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Architecture & Adversity

Page 41

by Jeremy Dwyer

  “The Elanatin waters flow through me – so I will make them cooperative. Don’t you worry about that,” Noemi said.

  “That will depend on the number of workers we hire. Perhaps three (3) months,” Uberto said.

  “Can you design the temple so that it is more quickly built?” Saverio asked.

  “Not if I follow the tradition,” Uberto said.

  “And if he does not follow the tradition, it will be blasphemy, bringing our souls to ruin. We must be on our way sooner if we are to be done sooner,” Ines said.

  “I will set our course for eastern Meridianus. More of the precious gem miners work there, and have dealings with the central bank through the eastern ports,” Saverio said. He drank anew of the waters of the Atrejan Ocean from his vial and was energized. He listened for the sounds of the stars – hearing only the blue, yellow and red suns – and learned their positions and movements. With this information, he charted a course toward eastern Meridianus. He began by sailing the Unbroken Amethyst south across the Atrejan Ocean, just east of the Solkidian Trail, until reaching the eastern peninsula of the continent of Baradaxa.

  Saverio converted the ship to its airship configuration, elevated it to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude and traveled over that stretch of land, returning to sea level in the Dead Waters Ocean. He sailed the ship southwest until reaching the Crypt Trail land bridge, converting it again to its airship configuration and ascending to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude to cross over the land bridge, returning to sea level in the Nabavodel Ocean. From there, he sailed the ship southwest until reaching the Bazavadoran Isthmus land bridge, once again converting the Unbroken Amethyst to its airship configuration and elevating it to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude to cross over the land bridge, returning to sea level in the Ursegan Ocean. Saverio then sailed the ship southwest until reaching the Scholar’s Path land bridge, converted the ship to its airship configuration, elevated it to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude to cross over it and returned to sea level in the Pirovalen Ocean. He then sailed the ship southwest until reaching the eastern coast of the continent of Meridianus, looking for a proper port.

  Chiarina looked out into the distance, seeing for more than one hundred fifty (150) miles, by the power of the Lujladia waters that flowed through her. She caught sight of a port city like none she had ever seen. “Saverio, set your course, in that direction,” she said while pointing and shining a thin beam of light in a particular direction.

  “What do you see in the distance? I am looking for a port to dock the ship and hire workers who can cut and bend gems,” Saverio asked.

  “In the distance, I can see a new port city made of bright and glimmering blue crystal, with many piers, some of which are high above sea level,” Chiarina said.

  Uberto overheard them and said: “A city of blue crystal? If you are correct, I want to know who designed and built it. We will hire them…if their work is good.”

  “I will steer the ship into that port. You are a bender of crystals, so you can decide for yourself if their skills meet our needs. Yet, blue is a lesser color, and the temple we construct must be violet,” Saverio said. He followed the direction that Chiarina indicated and steered the Unbroken Amethyst into that port, alongside one of the sea level piers.

  While they were still standing on deck, Uberto was able to see the city and he said: “I am impressed…so far. I need to examine this city more closely, by peering into its low level structure.”

  Ines stepped forward and said: “Be quick about the matter, Uberto. While you must be thorough, do not bring attention to yourself, and do not allow your intentions to be discovered by our enemies. I suggest you travel with Noemi, to guard your thoughts, and Velia, to conceal your presence.”

  “I agree. They should go as a group to learn what they can without compromising our objectives,” Saverio said.

  After hearing this, Noemi and Velia stepped forward, standing next to Uberto.

  Noemi obliged by drinking anew of the waters of the Elanatin Ocean from her vial and was energized. She then created a telepathic shield around herself, Uberto and Velia. “No one will be aware of our purposes,” Noemi said.

  Velia drank anew of the waters of the Ikkith Tar Ocean from her own vial and was energized. She created a cloak of darkness around herself, Noemi and Uberto and then they disembarked from the Unbroken Amethyst and walked out onto the pier. From there, they entered the glimmering crystal city ahead of them, without being seen or having their thoughts sensed by others.


