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Atticus And The Orb Of Time

Page 13

by M K Drake

  Elric was nice, I’m hoping for some more answers soon. Tomorrow should shed more light on what I’m supposed to be or do. I hope so, because right now I’m confused. One thing I really need to be sure about is that these Majjai guys are really the good guys; I only have the word of some old guy and a Professor who let me get electrocuted by this Gooyeh Partaab thingy. Professor Morgan is nice, though; I trust him, but I wish Mr Callan were around. I hadn’t seen him for a while, now I know why. I hope he heals quickly.

  Bradley is also on the warpath. I heard from Colin Hayes that he was looking for me earlier, and that he wasn’t happy when he couldn’t find me. I worry about him, he is always on my case, especially recently. His efforts to hunt me down have increased, and I have no idea why. Tomorrow will no doubt involve dodging him again.

  Atticus Jones

  Chapter 14

  The Other Prophecy

  Atticus arrives home a little earlier than usual. Sophia and Joseph are in the kitchen preparing tea.

  “You’re back early?” says Joseph.

  “Yeah, they let us leave quick today because one of the teachers was not well,” replies Atticus, desperately trying to make it sound as believable as possible.

  Joseph looks at Atticus as if scanning him up and down, “Hmmm, ok. Well, chop-chop. You can help with dinner.”

  Atticus runs upstairs to get changed. As with most school uniforms, Wysardian Manor’s is not exactly the most comfortable of attire, and all students relish the moment they arrive home to change into something much more casual.

  The upper year students do not need to wear the entire uniform, and many are thankful it is only the robe they have to wear, with their choice of respectable clothing underneath.

  Atticus tidily folds his uniform away and reaches for a pair of stonewashed jeans and a t-shirt.

  After changing, he sits on his bed and stares at his dressing table. Trying to practice his powers he concentrates on a bottle of his favourite aftershave. Using his mind he wills it to move.

  Nothing happens.

  He concentrates again, breathing slowly. He repeats the word ‘move’ to himself repeatedly as the bottle begins to vibrate, rattling against the dressing table. Atticus thinks ‘left’ to himself, the bottle obeys and shifts to the left slightly. He then thinks ‘up’, the bottle begins to hover in mid air, rising higher.

  “Atticus!” Sophia calls from downstairs, “Dinner is ready!”

  Startled Atticus loses concentration and the bottle begins to fall. He moves quickly to catch it, “Hmm, best use Dad’s cheap aftershave for practice next time,” Atticus then grabs the note that Professor Morgan gave to him and heads downstairs to the dining room.

  Atticus helps his mum lay the table as his dad brings out a casserole from the oven. The smell fills the room with a glorious aroma of warmth − carrots, parsnips and gravy exciting the senses. Atticus can’t wait to eat.

  “Lamb casserole today, Atticus, hope you don’t mind? Thought I’d try something other than chicken steaks for once,” says Joseph.

  Atticus smiles and nods with his knife and fork at the ready to devour the contents of the casserole dish. He only just realises how hungry he is; the day’s activities have drained more out of him than he realised.

  Sophia walks round the table and ruffles Atticus’ hair, “You look hungry. Busy day at school?” she asks.

  “Yeah, uhm… new classes today.”

  “New classes?” asks Joseph

  “Yeah, fencing, and uhm, wildlife,” replies Atticus.

  Joseph looks at him with a raised eyebrow. Atticus senses Joseph’s scan mode enabling itself again, so quickly finds the note and hands it to him.

  “Professor Morgan gave me this for you to read. There is a field trip tomorrow, and I might be back a little late,” he says, hoping he is convincing enough to fool his dad. Joseph has a way of knowing when Atticus is lying.

  Joseph reads the note.

  This note is to request permission to allow Atticus Jones to attend a Biology wildlife observation field trip on the 14th of September. We aim to return by 9.30 p.m., and request that you pick up Atticus from the school gates. If pick up is not possible, transport can be arranged. Please sign on the dotted line below. If for whatever reason the trip finishes later than planned, we will inform you as soon as possible by phone. Please leave a contact number below if you wish it to be different to the one we have on file.


