Wicked Souls: A Limited Edition Reverse Harem Romance Collection

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Wicked Souls: A Limited Edition Reverse Harem Romance Collection Page 99

by Rebecca Royce

  “Really, I’m good. I don’t want help.”

  “C’mon, everyone needs a little help. Let me show you how to throw it properly.” He moved closer, reaching out to take her arm.

  I snarled as I lurched forward, the thought of him touching her making my own hellfire ignite my body.

  Lily burst into flames as she jerked away from him, and Chumley had ignited as well, his horns protruding.

  “Whoah, relax!” Charlie threw up his hands.

  But that prick was smirking as he backed away.

  We watched him closely, and I had to grit my elongated teeth and dig my claws into my palms to keep from going after him.

  Training was called off once he was gone, and we ushered Lily inside and shielded her naked form as we took her to her room. Chumley and I were down to our burned jeans which had become shorts, having lost our other clothing in our anger.

  Fuming, I flung her bedroom door open, scowling over my shoulder as Chumley urged her in her room.

  “I don’t get what’s with him,” Lily muttered angrily as she strode over to the shower.

  “Did he touch you?” I snapped as I yanked the door shut and followed after her.

  I did my best not to glance over her naked figure, but I couldn’t stop myself when she spun on me.

  “I won’t ever let that demon touch me. He makes my skin crawl. I don’t know why, but I’ll find out,” she hissed.

  I just stared at her, at the fire burning in those emerald eyes as she stood before me.

  Oh boy.

  I gritted my teeth as my body reacted for some reason. Was it seeing her looking so primal and full of fire that had triggered it?

  I had no idea.

  Her eyes dropped to my crotch, and she snickered before catching my eyes.

  “You like a fiery woman, huh?” she mused, her voice sultry.

  I stiffened and shot Chumley a confused look, which he just mirrored.

  “What is it you intend to do with me, hmmm?” she purred as she stepped right up to me, grabbing my arms and standing on her toes as she stared into my eyes.

  I drew in her suddenly wild, feral scent.

  True demonic, that’s what I was smelling. Still flowery, but it was igniting me everywhere, especially in the groin.

  “What will you do, Creeper? You going to fuck me?” she smirked. “Show me what a hellhound can do?”

  I just stared down at her, completely frozen. This wasn’t our Lily, but fuck, was she making it hard to not want to do things to her that I’d never done. It was like an instinct was urging me to take her, but I fought the desire, gritting my teeth but unable to break my gaze from hers.

  She blinked, the fire in her eyes fading as she released me and stepped back.

  “Um… sorry,” she mumbled, looking utterly lost and confused as she covered herself with her arms. “I don’t… Sorry.”

  She spun on her heels and disappeared into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her and leaving me staring after her in distress and shock.

  What the hell had just happened?


  I stood under the water in the shower, chewing my lip. What the actual fuck had just happened? Why had I acted like that? It was not me in the slightest.

  It was like something had drawn me to Creeper in my moment of upset and anger, my emotions being turned into a strange, heated desire. And my words, I hadn’t even realized what I was saying.

  God dammit.

  My cheeks flushed as my body ached with a strange need.

  Something I vaguely understood.

  What on earth would they be thinking? God, at least nothing had happened.

  Apart from my suggestive… crap.

  I groaned as I closed my eyes.

  What was I going to say to them once I left my shower?

  I snickered stupidly at the fact that I’d aroused Creeper in my state.

  He’d handled it well, although that look in his eye when I’d asked if he was going to fuck me…

  He looked like he wanted to, badly, and it confused him all at once.

  He wasn’t the only one baffled by this weird outburst.

  Jesus, I’d wanted him to do something to me. I hadn’t cared that Chum was there or that I would have no idea what to do, I’d just wanted to.

  I slowly showered, prolonging the inevitable.

  When I did finally emerge, Chum and Creeper were sitting on the edge of my bed, clearly perplexed and having been talking.

  I stood awkwardly by the bathroom door in my towel, shifting uneasily.

  “I have no idea what happened or why I said that,” I blurted.

  “I think… that maybe you’re getting more in touch with your demonic side,” Chumley said slowly while Creeper looked everywhere but me.

  “What’s that mean?” I asked, but I knew.

  I’d read about how demonics born from stronger demons could have more… demon urges. That there could be flare-ups in emotions or they may act out on desires. Demons were known for not denying themselves to their most primal needs and desires. Sex was big for them, as was violence.

  Well, I guess it could be worse.

  I could be attacking them with a lamp.

  I’d rather be attacking them with a lamp.

  “I think we should let you rest,” Creeper said as he cleared his throat and stood.

  “Yeah, it’s been a long day, you rest up and we’ll see you at dinner,” Chumley said quickly.

  I didn’t have a chance to respond as the pair scurried out.

  Well, so much for it not being awkward.

  A week had passed, and things returned to normal after only a day or two, although Creeper would occasionally look at me with a strange glint in his eye before masking it.

  Whenever I found myself in a class with Charlie, I kept my distance. I did notice his pocket-watch he played with though, and even brought it up with the guys. Why would a young man need a pocket-watch? He had a phone.