  On Haza’Kedro’Maral Island, in the Trading Center One building, Duchess Uliana dismissed Governor Lux, saying: “Return to your duties, Governor. When Fantine returns with the lightkeeper crystals for the city, or the replica constructor is completed, inform me of the matter.”

  “Certainly, Duchess,” Governor Lux said. He and the courier, Farley, left the office and closed the door.

  When Governor Lux was gone, Duchess Uliana turned to the Torches of Majesty and said: “Blazer Endrit, bring me Nehexalor. Blazer Luken and Blazer Darakizar, remain with me.”

  Blazer Endrit left the office, closing the door behind him. Several minutes later, he returned with Nehexalor. When they were together, the door was closed and locked.

  “Yes, Duchess. How may I serve you?” Nehexalor said.

  “Nehexalor, we must discuss the temple consecration ritual. It has been two (2) years; yet, I have not conceived another child for the sacrifice for the temple. My fertility is at an end, it would seem, though I have had relations with many healthy men,” Duchess Uliana said.

  “The delay in the ritual is a concern, Duchess. It will no longer be enough to sacrifice a single child. Rather, a great many will be needed, to please the Sky’s Nine (9) Kings,” Nehexalor said.

  “How many is a great many?” Duchess Uliana asked.

  “There must be nine (9) children to symbolize the warmth of the suns. There must be nine (9) times that for the brilliance of the suns. There must be nine (9) times that for the enduring glory of the suns. Finally, there must be nine (9) times that for the number of the suns. Thus, we will need six thousand five hundred sixty-one (6561) children for the sacrificial ritual to consecrate the temple,” Nehexalor said.

  “And you will need a song, of course?” Duchess Uliana asked.

  “Yes. However, this island is in the Pirovalen Ocean, so the song waters are available at all times. Also, I know the lyrics and the melody for the ritual. Leave the concern of music to me, Duchess, and the proper song will be performed. Yet, what of the many children needed for the sacrifice?” Nehexalor asked.

  “Leave the concern of the children to me, Nehexalor. I know how to bring them…in great numbers,” Duchess Uliana said.

  CHAPTER 28: Marriage for Peace and Longevity

  When the Sky Lion returned to the western coast of the Bazavadoran Isthmus land bridge in the Ursegan Ocean, the eleven (11) guards escorted Duchess Sarita, Count Terzo, Gisella and Stafford off of the ship and back to the castle of King Hamza Bazavador.

  They walked the castle hallways until reaching the tower which held the throne room. The door leading to that throne room was closed. There were six (6) visible guards, along with Captain Duvall, their commanding officer.

  “Captain Duvall, this is Count Terzo. We have returned as per the orders of His Majesty, King Hamza Bazavador,” Duchess Sarita said.

  “And, you are?” Captain Duvall asked, looking to the others.

  “I am Stafford, a commodities trader from Oxatrissa. I came to give an account of dangerous events in Waderav, of concern to Count Terzo as well as to your king,” Stafford said.

  “I am Gisella, Chronicler of six thousand eight hundred sixty-one (6861) years,” Gisella said.

  “Wait here,” Captain Duvall said. He opened the door to the throne room and closed it behind him.

  “Your Majesty, Duchess Sarita has returned with Count Terzo,” Captain Duvall said.

/>   “Bring them in, Captain Duvall,” King Hamza Bazavador said.

  “That is not all, Your Majesty. They have guests. One is a Chronicler of the Oath named Gisella of six thousand eight hundred sixty-one (6861) years. The other is a man named Stafford – a commodities trader from Oxatrissa, who claims to have witnessed dangerous events that concern you and Count Terzo,” Captain Duvall said.

  “Bring them all in, Captain Duvall. I will see them now,” King Hamza Bazavador said.

  Captain Duvall opened the door to the throne room and went out into the hall. There, he then said to the nobles and their guests: “His Majesty, King Hamza Bazavador, will receive you now.” After this, he led them in to the throne room.

  Count Terzo and Duchess Sarita bowed down before the king. Stafford imitated them out of respect. Gisella, being a Chronicler of the Oath, did no such thing.

