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Wicked Souls: A Limited Edition Reverse Harem Romance Collection

Page 167

by Rebecca Royce

  “That too. I also play some guitar. And I surf.”

  Having guessed as much I laughed.

  “What about you, Sissy? What did you do before you were the Barefoot Contessa of the apocalypse?”

  I took his words as a complement of my non-cooked cooking, my gardening and my housekeeping. Him invoking the famous cook that seemed to always have her shit together, her shit fancy even, made me feel accomplished. “I certainly didn’t plan to be running a homestead. I’m not creative. I’ve always been practical. In college, I went early, majoring in finance. I crunched numbers. I like facts and figures, routines. I have no other talent. My papa had been a successful businessman, dealing with investments and real estate. I planned to take over. Then the pandemic hit.” I left out the parts about my ex fiancé.

  “Obviously, you have other talents.”

  “I like to learn. I paid attention is all.”

  “I also like to cook, pastries mostly, well not anymore.”

  “Then you are going to either love or hate this.” I had him wait on the back porch while I put together our makeshift pie. I was just pouring a can of cherries into a pie crust, but these days, that was a delicacy. The pie needed whipped cream, but that was a pipe dream. Garnishing the dessert with fresh mint, just to make it more appealing, I stopped to check myself out in the mirror.

  I looked happy, happier than I had been in a long time. The pie was a hit. We didn’t bother cutting it. He fed me a bite, and I fed him one. After pie, he insisted on giving me a lesson in self-defense.

  “Take off your shoes.”

  “I’m not waxing the car.”

  He laughed at my Karate Kid reference, before grabbing my hips. Pulling me to him, he said, “You’re supposed to fight me off.”

  Biting my lip, I realized he was serious. Breaking free, I stepped back into my best fighting stance. Circling me he corrected my form. My abs and thigh muscles tightened, I spread my bare feet to grip the deck. At his direction, I lunged forward, to swing my bent leg up. My foot lashed out to strike Arlo’s side. I fell back on my ass.

  Helping me to my feet, Arlo tugged me into his chest. We twirled around a moment floating into the house. Like in my dream, we found ourselves on the couch. His arm around me, he leaned into kiss me. I melted into his embrace. I disintegrated when his lips parted, and his tongue met mine. The kiss was enough, had me floating on air, but I waited for more.

  More didn’t come. He drew back and said, “Can I see you tomorrow?”

  “Yeah,” I said, as if it was obvious.

  Arlo kissed me again, this time dragging me on top of him. Stradling him, I clutched his shoulders. His hands went up my dress to rest on my bare thighs. When he stopped, he said, “I know you’re not the type of girl who would let me stay the night.”

  As much as I wanted to argue, kiss him again and nearly rape him, I agreed.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow, then. For a lesson. For a swim. Same time?”

  “Three o’clock?” I joked.

  The next day after my walk and trip to town, I wore my leggings to visit Arlo. We started with more of the same great conversation and great food. Another surprise, him making an honest to God pizza on the outdoor gas grill, using all shelf stable ingredients including anchovies. I’d never even tried them before and was pleasantly surprised. Apparently, not only did the Jules Estate have solar power, it had a large propane tank on the property, he explained when he fired up the grill of the outdoor kitchen. Propane, another thing I knew nothing about. Although it was the best idea, something you could do with firewood, I never cooked outside because I was one person. The smell would attract zombies. Behind the tall iron gates and with Arlo, I felt safe to roast the marshmallows he had. And he had candy bars, something that had somehow got cleaned out of Creepy before the evacuation. Arlo’s Prime truck held a heap of goodies, he’d collected on his way through the country. It eased my worry about my stash of provisions being raided.

  He gave me another lesson in self-defense starting with some yoga like stretches. This time he behaved like a more serious teacher, taking me through his lesson with less flirting, less groping. So much so, when we ended with meditation, I’d noticed our lesson hadn’t turned into another passionate kiss. With him going home last night I started to worry that he wasn’t really interested in me.

  Arlo came over to help me off the mat. “Now it’s time for a swim.” He led me to the pool. Studying the water, I found it clean and acceptable.

  “I don’t have a bathing suit.”

  “Who needs a bathing suit?” He stripped down naked right in front of me, exposing his obvious erection. That erased my worries. Then he turned around, and I got an eye full of his glorious butt before he dove in. Arlo emerged from the water and hung on the side, waiting for me to join him.