  Bug said maybe it was sentimental, or represented something.

  I left it, not wanting to talk to the demon.

  I found myself getting closer to the boys, from cuddling in the library with Bug to sitting out in the gardens with Jack, and joining Chumley some evenings in the kitchen while he played with meals, taking the time to make me some delicious desserts.

  I was slowly getting closer to Creeper, but we didn’t bring up my odd little moment with him, neither did Chumley.

  I wondered if they’d told the other two?

  I now sat in the music room once more with him, practicing a new tune on my flute as he sat watching me at the piano.

  “Charlie still bothering you?” he asked.

  I rolled my eyes at the stupid question.

  I’d nearly ignited myself in the leisure room earlier when he’d wandered past. I was reacting badly to him, and it was getting worse. Thankfully Chumley had been with me and he’d taken my hand, calming me down instantly somehow.

  “Jack’s been trying to figure out why he affects us so badly. Even spoke to Dezikiel,” Creeper informed me.

  “What’d he say?”

  “That they need to have faith in the High Council’s decision to have him attend here. Although Jack believes Dezikiel isn’t sure about him either.”

  I pursed my lips at this as I held my flute in my lap. So Dezikiel sensed it too. I guess he was bound by the rules of the Academy.

  “No more demonic flare-ups?” he asked.

  I smirked, of course he hadn’t forgotten my episode.

  “Nope, thankfully.”

  “That’s good,” he said, clearing his throat softly.

  I stood up and walked over, joining him on the piano bench.

  “Did it weird you out as much as it weirded me out?” I murmured.

  “It wasn’t like you,” he said, avoiding my eyes.

  “But you liked it,” I smirked.

  He shifted uneasily at this, and I couldn’t explain this sudden need to toy w
ith him. Seeing him squirm made me chuckle inwardly.

  “How’s learning about angelics?” He tried to change the topic.

  “Fine, I’m curious as to what powers Dezikiel has if he’s an angelic. They’re rare compared to demonics, like one to every fifty demonics. And they can have pretty epic powers,” I mused as I shuffled closer to his side.

  “What were you feeling when my demonic side took over that day?” I asked, curiosity winning out. That desire I’d seen in his eyes, that hunger, it had given me some naughty dreams here and there. And Creeper was the only one who I hadn’t kissed.

  He drew in a sharp breath as I leaned against the closed piano and cocked my head at him.

  I wanted to know what kissing him would be like. Since kissing the others, my confidence in that area was growing.

  Jack and I had made out a bit out in the gardens, his hand sneaking under my shirt to trace my bare skin.

  I wanted to take the next step with one of them, but it terrified me as well. Getting Creeper onto the same page as the others would have to do for now.

  My eyes traced his smaller mouth compared to the other boys, and he had a more baby-face that I’d come to adore. When he did smirk or smile though, it made me giddy. His dark hair was spiked up at the front like usual, and those deep, soulful eyes finally met mine.

  He swallowed nervously, and I realized he wouldn’t be the one, that I’d need to take the lead.

  I leaned forward, my heart hammering as he just watched me inch closer.

  My mouth curled up into a nervous smile as I paused just an inch from his lips.

  And miraculously, he closed the gap, his soft lips finding mine.

  His whole body relaxed as his hand moved up to cup my cheek as he kissed me, and I held onto the front of his shirt, kissing him slowly and enjoying the moment.


  He was unsure with his kissing, and I tried to ease him into it by deepening it, teasing his lips with my tongue and sucking on his lower lip.

  This drew a soft moan from him, and a fire sparked inside of me at the sound.

  I fisted my hands in his shirt as our kiss became more hungry. Good, he tasted so good, wild and sweet.

  I moved to sit on his lap, straddling his hips so we could kiss easier.

  The feel of something pushing into my inner thigh, straining against his jeans, only excited me more.

  God, I’d spent the past few weeks kissing and slowly getting closer to doing something more with my guys. I was still trying to decide who would be the right fit for my first time. Jack had been my first choice, as he’d been my first kiss, but they were all perfect, and I wanted them all.

  We broke apart, panting and drawing in shallow breaths as Creeper rested his forehead on my shoulder, his arms wrapped tightly around me and holding me in place.

  I couldn’t help it, I turned my head and kissed the side of his neck, making his skin prickle as he quivered.

  “I’ve been wondering what it would be like to kiss you,” he said, his voice low and husky.

  “Was it good?”

  He pulled back, those dark eyes capturing mine as a smirk broke out across his face.

  “Better than I could have ever imagined,” he growled as he kissed me again.

  There was nothing soft or sweet about the kiss this time, instead, it was fiery and hot, burning with an unchained passion that we both felt.

  My body was reacting, and a deep instinct was screaming at me to take it further.

  Too bad logic and fear overrode it.

  I broke the kiss as one of his hands began to sneak up the back of my shirt.

  I didn’t want to stop, but I knew I needed to take things slow.

  “They were right,” he murmured as he stared into my eyes.


  “The others said kissing you set them on fire,” he smirked, giving me a small peck on the lips before leaning back.

