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Forever the One

Page 13

by C C Monroe

  “Stay quiet, okay babe?” She nods biting the back of her hand, her other one fisting the sheet.

  Thrusting up into her, I’m convinced I’m gonna split her into two. I’ve been so carried away in watching myself take her I didn’t realize she’s been watching me. I catch a glimpse of her looking up at me. Not taking my gaze from hers, I continue with hard thrusts. Our contact is both physical and emotional, me inside her while our eyes stay locked on one another.

  “I’m not done with you, not even close.”

  “I need to come, I’m trying to hold it off, uhhhh,” she moans.

  “I can’t stop, it feels so fucking good.” We’re both sweating, our lovemaking going on and on. Finally after minutes of long hard strokes I give in, letting my selfishness subside and my desire to come take over.

  “Come. Now!” I didn’t mean to yell, I instantly remember her mom is down the hall.

  “Yes! Ohh Kingston!” Fucking heat releases on my cock, giving me a warm welcoming to come in Lana. I let go, my thrusts becoming uneven and choppy.

  Falling over beside her, I take deep breaths and wipe my forehead with the back of my hand. “That was incredible.”

  “Kingston, that was wild.”

  Wild doesn’t even cover it.

  “Sign your name here Sir and here’s your visitor badge. Step over to the metal detectors over there and the guards will take you from there.” The puke green tiled floor passes under my feet with each step. I left Lana asleep this morning, her mom was awake and I lied, telling her I was going to see a buddy of mine up in Salt Lake for breakfast. She bought it.

  Today Lana asked to be alone with her dad to tell him and have me there when she got home for support. I begged her to let me go with her and Jeff, but she insisted it wouldn’t be a good idea. I have three hours until I need to be back so now I need to take care of this piece of scum.

  I pass through the detectors and follow the prison guards back to the visitor’s room. Walking down the rows of people talking into the phone with glass between them and the inmates, I make my way to mine, prepared for war. My palms growing wet, my back heating up, my face turning red. I had this whole speech, actually a foreboding threat, planned out in my head, but now all I can picture doing is punching the glass and wrapping my hands around his neck.

  “Right here, sir.” The guard stops in front of an empty seat and I sit down. He walks away and I wait. Pulling out my phone to check the time, I see a text from Lana.

  Lana: I woke up without you, hated it, tell whoever you are having breakfast with, hi for me! I love you Kings. Ps. How about a selfie?

  I smile down at my phone, her message calming my nerves. Renewing my purpose for being here today.

  I hear a rapping on the glass. Locking my phone my eyes wander up. There he fucking sits, looking every bit the pathetic man he is. His hair is buzzed, the few tattoos he has look duller and his face looks pale. His brown eyes are still dark and lifeless, there’s no forgiveness in them.

  Lifting the phone from the cradle I bring it to my ear. The second I do his voice echoes through like a ghost from the past.

  “Is that my woman you’re texting? Tell Lana ‘hi’ for me. Thanks for keeping that slut busy until I’m out of here.” He smirks.

  “Fuck you!” All hope of keeping calm is now vanished. Instead, I’m angry and fucking determined to let this man know I ain’t fucking playing. He chuckles and it’s like I’m looking into the eyes of the devil.

  “I take it you got my package and not L.”

  “Don’t you dare call her that, you don’t even get to say her name,” I spit angrily onto the window. He’s so fucking calm, no sign of fear or remorse—nothing. “You will stay the fuck away, this is your only warning. You can have your goons do your dirty work but this stops now. You stay away from my woman or I won’t just have you locked up, I’ll fucking bury you.” I slam my fist down. I should just hang up but the twitch of his brow and the dark grin on his face wields me to stay.

  “Kingston. There is no proof that it was me. But I can tell you this. She’s mine and when I get out of here, I’ll come to collect my property back. So enjoy the year, it will fly by and then poof.” He signs a cloud of smoke with his hand. “She’ll be gone, for good.” Standing he drops the phone and the guards take him away. I scream at the glass, slamming my fist against it repeatedly.

