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Atticus And The Orb Of Time

Page 11

by M K Drake

  “What kind of sightings?”

  “Beasts, Atticus, demons,” says the Professor, “Small pockets of portals have opened up across the country, and some lower demons have been left behind,” the professor spots a look of fear encroaching onto Atticus’ face, “But don’t worry, you’ll be perfectly safe, you’re just coming along to watch the team in action. It will be a good training exercise for them and for you; it is doubtful that we will encounter anything too dangerous.”

  Atticus gulps, “Erm, ok, then,” part of Atticus is terrified, but other parts are strangely excited about this mission. He wants answers − his entire life he has had questions about belonging, he never felt that the truth about himself was ever told to him. This new turn of events excites him, but there is another reason for his excitement aside from the fact he will finally start learning about his abilities. The best thing, he muses to himself, is that he gets to spend some more time with Joyce.

  “Professor?” says Atticus tentatively, wondering if he should reveal one of his new skills, “There is one thing I already appear to be able to do, and that is… well… I can see things in rooms when I am not there. I just need to think about the place, and I’m there, or I see it through another’s eyes.”

  The Professor looks at Atticus up and down, “That is the gift of insight, dear boy, but be careful when you use it. If your presence is detected, your mind can be trapped there; your very thoughts may even be wiped completely from your memory. It is a dark road you will travel if you abuse that power.”

  The Professor gathers some folders from his desk and beckons Atticus to follow him, “We must hurry now, they are waiting for us.”

  Atticus follows Professor Morgan out of his office, down the corridor, and in the general direction of Professors Sprocking’s chamber, the one he remembers waking up in after touching the Gooyeh Partaab.

  Professor Morgan taps Atticus on the shoulder, “Remember, Atticus, what you are about to see, whatever you hear, it must be kept secret. Our world is very different than anything you have experienced before. It is a world not only of Magic, and wondrous things, but also one of real danger. Those that know not of our ways, or indeed the dangers, risk their very lives to even consider entering it.”

  They continue down several corridors, until they reach a pair of massive doors. Professor Morgan checks behind him, to ensure that no one has followed.

  He looks at Atticus, “Remember this password Atticus.”

  Atticus nods as the Professor returns his focus to the large doors.

  The Professor moves his head closer to the doors, “Farasi Bakhwar,” he whispers.

  Atticus recognises the words from when he experienced Professor Sprocking using them. He watches as the doors open slowly to a pitch-black corridor, which they enter as the doors slowly close behind them. As the doors meet, the corridor illuminates. Compared to the rest of the Manor, this corridor is lavishly decorated, with giant marble statues, and row upon row of paintings of what Atticus can only think to be Majjai of the past.

  They continue down the corridor until they come to another pair of huge doors. No password is needed this time, they open by themselves as the two approach.

  Atticus is in awe at what he sees. Hundreds of students fill the massive chamber he and the Professor enter. They are all facing a stage, but as soon as they hear the doors, they turn to look. Atticus can hear the whispers ringing around every seat.

  “It’s him!”

  “It’s the chosen one!”

  “Atticus is the chosen one, that’s what they’re saying!”

  “Look, look, he’s here!”

  Atticus moves forward. With each step, someone starts to clap, until the entire chamber erupts. Atticus remains awestruck, he feels proud, but also nervous. The thought of so many people relying on him to be this ‘chosen one’ makes him anxious.

  Professor Morgan indicates to Atticus to continue without him “It’s time to unify the Majjai Six, Atticus; they’ll show you what to do next,” he says, pointing to the stage.

  At the front he spots Olof, Khan, Joyce and two others he assumes to be Safaya and Ju Long. He walks towards them, the crowd still cheering, almost as if a hero has returned home.

  Atticus gazes towards the five before him. Differing in height, shape, colour, and emotiveness. All five stare back before finally Khan speaks.

  “Welcome Atticus, it is time to begin your training.”

  Chapter 11

  Alvarez – The Destructor

  Red lightning strikes the sky; the clouds erupt in flames of deep orange, scorching the horizon. Alvarez stands watch at his keep as someone knocks on the door to his chamber.

