. Without my phone, which had been demoted to merely my alarm and google machine, I’d passed my usual wake-up.

  “You go to breakfast, I’ll get ready,” I grumbled.

  “You sure? I can walk you?” he offered.

  “I’ll meet you there,” I muttered as I snuggled into my pillow.

  He gave in and left, and I took a few more moments before dragging myself out of bed and stumbling over to my clothes on the dresser.

  I changed and brushed my teeth before heading out to breakfast.

  I paused near my room, peeking in and giving the room a skeptical look.

  There was a bed in there, and no scorch marks anywhere.

  Albeit, the bed was not mine, so I hadn’t imagined it all. But they’d already cleaned up the burn marks and replaced the bedside table?

  A sniff of the air informed me that some painting had been done, but that was the only evidence of the work that had been undergone to fix up my room.

  I froze as I heard hushed voices up the hall, and I slipped into my room and closed the door as footsteps came my way.

  I pushed my ear against the door, curiosity winning out.

  “I’m not sure the High Council looked into him well enough.”

  I recognized the hushed voice as Mr Baron’s, and Dezikiel answered him.

  “I agree, but orders are orders, we must obey the Council.”

  “He’s a high-class demon, much more powerful than Xander. He could pose a great threat if he hasn’t been vetted thoroughly,” Mr Baron hissed, his voice more clear as they drew closer to my door.

  “Charlie could also just be a demon in need of guidance. After all, he’s retained his soul,” Dezikiel spoke reason.

  “You’re right, it’s just, we’ve never had such a demon at the Academy before. Most who retain their souls are lower demons, not that powerful and not dangerous to us.”

  “I understand your worries, but the Council needs to be trusted. If I see any reason to think otherwise, I will speak with the Council.”

  The conversation died, and I heard one pair of footsteps fade down the hall.

  I stifled a cry as my door opened, and I jumped backwards quietly and spun to face my bed, hoping whoever it was didn’t know I’d been listening in.

  I was going to get in so much trouble for that.

  “I see you’ve discovered your room has been restored,” Dezikiel’s voice rung out.

  “The only trace of what happened is the smell of paint,” I murmured, praying I wasn’t giving myself away as I forced my voice to be steady.

  I turned to him, his eyes flickering with amusement before he nodded.

  “The hooded figures got it sorted quickly. They’re quick and efficient,” Dezikiel nodded as he gazed around the room. “They couldn’t save your phone, but we’ve replaced it and had everyone’s numbers added for you. You only really used it for communication within the Academy anyway,” he noted.

  He was right. No one knew I’d left my old place, I had no friends or family, the only one who may have noticed was Lionel, but he probably thought I’d gone on the straight and narrow.

  I wouldn’t have minded visiting him eventually, letting him know my life had taken an awesome turn.

  Then again, I wouldn’t be able to tell him much. Just that I was going to school now. What would I say I was studying though?

  “Breakfast will be ready, I can walk with you,” Dezikiel said, snapping me from my thoughts.

  I nodded, heading into the hall with him.

  He gave off such a calming vibe, one that made me feel safe and at ease. Why though? What was an angelic anyway? I’d only been studying the History of angels and demons and mostly demonics, although we were coming up to angelics soon.

  What powers did they have? How were they different to demonics?

  Angels and demons were the big guys, the ones that the two kinds descended from. True demons, like my father, were powerful beings, as were angels. But from what I’d learned, demonics were pretty badass too and could probably hold their own against them, at least the higher up demonics.

  “How is your training going in weaponry and combat?” Dezikiel asked as we walked.

  “It’s going good. I’m still improving with my aim, but my speed for cleaning and assembling weapons is good. As for combat, I’m getting there. Sometimes, if I focus on my power inside me, I can become a pro for a short while. If only I could make it last,” I sighed.

  “Everything takes practice, but you are excelling at an incredible rate, even with your hellfire.”

  “I set my bed on fire,” I blurted, disbelieving his words.

  “From a nightmare, correct? Accidents happen to even the best of us. But Mr Baron has told me of your training with the hellhounds, you are slowly gaining more control over your power.”

  I nodded, grateful that he was seeing improvement. Maybe I needed to stop being so critical of myself. I was getting ahead, and when I reminded myself that not even two months ago I thought I was crazy and living paycheck to paycheck, I did feel better. My life was pretty awesome now.

  I was a demonic with powers.

  We reached the dining hall and Dezikiel held the door for me.

  I took my seat between my two hellhounds, and helped myself to the banana pancakes on offer.

  I found myself watching Charlie through breakfast, my nightmare replaying in the back of my mind.

  He was laughing with Diane and Hadley, but Xander seemed unimpressed. He’d liked him initially, but something must have changed.