  “You touch her and you’ll regret it!” I scream, my face red, my neck strained. The guards grab me as my vision tunnels black. I feel like I’m losing control. What the fuck do I do? Finally calming myself down enough so they will let me go, I step outside to the fresh Utah air and breath deep. Bending I put my hands on my knees, blinking rapidly to dance away the black dots. When I stand back to full height I run my hands up and down my face, lost at what to do. I wasn’t even in there five minutes with him and yet he found a way to completely obliterate my security and confidence in Lana being safe. I actually fear for the first time that I can’t protect her. Joel’s insane, his eyes, his words, his face, he has all the markings of a lost, conscienceless soul who will stop at nothing to have what he wants. My Queen.

  What can I fucking do?

  I make it to the detective’s office in less than thirty minutes with his threat still echoing and the black in his eyes still lingering in my mind. Looking at him and listening to his threats took me back to four years ago when I saved her life. I can’t let that happen again.

  “Kingston, wow look at you, you’ve gotten...bigger.” Looking up I see Detective Henson. I’ve known him since before Joel’s arrest. My father and him go way back, so he’s known me since my fat ass was in diapers.

  Grabbing the envelope with the pictures, I stand and give him a hug. “Hey Detective.” Pulling away, he waves his hand.

  “Please call me Greg, we know each other, son. Come, take a seat.” Following him in his office I take a seat while he sits behind his desk.

  “So what’s new, how’s your dad? I haven’t talked to him in a couple months.” My knee bounces, unable to settle. I make quick work of small talk. “He’s great. Life is good, we’re here visiting Lana’s parents.”

  “Oh good, how is Lana?” His brows draw in with concern.

  “She’s great, we’re pregnant.” I smile, taking a moment to think of something positive. The vision of her pregnant assaults my mind just like I need it to.

  “Wow, congratulations! That’s exciting news!” he cheers and I nod.

  “Thank you, we’re very excited.”

  “I guess that begs the question. What are you doing here, son?” he changes the subject, not knowing much of why I’m here since I didn’t give him a heads up. I stare at the envelope for a second, convincing myself to show him. Lana is naked in some of these, vulnerable and beaten down. I don’t know if I want to show him.

  “We have to keep her safe.” I hear Trey whisper in my subconscious.

  I slide the envelope across his desk and he stares at it quizzically. I drop my face into my hand, my elbow resting on the arm of the chair. He finally opens it and I bring my eyes to him, watching his face the entire time.

  “What in the world—where did you get these?” he asks, glancing up at me, then back down to the pictures in his hands. My fists tighten and release over and over again, while I lean forward.

  “Those were left on Lana’s doorstep back in Seattle a few weeks back. I know it’s Joel, Greg. He admitted that he was the one behind it when I went to see him today.” He shakes his head, covering his mouth. For a detective to be stunned by these pictures tells me I’m warranted to be afraid for my woman.

  “Kingston, these are terrible. Did you report this?”

  I shake my head. “No, I didn’t know if I should come to you or the cops here,” I confess nervously.

  “You did the right thing coming here. I will look into this. But you need to file a report with the Seattle PD since they were left there and technically this is harassment. You mind if I keep a copy of these?” I
shake my head no, a little hesitant to leave those type of pictures of Lana with anyone, but he is good at what he does and I trust this man.

  “No, go ahead.”

  “Is this all that has been given to her?”

  “No. There were more pictures of them when they dated, with a note saying she would like them since she missed him and she will see him soon. He has someone on the outside doing this. Maybe one of the men he had following her around when they dated.”

  “Where is that note and the pictures?” he asks.

  “I threw them away in a panic. I didn’t want her to see them.” Closing the envelope back up, I breathe deep. Knowing that I have to report this to the police back home is nerve-racking enough, because if she finds out, this whole thing will be for fucking nothing.

  “Kingston, we need more evidence. This can come from anyone. Joel has a no contact order. We would need more to prove that it’s in fact him or the other people you are saying it is.”

  “Fuck!” Standing in a rush, the blood rushing to my head too fast, I begin to pace.