  “Enter,” says Alvarez.

  A Screamer enters the room, “I bring word from Lord Razakel; he wishes to see you.”

  “Tell our King I will be with him shortly,” replies Alvarez.

  The Screamer backs out of the room and slowly closes the door.

  Alvarez collects his cloak and adorns himself. He knows Razakel will want answers regarding the episode at Echo Forest. He secretly hopes for mercy, but knows his King well enough to realise that mercy is something Razakel does not understand.

  He walks slowly towards the Demon King’s chamber, as if expecting this to be his final walk.

  The corridors are very different than the cold, charred rock of the chambers and dungeons. The walls here are a mixture of biological and stone. The organic sections resemble bloody flesh, all moving, pulsating as if alive. The stones are almost like massive scabs on the surface. Chains litter the walls, piercing the flesh and binding it with the rock.

  Shrieks and wails fill the walkways, not allowing any chance of silent meditation or reflection.

  Alvarez finally reaches the King’s chamber. The doors tower above him, almost fifteen meters into the air. He knocks, the echo of each impact rumbles back and forth, surrounding not only the chamber it links to, but also the corridor behind him. The giant doors open slowly, creaking as they do so.

  “Come forth, Alvarez,” Razakel’s deep voice resonates throughout the throne room chamber. Alvarez walks towards his King. Even seated on his throne, he is still a threatening sight; his power can be sensed by all around him. Herensugue stands to the left of Razakel. The throne room is gigantic, with its imposing dome ceiling, the centre of which is so high that it is almost out of sight. Many small creatures are dancing around the chamber, scurrying here and there, doing tiny errands. Some appear to be cleaning. Others are just waiting for orders from slightly larger creatures.

  “You sent for me, my Lord?” Alvarez drops to one knee, and bows his head.

  Razakel turns menacingly towards Alvarez, “Explain to me what happened at Echo Forest. How could such a simple quest be a failure?”

  “One of the Screamers alerted the Majjai to our presence, my Lord,” Alvarez replies keeping his head facing towards the floor.

  “And what of the amulets?” asks Razakel.

  “The Majjai have them, but they know not what they are. I transformed their appearance before they took them. Even Elric will not be able to reverse this Magic,” replies Alvarez.

  Razakel leans further forward from his massive throne, “So, how do we get them back now?”

  Alavarez knows that a mission to try and infiltrate the Manor would result in annihilation for any who dare go, “The Manor is well protected, my Lord, a stealth operation would be the only way,” Alvarez cowers, “I recommend…”

  “ENOUGH!” roars Razakel, “You cower before me like a snivelling dog; is this how you faced the Majjai? What good is the power I have given you, if you are unable to complete a simple task such as this?”

  “Forgive me, my Lord. The portal was weakening, I had to return before it lost all power,” replies Alvarez, the pitch of his voice rising in a crescendo of fear.

  “Pathetic,” Razakel stands and walks towards Alvarez, “You will go to the Manor, and it will be you who will retrieve the remaining amulets. The on
es we have will soon lose their energy.”

  “As you wish my Lord,” whimpers Alvarez.

  “But, do not worry, I know the odds of returning are slim,” Razakel beckons to Herensugue, who promptly reaches behind the throne to retrieve a goblet, bubbling over with smoke pouring from it. Herensugue hands the goblet to Razakel, “Drink this,” says the Demon King menacingly.

  Alvarez piously takes the goblet, “What is it, my Lord?”

  “DO NOT QUESTION ME, IMP!” screams Razakel, the force of which makes the inhabitants of the chamber cower into their shadows, “You will do as I say, or suffer the consequences!”

  Alvarez remains silent, and drinks the contents of the goblet without pause. A strange reddish light appears out of his hands and quickly swirls around him, covering each and every area of his body. Alvarez screams in agony, his voice piercing the air. The red light grows into a massive cocoon like shape, forming a liquid lava shell, and finally solidifies into charred rock. The chamber goes silent.