  I smiled and looked away, my cheeks flushing. I knew I brought a reaction in all of them when kissing them, just as they did with me now. Things had started off soft and sweet, but now, they were getting more heated.

  “I should go do some studying before dinner,” I said, hating that I was forcing myself to leave.

  But if I stayed, who knew how far I’d let things go. This need I had was only getting stronger the more I was with my guys, and kissing Creeper had only amped it up more.

  “Okay,” Creeper nodded, although the desire in his eyes made climbing off his lap hard. Not to mention his clear excitement for me which I tried not to look at.

  I left him in the music room, forcing my thoughts to stop toying with the idea of what sex could be like. I’d read books and watched some romance movies, but my heart was pounding at the thought of actually doing it.

  Jack (Jorkan)

  I sat in the library with the other hellhounds after dinner. Chumley had spent the evening with Lily watching Netflix and getting some quality alone time with her, and now we all sat in the library.

  Creeper had finally kissed her, and now we were wondering how we’d go about taking the next step.

  It was clear she wanted to, as things were getting more heated between all of us with her, but we’d all pulled back before it could go further.

  We were nervous, I knew that, but it was also the worry that it might upset the others if one of us took it upon ourselves to be her first.

  It was time to discuss it.

  “Honestly, it’s up to her really on who she wants to be with,” Chumley said as he leaned on the arm of the couch.

  “Yeah, but none of us have experience either. Her first time should be special,” Bug murmured as he flicked his elastic band.

  Ever since he’d gotten closer with Lily, his horns had gotten under control, and Dezikiel had mentioned allowing him out of the mansion soon.

  “We could all be her first, take turns?” Chumley suggested.

  “I think that’d be too much for her.” Bug shook his head.

  “I think Jack should. He was the first one to kiss her, the first one to make her feel comfortable with us all. He’s done the most research on romance and such,” Creeper stated from his seat on the armchair where he was lounging back. “We’re sharing her, she wants all of us. It shouldn’t matter who is first with her, just that it’s handled right and doesn’t hurt her.”

  “Hurt her?” Chumley frowned.

  “She’s a virgin, the first time can hurt,” Bug muttered as he flicked his band again.

  “I know I shouldn’t be her first,” Creeper said softly. “I don’t know if I can be as gentle as she’ll need. When I kissed her, it ignited something in me.”

  Chumley nodded at this, and glanced at Bug.

  “He’s right, when things start to get heated, we all get a bit… fiery,” Bug murmured. “Even me.”

  “And Jack has always had the most control over his hellhound,” Creeper added.

  I just listened as they weighed it up.

  It sounded like they were settling on me being her first, which I wasn’t sure how I felt about. I had no idea what to do. I’d done reading, and sure, there was plain instinct.

  But that was a big responsibility, and she deserved it to be the most perfect moment.

  “Well, it’s settled, you’ll be the first for her. Let us know once you do, we’ll make sure we don’t let it progress that far until you’ve had your time with her,” Creeper said once they’d come to an agreement.


  I just nodded, knowing I had to take the lead, even if I was worried about it. I’d become the strange leader for our group back when we’d first come here, being the first one to adapt and understand how we were meant to be.

  We went our separate ways, and I headed out to the gardens to think. I needed to figure out how to ask if she wanted to take that step with me. What if she wanted her first time to be with one of the others?

  Was I supposed to tell her we agreed for it to be me as her first?

bsp; Would she be annoyed that we’d decided that when it should be her choice?

  I groaned as I ran my hand through my hair.

  I’d figure it out.

  I spent the night in the library, grateful that it was extensive and wasn’t solely angelic and demonic stuff. I also googled on my phone, all kinds of tips and such for making it the best experience for Lily.

  By the time the sun began to filter in through the library window, I had a bit of an idea of what I would try to do. Even if I was nervous.

  Hopefully I would be able to perform.

  I found myself on the second floor and standing before Hadley’s bedroom door, knocking briskly and hoping she was already awake.

  Instead, Diane’s bright face greeted me as she flung the door open with a confused look.

  “Jack, what’s up?” Hadley called out from within her room.

  Diane stepped aside to let me in, and they both looked like they’d been up a while already.

  I sat down at Hadley’s desk as Diane perched beside her sister on the bed, both looking at me expectantly.

  “How’s Connor?” I asked, clearing my throat at the way they were both smirking at me, like they somehow had an idea as to why I was here.

  “He’s good,” Hadley shrugged. Connor was a guy she had started seeing outside of the Academy, she’d met him when she’d gone shopping for Lily, and she now spent a few afternoons with him.

  Lily spoke to her often about her new beau, and Hadley loved sharing all the details.

  Including that she’d started sleeping with him.

  “Why are you really here?” Diane demanded as she cocked her head at me with a sly smile. “You seem on edge.”

  “I need… advice,” I said slowly, my eyes flicking wildly between the two women.

  Why did I feel like I was suddenly in dangerous water, like I’d become some small prey creature to two large cats waiting to rip into me and tear me apart?

  “What advice?” Hadley grinned.

  “Well, Lily…” I paused, uncertain how to continue.

  “Let me guess, things are heating up, and you’re thinking of taking things to the next level?” Hadley said, as if it was blatantly obvious.


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