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GUARDIANS: Mission To Rescue Innocence (Beauty 0f Life Book 7)

Page 6

by Laura Acton

  Dan advanced slower and handed beers to Mason, Ripsaw, and Patch. He took a long swig of his beer as he wondered how the hell to avoid what was inevitably coming his way. The unit, when banded together in a task, tended to be relentless. He noted their expression and steeled himself, hiding his insecurities. At least Brody will back me up.

  Winds chuckled, turning his gaze to Blondie. “Okay, kid, we scoped out three women for you. A blonde, a brunette, and a redhead. You tell us which one you prefer, and we’ll make sure you get laid.”

  Brody laughed. “All three. Right, Danny?”

  Glowering at Brody, Dan sat on his stool. “Thought you would help, not join them.”

  “I am helping. I’m gonna help you have a grand time,” Brody chuckled and eyed Dan to convey ‘you need to do this’ with his jade green eyes.

  “Been too long. Time to climb back in the saddle,” Winds said.

  “Guys, I don’t need any help with this,” Dan groused. He glared at them. Damn them all. Brody threw me to the wolves.

  “You sure, Sunshine?” Mason asked. “I picked out the redhead.” Mason pointed out a cute redhead at a table with three other women.

  Ripsaw piped in, “I say you go for the blonde. Those legs won’t quit. If you don’t, I will. Can’t allow a beauty like her be alone tonight.”

  Patch patted Dan on the thigh, and when he removed his hand, Dan glanced down. Shit! His hand quickly went to his leg and covered the three condoms Patch left.

  “You can never be too careful.” Patch winked with a smirk.

  Blaze spun his bottle on the tabletop. “I think the brunette is more your type. She’s cute and likes guns.”

  Dan narrowed his eyes at his unit buddies. “I don’t need help.”

  Brody smiled at Dan. “Blaze, how do you know she likes weapons?”

  “She’s an MP. I met her earlier today. Her name is Julie. She seemed nice. You ought to go talk to her, kiddo.”

  Glaring at each of them, Dan realized they would hound him all night if he didn’t go and attempt to talk at least. “If I go over and say hi, you assholes will leave me the hell alone for the rest of the night, right?”

  They all nodded and grinned as Brody encouraged softly, “Small steps, Danny. What’s the worst that can happen just talking?”

  Winds nodded. “Go wow her with your megawatt smile.”

  Dan slipped the condoms into his pocket and stood. Damn them! As he strolled towards the brunette, who sat at a table with three women, Dan struggled to fortify himself with Brody’s words. A small step. What harm can there be in talking to her?

  He halted and forced his smile. Self-conscious and as nervous as the first time he had sex when he was seventeen, Dan gazed at the brown-haired woman. He managed to say in a gravelly voice, “Hi, I’m Dan.”

  Julie turned towards a sexy voice. Her breath caught in her lungs as she took in a ruggedly handsome man. He possessed gorgeous blue eyes, and his golden blond hair was longer than the standard issue cut. He wore it in a messy style which begged to have her fingers card through it. “I’m Julie.”

  Dan stood awkwardly, unsure what to say. He scanned the other women and repeated himself. “Hi, I’m Dan.”

  They all giggled, and the redhead said, “You said that already. I’m Sherry.”

  Dipping his chin, Dan anxiously ran his hand through his hair. He glanced up, his expression sheepish. “Yeah, I guess I did. Been in the field a long time.”

  Julie perked up. “What do you do?”

  “Special Forces sniper.”

  Sherry beamed. “Have a seat, Dan.”

  Dan sat between Julie and Sherry.

  “Sniper, that’s cool.” Sherry laid a possessive hand on his upper arm.

  Julie gave Sherry a quelling glare and turned to Dan. “You been here long?”

  “Long enough.” Dan glanced back at the guys. He cringed when they all raised their beers to him.

  “Your buddies dared you to come over here. How quaint,” Sherry smirked.

  Dan blushed realizing he was going down in flames. “Yeah, well. I should be going. Pleasure meeting you.”

  He started to rise as Julie stood and whispered in his ear. “Sorry. Sherry can be a little rude sometimes. I’m flattered you came over to say hi regardless of why you did it. This place is too noisy for conversation. Why don’t we go someplace quieter and talk?”

