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Submitting to the Shadow: Kindred Tales 27

Page 5

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Molecular wand?” Sammi didn’t like the sound of that.

  “Don’t worry—it’s perfectly safe as long as it’s handled by someone who knows what they’re doing. Come on.” Roark nodded at the locked door on the far side of the office—the one Sammi had been curious about ever since she’d started work with him. “Let’s go into my inner lab and I’ll do what needs to be done.”


  “What in the world is all this?” Sammi looked around in surprise at the light table spread with various paraphernalia. There were several delicate and complicated-looking machines that appeared to be hooked to soft, adjustable harnesses, as well as many different tools lined up in orderly precision on the glowing surface of the table.

  Roark sighed.

  “This is my work area, which I did not intend to show you for some time yet. But circumstances have forced me to speed up my timetable.”

  The circumstances being that I used the wrong ointment for lube, Sammi thought, blushing all over again. But then her scientific curiosity got the better of her embarrassment.

  “You’re not just a scientist, you’re an inventor,” she said, going over to the table and looking down at the harnesses and machines. She looked at him. “And did you say you made the ointment too?”

  He nodded.

  “I did. It’s all part of my fertility treatment for unmated human females who want to carry a Kindred child.”

  “Well, you’ll have to tell me about it later.” Sammi winced and rubbed her thighs together as her clit throbbed. “Where is this ‘molecular wand’ you told me could help me?”

  “Here.” Roark picked up a small rectangular box from the far end of the table. He took off the top and pulled out a long, purple wand which was thick at one end and had a long neck at the other. At the end of the neck was a tiny purple bead, a little smaller than a marble.

  Roark flipped a switch at the bottom and the little marble began to glow and hum.

  “All right,” he said to Sammi. “Let’s go into the next room so you can take off your skirt and I can use the wand on you.”

  “Take off my skirt?” Sammi looked at him blankly.

  “And your underthings—your panties, I believe you call them.” Roark nodded. He frowned at Sammi. “How do you expect me to help you if I can’t reach you and apply the wand to the place where you rubbed the ointment?”


  Sammi couldn’t believe she was doing this.

  In the next room of Roark’s inner lab—which was apparently much larger than it had at first appeared, was a kind of padded table with stirrups on it—much like something you might find in a Gynecologist’s office. And somehow Roark had persuaded her to take off her skirt and panties and climb onto the table and put her feet in the stirrups.

  Now he was attempting to open the stirrups—and her legs—but Sammi was resisting.

  Roark gave her that stern frown of his that she was beginning to know so well.

  “Now, Samantha—how can I reach you and use the wand on you if you don’t part your legs?”

  “This is crazy!” Sammi exclaimed, keeping her legs firmly closed. “Why can’t I just use the wand on myself?”

  “Because,” Roark growled, a hint of impatience in his deep voice. “The wand isn’t a toy—it’s a precisely calibrated instrument which must be tuned to the exact frequency of the bonding fruit’s molecules in order to break the bonds between them and stop the aphrodisiac effect. If used incorrectly it can result in anything from a case of what would feel like mild sunburn to severe and permanent nerve damage.” He glared at Sammi. “Now do you understand why you can’t use it yourself?”

  Sammi bit her lip. She certainly didn’t want either a mild sunburn or permanent nerve damage, especially on her pussy.

  “That sounds dangerous,” she protested. “Are you sure there’s no other way?”

  “The molecular wand is perfectly safe when it’s being used by someone who knows how to handle it,” Roark assured her. “And the only other way to break the molecular bonds and stop the effect the ointment is having on you, is for me to spread your thighs and lick your pussy.” He cocked an eyebrow at her. “Is that what you want? Because I will do it, Samantha. Your scent is intoxicating and I can only imagine how good you taste.”

  His frank words flooded Sammi with so many conflicting emotions she couldn’t speak. She had a sudden mental image of her stern boss between her legs, lapping her open pussy while she tried not to moan and gasp. The thought made her so hot she had to press her thighs together tightly to try and ease the surge of desire she felt.

