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Submitting to the Shadow: Kindred Tales 27

Page 12

by Evangeline Anderson

  Black leather straps with metal rings and hooks hung from the curving metal bars and there was a kind of arm at one end—an arm attached to a piston, Sammi saw.

  “You’ll be strapped in here,” Roark told her, drawing her into the room and pointing to the harness. “The machine will hold you in place as you kneel on your hands and knees on the table.”

  “What’s this?” Sammi asked, pointing at the arm with the piston. Her voice was breathless in her own ears, as though she’d forgotten how to talk.

  Maybe it was because they had spent the ride back to Earth in silence—though Roark’s actions spoke louder than words. He kept using the remote to change the settings on the clit shield, ensuring that she was writhing in her seat the whole way back. He had also demanded that she keep her shirt pulled up so he could see her bare nipples right up until they docked and more than once he’d reached over and cupped her breast, tugging on one of her ripe peaks until Sammi moaned in desperate need.

  “That is the insemination arm—the part where the phallus fits,” Roark told her, answering her question.

  Reaching under the table, he pulled out a long black case. Inside it was a display of phalluses. Most of them looked like a human male’s cock—only much thicker and longer. But a few were clearly alien—the Beast Kindred phallus for one—but there was another with a sharp barb at the base of it as well. Not to mention the double phallus which represented two Twin Kindred merging together to bond their chosen mate to them.

  Sammi shuttered when she saw them all. As desperately horny as she was, she still wasn’t sure about taking something deep in her pussy that put any human male porn star’s cock to shame.

  “Which one?” Roark asked her and she realized he was giving her a choice. “Which one do you want to be fucked with, Samantha?”

  Sammi bit her lip. She let her gaze drift over the bewildering display again and then looked up at him.

  “Do you have one like yours? Like a Shadow Twin’s cock?” she asked softly.

  “Here.” Roark chose one of those that looked more human. To her relief, it wasn’t the one with the barb at the base. “This one is only a little smaller than my own shaft,” he told Sammi.

  “Only a little smaller?” she eyed it uncertainly. It was huge—much bigger than anything she’d ever had inside her before.

  “Don’t worry that you won’t be able to accommodate it,” Roark told her, correctly interpreting the apprehension in her eyes. “I’ll be loading the reservoir with a compound based on a Beast Kindred’s precum—it will allow you to stretch to receive the shaft with no problem.”

  “The reservoir?” Sammi repeated, bewildered.

  “Of course—the place where the seed is stored. Look.”

  Taking the phallus out of the case, he flipped it over and showed Sammi that the base opened to reveal that it was empty inside.

  “Wow—that’s a pretty big space.” She looked inside it. “Will that whole thing be filled? I know when a human male orgasms, he only produces about a teaspoon to a tablespoon of semen. This looks like it can hold a lot more than that.”

  “It is considerably more,” Roark told her briskly. “Kindred males produce much more seed than humans do.”

  His voice held contempt for the puny human males who couldn’t produce enough semen to fill their women properly.

  “I see,” Sammi murmured. “Can I, uh, touch it?” She held out a hand and Roark obligingly handed her the phallus.

  “Oh! It’s surprisingly heavy. And warm,” Sammi marveled. Indeed, the phallus was warm and solid to the touch. It was also realistically veined and the “skin” of it felt soft even though the structure under it was firm and hard.

  Just like a real erect cock, Sammi thought wonderingly. And in just a minute, it’s going to be inside me.

  She didn’t know how to feel about that. She was so desperate to come by now she would have agreed to be fucked by almost anything. But what she wanted most in the world was for Roark to fuck her himself. She wanted the big Kindred to forget about the strange machine with its curving metal arms and dangling leather harness and lighted table—wanted him to just pull out his own cock and take her then and there.

  But of course that wasn’t going to happen. Roark had been building her up to this moment for days. Strapping her into the inseminating machine and fucking her with the phallus she had picked was the culmination of his research—he wouldn’t give it up, even if she begged him to forget about the machine and fuck her himself.

