Book Read Free

Bookish Princess

Page 9

by C Lesbirel

  All at once, it doesn’t matter that I’ve betrayed her trust or shared so little of who I am. She’s my best friend, and friends forgive quickly and laugh easily.

  My heart feels like it could burst into confetti. I’m so relieved my secret is out in the world and she stood by me, regardless. Thank goodness I had the balls to stick around and tell her face to face.

  She reaches forward, grabbing my collection of poems, and lies back down. “Well, go on then.”

  “Go on, what?”

  She pushes me off the bed in response. “Get unpacking. We’ve got a Glass Ball to prepare for. You didn’t think I’d just let you go, did you?”

  “Harlow, I can’t go to the ball now. Everyone is going to be all over this. They’re going to have questions… I don’t want to be mobbed every time I go anywhere on campus.”

  “You can’t just up and leave. This is the good part now. You deserve your happy ever after, Bella. God, it feels weird calling you that.”

  “It sounds strange hearing you say it,” I admit.

  “If you run now, it kind of makes the whole thing pointless because you’re making this huge statement and then just quitting. Like, you were too chicken to see it through. The thing is, you’ve come too far to just quit now. This was your core assignment, that’s a shit ton of work and there’s only a few more standing between you and graduation. You should stay, hold your head up high, and prove you can come here and graduate with barely any education before doing so, then anyone can come here.”

  “That’s exactly what CamU wants to avoid. They don’t just want ‘anyone’ coming here.

  “And that’s exactly why you should stay,” she reasons.

  “Point taken.”

  “As in, you’re staying?”

  “Well, we do have a ball to prepare for.” I sigh, dramatically like it’s the greatest inconvenience on the planet.

  “Oh, yes we do… and you have a man to win back,” she adds, flippantly.

  “That part might not be so easy,” I reply. A sinking feeling pools in my stomach at the mention of my fiancé. Ex-fiancé? Hunter hasn’t returned my calls since I saw him in the hospital. I have a horrible feeling he might be seriously done with me this time.

  “Hello. Have you seen yourself lately? Reality check, Hunter or any other guy with an ounce of common sense, would die for a girl like you so get to planning. We’ll get your man back, you’ll see.”

  “Did I tell you lately, how much I love you?”

  “Stop being all mushy and shh! I’m reading.”

  At the sight of her snuggling back down with my assignment in her hands, I smile and cringe all at the same time. It’s almost seven which means it will soon be in the hands of Mr. Mculloch and everyone else at CamU.

  Being here when people find out about me is overwhelming, so I do what I’ve always done in times of crisis and reach for a paperback, ready to drown my emotions between the pages of someone else’s so they become more bearable.

  Like a strong tequila, all shots of reality need a heavy chaser to follow. Fiction is my lemon.

  Chapter Fourteen


  It’s been almost a week since I last saw Bella and I’m more than distracted by thoughts of her. The TV is on, but I’m not watching it. I’m too busy wallowing in my own self-pity to focus on anything that’s happening around me. A familiar voice intercepts my thoughts, and I tune my attention on her soft laugh, ringing in my ears.

  Great. I’m missing her so much, I’m fucking delusional.

  Or not.

  My eyes fixate on the screen as my girl talks to the interviewing presenter of Five Live and for a minute I think they might pop out of my face and roll over to the TV, to get closer to her.

  “Be quiet,” I yell at my brothers and sisters.

  “Quit yellin’,” my mom scolds me.

  I need to man up and get back to my own place. Staying here will straight up be the death of me, or my sanity, at least.

  “Shhh! It’s Bella.”

  Everyone’s eyes move to the petite brunette with the pretty smile and wide eyes on the screen. She isn’t dressed in her usual designer attire and looks like a fucking goddess in bleached skinny jeans and a casual yellow T-Shirt. Her hair is loose, just the way I love it.

  Like it.

  Oh, fuck it… love it.