  “Count Terzo, I am pleased that you were able to come here. By now, you must know that this is for an arranged marriage with Duchess Sarita. The land on which your castle stands belongs to this very throne, and your bloodline, extending back forty-six (46) generations – one thousand seven hundred ninety-eight (1798) years – began with Count Pietro-Terzo. He was a good, personal friend of mine, and he brought me news of matters in Waderav, representing my interests there,” King Hamza Bazavador said.

  “Your Majesty, how is it that I am worthy to marry Duchess Sarita?” Count Terzo asked.

  “By my trust in your ancestors, and your ownership of that land,” King Hamza Bazavador said.

  “Your Majesty, Stafford has witnessed something that might be of interest to you,” Duchess Sarita said.

  “What would that be?” King Hamza Bazavador asked.

  “Your Majesty, a lord known as Baron Thurston, located in a territory near to that of Count Terzo, has acted as an adversary, igniting a fire that has torn through adjacent farm lands. This Chronicler and I were witnesses to that and other atrocities. The territory of Count Terzo was affected by the blaze, which was burning even as we left the western coast of Waderav to come here,” Stafford said.

  “You said there were other atrocities committed by Baron Thurston? What were theses?” King Hamza Bazavador asked.

  “Your Majesty, this Chronicler and I watched as Baron Thurston murdered peasant women as part of a game, killing them according to a draw of cards from a deck,” Stafford said.

  “While I am horrified, I am – sadly – not surprised. Waderav is a land of murder and madness, slavery and atrocity, greed and ruin. It is a land of warriors without good cause. Their economic failings arise from their moral destitution. These are nobles without nobility whose hearts beat without the Law of God written upon them. The Nabavodel Ocean borders that continent, giving exceptional physical strength to those who are exceptionally morally weak. This is how it has always been, I must assure you. This Baron Thurston is not the first madman, nor is he the only fiend alive today. A great many men and women with moral hearts and who drink other ocean waters that do not give strength for warfare, are encouraged to lead lives of violence. This is because they must fight fiercely to survive, lest they be enslaved or murdered. Some even become like the twisted nobles they resist, their hearts having hardened through extensive struggles. This is what I intend to change,” King Hamza Bazavador said.

  “How can you change so much evil, Your Majesty?” Duchess Sarita asked.

  “Your arranged marriage to Count Terzo is just the beginning. Up until now, you have partaken only of the Dead Waters Ocean, as per my command, until I was able to determine the proper way for you to serve. Now, you will drink the waters of the Ursegan Ocean, so that you will live for ages. By your marriage, you will produce a legitimate heir, who will inherit what remains of his territory. The heir will be raised here, so as to avoid succumbing to the dangerous influence of that corrupt region. Other nobles in Waderav also occupy land that belongs to this throne, and will likewise be arranged to marry and produce offspring, to be raised here under my supervision. When the children are trained properly and of sufficient age, and have demonstrated good character, they will return to Waderav and assume their thrones, ruling justly and exerting a positive influence, replacing the corruption and violence. Each of these heirs will drink the Ursegan waters, as will their mothers, to ensure longevity of their benevolent lordship and the nurturing maternal influence,” King Hamza Bazavador said.

  Gisella recorded all of this into her book. She was forbidden to pass judgment – or to express it, anyway – but she considered the king’s idea to be naïve. Virtue was not hereditary, and good parents along with good upbringing in a good environment could still produce a corrupt and selfish child: there were no guarantees.

  “What of the damage to the land, Your Majesty? Many territories around Baron Thurston will have been ruined by the fire he started? What will the children inherit?” Duchess Sarita asked.

  And that was the other problem that made Gisella doubt the king’s plan – fires can spread quickly, and she watched it. Fire meant crop failure, which meant poverty, which exerted even more pressure to steal and kill, especially when peasant workers couldn’t pay taxes to their lords.

  “The damaged land will be restored – with hard work, over time, and with investment by the wealth of this throne,” King Hamza Bazavador said.

  And that was yet another problem that made Gisella doubt the king’s plan – too much hard work over too long a time made people weary and resentful. That became a strong motivation for theft and corruption, even outright conflict. Some people accepted it, of course, but others didn’t accept the endless heavy labors, or couldn’t accept it, and died of heart failure. She had seen enough – this king was a good hearted man, but his plan was too idealistic to inspire any confidence.

