Book Read Free

Architecture & Adversity

Page 37

by Jeremy Dwyer

  “I will accompany you, then,” Ximenez said.

  Lady Onora booked passage on a ship sailing northeast across the Medathero Ocean from Emeth toward the Port of Kemalorin, which was situated on the southwestern coast of Baradaxa. She paid two (2) platinum coins, but Ximenez traveled for free, as was customary for Chroniclers of the Oath.

  When she arrived in the port city, she and Ximenez went to the workshop where Fantine worked as both alchemist and architect. The door was open and they entered.

  “How can I be of assistance?” Fantine asked.

  “We’d like to discuss the design for a new port city, as large as any you have ever constructed,” Lady Onora said.

  “You have my attention. But I will need funding for the research and design efforts. Many high quality, expensive gemstones are required to work out the design details for the control crystals. Those crystals are what direct the constructor to assemble a structure,” Fantine said.

  “The funding will be supplied, along with whatever gemstones you need. The city is to be on the eastern coast of Meridianus, facing the Pirovalen Ocean. As that is an agricultural center, the port city would be heavily traveled, needing to accommodate large numbers of sizable cargo ships, of course. If designed at the proper scale, it would be more profitable than many other port cities, and more efficient in its operation, being so close to Ihalik, to Emeth and to the central bank itself,” Lady Onora said.

  “These parameters need to be worked out precisely. Did you have something specific in mind?” Fantine asked.

  “What is the largest possible port city you could design and construct? That is what would work,” Lady Onora asked.

  “We would need to travel there to determine that, and survey the coastline. We can’t interfere with the other port cities’ water lanes. I don’t know if you realize that, but port cities have corresponding ocean territories than cannot overlap,” Fantine said.

  “How and where can this matter be settled?” Lady Onora asked.

  “It can be settled at the central bank. They’re also the ones who could fund this, if they agree. Do you have standing with them? I’m not disagreeing with the proposal, but the central bank has funding priorities. They decide on what projects to fund next,” Fantine asked.

  “I will discuss it with them, and have them put together a contract, and return here with it,” Lady Onora said.

  “I’m looking forward to it. Assuming that they agree, I’ll put together a rough estimate of what is needed. When you have a contract, I’ll refine the estimate,” Fantine said.

  “Thank you,” Lady Onora said.

  She and Ximenez left, and booked passage southwest across the Medathero Ocean, toward Emeth. From there, they booked passage southeast across the Pirovalen Ocean toward Haza’Kedro’Maral Island, to meet with the bank governor.


  Nathan drank anew of the waters of the Medathero Ocean from his vial and was energized. He began analyzing resource estimate maps of the continent of Meridianus, along with commerce records that the Jenaldej Empire kept of their transactions with the farmers and miners in that continent. Taking into consideration the variations in crop and mineral yields, variations in crop and mineral market prices, the relative distribution of people in Meridianus who drank the Gradaken waters and those who drank the Kazofen waters – as determined by random sampling – and some risk moderation factors, he formulated a system of equations. From these equations, he was able to formulate an economic evaluation of a hypothetical city. However, he did not postulate it as being of a particular size, but supposed that the size was a variable. Then, the expected profits and losses, as well as the availability of funding for the construction and the necessary revenue sharing percentage were given in terms of the size. The challenge was to make an offer that simultaneously appealed to the central bank and satisfied the Jenaldej resource allocation rules. After a day of intense calculations, he expressed this offer as a contract with the satisfactory formula.

  He took this contract to Prince Trahaearn’s office and presented it to him, saying: “This contract protects our interests while affording us access to an investment in the port city’s financial opportunities, assuming the project goes forward.”

  Prince Trahaearn reviewed the contract. He understood what was expressed, even if he could not explain the actual numerical values in the equation. “I trust that our own risk is minimized. Still, I have doubts that this will occur. Where is the impetus?” he asked.