  I want to dive into the screen and pull her away from the news reporter, who incidentally has his arm wrapped around her. He is too old for her, but he looks at her in a way any red-blooded man would and it makes me want to rip his throat out.

  Cranking up the sound, I listen to the rest of the interview in a complete trance.

  “So, now your secret is out, is there anything you’d like to say to other girls in your position?”

  “I would just say dream bigger than your wildest dream. Work hard and don’t take no for an answer.” She shrugs, still smiling her beautiful smile.

  It knocks me off guard. I’m not used to seeing her like this. Happy. Relaxed. She hasn’t looked this free since she was a teenager walking along the brook at the back of her house.

  People on campus gather around to watch the interview like she is some goddamn hero. Then she uses her name and the penny drops.

  He isn’t talking to Imogen Thomas; he’s interviewing Bella. My fucking Bella. She must have told everyone who she was. This is huge.

  How hadn’t I known about this?

  Because I’m too busy being depressed to check in with my future wife.

  I’d blown my chances completely back at the hospital, then spent every second since calling myself an asshole for doing so.

  I know I need more than just a shitty apology to win her back. She’ll never go for that.

  Whatever I do, it needs to be big.

  “And what about after you finish up your studies, what have you got planned for after graduation, Miss Buckland?”

  “I’ll be continuing to write more poems, and I can’t say much, but I’ve been contacted by a major entertainment company who wants to turn my story into a screenplay. Oh, and I’ll be getting married.”

  “Married? Wow.” The presenter jumps back, taking his arm off Bella like he just found out he’s allergic to her.

  That’s right, pussy, back the fuck off.

  “May I ask who the lucky guy is?”

  “He’s the future world heavyweight champion, Hunter Ryan. He’s the best boxer in America, and he’s coming for your title, Theo Milarani. So, if you’re watching this, be ready.”

  “Ohhhh,” my little brother calls out, cupping his hands around his mouth; so the sound echoes around the living room.

  My hands tremble at the reality of what just happened sinks in.

  She stares back at the camera, telling the entire world she wants to marry me. Not only that, but also warning Theo that I’m coming for his title.

  Fucking hell! He isn’t going to like his title being threatened by some chick, especially a gypsy girl. There’s only one way he’ll want to resolve this and Bella knows it. She knows exactly what she’s doing, and I fucking love her for it.

  I don’t give two shits about the fight or my leg that seems to be taking forever to heal, probably because I’ve done nothing to speed up the process.

  All I care about is marrying the girl I’ve loved my entire lifetime. I need to look into those dark eyes that taint every minute of my sleep until I dream only of her. The ones I’ve tried to draw a million times, only to scrunch up the page because no amount of talent captures the way they sparkle. I need to look straight into them and tell her exactly why I want to marry her. Not because of some duty or honor. But, because she is the woman who has had my heart since I very first laid eyes on her.

  Except for my parents, I ain’t never said those three little words to no one, and now, it’s like holding them in is physically painful. I want to scream it from the rooftops of that dumbass university she goes to and whisper them to her in private all at once.

p; Like she’s reading my mind—it wouldn’t surprise me if she does exactly that— Mom warns me, “Not tonight, Hunter. Let the girl have her ball. Don’t make this about you.”

  “Tonight is the Glass Ball?” A plan forms as I smirk to myself.

  “Yeah,” my mom confirms. “I’ve been with Bella’s mom for most of the day. She doesn’t exactly approve of the whole education thing, but she’s pleased Bella’s been able to be herself. She hated all those lies.”

  “I need to get myself home and get changed.”

  “Hunter, can you please hang on a second? Her mom says Bella’s biological dad is back on the scene, trying to make up for being such a waste of space all this time. I’m not sure how Bella’s taking it, but I’m pretty sure she doesn’t need another drama with you, especially not tonight.”

  “Do I seem like the type of guy who causes drama to you?”

  “Just tell me what you’ve got planned. Wait a minute and we can talk things through. I don’t like it when you go off like this.”