  Small steps. I can talk. Talking with a girl will be a change of pace. Dan nodded. “Where do you have in mind?”

  “My room. My roommate rotated out today, so I got the place to myself for a week or two.”

  “Gotta tell my unit.” Dan shifted his eyes at Blaze and Brody.


  Dan shrugged. “Procedure. We can be called out for a mission at any time. Where’s your room?”

  Julie told him and then watched as Dan went to inform his buddies. She grinned when a couple of them slapped his back, and he blushed. She found that endearing. God, he is handsome. I’m looking forward to getting him alone. He is built. Those biceps are stunning. I would bet good money his abs are a well-defined six-pack … rock solid. Special Forces guys are always so toned. He is so very fine. If I’m lucky, he’ll be warming my bed tonight. Can’t wait to run my hands over his defined chest.

  Sherry leaned close to Julie. “Don’t ride him too hard tonight.”

  “Shut up. You’re only jealous he came over to say hi to me.”

  Shrugging, Sherry said, “He’s handsome and all, but I prefer the giant. His aurora exudes highland warrior. His facial scar adds to his fierceness and the imagery. So, you go sweet talk your boy while I handle a real man.”

  The blonde’s crystal blue eyes sparkled as she laughed. “You two and your penchant for Special Forces. Those guys die a lot. Me, I would rather meet a decent guy with a boring, safe position.”

  Dan walked back feeling a little closer to normal. “Shall we go?”

  “This way.” Julie smiled and linked her arm with his.

  The guys tracked Blondie as he strolled out with Julie.

  Winds turned to Blaze. “How’d you guess he would go for the brunette?”

  Blaze took another sip. “I pay attention to details.”

  Sherry sauntered up to the table and engaged Mason in conversation. Soon they left the bar too. Ripsaw excused himself and went over to talk to the beautiful blonde.

  Brody nursed his beer and smiled. Dan is taking the necessary steps to return to his usual self.

  Winds lifted his bottle and quipped, “Now to find Brody a woman.”

  Brody laughed. “Not just anyone will do. She’s gotta be the right one.”

  Daphne Blain entered, spotted her brother, and snuck up on him, wrapping him in a hug. “Hey, Donald,” she teased.

  Startled and then disgruntled, Blaze said sternly, “Daphy, what have I told you about using that name?”

  Sliding on to the empty barstool between Brody and Blaze, she parroted Blaze’s voice, “Don’t call me Donald. My name is Blaze.” Returning to her soft cadence, she added, “Tough cookies. I’ll call you Donald if I want to, Donald. Be happy I don’t add Duck.”

  Brody, Winds, and Patch laughed as Blaze glowered at Daphne.

  Winds said, “Let’s not start World War Three here tonight you two. I want to enjoy my drink and the beautiful eye candy.”

  Daphne turned to Brody. “What about you, Brody? Find any better offers than being my intended?”

  Brody snorted his beer and glanced at Blaze. If she didn’t stop teasing him about that, Blaze might actually kill him or maybe her. Those two could be like a lit match and gasoline—explosive. “Just enjoying my beer.” When she patted his arm, he smiled. And now enjoying your company. God, her eyes are stunning, and her long, jet-black hair is beautiful.

  “Where’s Dan?” Daphne searched the room. Wherever Brody was, Dan would be close at hand. Brody became very protective of Dan since he had been rescued—more so than usual, as did all the men in her brother�
��s unit. A trait she admired in all of them.

  Patch winked. “He went to talk with Julie in her room.”

  Daphne beamed at Winds. “Talk? Danny Talk? I bet Julie will enjoy his conversation enormously. He’s quite skilled at conversing with his mouth and hands—”

  Blaze glared at her and cut her off before she said more. “And what would you know of Blondie and talking?”

  Laying her hand on Donald’s shoulder, Daphne laughed. “Easy, big brother. You’re going all father on me. Dan’s only a friend. Though, I made a couple of friends in supply and they have a lot to say about his … um, shall I say pillow talk skills.”