  Miss Mary screamed at me for making him wait. I’d never just stripped down in front of a man I just met before, but this body deserved to be seen. I tugged my tank over my head and dropped it on the tile surrounding the inground pool. I shook out my hair that had fallen into my face, imagining that made it look better. Shimmying down my leggings, I decided to keep my bra and panties on. After all, I’d worn another pretty pair, more see through lace, white this time, with a thong for God’s sake.

  The pleased look on Arlo’s face had been confirmation he liked what he saw. He beckoned me over. I dipped down to sit on the edge of the pool right in front of him. Taking my knees, he spread my legs and bobbed up between them, eye to eye with Miss Mary. I envisioned him leaning in and taking a lick. Standing, he took down a bra strap and kissed my shoulder before replacing it.

  Geezus. Why did he have to be such a gentleman?

  Carefully, he pulled me into the water, practically on top of him. My arms went around his neck, my legs around his middle. He clutched my ass, raising me to float above his erection. His wet lips engulfed mine. We kissed for ages, me working the still clothed Miss Mary against his hard cock at times. I regretted not getting naked when it didn’t go any further.

  “We’ve got to stop,” he groaned.

  I almost asked why when he let me go and swam around.

  “I needed to cool off,” he explained when he popped back up.

  The cool water couldn’t even cool me off. A little put off by his hesitation, I climbed out plenty to show off the hot bod I had now. I swam by myself. We showed each other tricks we knew. I was no surfer, but I could flip in the water. I could dive off the board. He stayed naked, his erection never drooping. I wanted nothing more than to jump his big bone, but played it cool, kept my underwear on. Even when Arlo swam up behind me and started kissing my neck. His hands went to my breasts as he felt the lace. I felt his dick hard at my backside as he kissed my shoulder. He took the strap down again and then put it back up. I broke free from him and swam around some more.

  I was tired of being teased. I waited a bit and then made my excuses to go home.

  Climbing out of the pool, he said, “You’re a good student. I want you back tomorrow.”

  “Maybe,” I replied.

  Stepping out naked, Arlo took a fighting position and said, “Show me what I taught you.”

  In my undies, I took a stance. Pouncing off the ball of my foot, I kicked forward and hit Arlo’s side, knocking him back into the water. I returned instantly to my stance as I found my balance.

  He bobbed up from the water. “You’re a natural.”

  We both dressed, and Arlo walked me home. At my back door, he kissed me soft and lingering. I barely retuned the kiss. He said, “Goodnight. I hope to see you tomorrow. How about five?”

  “We’ll see.” I felt bad for treating him so coldly. He was just trying to be a gentleman, but I was horny as hell after swimming around with a naked hottie all evening.

  The next day I did my chores on auto pilot. Driving through Creepy, all I could think about was Arlo and his good manners. That was until I saw a familiar face streak by. Was that Rowan Anderson? What the hell wa
s an old boyfriend of mine doing running down Main Street? I’d only been going ten miles per hour because of a speed bump, but he’d been going much faster. I slowed for the next bump before pushing the gas to speed up. Sputtering, the beast decided to give out on me.

  “Oh, come on,” I screeched at the ornery truck. The engine wouldn’t turn over. I stepped out. Cupping my hand over my eyes, I searched down the street. What they hell was Rowan doing in town? Before I could think, I saw another man coming at me fast. Biking toward me and after Rowan, I suspected, was none other than Troy.

  He stopped right in front of me, nearly hitting me. “Did you see a guy on bike come through here?”

  “Yeah. Just now.” My voice sounded excited, confused.

  “That motherfucker.” Troy rode on after him, leaving me standing on the street.

  I walked in the same direction, thinking maybe I should throw a bike or a skateboard in the back of the truck for times like these when the Beast gave up. I came to halt when I realized I forgot my backpack. I never went anywhere without it. With no hope of catching up with the bikes and no sign of Troy ahead anymore, I turned and walked back to the truck. I climbed in to retrieve my pack just as Troy was riding back my way, shouting something.