  “Love you, Mom.” I pacify her with a simple peck on the cheek.

  As I hobble past her and into my truck, she shouts after me, “Be careful!”

  In the euphoria of seeing Bella on TV, I forgot how excruciatingly painful my leg is, and I yelp like a fox that just got caught in a snare when I press down on the accelerator. I’m afraid if I breathe and let the sensation register, I’ll fall apart with the agony.

  Even with my shitty leg, I can take down the little fucker who did this, but I have something a lot more fun in mind. You didn’t think I’d let him get away with it, did you? Nope. I was simply biding my time for the right revenge, and this plan is basically writing itself.

  It’s all too perfect and a few phone calls later, the wheels are well and truly in motion. One call to Mom to check what time the ball starts, one to Pete to enlist his help and one to Romeo. “Hey, it’s me. Do you still have that Facebook account up and running?”

  “Yeah,” he replies, knowing exactly which one I mean.

  “Good. It’s time to show this dickhead that you don’t fuck with us Pavee’s. Are you in?”

  “Is the Pope a Catholic?”

  “Okay, good. I’ll pick you up in around twenty minutes. Message Addy as Bella and tell him to meet her on the beach before the ball. Say you need to see him in private because you’ve got something important to tell him and it can only be said face to face. My stomach clenches at the thought of that slimeball reading the message and thinkin’ he still stands a chance with my girl.

  “Consider it done. I’ll see you when you get here but remember, I won’t be much good in a fight.”

  “Who said anything about a fight? Not all battles are won with fists, Romeo. I’ll see you, shortly.”

  I adjust my cuffs and flip my shoulders forward to stretch out the back of my jacket. Grabbing the folded piece of paper, I slid it into my jacket pocket and head outside to my truck.

  “You sure you’re up for this?” Pete asks when I pull up at his place a few minutes later and carefully step out of my truck.

  I side-eye him to avoid his unnecessary question, and he scoffs. “You scrub up well, H.”

  “It’s a big night,” I point out, popping my shoulders. “You okay to drive?”

  “Of course.” He jumps into the driver seat and I take the seat next to him.

  We head to Bella’s parents place to pick up Romeo. He’s already waiting outside when we get here, his expression deadpan but his eyes alive with a wicked glint that probably matches my own. We’d never been particularly close, but making sure Addy knows his place in the world is something we both have in common.

  None of us say much on the drive, the mood sombre and anticipation building. I half expect the beach to be empty when we pull up but the more astute part of me should have known he’d be here. Of course, he fuckin’ would.

  Pete glances across to me. “Remind me why we ain’t rippin’ his head off again?”

  “Easy, old man. Wasn’t it you who once told me violence is never the answer?”

  “Don’t mean it wouldn’t feel good, though,” he sighs before I step outside and swiftly cross the few yards of sand between my truck and where Addy is standing, expecting my girl to show up.

  My eyes are locked on his confused expression as I move toward him. “Hunter.” I hear him murmur, staring back at me; bug-eyed as the penny drops.

  “I’d say it’s great to see you again, except you’re still you, and I still have a leg with a gash in it, so…” Before he can respond, I kick him hard in the kneecap; wincing at the pain of holding my weight on my injured leg. He yells out and his legs give way just as I expect them to, giving me a chance to grab his arms and march him toward my truck.

  “What are you doing?” He cries out but there’s no one around to hear him. The bright lights of CamU are in the distance and we both know that by now, the ball will have started.

  He’s struggling like a bitch but even with a bad leg we both know I’m ten times stronger than he is. That’s why he had to bring his little chums along the first time he confronted me. Why he felt the need to stab me instead of fighting me like a real man. “We’re going for a little spin, that’s all. I thought we could have a chat. You know, man to man.”

  “Where the fuck is Bella?”

  “That’s none of your concern, Addy. Get her name out of your head. Erase it from your vocabulary because I swear to god, if I hear you say it again; it will be the last thing you do.”