  “Well, Samantha?” Roark raised his eyebrows at her. “The wand or my tongue. Which will it be?”

  “I…the…the wand,” she finally managed to get out.

  “Very good.” He nodded. “Then spread your legs and let’s get to work.”

  At last Sammi allowed him to part her knees. She couldn’t believe she was doing this—couldn’t believe this was only her second day at her new job and she was up in stirrups with her skirt and panties in a crumpled heap on the floor baring her pussy for her boss.

  Of course, she had started on the first day by bending over his desk and letting him spank her, so maybe this wasn’t quite so surprising as it might be but still…

  “I’m going to need your help, Samantha.”

  Roark was sitting on a rolling stool between her open thighs and looking intently at her bare pussy. This made Sammi extremely glad she’d shaved her little mound of red-gold curls down to a tiny patch just at the apex of her sex recently. At least the area he was looking at was neat—although she was also extremely wet, she saw with growing embarrassment. So wet that her pussy lips were slippery and shiny with her juices and so were her inner thighs.

  “I said, I’m going to need your help,” he repeated, drawing her out of her shame spiral.

  “My help? What do you mean?” Sammi asked.

  “I’m going to need you to show me everywhere you rubbed the ointment,” Roark told her. “So I can apply the wand accurately.”

  “Oh, uh…” Sammi’s face felt hot. “I pretty much just rubbed it everywhere.”

  He looked up at her, frowning.

  “Everywhere? As in, the outside of your pussy lips as well as the inside of your sex?”

  “No, I don’t think I rubbed it on the, uh, outside,” Sammi said.

  “Just inside, then?” he asked, looking up at her.

  Remembering how she’d spread her pussy lips and rubbed the pink ointment directly on her clit, Sammi blushed and nodded.

  “Pretty much, yeah.”

  “Show me where, then,” Roark ordered. “Spread your pussy open and show me where to apply the wand.”

  Oh my God! Sammi couldn’t believe how embarrassing this was! But along with the embarrassment, wasn’t there also something else? A naughty little pleasure at obeying her stern boss’s orders? A hot spark of desire caused by her submission?

  No, she thought as she spread her pussy with trembling fingers, opening herself and baring her slippery pink inner folds for his inspection. No, I shouldn’t be getting off on this!

  “Gods…” Roark was frowning at what he saw. “I think I can tell where you used most of the ointment, Samantha,” he said dryly, glancing up at her. “Your Goddess pearl is inflamed with need.”

  “My Goddess pearl? You mean my, uh, clit?” Sammi asked, feeling even more embarrassed.

  He nodded.

  “Yes, I had heard that was what you humans call it. Hold still now, this is a very delicate operation.”

  He brought the glowing purple marble at the tip of the wand closer to her open pussy but Sammi twitched her hips to the side.

  “That thing looks like it might be hot,” she objected, nodding at the wand. “Are you sure it’s not going to burn me?”

  Roark shook his head.

  “I have it calibrated exactly. As long as you hold still, you shouldn’t feel anything but a faint warmth and vibrati

  “But—” Sammi began.

  He looked up at her sternly, his pale eyes flashing.

  “Would you rather I bathe your pussy with my tongue, Samantha? I will be happy to do so if you fear the wand so much.”

  “No, no!” Sammi said quickly, feeling her cheeks get even hotter, if that was possible. “Go ahead—I’ll hold still.”

  “Very good.” Roark brought the glowing purple marble right up to her pussy and began to stroke it gently over her inner folds.

  “Ahhh!” Sammi gasped before she could stop herself. The “faint vibration” was both warm and extremely stimulating to her throbbing, swollen clit. She couldn’t help herself—her hips bucked up as he caressed her with the wand.

  “Hold still!” Roark barked, frowning at her. “I told you, this is a delicate operation!”

  “I can’t help it!” Sammi snapped back at him. “That thing feels like you’re using a vibrator on me and I’m already really sensitive as it is!”

