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Atticus And The Orb Of Time

Page 20

by M K Drake

  This new language was difficult to learn at first, but I feel I am now fluent enough to converse with the natives of this time. Elric certainly seems to think so and has allowed me to leave school grounds many a time now. Khan is always around to make sure I’m ok as well, which is sweet. But I wish he would take more interest; our traditions are so similar, and I feel closer to him than anyone else, even Joyce. Yet he remains almost painfully distant. I sense a battle within him, one he fights alone. I’m sure my brother would have approved of Khan, they are much alike.

  Attossa plays on my dreams. What did my brother mean when he said there is more to her? I guess I will find out in time, but right now, I’m just glad she is dead. She never loved anything but greed and power, and she tried to murder me. Oh, Ismail, I miss your guidance and your protection. Why did you have to leave me?

  I also wonder more about this ‘third realm.’ We know of the demon realm and our own, but I have yet to find any more information about this prophecy I myself am supposed to fulfil. The dangers here are very real − Leviathan was a frightening experience, and then there are the demons we have to contend with. What dangers would a third realm bring?

  I have reservations about this Atticus. His focus is not on what it should be, he merely chases Joyce wherever she goes. I hope the reality of what we are truly up against does not shock him; if the legend is true, he will truly be powerful.

  My studies have also taught me about something else: white Magic. The Majjai use blue Magic and demons use red, but there is a fabled white Magic, which is most powerful. I found out about it in some obscure scrolls while researching Kazmagus. Some say he discovered this element of Magic, but never perfected it. Elric was quite interested in this and has tried to learn more, but even he has hit something of a wall. It seems much of this knowledge is held in the Tomb of Kazmagus, and this has never been found.

  I should sleep now; I am having breakfast with Khan in the morning, so need to be awake early. Everybody is excited about the Battle of Aria, but I have heard this story from my father and brother, so know much of what to expect. I wonder if there will be any surprises in Elric’s telling of it?

  Princess Safaya

  Chapter 19


  Three months have now passed by since the revelations of the battle of Aria. The students at Wysardian Manor are enjoying a well-earned rest from studies. Some however, have nowhere to go and remain within the confines of the Manor walls.

  The Manor is encased in white snow, with the sun doing its best to try to melt everything away.

  Atticus and Joyce have just completed a training session and are on their way to Elric’s chamber when they spot Khan in the distance, racing ahead of them. They quietly follow him to Elric’s chamber.

  “You cannot send her alone on this quest. You know I am unable to leave her side,” says Khan, bursting into Elric’s chamber without waiting for an invitation to enter.

  Elric and Geoffrey are sitting at Elric’s desk, startled at Khan’s intrusion.

  “Khan, I know of your duties, but you cannot be there all of the time for her; you are needed elsewhere. Atticus and Joyce are still in training, they need your guidance. Olof and Ju Long will take good care of Safaya, there is nothing to worry about,” says Elric, as softly as possible, trying to calm Khan down.

  “What mission has she been sent on?” Khan asks forcefully.

  “They are trying to track down a traitor,” says Geoffrey

  “Traitor?” asks Khan.

  “Yes Khan, one we have been after for a long long time. The traitor who revealed Atticus’ location to Alvarez all those years ago,” says Elric.

  “He still lives?” asks Khan.

  “Apparently so. The watcher, Serenity, overheard the guards talking about a spy here. Someone linked to the Manor. Mage Callan has already gone to try to obtain more information from her,” says Elric.

  “And what about Safaya, what does she do?” asks Khan.

  “She and the others are merely watching the staff, making sure nothing is untoward about them. I have requested they deliver letters on my behalf as a ruse, to try and analyse if there is any great threat we have not seen,” answers Elric.

  Geoffrey gets up and walks towards Khan, “Is there something else?” he asks, sensing that Khan has other reasons behind his question.

  “No,” he replies.

  The door to the chamber creaks slightly. Atticus and Joyce realise they have been spotted and walk in, pretending they have not heard anything.

