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Savage Love

Page 13

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “We allowed him to be raised by the fays.” Kara spoke up. “To protect him from those who would use him to their advantage. We have to do something! I cannot deliver my son to Odin!”

  “We will need a warrior to take his place. If I revive him, someone will need to fill that void.”

  “I’ll do it,” Lev said, standing up.

  “Lev!” Dane balked.

  “I can’t let him stay dead, don’t you understand that? I love him.”

  “So it shall be.” Arawn moved to the man who stood by his side.


  Lev turned as Skylar raced over. “You said you need a warrior?”

  “Yes.” Arawn nodded.

  “Take Danny! I know you can get him from wherever he is. Danny Miller. He died being torn to shreds by rogues.”

  “That does not make him a warrior,” Kara pointed out.

  A bright light illuminated the area and began to take form.

  “No, but his refusal to die quietly does.”

  “Ah the fates.” Arawn crossed his massive arms.

  “Can we please…” Lev bent back to Chaz’s body. “Please bring him back.”

  “We shall do what you asked, Skylar.” The fates sing-songed.

  “You…you will?” Skylar stepped forward. “You’ll take Danny?”

  “Yes, we’ll take Danny. They told him what they were going to do, that you would suffer, Skylar.” She touched Skylar’s face gently. “He died fighting, trying to keep you safe.”

  “We must hurry!” Kara paced. “Arawn, please.”

  Lev stepped away as the massive man in front of him seemed to disappear into Chaz’s body. The three women known as the fates stood over Chaz. A bright light appeared again in the forest and a man walked out. Lev turned to look at Skylar; his eyes were filled with tears and he smiled at the man.

  “Danny,” Skylar said softly.

  “Well, seems I missed a fight.” Danny surveyed the area.

  “I’m so sorry,” Skylar whispered.

  “Ah, hell, Skylar.” Danny grinned. “Don’t be. Look at you, the son of Poseidon. I knew there was something special about you, and when they came, I did what anyone would have done. Once they’d told me what they were going to do, I couldn’t let them take me without a fight.”

  “You shouldn’t have died.” Skylar closed his eyes with a loud sigh. “You were doing so much for the kids.”

  “And now you’ll do it for me.” Danny gave Skylar a hug. “I gotta go, bud.”

  A loud moan drew their attention and Chaz sat up, holding his head.

  “My head! Stop talking to me!” Chaz rolled to his side.

  Lev stumbled back as Arawn seemed to pop out of Chaz’s body. The god bent down to his son’s side and combed through Chaz’s hair with his fingers.

  “Look at you, my son, a warrior in your own right. You make me proud.”

  Chaz blinked and tried to focus on the towering man next to him. “Huh? Who are you?”

  “I am your father, and Kara is your mother. We placed you with the fays to protect you, Chaz. We knew that eventually the evil ones would come for you. Now you have a second chance. Use it wisely.”

  “Meaning what?” Chaz sat up slowly.

  “Join the fight, become who you were meant to be.” Arawn caressed Chaz’s cheek.

  “What…are you?” Chaz regarded the towering man next to him.

  “I am Arawn, Celtic god of the underworld. Your mother is Kara, she is a Valkyrie.”

  “So I’m…?” Chaz tilted his head.

  “A demi-god in your own right, son.” Arawn cupped Chaz’s chin. “And a warrior.”

  “Well, we just keep getting more and more gods.” Skylar smiled.

  “We’ll help when we can.” Arawn nodded to Skylar. “We must go now.”

  “My…adoptive parents,” Chaz said, softly. “Could you bring them back? I mean, my mom is sick, but you could help her, right?”

  Arawn sighed and glanced at Kara. “I believe we can reinstate them, isn’t that right?”

  “We’ll need help.” Kara narrowed her eyes at the fates.

  “Oh fine! We’ll restore them,” the fates agreed in unison.

  “Thank you,” Chaz said, taking Lev’s hand. “You were going to take my place?”

  “I would die for you, Chaz. You have to know that.”

  The sky lit up and light streaked from the heavens. Lev stood and stared at it in awe. It pulsed and split, half slamming into Lev and the other into Chaz. A feeling of peace overwhelmed him and Lev took Chaz’s hand.

  He smiled at Wayne.

  “Is that what I think it was?” he asked.

