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The Marine's Holiday Harbor

Page 20

by Kirsten Lynn

  I relax against his touch. “No, there isn’t.”

  He scrubs his hand over his face and then the back of his neck. “I don’t want to break contact with her, but I won’t be disloyal to you. If you want—”

  I press two fingers to his lips. “No, I don’t want to break contact either. She needs her family, and who knows what any of us would do after years with him.” I trace his cheekbones and lips, taking pride when my touch melts the ice in his eyes, leaving a clear vibrant blue and a few naughty sparks. “Although you turned out outstanding.”

  “The Marines did that.”

  “Yes, they did.” I force what I hope is stern corpsman frown. “Now there’s just one more thing you need to do, Staff Sergeant.”

  He wags his eyebrows. “Go down your chimney?”

  My laughter is more than what the dry joke is worth, but relief joins in humor as our world shifts back to the somewhat normal it’s been. “Later, absolutely. But before that, you need to explain to Miss Ella that just because she was not allowed to correct your earlier string of impressive-by-Marine-standards cursing it does not mean she can ask her bulldog if he’d like more fucking tea.”

  Both his eyebrows rise in a mix of horror and pride. “Ella said fuck?”

  “She did. And you know how she stumbles over some words and they’re unclear…not so with the f-bomb, it was loud and clear.”

  “You sure she got it from me, not you?”

  I give him a light shove. “Don’t be an asshole, of course she got it from you. You were on fire earlier. Also, kind of scary, but super-hot.”

  “I’ll talk to her. Now about your chimney…” He nips my bottom lip and I open for him as he traces my lips and teeth with the tip of his tongue before tangling it with mine. I melt into his kiss, and when he grips my waist and lifts, I assist by giving a hop before he sets me on the counter. I wrap my legs around his hips and my arms around his neck, pulling him closer and returning his kiss with all I am.

  His hands mold my ass and he tugs me closer so I can feel his erection against my sex. I rub against the hard length until we’re both moaning. His kiss turns harder and more possessive, and I give everything right back lost in the feel, taste, and scent of him. His erection grows against me and I reach for his waistband.

  “Momma? Dad?”

  The small words break over us like water on rock. The feel of Caleb’s erection still fit against my sex, hard and large, tells me he isn’t turning around any time soon. I angle my head around his broad form and smile doing my best to act as nonchalant as possible. “Yes, Michael?”

  Michael doesn’t seem phased to see me wrapped around Caleb like an anaconda and smiles. “Would you watch a movie with us?”

  “Absolutely. Do you have one pulled up already?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Okay, you go do that and we’ll be right up.”


  When Michael’s feet hit the staircase, I frame Caleb’s face and rub my nose against his. “You’re not getting smaller.”

  “Your pussy is still tight against me. It’s not going down without a fight.”

  I chuckle and he makes a pained sound as I unwrap my legs. Sliding down his front to tease him is a bad idea as it teases me, too. Gathering my hair together and putting it into a somewhat organized ponytail, I step out of his space.

  “I’ll make some popcorn and try to get my cock to stand down.”

  Lifting onto the balls of my feet, I drop a kiss on his chin. “You’re a good dad.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Tell me that when I’m not harboring uncharitable thoughts.”

  “Whatever.” I start walking to the stairs and turn. “And don’t forget to talk to Ella.”

  “I’m on it.”

  As I walk up the stairs, I keep my gaze on Caleb in the kitchen until a half wall blocks my view. Despite the ominous cloud of his father over our lives, I have a peace I haven’t experienced since I was seventeen. Being a Devil Doc is a reward I wouldn’t give up for the world, but years of patching up Marines—or worse watching them take their last breath—left me with a hole in my heart and soul. I chose the lighthouse, hoping the seclusion would be my salvation.

  Instead, if I’m finally honest, the seclusion brought the worst of the nightmares to life and there was no one to fight them with me. Even after Michael and Ella moved in, single motherhood added to the loneliness of the one-woman fight.