  “Ask Romana. I can only evaluate the opportunity in specific quantitative terms. I can’t assess her enthusiasm,” Nathan said.


  Romana and Judith awoke and readied themselves.

  “Do you expect that Nathan will have a contract ready?” Judith asked.

  “I know he will. Whether or not the bank will accept it is another matter,” Romana said.

  “There is only one right answer at times like these,” Judith said, holding out her hands.

  “Yes. You’re right,” Romana said and took Judith’s hands. Romana led the prayer: “We Pray to Thee, Loving Creator, to guide us on this undertaking, that a new city, proclaiming Your Truth, can rise up as a testament to faith in you. If it is Your Will, then let all people, all ocean waters and all things serve to glorify Your Name in this endeavor.”

  “I believe in Your Holy Name, and that everyone needs to know Your Love,” Judith said.

  Romana was so impressed with Judith’s faith that she felt overwhelmed with love for Judith and hugged her tightly. “I love you, my dear sister,” she said.

  Together, they left Romana’s quarters and made their way through the castle halls to the office of Prince Trahaearn. Romana knocked and the door was opened.

  “We’ve been expecting you,” Prince Trahaearn said.

  “We have your contract, with all the terms and conditions carefully stated so that the central bank can make their decision,” Nathan said.

  “What makes you believe that the central bank will follow through on this project? Sometimes, hypotheticals are just that,” Prince Trahaearn asked.

  “Because it will create a trading and shipping corridor with their territorial holdings on both sides. Location is key,” Romana said.

  “Fair enough. That increases the probability, but it is no guarantee. Still, if this does move forward, and they accept our offer, we stand to gain from it,” Nathan said.

  “In a few days, we’re going to meet them,” Romana said.

  “You can take this to the central bank now. Our offer is effective immediately,” Nathan said.

  “No, when the appointed day arrives, we’re going to Meridianus,” Romana said.


  In the Trading Center One building on Haza’Kedro’Maral Island, Lady Onora and Ximenez stood at the head table, facing Duchess Uliana, who was flanked by the Torches of Majesty – Blazer Endrit, Blazer Luken and Blazer Darakizar. Standing next to the Duchess was Governor Lux, and he listened to the proposal.

  “The new port city will face eastward in Meridianus, creating a new presence for the central bank, offering additional access to the agricultural and mining industries there. If the piers were to be constructed to extend into the waterway, further than those of other cities, and exist on as many as three (3) levels, for ships to dock with it at sea level and airship level, more ships could simultaneously load and unload. The constructor can assemble high walls and platforms, as is well known,” Lady Onora said.

  “Some of what you say makes sense. Still, the architectural innovations would need to be tested – they are quite daring. Multiple level piers have stability concerns. A collapse could eradicate all potential extra profits. Does Fantine have a design for this already?” Governor Lux asked.

  “She is working on it as we speak,” Lady Onora said. Of course, the details – such as it being a multi-level city – were not touched on just yet. She was putting forth bold ideas as they suddenly occurred to her, not sure of which ones would wo

  “I would prefer a more conventional design. In fact, I would agree to that immediately. Still, what is your own interest in this? The central bank has its own priorities for projects, and this is one potential project out of many,” Governor Lux asked.

  “Let’s discover what’s possible. I’ve seen poverty, I’ve seen missed opportunities. Entire continents suffer from exactly that. The world grows only when there’s an investment in prosperity. This is a time for boldness, Governor, while the architect is available. Someone will construct that port city – someone will pay her to do it, there, or somewhere else. The central bank is not the only bank that has interest in the waterways around Meridianus. Why wait for them to compete with you right here, a short distance across the ocean?” Lady Onora asked.

  “You are witty, I will admit that. It’s hard to argue with these valid points,” Governor Lux said.

  “What is in it for you?” Duchess Uliana asked.