  “Huh,” I said as he shouted again. I vaulted out of the big truck to greet him, wanting to know what the hell was going on. Sensing a presence behind me, I whipped around and was greeted by a zombie instead. The undead thing was practically on top of me. No time to unsnap my gun, I rushed and kicked, just like Arlo had taught me. I made contact and then some. My foot went through the rotting corpse and hung inside, my tenny shoe all but disappeared. In character, the thing didn’t react. It continued its sluggish, relentless pursuit. My balanced wavered as I watched in horror, the mindless corpse impaling itself on my leg. My other foot gave out, and I crumbled to the ground, bringing the meat bag on top of me. The monster’s teeth latched onto my neck. They always went for the neck, trying to get to the brains. I fought with all my might, dislocating its shoulder but not prying it off me. A zombie attack in the day was usually more annoying than anything with the way they were slower, practically melting in the heat. But now the damned eyesore had the upper hand. One initial bite wouldn’t end me, but the abomination could sever an artery in the next moment, so I had to act fast. I’d have to escape its slimy grip. A shot sounded, piercing my ears. Zombie bits rained onto me as it slumped, and I knew I was saved.

  Troy on his knees, shoved the zombie off me. Looming over me, his mouth moved but no words came out. He scooped me into his lap, asking if I was okay. My hearing slowly returned.

  “You could have shot me,” I complained.

  “No way, baby. I’m wet.”

  “Is it raining?” I was confused. Although sweating, Troy appeared dry enough. I felt wet but knew I was covered in guts.

  “I make it rain.”

  I reached up to get a chunk of corpse out of my eye. “Like throwing money?” I shook my head.

  “No.” He laughed. “I always make my shots.”

  “Oh, got it,” I said, realizing it was some basketball saying I would not understand.

  “Are you going to pass out?”

  My head spun, and I felt queasy. I thought maybe I would but then decided to fight it. “No. I’m usually the one getting wet.”

  “Um… I don’t know…”

  I hadn’t said the phrase right. “I’m usually the one shooting zombies. I’m used to it. The gore and the shock. It will pass.” I put my hand over the bite, knowing it needed to be cleaned. “I’ll be okay.”

  Troy loosened his grip a bit, and I tried to move. Nothing hurt too bad until I moved my leg, my foot. He helped me try to stand. I couldn’t put pressure on my right knee or ankle.

  “Geezus,” I cried out, trying to walk.

  “Take it easy.” Troy caught me and steadied me. “I can help you into the truck. I’ll drive you home and clean you up.”

  “It won’t do any good, the truck died.”

  “Well hell. I’ve got to get you off the ground.” Troy helped me into the truck anyway. “You’ll have to stay here until I go get a vehicle.”

  I studied the zombie on the ground and shook my head, no. “Why were you biking?”

  “I should ask you.”

  I gave him a bewildered look.

  “I followed you last week. I saw your friends; those motorcycle men leave your diner to chase me down.”

  “The Stayers are not my friends.”

  “Stayers, huh. Is that what they call themselves? I gave them the shaft. Haven’t seen them again. But this morning I was over at the Pump and Shop, looking for caffeine and this motherfucker comes out of nowhere, warning me to stay away from you. He slit my tires and escaped on bike. But the fucker didn’t realize, I had a bike too, found it earlier this week. Still had it in the back of the Suburban. I rode after his ass. I almost had him, but he let out some zombies on me. He one of your friends?”

  “No…Well, he may be my ex. If that was Rowan, but I didn’t know he was in town, I swear… He might be stalking me.” I thought about all the flowers and was sure it was Rowan who’d left them. We’d dated before I dated Dillon, and he always brought me the most beautiful flowers from his mother’s flower shop.

  “What’s the deal with these Stayers? You can’t tell me you don’t know them. I saw them at your diner and your house.”

  Fuck. “You know where I live?” I asked but was worried about someone knowing about Dillon and me.

  “I told you I was watching you. Not in a sinister way.”

  “Then why were you?”

  “I was worried about you after those men came around.”

  I wanted to trust that.

  “Listen. If I wanted to kill you, rape you, don’t you think I would have by now?”

  “I don’t know you.”

  “Here’s a fact about me. I don’t hurt women. I don’t rape women. Or men come to think of it. I don’t rape. Period. To be honest, I think your cute, maybe even sexy, but I wouldn’t rape you. So, how about you be honest and tell me about those men.”

  “I do know the Stayers and Dillon their leader, but they’re not my friends. They’re bad news. They are murderers and rapists.”

  “Come on. I saw a motorcycle leave your place Sunday night at a real friendly hour.”