  “So, what are my fucking options?” I finally ask, turning to look at him, my hand clenching the back of the chair I was just sitting in. He leans back and looks at me.

  “I will see if we can get any leads from this, but until then, you need to let me know if he contacts her at all, same with the Seattle PD, got it?” I nod, staying silent, not sure what to say.

  “Good. Now I’m sorry this is happening son, but we will do the best we can to figure out who he’s having do this and put a stop to it. I will even pay a visit to Joel, maybe spook him a little.” At first I debate saying no, scared he will come after Lana, but that won’t happen on my watch, she will be in my care all the fucking time and this is what needs to be done. That and with the Seattle PD informed, that may up the ante to get him to back off. I don’t know—fuck! I’m conflicted with all this shit. One second I think I can protect her and then the next I think I don’t stand a chance—I saw his eyes, he’s ruthless.

  “Fine, but please let me know what you find. He’s dangerous and I can’t let Lana get hurt.”

  “I know, me either,” Greg says with a genuine nod. He was there and helped us through all this when it happened, so he gets it. He saw it with his two eyes while she laid there defeated and beaten in that hospital bed.

  “Now go home and don’t worry about it. I will keep you posted.”

  “Impossible, but I’ll try. Thank you, Greg.”

  “Yeah, no problem son.”

  My dad should be home any minute. I decided I should wear something a little less form fitting, thinking maybe it’ll ease the blow when I tell him. I choose a pair of dark ripped skinny jeans, the cuts right where my knees are, a cream colored peplum top and some wedges. I put half of my newly short hair up in a cute messy ponytail and I wear a light coat of makeup. My dad hates heavy makeup, he says it takes away my beauty.

  “Lana! Becky! I’m home girls!” I rush to leave the room but when my hand turns the door knob I pause, taking a deep breath, before turning it and opening it. I see my mom bounding down the stairs and I take one at a time, wedges, stairs, baby—I have to be careful. Kingston scolded me about it last night. He does have a point, this baby is growing, so I need to be more cautious with the added weight.

  Met by my mom in my dad’s arms kissing and giggling at the bottom of the stairs, I cough breaking up their high school love-fest. They have always acted like teenagers in love, reckless and completely careless, I envied it for so long and now I have it with Kingston.

  “My angel. Look at you, you look beautiful! You cut your hair?” He wraps me in a bear hug, squeezing and pivoting back and forth with me in his embrace. I’m hit with overwhelming emotions and my hormones open the floodgates to Lana’s cryfest 2016.

  “What’s wrong, sweetie?” Pushing me back at arm’s length, his hands never leaving my shoulders, I sob harder when I see his soft expression. I haven’t seen my dad in far too long, I’ve missed him. He’s always been the man I can count on for anything and I feel I’ve let him down because of my pregnancy and I haven’t even told him yet.

  “Honey, I think we should sit down.” Mom approaches, laying a gentle hand on us both, ushering us toward the living room.

  Looking between us both, me on the couch and my mom next to me holding me in her arms, he finally breaks the silence. “What’s wrong baby, did something happen? Is it Joel?” he hollers standing up and almost knocking his chair over. He’s still dressed in his Marines uniform, looking handsome with his dark hair and dark eyes.

  “No, no, it’s not. Daddy, I need to tell you something but you need to sit and you need to hear me out.” My mom and I wait for him to sit down. Once he does I look at her. Gaining an approving nod, I focus back on my dad.

  “I’ve been seeing Kingston for a year now and things have gotten pretty serious.”

  “Is this a joke?” he cuts me off. “You didn’t come here to tell me you’re married or some bazaar thing like that did you? I mean Kingston Donovan isn’t marriage material. This has to be a joke. If it is, it’s not funny Lana Lynn.” I shake my head no, the fidgeting of his hands and the tick in his jaw making me recluse, I’m almost too scared to finish. Clearing my throat I push through and continue.

  “No dad, we aren’t. It’s more serious than that. You see...” I stop. Turning to my mom again, she wipes my tears and nods her head, urging me to get it out. “We’re in love daddy. I’m in love and because we fell in love, we got pregnant.” My dad’s short temper flares as he jumps back up, this time the chair goes with him, tumbling over and colliding with the floor. My mother and I both surge back, jumping from his abrupt movement. Her arms tighten around me, holding me still as I cry a little harder.