  Razakel calmly returns to his throne. Herensugue approaches him as they leave the smoking, charred cocoon to its own devices.

  “Masssster, it will take time for the transsssformation to be complete,” Herensugue says, his seven heads all slithering and moving from side to side while speaking.

  “Yes, but we have time. Remember, get me the Runes of Zamaan. I believe the Behemoth armies has evolved enough for now,” Razakel’s voice resonates around the chamber. The Runes are soon brought to him. Razakel walks towards the cocoon and places the runes around it. Stepping back, he stares at the first rune, then points to it with his right index finger. A tiny jet of reddish-white flame shoots out, hitting the small stone.

  A cage of blue light surrounds the cocoon, each rune acting as the source of each bar of light forming a confine around Lord Alvarez’s new prison.

  “It is done,” says Razakel, “now we wait. Bring me the prisoner.”

  A pair of Screamers drag in a hooded lady. Weakened, she can barely stand. Her cloak and trousers are shredded, with cuts that still have not sealed leaking blood onto the floor. Her legs are limp, and merely follow where her torso is taken.

  “You are a watcher, yes?” asks Razakel.

  The weakened woman simply nods.

  “You were caught spying on my beasts at the northern portal, were you not?” says the Demon King menacingly.

  The woman coughs, her broken body shivers at the sound of Razakel’s voice.

  Razakel continues, “What did you report back to the Majjai?”

  The woman remains silent.

  Razakel is angered at the woman’s defiance, “SPEAK! Do not dare defy me, or your death will be welcomed by your very soul. The pain I will put you through will be so great that your body will beg to die.”

  The woman speaks faintly “Please. I can’t… just let me go. I have a son…”

  “You think I care? Very well,” Razakel signals to the Screamers, “Draconus has been wanting a new toy, he’ll enjoy a new rag doll. He likes to keep his toys fresh, so don’t worry, he won’t kill you… yet.”

  “F …f… four. I told them there were four demons, Screamers, and an Orc,” the woman groans in pain as her broken bones scrape against each other, “Now please, let me go.”

  “Take her to Draconus,” commands Razakel.

  “But, but… I told you,” whimpers the woman.

  “And you still live, that is my gift to you. Take her away,” says Razakel.

  The Screamers drag the woman away from the chamber, her protests, as weak as her body, falling on deaf ears. All that remains is the trail of blood still seeping from her wounds.

  “Perhapssss, sssshe could become ussseful my Lord?” hisses Herensugue.

  “In what way?” asks Razakel.

  “A witnesssss my Lord. A witnesssss of your power. What more to sssscare the remaining Majjai than a witnesssss of your power, let her ssssee the birth of the Dessstructor and take the messssage of their impending doom back to the Majjai.”

  “There is no need, Herensugue,” replies Razakel, “There is another Majjai here, in this realm. I sense his presence and his intentions.”

  “Where, Massster? Allow me to dessstroy his filth for daring to enter our domain,” Herensugue splutters and hisses, excited at the prospect of fresh human flesh to consume.

  “Calm, Herensugue. He is here for the runes. It will soon be time. Meanwhile, let’s prepare a surprise for our Majjai friends on their way to destroy these four demons,” Razakel says as he and Herensugue leave the throne room, followed by all manner of strange creatures. The throne room is left empty and the cocoon is now alone, with only the hum of the runes to keep it company.

  Chapter 12

  Enter − Mage Callan

  A lone figure skulks in the shadows of Razakel’s castle, robed and hooded. The hood is large enough to keep his face well-hidden.

  Two screamers emerge from a door on the side of the castle. The hooded figure steps back into the shadows to listen to their conversation.

  “I’m glad he was sleeping, that dragon is becoming a nuisance” The first Screamer adjusts its stance and continues onwards.

  The second Screamer follows, “I agree, but at least now he has something to chew on that doesn’t include us. The watcher woman will keep him pleased for a while.”

  “True, but we should have killed her,” says the first Screamer, “The Majjai rarely leave their own behind.”