  “See here,” he remarked, taking the phallus back from her and pointing to the broad head. “There are several devices located in this area—one is a camera which will allow me to visualize the exact moment you are inseminated. The other is a kind of suction device—at the moment of insemination, it will latch on to the end of your channel and inject the seed directly into your womb.”

  “It sounds…intense,” Sammi breathed, looking up at him. “I think I’m ready, though. I just have one question—will you finally let me come?”

  Roark’s eyes went half-lidded and he nodded.

  “Yes, Samantha. At the moment of insemination, you’ll come—I’ll see to that, I promise. The contractions of your inner muscles will draw the seed even deeper into your womb.”

  Sammi felt weak with relief. She’d been in need for so long now she’d almost forgotten what it felt like to have an orgasm. She wanted so badly to come that her knees went wobbly with the thought of it.

  “I’m ready,” she said, looking at Roark. “Do it—strap me in.”

  “With pleasure,” he growled softly. “Strip for me, Samantha. You must be completely naked and open for me. I need to watch every moment as you are fucked and inseminated.”

  Sammi no longer made any protest when he told her to strip. Without a word, she shucked off her clothing and kicked it to the corner of the lab before turning to face him. She was wearing only the breast harness now, which kept her breasts erect while her nipples were bare.

  “Good. Very good.” Roark nodded in approval. “Now let’s get you up on the table,” he remarked.

  Lifting her as though she weighed next to nothing, he placed her, naked, on her hands and knees on the lighted table. The surface of the table was hard and cold and Sammi shivered, her nipples going tight with fear and anticipation as her breasts hung down enticingly like ripe fruit.

  “Very good. Now, here…”

  Quickly, he strapped her into the machine. There were hooks which matched with the small, sleek rings at the back of the breast harness at the top. At the bottom, was another kind of harness which fit around Sammi’s waist and thighs. A spreader bar between her legs kept them wide apart and a kind of platform under her lower belly tilted her hips up and out. There was only one piece missing now.

  Looking over her shoulder, Sammi felt a shiver of apprehension as she contemplated the long black insemination arm which was pointed directly at her pussy. It was too short to reach her at the moment but that would change the moment the long, thick phallus she had chosen was fastened onto its end.

  “Good.” Roark stood back to survey his work and nodded in satisfaction at the sight of Sammi strapped naked into his machine, on her hands and knees on the table.

  “Roark, when—” Sammi began but he cut her off.

  “As soon as I fill the reservoir with the opening compounds and fake seed,” he told her. “Just a moment—I’ll be right back.”

  And before Sammi could protest, he had taken the thick black cock she had chosen to be fucked with back to another room of his lab, shutting the door behind him.

  Sammi wriggled in the black harness, feeling like a fly in a spider’s web. Between her legs, her clit throbbed uselessly. The Goddess pearl shield between her thighs continued to tease her off and on, making her crazy with need. God, she needed to come so badly, needed to be fucked…

  What was taking Roark so damn long?


  In the lab, Roark filled the top part of the
phallus’s reservoir with the opening compound which would allow Sammi’s soft little pussy to stretch to accommodate its thickness. There was a warming mechanism inside which would keep the fluid at body temperature—which ran hotter for Kindred than for humans. It ought to feel extremely pleasurable to her when it coated the inside of her pussy.

  Now that the precum was in, it was time to put in the actual “semen.” Not that the seed he was putting into the phallus actually had sperm in it. It was just a lubricating compound which could be substituted for semen in a pinch. Roark started to pour some into the phallus…and stopped.

  He thought of Samantha, harnessed in the inseminator at last—her full curves strapped in place, her thighs spread wide by the spreader bar, her pink, wet pussy open and waiting to be filled…fucked…Claimed.

  Mine, whispered a possessive little voice in his head. Once again he had the urge to forget the machine he had so painstakingly built and take her himself. To go up behind her and fuck her long and deep with his own cock.

  The idea had him hard and throbbing, aching to sink deep into her wet, willing depths.