  “I see.” His frown relaxed and he nodded thoughtfully. “You find the wand stimulating? Pleasurable?”

  Reluctantly, Sammi nodded.

  “It feels too good. I can’t help jerking around when you’re, uh, stroking me like that,” she admitted.

  “All right—then we’ll have to hold you in place.”

  Roark put down the wand and reached around to pull some kind of straps out of the table.

  “Hey—what are you doing?” Sammi demanded as he strapped first one thigh and then the other firmly down to the padded exam table.

  “Holding you still the only way I can,” Roark said. He was still busy working, strapping her knees and lower legs down as well. Soon Sammi found herself completely immobile and spread wide on the table with her open pussy on full display.

  “This is crazy!” she protested.

  “No, this is for your safety,” Roark countered. “I told you what could happen if the wand isn’t used carefully. Now just try to relax and let me finish this, Samantha.”

  “But…but I…” she began but he was already picking up the molecular wand again and moving the glowing purple marble to her aching pussy.

  This time Roark held her open himself. Spreading her swollen pussy lips with the thumb and finger of his left hand, he stroked the warm, vibrating marble over Sammi’s wet folds, paying special attention to her clit.

  “Oh!” Sammi gasped. She would have jerked and bucked if she hadn’t been so firmly strapped down. As it was, she found she was helpless to do anything to get away from the intense sexual stimulation. Her thighs were spread open and her legs were firmly fastened to the table. All she could do was watch as Roark rubbed the glowing marble over the pink pearl of her clit, sending unbearable warm waves of pleasure through her entire body.

  But just as it was getting to be too much, the treatment abruptly stopped and Roark withdrew the glowing purple marble.

  “Is…is it over?” Sammi wasn’t sure if she was glad or not. The pleasure had been so intense she could barely stand it, but now she felt like she’d been left hanging. A “case of the blue balls” was what a guy would call it but what it amounted to was unfulfilled sexual desire.

  But Roark was shaking his head.

  “I’m afraid we’re not done yet. You’re tensing up too much, Samantha. You need to relax.”

  “What?” Sammi looked down between her legs. “What do you mean?”

  “May I show you?” Roark asked. When she nodded, he spread her pussy again with his left hand and then pointed at her clit. “Do you see how tight your Goddess pearl is? You’re so tense and the hood is erect.”

  “The what now?” Sammi asked, feeling dazed.

  “The clitoral hood. Here.” Very gently, he traced the top part of her throbbing clit with just the tip of his finger.

  “Ohhhh!” Sammi moaned and her hips would have bucked if she hadn’t been strapped down, she was sure.

  “Gently now,” Roark murmured. “I’m going to stroke you again, Samantha, and I want you to try to relax.”

  “But…but it feels too good to relax,” Sammi protested. “You’re driving me crazy!”

  “Nevertheless, you must try to relax.” Roark gave her a strict frown. “I’m going to stroke all around your Goddess pearl until you learn to loosen up and let the pleasure flow through you. Once you’re finally relaxed we can continue the treatment.”

  “I…I’ll try to relax,” Sammi whispered submissively. “But I don’t know if I can.”

  “You can,” Roark assured her. “You just have to put your mind to it. Relax now, Samantha…”

  As he spoke, the tip of his finger continued to slide around and around the sensitive little button in a way that was both sensuous and almost hypnotic.

  “Relax for me, Samantha,” he murmured as he touched her. “Let the tension flow away and just open yourself as I stroke your Goddess pearl…”

  Sammi found herself obeying him. She tried to do as he said and let the pleasure flow through her as she took deep breaths and let herself be open to her boss’s long fingers.

  “Good girl,” Roark murmured as she felt her tingling clit relax under his gentle caress. “That’s a very good girl, Samantha to open yourself and let me stroke your soft little pussy…”

  And then his finger left her open folds to be replaced by the glowing purple marble once more.

  Oh…Oh my God! Sammi moaned to herself as the “treatment” continued and the vibration resumed once more. Can’t stand this much longer. It feels too good…it’s too much…

  She thought she had never felt so vulnerable…or so hot…in her life.