  “You let him touch you!? You let that thug get you pregnant? I thought you knew better, Lana! He’s no fucking good for you, did Joel teach you nothing?” He paces in front of me, spouting off.

  “He’s not like Joel dad, he wouldn’t hit me—ever.” I come to Kingston’s defense faster than you can say bullseye.

  “Lana, I’m not a fucking idiot. I watched you grow up with him. He has always been a troublemaker, sleeping around and treating women like objects. I guess you don’t really think highly of yourself since you stooped down that low.” His cold words cut me deeper than a knife, leaving permanent scars. Not only are his words harsh but they are a potent reminder of the emotional abuse I was subjected to for years.

  “Jeffery, calm down and take that back. This is our daughter, so tread lightly. She isn’t one of your recruits, okay? You need to talk to her, listen to her.” My mom stands walking over to his place by the mantel. My dad has always been a very strict, blunt man and today is no different, but still that stung—a lot.

  “No, she’s not a recruit, but she’s my daughter, my only daughter and I know what kind of boy Kingston is and he’s not good enough for Lana!” I hate when my dad goes from being my big teddy bear to the military man.

  “Jeffery, don’t you dare yell at me like that. You need to calm down now or we will leave until you can calm down,” my mom threatens. She has never let my dad talk to her like anything other than a wife, she’s tough and she has always stood her ground. My grandparents on my mother’s side hated my dad for years, they thought he was a hotheaded kid with anger issues. He is, but not in the way they made it out to be. Daddy has never laid a violent hand on my mother or me, we’re his world and sometimes that world spins too fast and he fears losing it.

  “Why Lana? Why did you do this, you still have your whole life ahead of you. Do you really want to raise a child with that man?”

  “Yes, she fucking does and quite frankly I think you need to step down a little bit, Sir.” My heart flutters when I see Kingston walking toward me. Looking tall, tan, and every bit my protector. His faded jeans and white V-neck fit him like a wrapped gift, hugging every muscle and body part perfectly. Today he went without his beloved snapback and styled his c
rew cut.

  “You didn’t knock. This is my house young man and I think you forgot your manners. But you did manage to knock up my daughter so I guess you’re used to barging into places that don’t belong to you.” The bitterness in my father’s voice hurts more than I think his poisoned words do. I’ve seen him mad at me before, but never disappointed. This feeling here is way, way, way worse. Kingston stands in front of me, placing a wedge between my father and me.

  “Jeffery! I need a word with you, now!” My mom stomps her feet toward the kitchen.

  “Fine. Just so you know,” stepping within inches of Kings, he pokes his chest, “I don’t support you two together and hopefully you have some good sense to stay the hell away from Lana.”


  “Don’t, Lana. I can’t even look at you right now.” Walking away from us, my sobs come back full force. Kingston’s arms wrap around me.

  “Fuck, I thought I still had time baby. I’m sorry I’m late.”

  “It’s fine, god Kings he hates me, my dad hates me!” I cry into his shoulder my hands squeezing the shirt at his lower back.

  “No, he’s just hurt. If anything he hates me and I don’t blame him. If our baby is a little girl and she came home pregnant by a man like me, I would snap too. Lose it.” I snort into his shirt, seeing it now.

  “Is that a laugh? Wait, is there a smile?” Leaning back he cradles my face. “Don’t cry babe, we will get through this. Nothing can pull us apart.” I nod as he wipes my tears with his thumbs. Grabbing his wrist, I smile up at him, his green eyes sparkling.

  “I love you, Kingston.”

  “I love you.”

  “Enough. I want to take my daughter out, alone.” My dad breaks our contact and I fix my shirt, my baby bump catching my dad’s attention. I see something flash in his eyes. Sadness? Happiness? I don’t know, but it leaves as quick as it came.

  Kingston doesn’t acknowledge my dad, instead he stays facing me. “You don’t have to go if you don’t want to,” he whispers.


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