  The hooded figure slowly slides along the edge of the wall, trying desperately to not make any sound. The walls are cold, uneven, and sharp. His hands follow every stipple, every crevice; his legs do the same, melting into the shadows.

  The screamers walk further away, and stand to guard the area leading to the door. The hooded figure nears the entrance, eager to reach the entrance. Just as he gets to it, another screamer exits. The hooded figure quickly grabs it and twists its neck until it breaks.

  The noise alerts the other two.

  “Who goes there?” demands one of the Screamers, snarling and snapping.

  Both of them approach the doorway and find the corpse of the third Screamer, “Show yourself!”

  The hooded figure steps out from the shadows, “You have a choice, my friends: run… or die?”

  The two Screamers charge at the hooded man, who mutters under his breath, “Die it is then.”

  The Screamers massive frames are almost upon him as he steps back and to the side. His movement is so fast that the Screamers smash into the wall with their momentum. Before they are able to recover, two quick flashes of blue light lash out into the darkness, and they both fall to the ground, dead.

  The hooded figure readjusts his cloak and enters the side door, unlocking it with a wave of his hand. Sticking to the shadows, he searches for the Watcher Woman he overheard the Screamers talking about.

  From within his cloak he takes out what looks like a compass with the inscription ‘Detector of Life’ which is written below another set of calligraphic symbols, similar to the ones on the note that was left with Atticus when he was found. The hooded figure speaks to the compass and a small blue arrow appears above it, guiding him towards the imprisoned Watcher Woman. He walks cautiously, knowing that not only is Draconus alive, but he also sleeps alongside his prisoner.

  The woman is in a cage, the hooded figure, swiftly but quietly heads towards it, his footsteps silent against the floor. Beyond, Draconus sleeps, unaware of what is going on around him.

  The woman whispers slowly, “Who are you?”

  “I’m a friend, shhhh, let me get you out of this cage; we must be quiet,” the hooded figure says with his face still hidden, pointing towards the sleeping dragon. Another wave of the hand and the lock clicks open; he opens the cage door very slowly, and beckons the woman to follow him quietly.

  “I can’t move,” she groans as she attempts to lift her leg.

  The hooded figure pulls a vial from within his cloak, “Here, drink this,” he says as he hands
it to the watcher.

  She takes a sip and is amazed as her wounds begin to heal enough for her to be able to walk.

  “Thank you,” she says gratifyingly.

  “You’re welcome; but now, we must hurry.”

  They reach the staircase of the dungeon and make their way to the top. The hooded man helps the woman climb each step, sensing her injuries are still grave, “What is your name?” the hooded figure asks the woman once they are out of earshot of Draconus.

  “My name is Serenity,” she whispers, “I’m a watcher. I observed these demons enter through a portal. I contacted the Majjai council, but before I could return to observe them I was struck from behind. The next thing I remember is waking up in their torture chamber,” Serenity bursts into tears, “I thought I was going to die.”

  The hooded figure consoles her, before remembering exactly where they are, “Shhh, you’ll alert the others. You will be safe once we get out of here. First, there is something I must do, but I need you to remain quiet and calm. Can you do that?”

  The woman nods, wiping her tears from her face. They make their way to the throne room very quietly, slowly checking each corridor before they continue. The hooded figure pulls out the compass again. This time it shows one blue arrow pointing towards Serenity, and several red arrows in various directions with varying lengths.

  Avoiding the guards and directions of the red arrows, the two soon reach the throne room. Its doors are wide open, almost inviting them inside.

  “This is way too easy,” says the hooded man after spying the runes he is after surrounding the cocoon.

  Approaching it he realises the size of the thing − it is much taller than himself, probably standing about three or four meters high. He pulls out a small black sack from his cloak, opens it and the Runes of Zamaan shoot into it, breaking the hum and releasing the bars of light encompassing the cocoon.

  He looks towards the woman, “Come, it is time we leave this place,” holding out his hand, the woman grabs it and they both head towards a nearby window. The hooded man is about to climb out of the window when a deep laugh rings around the chamber.


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