  I didn’t like being interrogated, especially when I needed medical care. “Dillon is my ex too. He’s my ex fiancé,” I added, so it wouldn’t sound so slutty. “He’s blackmailing me, so he pretty much comes and goes as he pleases.”

  “Girl, you sound like trouble. Where are your friends?”

  “I have none. Well, I have one now.”

  “That’s mighty sweet of you.”

  I laughed, and it hurt to do so. “Besides you. A guy showed up in town.”

  “Dude in the Prime truck.”

  Dude was right. “Yes. You know about him too?”

  “I saw him going through town.”

  I was feeling woozier. “I’m going to have to get this bite cleaned.”

  Troy’s expression changed, like he remembered I was hurt. “I know. I got you.” Troy gingerly shoveled me into his massive arms.

  “Is there anything you don’t know?” I asked, my eyes feeling heavy as I let my head rest against his shoulder.

  “No. I’m pretty much a know it all,” he started. He carried me all the way to the diner, since he knew where it was, talking about himself, just to keep me awake. I could tell by the way he peppered the one-way conversation with, “I don’t know if I should let you fall asleep or not,” and, “stay awake, Sissy.” At the diner, he sat me on the stainless-steel island. He doctored me up there, cleaning the bite as best he could.

  “Got water?”

  Then I told him about the generator, the cooler and the freezer. I wanted a can of Pepsi I’d stolen from his garage. He handed me some Motrin to take with it. On account of my ankle looking like a ham, he also got a bag of f
rozen peas.

  The freezing pack seemed to snap me out of my shock induced torpor. “I’ve kept it going all this time. Not sure how I’m going to now.” I spoke of the freezer.

  Troy seemed pleased I was more alert. “Just ask.”


  “Just ask me to, and I’ll do it.”

  “I wouldn’t expect you to.”

  Wrapping my ankle, he gazed up my leg, his dark eyes kind but strong. “You sound like someone who’s not let anyone take care of you.”

  Thinking of all my past relationships, I said, “I guess that’s sort of true. Certainly not since the pandemic hit.”

  Luckily, I’d kept a first aid kit and was lucid enough to point it out. Although there was no gauze, Troy MacGyvered a tampon into some.

  “Nice trick,” I complemented his resourcefulness.

  Troy stood, wiping my arms with a wet cloth. It was doing no good. “First of all, you’re going to need someone to help clean you up.”

  I nodded my head. I was pretty much covered in guts.

  Troy went on, moving my matted hair out of my face. “Help you out while this ankle’s healing. You can’t survive out there with a bum foot.”

  “You’d be talking about staying with me all day and night kind of help.”

  With Troy leaning in, willing, I let myself fall against him and rest for a moment. It felt good to be comforted, him stroking my hair and back, not caring I was nasty. “Yeah, bathe you, feed you, sleep in your bed kind of stuff...”

  I started to argue.

  “No, baby. I won’t try anything. I promise. That’s unless you want me to.”

  I gave him what he wanted. I spoke into his chest, “Will you help me, Troy? At least until I get a boot on this.” I thought I saw one while raiding Mr. Winslow’s drugstore.

  “You forgot the magic word.”


  “My pleasure, baby. I like to hear my women beg.”

  Embraced by him, his words rang sexual. I swallowed, and Miss Mary let out an inaudible please, too.

  Feeling safe inside the diner, with my gun in hand, I let Troy leave to get the Camaro. I smiled a real smile thinking about him. He was forward, yes, calling me baby and such, but in a funny, charming way like that was just part of his personality, not scary at all. He wanted to help. I remembered him wanting to be part of my group when I first met him. He’d been all too correct that he could’ve done anything he wanted to me already. I didn’t get any John Wayne Gacy vibes from him either, like he had more sinister plans. Worrying about the people Arlo said were coming this way, I knew I needed all the friends I could get. I could use a good man, a strong, big and built like a brick shit house man like Troy in my corner. As much as I’d been falling for the calm sexiness of Arlo, I wasn’t sure anything would come of it. It’s not that I’d wanted Arlo to take advantage of me, but for fuck’s sake, it was the end of the world. We were consenting adults, and I didn’t have the patience to wait and see what would happen. Troy’s forwardness was refreshing. I felt like I could ask him to fuck me and he’d ask, how hard.


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