  Winds chuckled. Daphy was such a riot. Trying to keep her out of trouble with Blaze, he said, “Today is Brody’s birthday.”

  Daphne turned to Brody, brightening up as she gazed at him. “I was not aware. I would’ve gotten you a birthday gift. Wait … I got the perfect thing.” Daphy pulled Brody to her, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him with lustful intensity.

  Blaze, Patch, and Winds only stared open-mouthed.

  Daphy ended the kiss and leaned back. “Happy birthday.” Oh boy, I want to kiss him all night long.

  Stunned, dazed, eyes glazed, his mouth turned up with a dopey smile, Brody lifted his beer. The best-damned gift I received today.

  Winds rapidly shifted the topic of conversation to something safer but noted the befuddled expressions on Brody and Blaze and the look of desire on Daphy. Oh man, this might be interesting. Daphy and Brody?

  Undercover Ops


  May 26

  General Broderick’s Quarters – 2130 Hours

  William relaxed in his chair sipping bourbon. Today’s exhibition for Daniel’s requalification warmed his heart. His son personified a phoenix, rising from the ashes after enduring three months of brutal torture and nineteen weeks of painful rehab to become a glorious guardian once more. He swelled with pride as Dr. Wolff retracted his concerns over Daniel’s stability. His boy beat all odds and would be back on the active duty roster beginning tomorrow morning.

  He turned to one of his most trusted friends and his right-hand man, Colonel Thomas Sutton. “Daniel will be back making a difference tomorrow. I enjoyed watching him run today. His expression was one of pure joy. My boy can run like the wind.”

  Tom lifted his glass. “Here’s to Dan. His dedication and drive are something to behold.”

  “I’ll drink to that.” William raised his and clinked glasses with Tom. As he took a sip, his encrypted phone rang. Glancing at the screen a frown crossed his face noting the number reserved for emergencies. “Broderick.”

  Upon hearing his friend’s confident voice, relief washed through Dominique Savoy as he paced. His own voice unnaturally nervous, Dom uttered, “My friend, I desperately need your help.”

  William put his drink down. The distressed voice of his old friend entirely out of character. Dom never frazzled, he epitomized smooth in any situation. They met twenty-five years ago working a joint covert mission together. Dom was only twenty-one at the time and a rookie member of the British SAS unit, but Dom out-classed many of the seasoned operatives. The two jelled and discovered they shared a love of languages. A strong friendship had been forged and maintained through the years.

  “What is it I can do to help?” William refrained from using names even though the line was secure.

  Dom paced in his little room. “Can you speak without being overheard?”

  Glancing around his private quarters, William never felt wholly comfortable speaking freely here. Though Mike did regular sweeps for listening devices, walls still might have ears. He decided the best course of action would be to converse in the multilingual manner they developed ages ago. Each time they exchanged words, they switched languages. To follow their dialog someone would need to be a hyperpolyglot, fluent in over twenty different tongues.

  William said, “Yes. Though let’s round robin.” He shifted the phone to his right hand and hastily wrote, Dom needs help and showed it to Tom.

  Dom started in Spanish, “Understood. My friend, my precious daughters. They took them. God, I don’t know what I’m gonna do.”

  “Who took them?” William responded with German.

  “Remember Sandsnake?” Dom answered speaking Italian.

  “Yes. Are you saying the brothers took them?” William said in Russian

  Using Latin, Dom said, “Yes. How they found me I do not know. They vowed to make me pay but they never glimpsed my face.”

  “You’re contacting me because you can’t trust others. There is a leak which revealed your identity,” William spoke Polish.

  A small laugh emitted from Dom as he switched to English. “I can always count on you reading into a situation.”

  “How can I help? Whatever you need,” William committed in French.

  The brisk conversation continued, rotating languages as Dom informed William of all details he discovered so far while Tom sat with a perplexed expression, unable to comprehend more than a smattering of words. The general’s linguistic skills left him in awe.

  William stopped a moment and considered what he learned. “Give me fifteen to twenty minutes, and I’ll call you back. I need to move to a secure location and brief trusted friends.”

  “Thank you, my friend. I await your call.” Dom hung up and checked the time. His mind whirling with possible plans. His hand shook as he lifted his wine glass. If anyone could help him, William would. He couldn’t trust anyone in SAS at this moment. He had no clue who sold him out.

