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Atticus And The Orb Of Time

Page 30

by M K Drake

  Three more portals open, and hordes of Screamers begin to pour through and immediately launch sonic attacks towards the Majjai Six. Joyce throws up a huge shield to protect them, deflecting the sonic blasts into the air.

  “My turn,” says Olof, who holds Mjolnir high above his head and throws it towards the amassing Screamers. The blow sends a massive shockwave through their ranks, killing most of them instantly. The hammer swing around and returns to Olof’s hand.

  Another wave of Screamers stream through; nearby another larger portal opens sending through large numbers of Graigons.

  Atticus freezes; the battle now is more real than ever, and he can sense the tension around him. The danger is of the worst kind, he knows there is more threat of death this time than ever before.

  The Graigons smash their chests with their fists, roar into the air, and charge forward.

  “This is it, my friends,” says Elric, “This is the battle you have trained for. We must win it, for the sake of all that is good,” he looks down at Atticus and reminds him of the promise he made, “Side by side, dear boy, side by side.”

  Atticus nods.

  “Onwards!” shouts Mage Callan, “Die, Demons!” he screams and uses his blades to cut through the swathes of Screamers.

  Atticus pulls out the Sword of Ages and follows his teacher into the battle. Khan and Olof head over to battle the Graigons while Ju Long helps the Norse Mages. Safaya and Joyce take on the flanking Screamers, while the Professors and Elric aid from afar with fireballs and shields.

  They soon reach a balance of attack and defence, the numbers coming through the portals matched by the number killed at the hands of the Majjai, but they know they are unable to keep this up.

  One more portal begins to form ahead of the battlefield, and Alvarez and Draconus appear.

  Professor Sprocking spies his enemy, “Dragon!” he screams, “Come taste my wrath!”

  Draconus hears him and heads towards his nemesis, shooting fire in his direction. Sprocking deflects the fire and launches a massive fireball with all of his rage towards the dragon. The blast sends Draconus high into the air, through the cloak of clouds and into the night sky beyond. The beast quickly recovers and darts towards the earth again, heading straight for Professor Sprocking, who by now has created a staff of light to do battle.

  Alvarez heads straight for the Norse Mages, quickly morphing into his beast guise as he runs; without mercy he kills at least four in a furious rampage. Mage Callan heads over to assist but is blocked by a group of Graigons. They throw blow upon blow towards him, Mage Callan uses his swords and agility to dodge them, but is prevented from getting anywhere near Alvarez, there are just too many of the hulking beasts in his way.

  More Slugs appear, aiming to flank Elric and Professor Morgan. Safaya steps in to aid them by creating massive whirlwinds of sand to throw the Slugs into the distance. Olof spots the Slugs in the air and spears them all with giant shards of ice blasting out from his hands.

  Atticus is deep within the Screamer hordes, slaying as many as he can with the Sword of Ages and his telekinesis ability. His training is being utilised to its fullest as he twists, turns, slices, and shoots fireballs into the demon crowd. He can feel the sword tapping into his inner knowledge, but is fearful of allowing it to take full control. He can feel something else within him, not his own. The sword is acting of its own will at times, Atticus allows it to move, it drags him deeper into battle, as if its own thirst for blood is overpowering his intentions. Atticus wrestles control, and as he does so, the name Kazmagus glows brightly from the blade and the sword succumbs to its owner again.

  Atticus pauses for just a moment, taking in the battle, he sees wounded and dead from both sides. Scared, for a moment he wishes he were home, he remembers his mum, his dad, what he wouldn’t give right now for one of Sophia’s sandwiches. Or just a warm embrace from them, telling him it will all be ok.

  “Atticus! Watch out!” screams Khan as a Graigon breaks free.

  Atticus snaps back into focus, he dodges the first Graigon blow and swings around before another smashes into the sand next to him, blasting a huge amount into the air. Atticus swings the Sword of Ages forward, thrusting it into the forearm of the demonic beast. He withdraws the sword and slices the hand of the Graigon clean off. The beast roars in pain before Khan kills it with a giant fireball. Atticus nods his appreciation and continues to fight, slicing his way as much as he can through the Screamer masses.