  “The poorest people do not travel to Emeth as often as those who have some money. It is a short journey from here across the Pirovalen Ocean. With greater wealth comes greater opportunity and interest in study. I and the other instructors in Emeth can welcome additional scholars and visitors, who could work and reside in the new port city,” Lady Onora said.

  “You want the crumbs that fall from the banquet table, then. So long as we can profit, this new city may be of use, after all,” Duchess Uliana said.

  “With the permission of the Duchess, I will request a design proposal from Fantine,” Governor Lux said.

  “You have my permission, Governor. There’s no need to use an exotic design, however. Architect it to be reliable as well as efficient and profitable. We don’t need to be misled into a catastrophe of false hope that will shatter in a sudden gale. The waves of water could all too easily rise and cast a fragile city into the sea,” Duchess Uliana said.

  Governor Lux turned to a man by his said and said: “Farley, bring me a survey of the ports and water lanes around eastern Meridianus.”

  The young man – Farley – was thirty (30) years old and drank the waters of the Medathero Ocean from his vial. These energized him with the ability to work with numbers and logic and do expert book keeping for the bank. He worked as a courier, but he more than filed and delivered the bank’s documents: he actually understood their financial significance, and could not be readily cheated. He went to a cabinet of records and retrieved the necessary documents, handing them to Governor Lux.

  Governor Lux wrote up a brief document requesting a design proposal and authorizing the funding for the design work – not for the actual construction. He included notes about the available water lanes around the Meridianus coast by which a new port city could be accessed. “Take this request for a design proposal to Fantine. Our courier, Farley, will accompany you,” he said as he handed the document to Farley.

  “Thank you, Governor,” Lady Onora said.

  CHAPTER 26: Building of City and Faith

  Lady Onora and Ximenez, along with Farley the bank courier, all left the Trading Center One building and booked passage on a transport ship heading northwest across the Pirovalen Ocean to Emeth. From there, they booked passage northeast across the Medathero Ocean to the Port of Kemalorin in Baradaxa. Ximenez, being a Chronicler, traveled the entire way for free, as before. Lady Onora paid her own way, and Farley paid using an expense account provided by the central bank.

  After she, Ximenez and Farley disembarked from the ship, they visited Fantine in her workshop, finding her there with Niven.

  “We have a request for a design proposal from the Governor of the central bank,” Lady Onora said.

  Farley held up the document and handed it over to Fantine.

  Fantine began to analyze this and said: “Good to see this. It includes a survey of the available water lanes. I will get to work and put together a detailed design. Give me some time.”

  “We will return in ten (10) days,” Lady Onora said.

  Ximenez busily recorded all of their activities and conversations into his book. Although this was interesting, it was not anything substantial until the city was actually constructed.

  Lady Onora, Ximenez and Farley all left Fantine’s workshop and rented rooms in the nearby inn of the port town.


  “She’s obviously in a hurry. This must be especially important,” Niven said.

  “It is…to her. Since the central bank approved a request for proposal, I can’t disagree. More work for both of us,” Fantine said.

  “I’m not complaining,” Niven said.

  “Of course you’re not,” Fantine said.

  “There’s something about that woman – I just get this feeling that she won’t stop until this is done – until the city is actually built. She is expecting this to just happen, and is planning on waiting around until she gets everyone involved to say ‘yes’ to everything she wants,” Niven said.

  “That sounds like someone else I know,” Fantine said.

  “What do you mean?” Niven asked.

  “Do you ever get a feeling about me, Niven? Like the feeling that I will never, ever, ever say ‘yes’ to what you’re waiting for?” Fantine asked.

  “I like when we work together. Great things happen, and I get to see it,” Niven said.

  “Work. That’s all. Just remember that,” Fantine said.

  “I know,” Niven said.

  “Go home, Niven. I’ve got some work to do. Come back in ten (10) days when she does. Bring some lightkeepers. I’ll pay for the ones we actually use, even if the project falls through, so you’re covered,” Fantine said.