  William stood and raked his hands through his hair. “We have work to do.” He dialed Galloway’s number.

  Mike stopped mid stroke and reached for his phone. “Yes, sir.”

  “Meet me in ops in ten minutes,” William said succinctly and disconnected.

  Damned awful timing, but the general wouldn’t call me unless the situation is urgent. Sliding out from under the covers, Mike glanced at his lovely bed partner. “Sorry, I must go. Another time.” He dressed rapidly and left.

  Ops Command Conference Room – 2145 Hours

  William and Tom strode into the secure room and found Mike turning on the jamming device. Mike came to attention. “Room is secured, sir.”

  “At ease, Mike.” William took a seat at the table, and the others followed suit. “I’ll jump right to the point. We have a situation which requires the skills of the Guardians. Received a call from Dom Savoy requesting assistance. There is a leak which compromises members of my old unit. Tom, you recall Operation Sandsnake.”

  “Yes. How does that undercover mission play into this?”

  Unaware of the operation, Mike said, “Sir, that is before my time. Can you give me pertinent details?”

  William glanced at Mike. He knew more than he let on about Michael Charles Brown Galloway’s past. He had to delve into the seedy side of Baron Wildingham’s heir apparent life to locate and rescue him sixteen years back. Part of him hated to put Mike in the middle of this situation, but he needed Mike’s knowledge. He began with a quick synopsis. “Twenty-five years ago, my Guardian unit did a joint black op with a British SAS unit.

  “MI6 oversaw the mission. We struck a group of Russians who acquired the means to make dirty bombs. The British commander spared the lives of several targets believing they would provide valuable intel. Two were brothers of the group’s leader, Makar and Kazimir Yurievich.

  “Savoy took out the leader, and the brothers witnessed his death. They vowed to kill Dom though they didn’t know who he was … our faces remained covered the entire time. As a precaution, Dom was notified when they were released from prison, but they posed no threat, until a few days ago.

  “Dom’s daughters were abducted on their way home from school. He received a ransom demand several hours later requiring him to deliver five million personally. We believe the abduction and ransom is a ruse to lure him to them. This group was ruthless, and we suspect when Dom arrives the Yurievichs plan to
execute his daughters in front of him as payback before killing him. Dom will share more details, but the reason I called you in on this, Mike, is that the drop point is in Makhachkala.” William paused allowing his security lead a moment to digest that piece of information.

  Mike’s concentration lapsed as old memories of Makhachkala caused bile to rise in his throat. Once he settled his turbulent stomach, Mike eyed the general. “Understood, sir. I’ll help out as necessary.”

  William called Dom, and the four men hashed out a plan based on intel Dom uncovered and Mike’s input. Wrapping up, William said, “In addition to rescuing the children, you are authorized to seek out and eliminate the leak. We must protect the identities of former operatives. Too many lives at risk.”

  Dom Savoy continued to pace in the dank Makhachkala hotel room. Their plan would be risky and hinged on one man to obtain details he could not. “Are you sure your man can impersonate Maks Gennadiyevich?”

  William took a deep breath. Only one of his men would work in this plan. He gradually released his breath. “Yes. He will likely not remember you, and you should not make him aware of our friendship. Things are still unstable between us. I don’t want him distracted by the knowledge.”

  The grip on his glass increased at William’s words. Dom shook his head. “No, I cannot ask that of you, my friend. No.”

  “He is the only one who fits the profile and is fluent in Russian.”

  “No. Although my daughters are in peril, I will not ask you to put your son in harm’s way to save my girls. You must use someone else. This is too risky, and he has yet to recover.” The fragile crystal broke under Dom’s pressure, and red wine splashed on the already stained carpet.

  “Daniel rose from the ashes. I trust him and the unit to rescue your girls. This is what they are trained to do and who they are at the core. Just like you and I.” The sense of fatherly pride welled again in William’s chest.

  Dom bowed his head. He had no other option. He and his girls would die without assistance. Knowing the risks, this was not a favor he asked with a light heart. “I will set things in motion here. When will they leave?”


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