  “Ahhhh, Atticus, how are you, dear boy?” asks Elric.

  “Fine,” replies Atticus.

  “And how are your parents adjusting to the news?

  “It took them a few weeks. Mum kept messing with my hair, even more than usual, and Dad keeps asking me to teach him how to make fireballs. But, apart from that, they have been quite calm about it − almost as if they always knew.”

  “That’s good to hear. So, to what do we owe the pleasure of your company today? I thought we gave you two the day off?” says Geoffrey.

  “Nothing much, we just wanted to see if Khan wanted to hang out today?” says Joyce.

  “Hang… out? What does this mean?” asks Khan.

  “Come on, we’ll show you,” says Atticus.

  Khan looks towards Elric with a puzzled face. Elric gives him a little nod.

  “It’ll do you good, Khan. Go on, get out and get some fresh air.”

  Before Khan can answer, Joyce and Atticus are dragging him out of the room.

  “Wait!” shouts Khan, worryingly, “This doesn’t actually involve hanging does it?”

  Atticus and Joyce giggle as they drag Khan out.

  # # #

  Mage Callan reluctantly sits for a bowl of soup. Serenity is still so grateful for him saving her life that she took extra special care with his meal.

  “I’m so glad you came today. I never had the chance to thank you properly since you saved me,” says Serenity.

  “It was my pleasure. How is your son? Joshua is his name, right?” replies Mage Callan.

  “Good memory,” says Serenity with a little smile, “Ever since his father passed away, I have been all he has had. The rest of the family don’t particularly agree with our ways.”

  “The ways of the Majjai, you mean?” asks Mage Callan.

  “Yes,” replies Serenity.

  “I know how you feel. I haven’t spoken to my brother in 15 years. My parents forbade my presence at their funerals. They never understood. Called the Majjai ways ‘evil,’ when what we were doing was fighting evil,” says Mage Callan, “Anyway, enough about me, I’m here to clarify what you heard from the guards.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want any soup first? It’s homemade chicken soup, with tender, roast chicken pieces,” says Serenity, trying to waft the aroma towards Mage Callan.

  Mage Callan tries to resist, “No time, unfortunately. I need to report back to Elric as soon as possible.”

  “Why not use one of those fancy crystals? Heck, we even have a telephone, you know,” replies Serenity, teasing him, “Now, hush − just be quiet and keep me company. Then, and only then will I tell you what I heard.”

  Mage Callan looks towards Serenity; he can see a loneliness there that he is all too familiar with. The aroma of the soup, the warmth of the kitchen, and the attention of a beautiful lady are things he has been without for what seems a lifetime. This loneliness reasserted itself the day he saved her. The reason he jumped at this chance to question Serenity becomes all too clear to him, and at that moment, his loneliness seems to disappear.

  With a smile he accepts the invitation to prolong this encounter, “Soup would be lovely,” he says as he reaches for the freshly made bread. A puff of warm steam shoots out as Mage Callan tears a piece off and dips it into the hot soup that Serenity puts in front of him. She joins him at the table, their hands edge closer together until their fingertips touch.

  “This is rather nice,” says Ma
ge Callan.

  “Yes, it’s been a while since I’ve had interesting company for dinner,” replies Serenity.

  Mage Callan looks at Serenity with a tiny smirk, “I was actually talking about the soup.”

  Serenity pauses a moment, looks towards Mage Callan, then realises that he was joking as a cheeky smile appears on his face.

  “So,” says Mage Callan, “we really do need to talk about what you heard. I just need to clarify it.”

  Serenity sighs, she has tried to push her ordeal out of her mind; the torture she endured almost killed her, “I only remember bits. But what I do know is that Herensugue was talking about someone here, preparing a boy.”

  “Did they say any names?” asks Mage Callan.

  “No, but he also said that this person is a traitor of old. The traitor was gifted with the cocoon of enhancement that Razakel used on Alvarez; he is very powerful,” replies Serenity.