  But no…Roark shook his head. He couldn’t do that—couldn’t ruin years of work and research just because he was horny. Still, he had to have her in some way—had to Claim her—to mark her as his own…

  Abruptly, he pulled out his own shaft and began to stroke it from root to tip, imagining that it was Samantha’s soft little hand doing the stroking. He was on edge himself, from teasing her for so long and it didn’t take long for his balls to tighten as he felt his orgasm nearing.

  When it came, he held the tip of his cock to the mouth of the open reservoir and shot directly into the waiting phallus. He might not be able to Claim Samantha and fuck her in the traditional way, but she was his, damn it! And he was going to mark her so that no other male would come near her.


  Finally! was Sammi’s thought when Roark at last came back into the room, holding the long black phallus carefully in one hand. A shining bead of some clear fluid dotted the slit at its head and she felt a shiver go through her. Clearly he had been filling the thing up with cum—or the fake stuff that passed for cum here, anyway.

  And now he was ready to fuck her with it.

  Roark came over to where she was strapped into his machine and attached the thick phallus to the end of the inseminator arm. As he did, Sammi could feel the broad head of it brushing between her open pussy lips and nudging at the entrance to her channel.

  “Oh!” she gasped and shifted a little. She turned her head to look at him and he met her eyes, his own half-lidded with lust.

  “Are you ready?” he asked, his voice low and gruff. “Ready to be fucked, Samantha? Ready to be impregnated?”

  His words made her slightly uneasy but then she reminded herself he wasn’t really going to make her pregnant. And he was finally going to let her come.

  “I…I’m ready,” she whispered, hearing the quiver of fearful anticipation in her own voice. “But go easy on me, Roark—I’ve never had anything half as big as this thing inside me before.”

  “We’ll go slowly at first,” he promised her. “But once we get started and your pussy is used to being filled, you’ll have to be prepared for a deep, thorough fucking. It’s the only way to inseminate you properly.”

  Sammi bit her lip.

  “All…all right,” she whispered, nodding. “Go ahead—I can take it. I think.”

  “You can,” Roark assured her. He held her eyes with his own, looking at her intently. “You’re going to be a good girl for me now, Samantha. You’re going to open your pussy and let the phallus fuck you long and hard and deep so I can shoot my seed deep in your hungry little womb.”

  His words sent an erotic rush of desire through her entire body and Sammi felt her nipples get tighter and her pussy get wetter as he spoke.

  “Do you understand?” he asked her sternly. “Do you, Samantha?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered, nodding. “I…I understand. I’ll open my pussy and let you fuck me as long and as hard as you need to.”

  “Very good. Then tilt your hips a little so I can put the head inside you.”

  Sammi tilted her hips obediently and moaned softly as she felt the thick head of the black phallus nudge into her open pussy. She could feel warm liquid leaking from its tip, coating the inside of her entrance as it slid slowly into her. Then it stopped, with just the broad head piercing her pussy.

  “Very good,” Roark murmured. “Initial penetration achieved with no difficulty. The subject’s entrance is stretched quite wide but there doesn’t seem to be any discomfort—probably because of the Beast Kindred compound present in the precum.” He nodded and came around to face Sammi. “The controls are here,” he told her, pulling another remote out of his pocket. “Once we achieve full penetration and you’re comfortable enough to proceed, the insemination arm will fuck you automatically. It will adjust to what your body needs until you reach orgasm, at which time you will be filled with my seed.”

  Sammi wondered why he kept referring to the compound he would be filling her with as “my seed” but she assumed it was just because he had invented the stuff.

  “All right,” she whispered, nodding. “When do we…”

  “Begin?” Roark finished for her. “Now, Samantha. Get ready to be filled…and fucked.”

  As he spoke, he pressed a button on the remote and the thick phallus she had chosen pressed deeper into Sammi’s pussy. God, it was huge! She gasped as she felt her inner walls stretching to accommodate its thickness. But as Roark had promised, there was no pain or injury. Just the deep pleasure of being filled fuller than she ever had in her life before.