  I toss him inside the back of my truck cab, and he falls against Bella’s brother. “Romeo, this is Addy. I believe you are already acquainted?”

  “What are you going to do to me? They’ll come looking for me, you know. My names down on the guest list for the ball, if I don’t get there soon, everyone will come looking for me.”

  “See, I like that. I like that you have such a high opinion of yourself, Addy. I can see that Bella would admire that in you. But, would she feel the same if she found out you’re actually a dirty little scumbag shuffling cocaine on campus and using her to try and get in with her dad? I don’t think the nude selfies you were planning to blackmail her with help your cause either. What do you think, Romeo?”

  Her brother’s face is black with rage upon hearing about the nudes. He draws back a fist ready to slam it straight into Addy’s head but I move quicker, catching it to stop him as Addy ducks out of the way and starts rattling at the door. What is he going to do? Throw himself out when we are cruising at eighty miles per hour along the freeway?

  “What do you want?” he barks at me.

  “An apology.”

  “Look I shouldn’t have done what I did… I get it went too far with the knife…” His voice is shaky as he glances around, frantically weighing up his exit route.

  “Not me.” I pull my phone out, holding it up and pointing the camera directly at him. “Bella,” I explain.

  “You apologize to Bella. You tell her you ain’t never gonna so much as think about that photo or her again, and then you look straight into this camera right here and apologize for being a waste of space cokehead.”

  He shakes his head.

  “You do that, and you might just get home tonight.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  “You really don’t know who you’re dealing with, do you?” I ask, shaking my head. “I’m a gypsy, you dickhead. You want me to lay it all out on the line for you like one of your prissy little friends would? Cause, I can do that if you want me to but I’m thinkin’ you don’t because if you knew what I am capable of doing to you and getting away with, you wouldn’t be so cock sure of yourself as you’re pretending to be; right now.”

  “Do your worst,” he snarls, narrowing his eyes at me.

  “Pull over, Pete,” I demand before turning my attention back to the little pussy now cowering in between us in the backseat with a face the same color as his crisp white shirt.

  Pete brakes and just as expected, Grilled Cheese
realizes I am not fuckin’ around here. He tows the line or gets what’s coming to him. Simple as that.

  “Okay!” he yells. “But you gotta let me go. If I say what you want, will you give me your word that you’ll let me outta the car.”

  “You know, I’m not usually the negotiating type, but seeing as you asked so nicely, I’ll give you my word.”

  He squirms all the way through it, but I get the footage I need to make sure he doesn’t so much as breathe Bella’s name again. The video is enough to ruin his reputation and any decent career in football, and he knows it.

  “Nicely done. Now take off your pants.” I nod to Romeo who grins, knowing exactly what I’m about to do. It was one of the oldest gypsy pranks in the book. We’d probably played it on each other as kids without even remembering it because it happened so often.


  “You heard me. Take your pants off or Romeo here, will remove them for you.” Romeo leans across and starts pulling on Addy’s suit trousers and it’s enough to cause him to cower into me. He has no idea that Romeo can’t beat him up the way he wants to because his legs don’t work.

  Fingers trembling, Addy wriggles out of his pants and looks so scared I think he might actually shit himself.

  “Now the boxers.”

  “No fucking way. What are you, some kind of pervert?”

  “Oh sorry, you’re not into this? I thought you liked takin’ naked selfies?” Before he can answer, I tear off his boxer shorts in one swift movement.

  “Say cheese, lover boy.” Grilled fucking Cheese, I think to myself and can’t help but laugh out loud at the sight of him grappling for his torn boxer shorts to try and cover himself. He’s lucky I didn’t throw them out of the window.

  “I think that was the shot, right there. Great job. Now, go anywhere near Bella again and you’ll get to see the final image because Romeo here will spread it across every social media platform and make sure it goes viral. Understood?”

  “You’re fucking crazy, both of you. Please, you’ve made your point; just let me go.”


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