  But the Majjai efforts are in vain, even with Ju Long aiding from the air with fireball attacks. The demon numbers grow; for every demon slain, another three appear in their place.

  Just as the Majjai fear the worst, reinforcements arrive, the warriors sent from Khan’s Saracen friends and Ju Long’s own guild, the Bhandari Clan, teleport in. They join the fray immediately, sending fireball upon fireball into the demon packs.

  Safaya whistles to Ju Long who swoops down for her to jump onto his back. When they take to the air she uses her powers to raise huge clumps of sand, then binds the grains together to create huge rocks, and uses them to plough into the Screamers.

  Joyce is cleverly combining her powers by creating a spherical shield around her and using her speed to roll it into any demon she can find, firing fireballs through it to take care of any she misses.

  Another wave of demons streams through, of a type Atticus has not seen before. They resemble the Screamers, but have bat-like wings. They take to the air and begin to chase Ju Long and Safaya.

  Olof points to the winged beasts, “Draygoyles!” he shouts.

  Khan looks to Atticus, “Help them!” he shouts, pointing to the air at the draygoyles pursuing Ju Long. Atticus immediately soars after this new threat.

  “Safaya!” shouts Atticus, “Here!” he says, as he fires a large fireball up in the air.

  Safaya sees it, and uses it straight away. She stretches the flame, turning it into a net of fire, which she launches towards the Draygoyles, killing several. Atticus chases the others, giving Ju Long time to turn and aid in the battle against this new aerial foe. Their flight path is briefly blocked by Draconus who is still battling with Professor Sprocking.

  Draconus tries to burn Sprocking, who uses all of his ability and might to dodge the attacks. He fires a swarm of fireballs at the dragon, some hit their target, the others merely fly into the night sky.

  “I WILL take your head, beast!” screams Sprocking. He forms a disc of light and throws it towards Draconus like a frisbee; it slices the skin on one of the dragon’s wings sending it crashing to the desert surface, just missing Olof.

  The Norse warrior still battles the Graigon forces alongside Khan; he uses the hammer of Thor to slay as many as he can. Khan uses his enormous strength to great effect, grabbing one Graigon, spinning as fast as he can and launching it with a force robust enough to kill the group of Graigons’ blocking Mage Callan’s path.

  The Norse reinforcements aid Mage Callan who now has a clean line of sight towards Alvarez. Using his swords, he crosses them and sends bolts of energy towards the demon, knocking him off his feet. Alvarez roars at Mage Callan and charges toward him, allowing the surviving Norse Mages to continue their battle against the Slugs that continue to appear.

  Elric has almost regained his strength and becomes more involved in the battle. He and Professor Morgan join the fight against the Screamers, filling in for Atticus who continues to help fight the Draygoyles with Ju Long and Safaya.

  Another, much larger portal appears in the distance.

  Elric looks towards it; he knows all-too-well who has opened this one, “Prepare yourselves!” he screams, “It is the seventh portal. He is coming!!”

  The demons all fall back to the sides of the new opening, allowing the Majjai to regroup and stand opposite them.

  The Majjai are outnumbered ten to one already, and Razakel is still to come. They are battle-weary and scarred, nevertheless, they continue to stand before the portal, prepared to take on whatever comes t

  The gateway changes colour, and first through is Herensugue. He glares directly at Joyce with his remaining six heads. The portal changes colour again, this time to a deep crimson. Razakel steps through. His presence fills the Norse Mages and the other reinforcements with dread.

  “Ahhh, a welcoming committee,” says Razakel mockingly.

  “Return to your domain, demon, or we will destroy your forces and send you back to hell without remorse or mercy!” shouts Elric.

  “You?” scoffs Razakel, “Your forces are a mere shadow of what you had before − a few hundred against two thousand? − and these are just the beginning. My armies stand behind me, and will tear your realm apart.”

  “You will never find the Orb,” says Elric, “It is protected.”

  “Yes,” replies Razakel, “about that,” he pauses as a winged beast swoops down and lands besides him. It transforms into its human form and looks towards the Majjai.

  “Surprise!” says the new arrival, with a contemptuous twirl and a bow.

  “Snugglebottom!” shouts Mage Callan, “You are the traitor? How dare you! You betray humanity!”