  Mage Callan leans back into his chair, softly stroking his chin while he thinks, “Could they be preparing Atticus for something?”

  “Perhaps,” replies Serenity, “But, they also said the boy is ‘almost converted to the side of the demons, his essence is evil.’ That doesn’t sound like Atticus.”

  “Razakel is very powerful, he may have planned this all along. But, we must not jump to any conclusions,” Mage Callan is caught in a thoughtful state, and quietly helps Serenity clear the table, “I must leave now, I have a long journey back.”

  “Yes, well, it was nice seeing you, Ian,” says Serenity, startling Mage Callan with the fact that she knows his first name.

  “Who…?” he asks.

  “Elric told me,” she replies with a smile.

  “Yes, well, I really must be off now,” Mage Callan says. He walks to the door, but before he gets there, he realises that he actually enjoyed himself this evening. He turns, and decides to finish the evening with a question, “Serenity?”

  “Yes, Ian?” she asks.

  “Erm, I was wondering, well, you know. Tonight was nice. So… I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind accompanying me to dinner on Saturday evening?” Mage Callan says, with his eyes closed, hoping that he doesn’t get a slap for his troubles.

  Serenity smiles, “I would love to,” she tip-toes up to Mage Callan’s face, and places a little warm kiss on his cheek.

  Mage Callan smiles, bows his head, and walks out of the door… still smiling.

  # # #

  “So this is hanging out?” asks Khan, perplexed at the thought of sitting down in a fast food restaurant, eating fries for a long period of time as being something fun.

  “Not just this, we chat as well,” says Joyce

  “I have concerns with other matters at the moment,” says Khan.

  “Safaya?” Atticus says quickly, hoping Khan doesn’t hit him.

  Khan looks at Atticus with his right eyebrow raised, “Yes, but perhaps not for the reasons you think,” Khan sighs, “There is much to me that you and the other Majjai Six do not know − and cannot know for some time yet.”

  They leave the fast food restaurant after realising Khan is simply holding the slim piece of meat that supposedly passes as a burger, and staring at his food rather than eating it.

  They head towards the hills behind Wysardian Manor. The sun is already setting on the horizon when they sit, and they watch it dip below the furthest tower.

  “Hmm, why don’t you just tell her you like her?” says Joyce, completely ignoring what Khan said earlier.

  He looks at Joyce, knowing full-well that she will not allow the topic to pass by without a decent answer, “She is a Princess you know. Me, I’m just Khan, a Saracen; it can never happen. The laws prevent it.”

  “The laws are old, Khan,” says Atticus, “I’ve researched into them − those Runes of Zamaan come in handy when you need to learn quite a bit in a short space of time. I also learnt that the order of Saracens that you descend from no longer exists; you are the last.”

  “Which is why it is important that I uphold their laws Atticus. Besides, there is another reason why it can never happen. My work here is not only with the Majjai Six, there is another task to which I am bound,” Khan checks the time, “Come, it’s time you guys went home, your parents will be wondering where you have got to. I’ll walk you both, I’ve heard that Bradley Burrows is still eager for vengeance.”

  “He always will be,” says Atticus, “Not worried though, he is just a bully.”

  # # #

  Atticus closes the front door after waving bye to Khan and Joyce. He puts his rucksack on the coat stand and walks towards the lounge. Some music and tapping catches his attention. It seems to be coming from the conservatory. He walks towards it slowly.

  “Ouch,” squeals Sophia.

  “That was your fault this time, you didn’t move back at the right time,” says Joseph.

  Atticus pokes his head round the corner, the furniture has been cleared away and the large space has been turned into a mini dance floor. He remembers that the next dance competition is tomorrow night, Sophia and Joseph have been practising a great deal the past few evenings. Since the first dance competition, they actually improved enough to qualify for some big final.

  “You’re just jealous that I’m better than you now,” says Joseph jokingly, not noticing Sophia sticking her tongue out at him while his back is turned.

  “Hi, Atticus,” says Sophia, “How is Elric?”