  “Thank you for thinking of me,” Niven said.

  “I’m just thinking of fair dealings. Everyone needs to be able to trust me. I’ll see you later,” Fantine said.

  Niven left and returned to his own workshop.

  Fantine drank anew of the waters of the Kazofen Ocean from her vial and was energized. She began planning out a city design, etching it into small sapphires that were small scale models of what she would actually build. Bold and ambitious plans, exceeding the designs of any of her previous work, began to materialize, and she became enthused about it.


  In the Trading Center One building on Haza’Kedro’Maral Island in the Pirovalen Ocean, Duchess Uliana took Governor Lux into a private room, along with the Torches of Majesty, who continued to guard her.

  “This new city will serve as a test of the constructor’s viability for us, Governor. We allowed it not merely for its own sake, but so that we can learn whether it is capable of building a much larger city of our own, later,” Duchess Uliana said.

  “I agree, Duchess. As the upper limits of the constructor’s capabilities are made clear, our plans and profits can grow to match,” Governor Lux said.

  “I want a full report, Governor. You are to go to Meridianus and personally supervise the preparation and construction of the new port city. Pay close attention to the details and have her adjust the design if necessary. More importantly, learn what you can, so that we can design and construct cities without depending on Fantine. How is the replica constructor proceeding, anyway? Will it be as functional?” Duchess Uliana asked.

  “Our research is proceeding cautiously, so that dangerous mistakes are not made while its functionality is made complete. I will take this opportunity, as you wisely directed, to supervise the new port city project,” Governor Lux said.

  “You are to leave at once, Governor,” Duchess Uliana said.

  Governor Lux left the private room and began assembling guards – five (5) drinkers of the Ikkith Tar waters, five (5) drinkers of the Lujladia waters, five (5) drinkers of the Elanatin waters and ten (10) drinkers of the Nabavodel waters – and took them to the docks. They boarded the Diversifier where Captain Koloman was waiting.

  “Captain, take us to eastern Meridianus,” Governor Lux said.

  Captain Koloman drank anew of the waters of the Atrejan Ocean and was ener
gized. He then listened to the sounds of the stars to learn their positions and movements. The captain thereby plotted a course westward across the Pirovalen Ocean toward Meridianus and sailed the Diversifier in that direction.

  On board the ship, Governor Lux met with Erlend in a private cabin. Fulvius was with them.

  “Erlend, was your initial testing a success?” Governor Lux asked.

  “Yes, Governor. The replica constructor is capable, and its precision has increased, but it needs a few refinements before it is ready,” Erlend said.

  “You will soon have the opportunity to observe a new project. Under the cover of darkness, provided by Fulvius, you will study the construction of the next city, to be assembled in eastern Meridianus. Watch Fantine at work, noting every detail. Look closely at the constructor, to learn what you need to improve our replica to meet our needs,” Governor Lux said.

  “Yes, Governor,” Erlend said.


  After the ten (10) days had passed, Lady Onora, Ximenez and Farley all returned to Fantine’s workshop.

  Niven, carrying a small box of lightkeeper crystals, arrived at the same time and they met with Fantine, whose eyes were bright and she held several sapphires in her hands along with a written plan.

  “I’m ready for this! It’s going to be exceptional, with several innovations. It will have a triple-level dock, extending out into the water lanes farther than ordinary. More ships can load and unload at once, as some of them will be in airship configuration,” Fantine said.

  Onora was astonished – she never actually mentioned those more exotic details to Fantine, since she thought of them later while traveling to meet the Governor of the central bank, but Fantine somehow included them anyway.

  “That is extraordinary,” Lady Onora said.

  “There’s even more! I built scale models, and the prototype control crystals were smaller sapphires that I had available in my supply, to prove that the design was valid. That was necessary before I could prepare to build the full scale city, using larger sapphires that would have to be properly cut with the full scale design,” Fantine said.


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