  Professor Benjamin Morgan

  “Hmm, since when have you been interested in Biology and wildlife?” asks Joseph.

  “Come now, JJ, I have a feeling that girl, Joyce, takes the same class,” says Sophia quickly, winking at Atticus at the same time.

  Atticus turns bright red. Joseph looks at Atticus again and chuckles, “So, found a girlfriend have we, Atticus?”

  Atticus responds with the standard, “She is just a friend,” answer, followed by, “I like animals, so thought it would be interesting.”

  “Well, while you are out observing wild animals, your mother has enrolled herself in a ruddy ballroom dance competition, and dragged me into the proceedings, too, as her dance partner,” Joseph says, moving his gaze away from Atticus and towards Sophia.

  Atticus bursts out laughing, “But you can’t dance, Dad!” glad that the dancing revelation has distracted his father away from prying any further into the note.

  “I know that; they used to call me ‘Jiggle Legs Jones’ whenever I tried to dance at school,” Sophia and Atticus snort in unison.

  “Don’t worry sweetie, I’ll teach you,” says Sophia. Sophia’s parents sent her to ballet and modern dance classes while she was young, and she loves to dance. Joseph on the other hand dances as if he has two left feet and is unable to string more than three steps together before stumbling.

  “Only because you had those lessons from your mummy and daddy, I’m far too bulky to be prancing around a dance floor in tights,” Joseph retorts. He has always resisted any sort of dancing in the past, but realises that this time there is no way out and grumpily eats his meal with Atticus still chuckling away.

  # # #

  The night passes peacefully, Atticus wakes with the sound of timed footsteps coming from downstairs. He washes and dresses quickly, then heads down to investigate.

  “Ouch!” screams Sophia, “Please, wear your soft slippers until you get the hang of things!”

  Atticus pops his head round the door of the kitchen to find Sophia hopping on one foot, while rubbing the other with her hands. Joseph stands perplexed and his hair ruffled.

  “I did warn you dear, two left feet, you see, and rather large ones, too. Dad always said I was part seal with these flippers,” says Joseph jovially, trying to help balance Sophia as she hops.

  Sophia soon finds the nerve to trust her now flipper-damaged foot to have enough strength to support her body weight again and slowly returns it to the ground, “Slippers, now please!” pointing in the direction of the shoe rack in the hallway.

  Joseph heads towards the lobby, catching glimpse of Atticus peering around the door, “Morning son, good sleep?”

  Atticus rubs his eyes. Too lazy to take off his glasses, he lifts them slightly with his forefingers as he massages his outer eyelids, “Not bad, until the disco dancing woke me up.”

  “It’s not disco dancing thank you very much,” rebuts Sophia, “It’s ballroom dancing, and by the end of this week, I will teach your father how to do it somewhat properly,” she looks towards Joseph, “Got those slippers yet?”

  Joseph shrugs towards Atticus and leaves the kitchen.

  “Right, Atticus, sit down while I bring you some cereal.” Sophia indicates for Atticus to sit, which he duly does, “Walking with Joyce again this morning?”

  Atticus nods.

  “Are you all packed for your wildlife field trip today?” she asks as she pours milk over Atticus’ cereal.

  Atticus splurts, remembering that today he is supposed to go on the mission,
“Err, yeah. All ready − the school is supplying everything we need.”

  “Good good. You may need to ask them to drop you home as I’m taking your father to a professional teacher this evening. I don’t think my feet can take too much damage.”

  Atticus smiles and tucks into his cereal. The doorbell rings soon after, Joseph opens the front door to see a young girl, who just can’t help but stare at his rather large bunny rabbit slippers.

  “Hello Mr Jones, I’m Joyce. Is Atticus ready for school?” she asks, trying to stop herself from giggling at the sight of this tall, well-built man, who is wearing fluffy, pink bunny slippers.

  Joseph’s querying look disappears as he puts two and two together, working out that this is the girl that Sophia told him about, “Ahhhh, yes, he is just finishing breakfast. Please, come in.”