  “Stop—stop!” she begged at last, her heart pounding and her whole body quivering.

  Roark switched the wand off once more.


  “Because if you don’t I’m going to…going to come,” Sammi admitted, her voice shaking with shame and need. “I swear to God, Roark—I’m right on the edge. Please!”

  Her boss shook his head and flipped the switch, lighting up the marble at the end of the wand again.

  “I’m afraid I can’t stop again—the molecular bonds have to be vibrated at the right frequency for some time in order to break.”

  “But I’m going to come!” Sammi protested, squirming ineffectually against the straps around her thighs. Damn it, she was so incredibly vulnerable here! And somehow the vulnerability—the helplessness she felt—was making her even hotter. Which had to be wrong, didn’t it? But if so, why did it feel so right—so pleasurable?

  “It’s all right if you orgasm,” Roark assured her. “It won’t affect the outcome.”

  “But—” Sammi gasped desperately. “But it’s so embarrassing.”

  “It’s a natural reaction to stimulation,” Roark told her as he began to stroke the glowing marble over her tender clit again. His voice became softer and he looked up at her, his pale eyes half-lidded. “You don’t have to be embarrassed, Samantha. It’s all right—just let yourself go. Let yourself come while I take care of you,” he murmured.

  Sammi wasn’t sure if it was his deep, soft voice giving her permission to let go or the buzzing, humming wand he was stroking her pussy with over and over but suddenly she was coming—coming so hard she saw stars.

  “Oh!” she gasped, her back arching though her pelvis and thighs remained anchored to the padded exam chair. “Oh, Roark, please! Please!”

  Her hands clenched into fists at her sides and she didn’t know if she was begging him to stop or to never stop—she only knew the pleasure coursing through her was incredible—overwhelming. And as long as he stroked her open pussy with the glowing purple wand she couldn’t stop coming…

  “All right…all right now. I think we’ve neutralized the compound around your Goddess pearl,” Roark said at last, pulling the marble away from her throbbing clit.

  “You…you did?” Sammi panted, looking at him with dazed eyes. “Are…are we done, then?” She didn’t know if she wanted the answer
to be yes or no.

  Roark frowned. “That depends—is your Goddess pearl the only place you put the ointment?”

  Sammi thought of her embarrassing fantasies of the night before—how she had imagined the big Kindred putting his long fingers deep inside her and fucking her with them. Her own fingers hadn’t been nearly long enough to simulate his but she’d tried anyway.

  And her fingers had been coated in the pink ointment.

  Reluctantly, she shook her head.

  “No, I…I put it, uh, inside too,” she admitted, her cheeks getting hot again. “Um, pretty deep, actually.”

  “It’s a good thing you admitted it,” Roark told her, frowning. “It’s important we neutralize all of the bonding fruit molecules or you could have serious problems down the road.”

  “What problems? Ohhh!” Sammi moaned again because the glowing purple marble had slipped down and was entering the entrance to her pussy.

  “Just hold still, Samantha.” Roark’s deep voice was back to being strict again. “Hold still and let me explore you thoroughly and make certain we get it all taken care of.”

  Sammi had no choice but to do as he said. Still moaning, she watched as the long purple wand fucked her carefully and thoroughly, sliding in and out of her pussy channel and hitting her g-spot with each deep thrust. More pleasure rushed through her and she came again, even harder this time, until at last she felt she was going to pass out with the pleasure.

  “Can’t stand…” she gasped, writhing ineffectually against her bonds. “Can’t stand much more. Please, Roark—please!”

  “All right.” At last he withdrew the wand and turned it off. “I think we got all of it. How do you feel?”

  “Worn out,” Sammi panted. Her breath was tearing raggedly in her throat as she tried to recover from the intense orgasm. “You didn’t…didn’t tell me you were going to, uh, make me come like that!”

  Roark shrugged.

  “It was simply a side effect of breaking the molecular bonds.”


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