  I stop halfway down the hall. The image of Hal approaching me the previous New Year’s is like a cold draft down the passageway. I’ve never cared for Caleb’s father, but always assumed it was more about the way he treats Caleb than the creepy crawlies I feel when he’s around. I forced a smile, and then he touched my ass and asked if I needed company. My bones chill at the memory. I’d been hit on by a hundred men; you can’t be around thousands of horny guys twenty-four seven and not have at least one try his luck. But none made me feel as scared and alone as that encounter had. That it happened in my parents’ home made it all the worse, and the feeling of wanting to puke, knee him in the groin, or knock him to the ground overwhelmed me.

  The long, hot showers I took for days after while pretending around the children that nothing was wrong while secluded out here. I should have told my parents, or Brian, or even sucked it up and Skyped Caleb. That Liz went through the same thing…she must have felt devastated. He was her father-in-law. Her children’s grandfather.

  I startle at the feel of a warm hand on my lower back. “Angel?”

  The scent of buttered popcorn and Caleb rips me from the nightmare. I open my mouth to lie and say everything is fine, but instead I lock my gaze with his. “I was thinking about that party.” I lower my voice so the children don’t hear. “About him touching me, his words.”

  “I’m so sorry, Brynn. Whatever you need to do, I’m there for it.”

  “I don’t know yet. I think Mom, Dad, and Brian need to know about me and about Liz. I don’t want to hurt you, though, in telling them.”

  “I can’t say it’s not embarrassing, and if Mom’s right about Liz and Mark, I don’t know how she and I will face your family. Fact is, if Michael and Ella weren’t part of all this, I’d suggest we’d hold off marriage until you could fully process it.”

  “Don’t. Don’t you ever think that I put any of this on you. He was responsible for your brother’s death, too, if Audrey’s right. We’re allies, not enemies, you and me. Like always. I don’t need to process anything to know how much I adore you and want to marry you. Do you want me to keep this from Mom and Dad?”

  “Absolutely not. I think they have a right to know. They’ll need to know all about this custody thing anyway. Just don’t be surprised when they’re not as thrilled to have me as family.”

  “Don’t you be surprised when it doesn’t change how they feel about you at all.”

  “Come on, you guys, you can adult talk later. The Grinch is starting.”

  Michael’s plea, said with such pain at having to deal with us, lightens the air in a flash. We share a chuckle at being chastised, then walk into our bedroom, where Ella is propped up on the pillows on Caleb’s side of the bed. The bells of the opening of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas are just starting.

  It seems everyone wants to be close to Caleb and the popcorn. With all four of us on the bed, it becomes clear we might need a bigger bed for movie nights. I nestle close to his side and he plops Michael between his legs with a pillow to prop up Michael’s arm. Ella’s eyes grow misty looking for a space. Solving the problem, I sit her between my legs and swipe the popcorn from Caleb, holding the bowl for her as she takes a chubby fistful.

  Caleb narrows his gaze at me and takes back the bowl, setting it between his leg and mine where we all can reach it. “Community popcorn. No bogarting.”

  Michael and Ella giggle at his false anger. Time is ticking down to Christmas, and between Michael’s arm and Hal’s threats, it might not be the perfect holiday I planned.

  I scan my l
ittle family and smile. It’s so much better.



  My dad wraps his hand around his coffee mug absorbing the warmth. “Why didn’t you tell us, Brynn?”

  “Like I told Caleb, it was disgusting and I was shocked. I wanted to act like it never happened.”

  He releases the mug and smoothes his hand over the red tablecloth. “And Liz?”

  “It’s a theory Audrey had after he did the same to me. I guess Hal confessed when she laid it out, or at least he didn’t deny assaulting her, or me.”

  Mom is almost vibrating in anger. “It’s just so shocking. He’s been to our house a million times. And then to treat our daughters like…”

  Caleb clears his throat and I hate the red I see on his cheeks like he has anything to be embarrassed by. “I think it was more about myself and Mark. Mark wasn’t going to join his firm, and he’s always hated me. To embarrass the two people we love most, it’s a win for him. I’m sorry Brynn and Liz had to get caught up in his loathing for his sons. I wish Mark would have pounded the son of a bitch instead of driving away.”