  Joyce follows him into the kitchen, still mesmerised by the footwear.

  Atticus almost chokes when he sees the slippers himself. Joseph sees him and finally realises what Joyce has been staring at, “Mum’s orders, only soft slippers I could find,” he says with a shrug.

  “My feet will be forever grateful sweetie,” says Sophia thankfully, now sitting massaging her damaged foot.

  Atticus finishes his breakfast and leaves with Joyce. Quite eager to get started and take on his first real assignment in this new world.


  The day passes relatively quickly. Lessons take place as normal; Professor Morgan is in a rather jovial mood. Even Professor Snugglebottom’s class is enjoyable, as it is a rare practical lesson.

  Atticus is also in good spirits. Looking forward to the evening’s events with every passing moment.

  Joyce and Atticus decide to head off school grounds for lunch, and head for a park close to Echo Forest. They sit on the swings and tuck into their packed lunches.

  “You ready for tonight, then?” asks Joyce

  Atticus nods his head, “I’m actually looking forward to it. Have you been on one of these before?”

  “A few times. It’s mainly Khan, Ju Long and Olof who go as they are the fighters, but I’ve taken a few demons out myself,” replies Joyce

  “How big are they?” asks Atticus.

  “Size is irrelevant, usually. But they can get very big; you’ve probably seen more in your visions than I have.”

  Atticus scuffs his feet on the gravel beneath the swings at each passing nadir of the arc. The park itself is quiet; most students opt to stay within school grounds during lunchtime, as they are large enough for them not to feel crowded. A few trees of varying types blot the landscape, and a small stream runs to the north, splitting the park, with small bridges providing links to the two halves. The day is warm, with an autumn breeze drifting through the blades of grass, whipping the scent of the ground into the air.

  The sun bears down unthreateningly, providing contours of shadows around the two adventurers as they swing and laugh.

  Atticus stops for a moment as he notices a figure in the distance watching them. Signalling to Joyce to divert her attention in the same direction they both stare at the person walking towards them.

  “Bradley?” questions Joyce quietly to Atticus.

  “No, too tall,” Atticus replies, trying to get a better look. His look of curiosity soon clears the way to allow a smile of realisation to appear, “Uncle Marcellus!” shouts Atticus.

  Joyce, looking confused, for she has yet to meet Marcellus, gazes at Atticus, “You know this man, then?”

  Atticus nods, “Family friend,” he says as he dismounts from the swing and walks towards Marcellus, with Joyce following close behind.

  “My dear boy, I thought it was you,” Marcellus comments as they approach him, “What are you doing out here during school hours?”

  “Lunch break; thought we’d take a break from school for a little while,” replies Atticus.

  “You should really stay within school grounds you know, the world isn’t as safe as it used to be. Come, I’ll walk you both back,” Marcellus says, with a tone that implies that this is not merely a request, but more of an order.

  Joyce and Atticus walk with Marcellus, “Your mother tells me you are going on a field trip this evening. Anywhere exciting?” he asks.

  “The school is taking us on a wildlife observation trip,” Joyce steps in quickly. Atticus gives Joyce a quiet, appreciative nod for coming up with that answer so quickly.

  “Ahhhh, you must be Joyce. Sophia and Joseph have told me about you, too,” says Marcellus, he looks at the both of them and smiles. Joyce blushes and nudges Atticus, “So, who is taking you on this field trip?” Marcellus continues.

  “Professor Morgan,” replies Atticus.

  “Professor Benjamin Morgan?” asks Marcellus.

  Atticus nods.

  “Good, I know of him. Good man.”

  Atticus and Joyce look at each other quizzically, wondering how Marcellus could know of Professor Morgan, but before they can ask the question they find themselves at the school gates.

  “This is where I must leave you both. Now, chop-chop, in you go,” says Marcellus, hurriedly ushering them through. He turns quickly as if eager to get away from school grounds. Atticus and Joyce make their way inside; lunchtime is still in full swing. The playgrounds are full with boys playing football, and groups of girls huddling together chatting about anything and everything.