  “He is fine,” replies Atticus. He has been wondering whether or not he should ask a question he has been wanting an answer to ever since Sophia and Joseph were told the truth. They haven’t mentioned it much, apart from the immediate few days’ after the revelation. It’s just been a quiet acceptance, with a few skirting queries.

  “How was your day?” asks Joseph.

  “Not bad. Mum, Dad, can I ask you guys something?” asks Atticus.

  “Sure sweetie, go ahead,” says Sophia.

  “Are you guys ok with all of this? I mean, it was Myrddin’s Magic that caused the accident,” says Atticus.

  “We’ve been waiting for you to ask us, Atticus; we wanted to be sure you were ready to talk to us about these matters,” says Joseph, “Come, let’s talk in the front room.”

  They all go to the living room and settle quickly. Sophia brings a tray of biscuits and tea. Atticus grabs a pile of Bourbon biscuits before anyone can stop him.

  Sophia is the first to speak, “Obviously, we were shocked at first when Professor Sprocking explained everything. It was almost like we were watching ourselves in a television screen with that thought-crystal trick. Didn’t believe a word of it until he started sparking up little balls of blue fire in his hands, and moving things around the room with his mind.”

  “Yeah, he likes doing that,” says Atticus.

  “To tell you the truth, Atticus,” says Joseph, “ yes, we were angry, very angry− at first. But then we realised it wasn’t really the fault of the Majjai, more that son of a bitch, Alvarez.”

  “Joseph, no need for that language,” snaps Sophia.

  Atticus is shocked by his dad’s words; he has never heard him curse someone before. In fact, he has never seen him this angry before.

  “I know I shouldn’t swear, but not only was he the real cause of our accident, he was also after you, Atticus. You saved us, you know,” says Joseph. Atticus can just see a little shimmer of water forming in his eye, “You see, Atticus, your mother and I, we were only just barely coping with the accident. If it wasn’t for Marcellus, I don’t know what we would have done; we owe him a lot,” says Joseph as he starts to pace around the room.

  Sophia stands and puts a comforting hand on Joseph’s shoulder, “What your father is trying to say is, although yes, we had a tragic accident and we lost a child, in those unfortunate circumstances, we also gained a son. One we are very proud of. And also one we are very worried about,” Sophia sits back down and coaxes Joseph to do the same, “We learnt to cope with what happened through you, Atticus. You inspi
red us from the beginning to survive, to keep going, to believe that everything in life happens for a reason. Most importantly, you taught us how to be happy again.”

  This time, it’s Joseph’s turn to comfort Sophia, “So, yes, everything has been a huge revelation, but we have learnt not to take things for granted ever since we found you in the circumstances we did. We knew there was more to the story; but until Geoffrey spoke to us, we didn’t know what it was. Having answers is comforting.”

  “I’m glad,” says Atticus, “One less thing to be scared about.”

  “You don’t have to be scared about anything, son,” says Joseph, “We are always here for you. No matter what happens − even if we have to fight through hell itself − we will always be there.”

  For the first time, Atticus feels free from worry, from fear. He feels safer now more than ever, ready for the challenges ahead.

  “We better get ready for that dance now dear,” says Sophia, “Come on, Atticus, you can DJ the music for us.”

  They leave together for the conservatory, as close a family as they have ever been before. As Atticus goes through each CD, his mind begins to wander. He recalls the conversation between Elric and Khan regarding the traitor. The music fades into the background as Atticus’ thoughts slowly drift away.

  # # #

  The moon shines through an upstairs window, at a house far from Atticus’ home, dimly lighting the master bedroom. A lone figure sleeps, snoring loudly. The room is bare, with just a bed and a mirror, even the floor consists of splintered floorboards and little else.

  The mirror is long, with a gold-carved bezel. On one side of the bezel is a carving of an animal with seven heads. On the other side, the carving of a dragon glints against the moonlight. The moonlight’s reflection from the mirror shines on the bed, waking the lone figure.


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