  “Your Majesty, when are we to be wed?” Duchess Sarita asked.

  “Duchess Sarita, do you acknowledge my majesty and authority and the enduring power of this throne?” King Hamza Bazavador asked.

  “Yes, Your Majesty,” Duchess Sarita said.

  “Count Terzo, do you acknowledge my majesty and authority and the enduring power of this throne?” King Hamza Bazavador asked.

  “Yes, Your Majesty,” Count Terzo said.

  “Then I declare, by my authority, that you are married this very moment,” King Hamza Bazavador said.

  “Thank you, Your Majesty,” Count Terzo said.

  “Thank you, Your Majesty,” Duchess Sarita said.

  “Now, you are to retire to your quarters within this castle and consummate your marriage. Take these others back to whence they came,” King Hamza Bazavador said.

  Gisella recorded all of this into her book, glad that the king at least got to the interesting part that might actually be a success…maybe. Marriages often failed while staying together, regardless of how successful or enjoyable that the physical part was.

  Captain Duvall escorted Duchess Sarita, Count Terzo and Stafford out of the throne room. Gisella followed them, although she had the authority to remain if she wished, under the Chronicler’s Oath.

  “I should be leaving to return to Waderav now,” Stafford said.

  “I am going to return to Emeth,” Gisella said.

  “Captain Lusala will take you,” Captain Duvall said. He led Gisella and Stafford to the castle’s exit. From there, they were escorted by guards to the coast where the Sky Lion was anchored.

  One of the guards led them onto the ship and said: “His Majesty, King Hamza Bazavador, orders the return of these to the place from which they came.” The guard then left.

  Captain Lusala asked them: “Where do you need to go?”

  “I need to return to Emeth,” Gisella said.

  “I would like to go back to Oxatrissa, in northwestern Waderav,” Stafford said.

  “Do you need immediate transport, Chronicler? Your request will take priority if you say yes,” Captain Lusala asked.

  “Yes, please,” Gisella said.

  “Uzoma, chart a course to Eme
th,” Captain Lusala said.

  Uzoma drank anew of the waters of the Atrejan Ocean from his vial and was energized. He listened to the sounds of the stars and learned their positions and movements. From this information, he charted a course heading northwest across the Ursegan Ocean toward Emeth. He then sailed the Sky Lion accordingly.


  Skylla saw the raging fire and thought nothing of it – she had no fear. Instead, she drank anew of the waters of the Trerada Ocean from her vial, becoming energized. She walked past the flames, and even as they touched her, their blazing heat did her no harm. Her clothes were soaking wet from bathing in a lake when she saw the fire from a distance, so they didn’t catch fire.

  Peasants and soldiers were hard at work, working as a bucket brigade to put out the fire. Heads turned to notice her, and she saw the all-too-familiar glimmer of lust in those eyes, as they scanned her attractive form and facial features. The Trerada waters made her all too desirable, yet she saw no advantage in having relations with any of these ordinary people.

  Fully protected, Skylla crossed a field, then walked over a bridge and approached a castle, which the flames had not yet reached. An armed guard stood at the castle entrance and she looked at him and said ‘yes’ with her eyes. The wet clothing accentuated her form, arousing the man. She began to kiss him and to run her hands along his cheeks, drawing him closer and closer. She pushed on him, gently, so that he backed into the castle gate, which was left open. She pushed him further, finding no resistance. Inside, she gestured to him to pull away his armor, and he obliged. She kissed what was revealed, and so the guard revealed even more. She looked around for other guards, but saw none, wondering if they were part of the bucket brigade.

  When the guard was ready, she had her way with him, satisfying both her lust and his, bringing the eager man to a rapid climax, relaxing him completely when it was achieved. She then kissed the guard on his eyelids, and he closed his eyes anticipating more pleasures. Skylla then drew a dagger and slit his throat – it was an unfortunate necessity to dispatch such a healthy and fulfilling young man, but he represented too great a risk to her later. She dragged the guard’s lifeless body into a side room, and began to explore the castle, looking for its treasure room.


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