  “Atticus! Joyce!” Safaya calls out from the crowd as she elegantly steps towards them, “I’ve been looking for you both everywhere. Where have you been?”

  Atticus and Joyce stare back, poker-faced, trying to offer a good reason as to why they went off school grounds in the first place.

  “Never mind, I’ve found you now,” Safaya continues, “We should get together and prepare for later. Elric has arranged for us to be excused from afternoon lessons.”

  Atticus and Joyce beam at the news; more so Atticus as this means he gets to dodge P.E. without any excuses. As they walk, Safaya stays quiet.

  Safaya is an incredibly beautiful young lady, regal as her stature suggests, and exotic. Her hair is long and straight, a deep auburn in colour, and extremely well-kept. She walks like a Princess, but not overbearingly so. She, more than anyone, is well aware of where she stands in the world today. As she leads Atticus and Joyce into the Majjai training rooms, she recalls how she ended up in this time, and reminisces back to her time in Persia.

  # # #

  She was to be married, forced to unify two kingdoms. Only her immediate family knew the power she holds within her. They tried to keep it a secret, but there was a betrayal. Her sister, jealous of Safaya for her beauty and powers, exposed her to the prince she was to marry. The prince, angry at this indiscretion, declared a war which raged for a year. Thousands on each side were slain, including Safaya’s father. Her sister, Princess Attossa, turned the kingdom against Safaya, blaming her for the death of the king. The war, now over, and won by Safaya’s brother, Prince Ismail, brought many hardships to the kingdom. Civil war threatened to break out every day, so Safaya could do only what she thought was right − to save her kingdom, she had to leave it.

  It worked. Peace was restored, and the kingdom prospered under the wise rule of the new King, King Ismail. The King kept secret contact with Safaya. He promised her that one day, when the time was right, he would welcome her back into the kingdom. Unaware of the contact the King had with Safaya, Princess Attossa organised a secret group of assassins to find and murder her sister. Unknown to both sisters though, was the fact that the King himself had already organised an elite faction of the royal imperial guard to secretly protect Princess Safaya, each marked by a secret tattoo on their back of an eagle’s head inside a pyramid.

  The assassination attempt failed, foiled by the Elite Imperial Guard. King Ismail sent Princess Safaya deeper into hiding, to the only place he knew would be safe… the future. He knew of a powerful sorcerer, one who was able to manipulate time.

  The King sought out a hermit known as Elric Griffin, re
putedly knowledgeable in the ways of the Majjai, to help find this sorcerer. The King, upon finding Elric, was astounded to discover that he had found a surviving member of the Majjai Six who fought against Razakel and saved this realm at the Battle Of Aria.

  The story of the battle had been told to generations of royal heirs. Tales of Razakel were routinely used as a deterrent to young children − the ancient version of the Bogey Man. The King, in awe of his discovery, requested the presence of Elric Griffin. Elric would only meet the King on his own terms, and one of those terms was for the King to bring Safaya to him.

  The King reluctantly agreed, and he and Safaya secretly met with Elric. Elric checked Safaya for the mark of the Majjai, and accepted the King’s request to seek out the sorcerer who could control time. Unknown to the King though, was that the sorcerer had left this time a long while ago, and entrusted the Orb to control time temporarily to Elric himself.

  Elric had been told by the creator of the Orb that a Princess would arrive one day, and that she would be the final person to travel through the time portal to a year which all the original members of the Majjai Six agreed would be the most likely time for Razakel to return. Elric had used the Orb once before, but Safaya was never told who was sent through before her. Only that she would be the last until the return of Razakel. Elric was then instructed to leave the Orb hidden for the creator of it to find at a time of his choosing.

  There was something else that was unknown to the new King. His father had sought out Elric many years earlier, after recognising the mark of the Majjai on his newborn daughter, for there was another prophecy, passed down from King to King. That there would come a time when a Princess would be born to protect this realm in order to rule another. This Princess would bear a mark, an ancient mark of rings around a ring… the mark of the Majjai. Due to his father’s untimely death during the war, this message was never passed on to King Ismail.


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