  Mom’s mouth drops open in shock. “You have nothing to be sorry for, and neither does Mark. I’m sick for all four of you having to deal with this insanity.”

  “I’m hoping it’s over now. Mom came in with some good shock and awe. But I noticed there were lights on in his office as we drove by, so he hasn’t run off to Portland.”

  Dad pushes up his glasses on his nose reminding me of Michael. His voice is calm, but the too calm of a storm raging inside. “And the custody hearing?”

  I take Caleb’s hand. My voice doesn’t hide the fury. “He dropped that. We were notified two days ago. He did include an offer to buy custody of the children. We’ve given a negative response to that offer.” I didn’t expound that the language used would get us in trouble with Ella for years, especially after Caleb was done explaining in a very staff sergeant manner why she should stop dropping the F-bomb immediately.

  I expected questions, but it’s getting tiresome. Mom lobbies what I hope will be the last. “Does Brian know?”

  “We told him yesterday. He was not as calm as you both.”

  Mom rests a hand on Caleb’s arm. “He didn’t blame Caleb or Mark?”

  I exhale a breath. “No, his target is Hal.”

  Dad leans back in his chair, his coffee cold and untouched in front of him on the table now. Mom went all out with the Christmas decorations like every year. Greenery and holly berries are on mantles and up the banister. Only our tree rivals hers for lights and ornaments. Even her dishes were changed out from the everyday to holiday fare including ugly Christmas sweater wraps for the mugs.

  When I look at Dad, though, the bright colors and lights fade staring in his hollow eyes and pale face. “We should have waited until after Christmas to tell you.”

  He waves a hand. “No, you shouldn’t have waited one more second than you did. I’m glad you’re home, Caleb—you two were always a strong team.”

  Caleb’s jaw flexes. “If I wasn’t home, sir, my father wouldn’t be pulling this crap with the children.”

  Frowning, I squeeze his hand. “I told you to stop saying that.”

  “Brynn, I can stop saying it all you want, but it’s true.”

  Dad takes Mom’s hand and leans forward. “I’m not sure about that, Caleb.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I can’t believe a man would hate his sons, and it pains me to agree you and Mark are a part of this. I’m just not sure it’s how you think.”

  “You don’t think he’s trying to hurt Caleb?”

  “I think that’s a bonus, as it would have been with Mark. But I think he’s been trying to replace you with the children.”

  “Frank, you don’t think he wanted Liz or Brynn as a wife?”

  “If it meant the children came with them. Think about it. He hits on Liz after Mark tells him he’s leaving Camden and starting his own firm. He’d never come on to the girls before…”

  Mom whispers. “Before they had Michael and Ella.”

  Caleb’s gaze collides with mine and I read my own shock and repulsion in the depths as they turn to ice. “He thought I’d ever be with him? Even if you and I didn’t connect, he’d have to know…I don’t even like him.”

  Dad shakes his head. “Hal’s always thought money and prestige could buy anyone.”

  “Not always.” Mom’s comment turns all attention to her. “There was a time he cared more about family, and you, Caleb, than anything. After Mark was born, he was obsessed with his sons joining him and no one could tell him otherwise. Lord knows Audrey tried to. She told him a million times they should encourage you both to follow your path, not to be like his father and hers. He started resenting her, and that was the beginning of his twisted heart.”

  “And I should have died on the battlefield rather than come back.”

  “Who said that?” Mom sounds like she just took an incoming round.

  Caleb just lifts an eyebrow. Dad and Mom inhale sharp breaths. “With that and Brynn and Liz, he’s more twisted than I thought.”

  My lungs burn and I release the breath I’ve been holding. “Brian will be bringing Michael and Ella back soon. They know that they won’t be seeing Hal again. Neither was brokenhearted, but of course they don’t know the details. We’ve decided not to speak of him…hopefully he’ll just fade away, but we’re not letting down our guard.”