  I wondered what, but I couldn’t ask him yet.

  After breakfast, I found myself walking with Bug out to the training area. Mr Baron would be testing Charlie in the other training area near us, but I’d be focusing on my hellfire and trying to hurl it.

  Chumley would meet us out there.

  “Hey, how you feeling?” Bug asked.

  “Fine, why?” I arched a brow at him.

  He pursed his lips, pondering his words before he sighed and turned to face me fully.

  I cocked my head at the worried expression he wore. Was everything okay?

  “I spoke to Chumley. We’ve been thinking, both of us trying to date you might be too much for you. We don’t want you to get stressed about trying to choose between us. We both only want you to be happy,” he said quickly, the words pouring from him as he flicked his elastic band. “So, we’ve agreed that you don’t have to choose, if you don’t want to. We won’t fight over you, we’ll share you, if you’re okay with that. We both l
ike you and want to be around you,” he paused, and I could tell he was trying to figure out if he was saying what he wanted in the right words.

  “You guys will share me?” I muttered in disbelief, my chest tightening at the idea. Sure, I wanted them both, but that wasn’t exactly normal.

  “If you’re okay with it. We are, and it means there’s no need for rivalry. We know you care for both of us, hopefully in the same way we care for you,” he blurted, working the elastic band crazily.

  I caught his hand mid-flick as we stood in the hall.

  “I do care for both of you, but how can you guys be okay with both having me?” I was bewildered with the thought. I mean, if I was being honest, it did excite me. But it certainly wasn’t normal.

  “We’re hellhounds, we’re not programmed like other people. We were trying to follow the rules of life that we’ve only been taught recently in regards to relationships, but I’ve read about a woman having more than one guy, and when we spoke about it, we both were okay with it. Are you not okay with it?” his face dropped with worry as he stared down at me.

  “I mean, I’d be happy with it, I guess…” I murmured slowly, not sure how to put into words what I was thinking and feeling.

  “Well, then, let’s try it. We both date you with no need to worry about picking one of us, that’s less stress for all of us,” he managed a strained smile. I knew he was worried about my thoughts on it.

  “Okay, we’ll do it then. But if it starts to cause any dramas between you two, we call the whole thing off. I don’t want you two fighting over me, no matter my feelings for you both.”

  I must have said something right, because his body relaxed and his worried expression turned into a warm smile.

  Then next thing I knew, his lips were on mine, and all my worries melted away.

  Creeper (Magnus)

  We returned after four days away, having completed our mission and reported everything to Dezikiel over the phone.

  And while we were gone, it seemed Bug had been wooing Lily. Especially since we both burst into her room to find her snuggled up in Bug’s side napping while he read a book.

  I had a bouquet of lilies, while Jack had picked up a nice sky-blue dress on the way home and some chocolates.

  We both just stared at Bug as he carefully pried himself away without waking her.

  “I take it you guys went on a mission?” Bug murmured as he joined us by the door.

  “Yeah, done and dusted,” Jack stated, giving him a curious look.

  “You’ve been getting cozy with Lily.” I smirked.

  “Yeah, Chum and I both had dates with her. We ended up agreeing to not make her choose since she cares for us both,” Bug shifted uneasily as he eyed the gifts we had for her.

  “So we’re all going to share her?” I mused.

  “Creeper and I also agreed to such a thing,” Jack added when Bug gave me a bewildered look. I could only shake my head, smirking at the turn of events.

  “We were going to tell you both but got sent off before we could. I think we shouldn’t fight over her, if she’s happy to be with all of us, then so should we,” Jack explained.

  I stood back as they spoke in hushed words, Bug relaxing as Jack explained how he was happy to share her.

  Bug believed she would be open to it, although four guys were going to be interesting.

  I didn’t care. I wanted Lily, and I wanted her happy.

  “You guys are back,” Lily’s voice rose up, and I turned, smiling softly as she stretched and slid off the bed.

  I took charge, waltzing over and offering her the lilies.

  She frowned for a moment before softening and accepting the gift.

  “We bought you gifts. Seems Chum and Bug have been trying to win you over. Jack says we can all share you, if you’ll have us,” I said blatantly, and I heard Jack groan behind me as Bug gave a sharp laugh.

  “You guys want… to share me?” She frowned, glancing past me at the other two.

  “We all want to date you and be with you,” I said with a shrug. Was it not obvious to her?

  She looked puzzled, and the other two quickly joined us.

  I listened as they spoke with her, and watched as the emotions danced across her face. Uncertainty, worry, relief, joy.

  They assured her it would be fine, and she seemed to accept the idea of giving it a shot after a few moments.

  “What were you guys doing anyway?” she asked Jack and I.