  Wayne nodded and grinned wide. “The mate bond.”

  “I knew it!”

  Chaz whirled around and came face to face with his parents. Although, they were much, much smaller than he remembered. And they had wings.

  “Mom? Dad?” Chaz peered closer. “You really are fairies?”

  “I prefer fae.” Orin scowled.

  “Dad.” Chaz held out his hand.

  “I have missed you, son.”

  A loud cough interrupted them and Chaz realized Arawn was glaring at his parents.

  “No offense, but I don’t know you — and they raised me. Doesn’t mean I can’t get to know you, too. If you stick around.” Chaz crossed his arms.

  Arawn nodded. “I will come when I can. Take care of yourself, son.”

  Chaz stared in awe as the man retreated into the forest and the woman, his real mom, walked back into the trees.

  All in all, it was a strange night.

  “What say we clean this place up and retire by the bonfire?” Wayne drawled.

  The front porch door slammed and they all looked to see Nadine with Joe, both wearing smiles.

  “Well, that went well,” Nadine said, clapping her hands together.

  “Yes, I think Kane is exhausted now,” Joe chuckled, motioning to the pup at his feet. “You’d be proud Sam and Dakota; your son wasted no time in tearing apart the rogues.”

  “He was protecting his grandparents,” Dakota winked, picking up his son. He eyed Archer, standing in the middle of the road. “Archer? What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I am tired of rogues.” Archer smiled at the group.

  “Amen!” they shouted in unison.


  Gary Riviar watched from a mile away as the men at the reservation made a huge fire. The rogues he had arrived with were all dead. Thankfully, he’d hidden in the forest miles away to watch the bloodbath. His cellphone vibrated in his pocket and he swiped talk.

  “Yeah?” he answered.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “That’s better. What’s the damage?”

  “All gone, sir. Even Mario is dead.”

  “Good, one less shithead to pay. Did you get a head count?”

  “I tried, but there were so many.”

  “I want the Olympians. Is our pyscho in place?”

  “Yes, he isn’t taking the breakup well. I’m sure the more Brock’s powers come into play, the more he’ll want him.”

  “Good; and we’ll take Zack Duran as well. I want him on my side.”

  “If I may ask, what is the grand plan? You want all the Olympians and the shifters? If I remember, you still have a guy or two on the payroll you haven’t put to good use yet.”

  “All in good time, Gary. I’m in no rush. Every attack is a test of their abilities, who has what power. It’s a shame they got to Killian, Lucian and Cezar but no worries. We’ll have them back in the fold eventually. In the meantime, I want your eyes and ears open. Once I have all my ducks in a row, so to speak, I’ll unleash hell on Earth and take them all.”

  “What of Prometheus? Any reports back?”

  “He has been quiet, but still remains in our corner. He will not cross me again. Hyperion will check in with him.”

  “So, now what?” Gary asked.

  “Now, we watch a
nd wait and keep testing. I want to know everything about these supernaturals, especially what their weaknesses are.”

  “I think you already know one.”

  “Love is not a weakness, Gary.”

  “I forgot to mention something.” Gary said, nervously biting his lip.


  “Um, some dude rode out of the forest, said his name was Arawn.”

  Gary heard a hissing sound on the other end and bit his lip.

  “Dammit! Now we have Celtic gods interfering? What next?”

  “Fairies and Valkyries, too.”

  “No matter. We’ll deal with them accordingly. Keep your eyes on the prize, Gary.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Returning to Seattle was a little eerie. Samson was still under guard until James was sure no other goons had him in their sights.

  Chaz knew James had taken care of explaining away his mother leaving the nursing home. Well, it was more like Chance had given everyone there new memories. Whatever worked. He now knew his parents were alive and safe.

  And very small fays, faes, fairies — whatever.

  Trying to wrap his mind around everything was giving him a migraine. Lev had been quiet on their trip home and Chaz couldn’t figure out why. He was at the kitchen counter this morning making coffee, and Chaz had had enough of the weirdness.

  “Tell me what’s wrong.”

  Lev almost jumped a mile high at the voice behind him.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’ve been weird since we got back.”

  “I’m fine.” Lev answered, turning to hand Chaz a cup of coffee.

  “Bullshit. Come on, Lev, we’re mates. Talk to me.”