  “Who says I am still human?” says Snugglebottom as he transforms back into his demon form, stretching his wings as far as he can.

  Razakel laughs into the night, “I introduce you to Scourge,” he says, “And oh, there is another surprise,” Razakel holds out his hand.

  Scourge hovers high enough to put the Quantorbium in his giant palm.

  “You see, I have the Orb,” says Razakel, “It was never safe.”

  “But how?” asks Elric.

  “Oh!” rumbles Scourge, “That Protector fellow, he is very much dead.”

  Elric looks on in horror, “No,” he says under his breath, “Marcellus.”

  Atticus turns sharply, “Marcellus?” he says, surprised. At that moment the cold dark reality of this war hits home; the death of someone he knows and cares for sends an emptiness of emotion through him. How does he react? Does he break down? Does he rush in to avenge? Atticus does not know. Before he can decide anything, Razakel decides to reveal yet another surprise.

  “Wait,” says the Demon King, “I find I enjoy taking pleasure in your remorse even more than I thought I would. Perhaps I should add to it,” he roars into the air, the act is answered by a howl, but it comes not from Razakel.

  Shadow Wolf steps through the portal. He holds a rope in his hand and is dragging something behind him. He looks coldly towards Atticus, salivating and barking. The faces of the Majjai turn pale as they spot what is at the other end of the rope. Dragged behind Bradley’s new form… Joseph and Sophia, pulled across the sand appear next from the demon’s doorway.

  “No…” says Atticus, “Leave them alone!” he screams.

  “It’s ok, Atticus,” shouts Joseph, “We are ok!”

  “Surrender, Majjai,” says Razakel, “and I may just imprison your souls instead of destroy them. This battle is lost for you.”

  Atticus steps forward, but Elric stops him.

  “We have a better chance alive, Atticus,” he says.

  “But they are my parents. My everything. They do not deserve to be part of this. You said earlier, that we must save all that is good. I do not know anyone more good than them,” Atticus says, distraught. A tear slowly trickles down his cheek. He can’t bear the risk of such a loss, “I must go.”

  Elric releases Atticus with a nod.

  Atticus looks towards Razakel, “Release them and take me instead. I come willingly. Please, do not harm them!” he shouts across the battlefield.

  Razakel holds the Quantorbium aloft, the demons cheer triumphantly, “We win. Ha! Foolish Majjai, foolish humans.”

  Atticus takes another step forward, trying to drown out the baying squalls from the demon horde. But Ju Long soon stops him.

  “Wait, Atticus, do you hear it?”

  The demonic cheers are also disturbed by the strange buzzing sound heard in the distance. Herensugue looks to the sky and turns to his master.

  “My Lord,” says the serpent demon, “What is that noise?”

  It grows louder, the sound fills the air in the desert, turning into a deafening bellow, then a metallic roar. A flash of light appears, sending a powerful sonic boom vibrating downwards towards the demon army.

  Joyce points to the air, “Spitfire!” she says.

  Spitfire darts out of the night sky, and flies directly towards Razakel, knocking the Quantorbium out of his hands.

  Atticus reacts quickly, using his telekinesis ability to shoot the orb towards Spitfire. Razakel roars in anger.

  Spitfire morphs from his jet mode into his car form and uses his rear wheels to blast a wall of sand towards the demons. Safaya acts quickly and whips a forceful blast of air towards the enemy, blocking their view. Under the cover of the sand, Ju Long teleports to Sophia and Joseph, bringing them to the safety of the Majjai back line.

  Spitfire spins around and joins the Majjai ranks.

  “So,” says Razakel, “you wish to die painfully.”

  Spitfire’s driver’s door opens, and out steps a bruised and battered Marcellus.

  “You tried that once,” says Marcellus, “I’m here to return the favour.”

  The demons stomp furiously, and Razakel orders them forward.

  “Hold your lines!” screams Khan, as the demons’ stomp turns into a charge. He looks to the newest member of the Majjai Six, “Fight well, Atticus, fight well.”

  “For victory!” shouts Khan as he charges forward, followed by the other Majjai. Elric heads towards Razakel, cutting a path in front of him using his staff. He slams it into the sand, sending a giant beam of light through the demon forces, killing all in its wake.