  “There’s no use in talking about him. Your father and I plan to enjoy the day.”

  I smile. “Good. But could you enjoy the day here? We don’t want the children downtown without one of us in case he’s there. Oh, and could you not do Christmas cookies? I’d like to do that with them.”

  For the first time since they greeted us, my parents smile. Mom’s eyes glint with the thoughts of a retired kindergarten teacher and what crafts can be done. “We can do that. Ornament decorating all right?”

  “Yes. We’ve already done that, so you’re good to go.”

  “And don’t let Michael work on math. He’s still upset about missing a few days this week, but this is Saturday and he needs to have fun.”

  Dad returns Caleb’s smile knowing the order was aimed at, him, the retired math teacher. “Got it, no math, and no cookies. Can we sled down the hill in the backyard?”

  “Oh…” Caleb and I harmonize, and my parents belly laugh.

  His hand tightens around mine as we join their laughter. My muscles unwind from the tension and Caleb’s shoulders relax.

  Dad leans forward. “Now we have some orders for you two. You’re going to leave now, so you can’t give orders to the children, and you’re going to have a fun day together Christmas shopping for your little ones. It really is a special event, and we want you both to enjoy every minute.”

  We shrug and stand without argument. I hug Mom. “Thank you for watching them.”

  “We love it.”

  Dad winks. “And we’ll do our best to stay within the parameters of the mission.”

  “Aye, aye.” Caleb salutes my dad.

  Grabbing our coats and hats, we step out into the bluebird day, where the sky is a cloudless blue and the sun shines bright off the white of the snow. I hug his arm as we walk to the SUV Mom and Dad are loaning us for the day. “Where to first?”

  “Thought we’d hit Planet Toys.”

  I stop and inspect the vehicle before turning to him. “We might need a bigger car.”

  His chuckle is almost joyful, and I hope to get it back to full on by the end of the day. “We are not going to spoil our children.”

  “Come on, a little spoiling. They’re so cute. Admit it, they’re cute.”

  He shakes his head and rolls his eyes, but I see the fight he’s putting up not to smile. He opens the door to the passenger side, and as I step into the car, he mumbles, “They are cute. A little spoiling.”

  When he settles into his seat, I wink and win the fight when he sm
iles. His smile is more deadly than any weapon, especially when it reaches his eyes and those tiny lines form. “This is going to be a fun day.”

  He starts driving to the parking lot on Washington Street. “Should be—I’m with you.”

  “Wow, that’s sweet.”

  “I mean it. You could make a war zone fun…well, not when I was being shot at.”

  “Thank you.”

  He doesn’t respond and I don’t expect him to, but after the sour-tasting discussion with Mom and Dad, his words are a frosted sugar cookie. After he parks the SUV, we meet behind the vehicle and lock hands.

  Stepping into the toy store, he stops short. I scan the store filled with books, puzzles, games, as well as socks and what seems like a million other items, including slime. It’s like Santa’s toyshop on steroids. “What’s wrong?”

  “We needed to whiteboard this out, so we don’t get sidetracked from the mission.”

  I give him a light push and he smiles. “Oh, look they have Pet Vet. Ella would love it for her ‘medicine bag’. Let’s get her one.” I drag him over to the box and he lifts it, examining the contents from stethoscope to ‘cone of shame.’ “She’ll have her stuffed bulldog in the cone STAT.”

  He huffs a laugh. “Yeah, this looks good.” He keeps the box, and tugs me over to another shelf. “Look Legos—let’s get a set for Michael. And we’ll get him some slime. That boy’s going to be a kid whether he likes it or not.”

  “Look at this, it’s called Cobra Claw—we could play as a family. Ella will need some help.”

  His gaze drops to the tile game like it holds the key to some magical land. “Let’s get a few family games. We’ll get a couple she won’t have a problem with.”

  Swallowing around the lump of emotion, I nod. “Absolutely.”

  He is full throttle into toy shopping. “We need to get a couple toys for Toys for Tots, too.”


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