  “Oh!” she gasped as she felt it bottom out inside her, the broad head kissing the mouth of her womb. “Oh, Roark! In me—in me so deep!”

  “I told you, my darling, it has to be deep to fuck you properly.” His voice was almost tender and even in her heightened state of arousal Sammi didn’t miss the endearment he had called her.

  “Yes, I know,” she whispered. She wiggled a little—as much as the harness and the spreader rod would let her, trying to get adjusted to the thickness inside her. “I…I think I’m used to it now,” she told Roark. “I think I’m ready to be…to be fucked.”

  “Very good, Samantha. Slowly at first,” he murmured and pressed another button.

  The thick phallus slid smoothly and slowly almost all the way out of Sammi’s pussy and then thrust back in again. When she didn’t show any signs of discomfort, the phallus stroked in and out of her again—harder this time. And then again and again and again.

  “Oh!’ Sammi gasped and tilted her hips, trying to be open enough to take it all inside her, trying to submit properly to the fucking she was getting.

  As she did, Roark circled the table where she was harnessed, watching with apparent approval as the thick phallus penetrated her tightly stretched pussy over and over, deeper and harder with each thrust.

  “Very good,” he murmured, coming back to stand in front of Sammi. “You’re doing quite well, my darling—opening up and letting yourself be fucked.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Sammi gasped. Her head was hanging down but Roark lifted it and placed a hot kiss on her mouth.

  “Kiss me,” he whispered, looking into her eyes. “Kiss me while you’re getting fucked, my darling. Kiss me while your soft little pussy takes all of that long thick shaft…all of my cum.”

  Sammi kissed him back eagerly and as the thick phallus pistoned inside her, Roark explored her mouth and tugged restlessly at her nipples, sending sparks of pleasure through her entire body.

  But at last Sammi couldn’t kiss anymore for moaning. The clit shield was still teasing her mercilessly, pressing her higher and harder but never letting her come. And at the same time, the deep, steady pumping inside her was driving her right up to the edge.

  “Roark,” she begged breathlessly. “Please, please let me come—please!”

; His eyes blazed.

  “You’re ready now, are you Samantha? Ready to let your hot little pussy be filled with my cum?”

  “Yes!” She nodded eagerly. “Yes, please, Roark—fill me up with your seed and make me come!”

  “As you wish,” he growled. He pulled out the other remote—the one to the clit shield—and pressed a button on it at the same time he pressed the button on the remote that controlled the inseminator arm.

  Sammi felt the thick phallus draw all the way out of her pussy and then thrust in again hard and hold steady, pressing its broad head against the mouth of her womb. At the same time, the clit shield at last settled on a steady rhythm that seemed designed specifically to make her come. It pushed her right up to the edge of orgasm…and over it at last.

  A fierce cry of pleasure broke from Sammi’s lips. She had never come so hard in her life! Just as she had never needed to come so badly in her life.

  She could feel her inner walls clenching hard around the thick invader, which was shoved to the hilt inside her. Her pussy was squeezing it—almost begging it to unload inside her.

  The phallus, in turn, seemed to sense her inner contractions. Sammi felt it press even harder into her and then something hot and wet was bathing the mouth of her womb. No, not just bathing it, Sammi realized. The thick phallus was injecting Roark’s cum directly into her womb, filling her to overflowing with his heated seed until she could hold no more and the sticky wetness ran down the insides of her inner thighs.

  “Oh, God—oh God! Roark!” Sammi cried in a strangled voice. “It’s filling me up! Coming inside me!”

  “That’s right, my darling, it is.” There was a fierce kind of pride in his pale eyes. “And you’re taking it beautifully—opening yourself so perfectly and taking my seed deep in your sweet little pussy.”

  Sammi hung her head and moaned as stars flashed before her eyes. She was quite certain that if the seed inside the phallus had been real, she would be getting pregnant right now. There was no way she couldn’t be, considering how the false cock inside her was injecting the cum directly into her womb while her pussy squeezed all around it as though begging for more.


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