  Joyce quickly heals Marcellus before she and Safaya engage in battle alongside the Norse Mages and the other reinforcements.

  Atticus hands the Orb to his father, “Hold on to this,” he says. Joseph nods. Atticus joins the others in the skirmish.

  “Be careful, Atticus!” shouts Sophia.

  Shadow Wolf spots his nemesis and runs towards him. Atticus is ready and creates a shield to block his attack.

  “Bradley!” shouts Atticus, “I know it’s you. Don’t do this!”

  “Idiot!” shouts Shadow Wolf, “Bradley is no more, and soon you will join him!” he leaps into the air and swipes a claw towards Atticus who blocks it with his sword. Atticus uses his telekinesis and throws Shadow Wolf into the air, and then slams him toward the ground. But before the demon smashes into the sand, he melts into shadow and slithers on the surface toward Atticus. The darkness consumes the young Majjai. Shadow Wolf cocoons Atticus, who tries to dart out of the lightless grip, but the demon is too quick and follows his every movement.

  Atticus thinks, what can he do to drive the shadow away? “Light!”

  Atticus holds a hand high above his head and creates a blindingly bright ball of blue fire. Shadow Wolf squeals and runs from the piercingly luminous energy. Atticus launches the fireball in the demon’s direction. Shadow Wolf reforms to his werewolf state and leaps out of the way, the beast then leaps a second time and lands behind Atticus, clawing his back before he can turn to defend himself.

  Atticus screams in pain, his back scarred and burning. Joyce sees his injury and rolls her spherical shield to knock Shadow Wolf out of the way, she then grabs Atticus and uses her power to heal his back, but is unable to do so fully, leaving scars behind.

  Razakel watches as various battles take place in front of him, any stray attacks that come his way he merely absorbs, nonchalantly.

  Marcellus hacks and whips his way towards Scourge. The demon is brandishing his own weapon, a giant flaming mace. He crashes the mace into the ground, sending a swell through the sand towards Marcellus. The Majjai deftly dodges the attack and leaps into the air, using his whip to slash at the monster.

  Draconus, now unable to fly with his damaged wing, faces up to Professor Sprocking once more. Using its tail as a weapon, the drag
on launches another attack. Professor Sprocking blocks it with a shield and fires several fireballs to the beast’s underbelly. Draconus screams in pain and flicks his tail again, knocking Professor Sprocking high into the air.

  Spitfire has now morphed into a humanoid form, almost resembling a metallic samurai warrior, he brandishes two large blue glowing broadswords and begins to slice into the Draygoyles and Slugs.

  Elric finally reaches Razakel, “Demon, you have been warned!” he shouts.

  “And so have you… Majjai,” replies Razakel. The Demon King fires a giant fireball towards Elric. The Majjai leader uses his staff to create a giant shield, deflecting the fireball back at Razakel, who sidesteps and runs towards Elric.

  Elric smashes his staff into the sand, a glow surrounds him and he quickly morphs his body into rock and grows in size to match Razakel. They share massive blows as they fight, sending vibrations through the ground. Razakel is agile, belying his size, but Elric is able to match him.

  “The Orb is mine Elric, you must gift it to me!” says the Demon King.

  “Never!” shouts Elric, “We will fight you to the death if need be, but you will never have the Orb!”

  “Look around you,” replies Razakel, pointing to the fallen Norse Mages and the amassing bodies of the other reinforcements, “Your army is all but defeated. The Orb will be mine.”

  Elric pauses, indeed, Razakel is correct, their numbers are dwindling. He remembers the message left by Myrddin in the chest; the word ‘nemesis’ has always haunted him. He knows what Myrddin meant, but surely the time can’t be now, so soon after finally finding the Orb.

  He looks towards Olof, keeper of Thor’s Hammer.

  “Olof!” shouts Elric, “You have to do it now!”

  Olof looks over and nods. He races to Atticus, “Where is the Orb?” he asks.

  “My parents have it,” replies Atticus as he dodges another of Shadow Wolf’s attacks, “Why do you need it?”

  “I have to destroy it,” says Olof, who creates a massive shield of ice protecting Atticus from another attack from Shadow Wolf.

  Khan runs towards them, “Do what you have to do; I will hold this wolf here.”


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