  “We needed to deliver a message in person,” Jack said quickly. It was what we’d agreed to tell her for now. She’d find out soon enough.

  She was puzzled by this, but then we were all headed off to breakfast and our classes, falling back into our standard routine.

  The afternoon came around quickly, and I sat in the music room with Lily, listening to her tune on the flute before I began playing the piano. She sat on the piano bench with me, smiling as she watched me play.

  Having her beside me made me feel strangely complete and at home. She was my anchor, the one I found myself constantly drawn to.

  And I’d learned that all the others had kissed her.

  She’d loved her lilies I’d gotten her, and she was now wearing the dress Jack had gotten her. It suited her well with it’s high neckline and pronounced waist, ending just above her knees.

  “I still have your rock,” she said suddenly when I finished my piece.

  I smiled dumbly at this.

  “I’m learning more about… everything. I should’ve gotten you something more meaningful,” I murmured, cringing at the reminder of my odd little gift.

  “It was meaningful to you, therefore a special gift to receive,” she assured me.

  I locked into those emerald eyes, bright and happy as she smiled at me.

  My breath caught as I stared at her, at her true beauty, no makeup to obscure it. The way strands of brown hair had fallen from her bun and framed her face, or how her sterling silver sleeper earrings glinted in the afternoon sunlight. She’d had Hadley spell them so they wouldn’t melt in her hellfire just like the bracelet Jack had gotten her.

  My eyes flicked down to her lips as I wondered what it would be like to kiss her. I’d spoken with the others, and they’d said it had been wonderful, that it ignited a fire inside them.

  I wanted to know what that was like.

  Her smile faltered as she watched me, and my mouth went dry as I tried to bring myself to do it.

  I could smell her, her sweet, flowery scent that she’d had since day one. It made me feel at peace and content. She had that ability over me, it was why I liked to be around her.

  All my tension from this world would fall away when I was with her.

  “Creeper,” she murmured, her eyes falling to my lips as well.

  I drew in a sharp breath, turning back to the piano as my cheeks flushed scarlet.

  I couldn’t do it. My chest was aching and my heart hammered as I struggled to swallow.

  Jack had told me that it was called nerves.

  Why would I be scared though? I didn’t scare easy.

  I frowned as I began playing a new piece, trying to understand why I was responding like this.

  I could feel her peering at me curiously, but she just moved closer to me, her shoulder brushing mine as she took up playing her flute again.

  I wanted to take her on a date. All the others had, and then they’d kissed her. That was probably it.

  I wanted to do it right.

  A few days passed, and I watched how close she was with the other three. The way she’d spend an afternoon nestled into Bug’s side reading her kindle while he read a book, or holding hands with Jack when wandering the halls.

  He was sneaking kisses from her, hell, they all were, even Chumley when he watched movies with her.

  I knew because they would tell one another, not keeping any secrets.

  It didn’t bother me that she was close with them, only that I was struggling to take the step needed to reach that
point too.

  Jack had urged me to take the leap, to not let the nerves beat me down.

  It was easier said than done. I hated that strange, jittery feeling I got when I thought of kissing her.

  It was odd for me, especially since I made fun of the others when their moments with her would lead to them being aroused.

  We’d even brought up the sex topic once, but they were all worried about it.

  Who would have her first? She’d never been with anyone, and neither had we.

  Today, I stood outside in the training area with her as she practiced hurling her hellfire.

  She was starting to keep the ball ignited when it left her hand, but it sizzled out before hitting the target.

  “Pretty wicked stuff.”

  My whole body tensed as I growled softly, my head whipping to spy Charlie sauntering over.

  I saw Lily stiffen, as did Chumley on her far side. We were helping her today with her powers.

  “I really need to focus and practice,” Lily said, although I could hear the annoyance in her voice at his intrusion.

  “Of course, being the daughter of a Prince of Hell, you really need to get a handle on this stuff. At least you’ve got your dogs, um, hellhounds, to help you out. That’s handy,” Charlie said, and my lip pulled back into a snarl.

  Lily’s eyes narrowed as she faced him.

  “Is there any particular reason you’re here,” she said, forcing a small smile. I knew he was putting her on edge though.

  I hated this new student, ever since I first met him.

  His presence made my blood boil, and I didn’t trust him in the slightest.

  “Just wanted to see if I could maybe help,” Charlie smirked as he strode closer to Lily.

  I took a step forward, causing the demon to pull up and raise an eyebrow at me.

  “Relax, heel, I’m not going to hurt her,” he snickered.

  I could feel my hellhound clawing at the surface, wanting to let loose on this demon.

  “I don’t need any help, thanks.”

  “Sure you do, you’re still trying to throw the hellfire. I’ve been studying past hellfire students, I can give you some tips,” Charlie moved closer to Lily.


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