  Lev sat down at the table with a large sigh. He palmed his coffee cup and stared into the brown liquid.

  “Well, it’s just … you’re a demi-god.”

  “And…? That bothers you? Hello? You’re a werewolf.”

  “Yes, I’m just a werewolf. You … you’re so much more, and I don’t think I’m worthy — ”

  “Stop right there,” Chaz demanded. “Don’t you dare say you’re ‘less than’! You saved my life! You are a warrior, Lev. You heard my mother.”

  “Which one?” Lev tried to smile.

  “Both of them. My mother was ready to take you to Odin. Look it up, Lev. That means you are worthy.”

  “I just want to be what you need. So much has changed in the last few days.”

  “Nothing has changed except for the fact that we now know who and what I am. You’re my mate, Lev Chirkoff, and I am so damn proud of you.”

  “Really?” Lev whispered.

  “Really.” Chaz took Lev’s hands and pulled him forward. “I love you and only you. We were meant to be.”

  “So, um, you ready to meet with the guys later? I know Chance wants to figure out just what you are capable of.”

  Chaz laughed. “That dude’s like a kid at Christmas who just got a new chemistry set and can’t wait to use it! I’m curious, too, though. Should be interesting.” Chaz picked up an envelope on the table and waved it. “We also have a wedding to attend.”

  “Oh yes, you’re Cole’s best man.” Lev smiled. “Looking forward to it?”

  “It’s in New York, just so you know.” Chaz’s eyes showed concern.

  “Jamaica Bay,” Lev pointed out.

  “Wanna be my plus one?” Chaz grinned.

  “Excuse me? And if I can’t go, do you have a second choice lined up?” Lev narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms.

  “Heh. No way. I just like to see you all riled up,” Chaz smiled leaning in for a kiss.


  Over the next few days, Lev packed up his apartment and moved in with Chaz. He didn’t have much and he’d been very clear with Chaz that he’d be paying his half of the mortgage. Life was settling down, and Lev was looking forward to the wedding. He hadn’t been back to New York since the day he left so many years ago. Going back wasn’t going to be a picnic.

  Today they were at Cougar Mountain. Chaz was with the Twelve Olympians and Chance, trying to figure out what it was he could do as the son of Arawn. The thought was that if he were to spend time with the Olympians, their power might somehow transfer to Chaz. It was worth a shot.

  A throat cleared behind him and Lev turned to find Cole Ryker smiling at him.

  “Hey, how are you?” Lev smiled wide.

  “Itching to get married,” Cole admitted.

  “It’s so evident how much Ross loves you.” Lev sought out Ross in the group of werewolves standing in a circle talking.

  “How is it going with Chaz? I heard all about your…concerns.”

  “Is nothing sacred?” Lev sighed in annoyance.

  “Nope. Not in is this group.” Cole grinned. He sobered and regarded Lev. “Look, Chaz loves you; he always has. I was there when the shit hit the fan at the reservation; you were ready to trade your life for Chaz’s. That says a lot about you, Lev.”

  “I would do anything for him.” Lev smiled as Chaz threw him a grin.

  “Well, I hope you two get married soon. Maybe we can have a Halloween wedding? You guys could dress up as bacon,” Cole chuckled.

  “Maybe.” Lev said, seriously.

  “Dude, I was kidding.”

  “Says the guy who’s having a ‘Star Wars’-themed wedding.” Lev cocked a brow.

  “Ross loves ‘Star Wars,’ and so do I. It makes sense.”

  “Well, Chaz loves bacon, and so do I.” Lev grinned. “What’s the difference?”

  “Because one’s a cinematic classic and one’s … Whatever, dude.” An insulted Cole waved a dismissive hand and headed off, Lev’s laughter following.

  They spent the day on the mountain. Lev ran with the pack as Chaz worked with the rest of the demi-gods. By the time they got back to the house, it was nearing midnight. Lev slipped into the shower and washed away the day. The warm water massaged his sore muscles. Large hands wrapped around his waist and he leaned back into Chaz’s frame.

  Chaz’s thick cock slid between his cheeks, grinding against him. Lev placed his hands on the tiles and arched his ass up, rubbing against Chaz’s dick. Lips licked and kissed his back as Chaz nudged at his hole. Lev spread his legs wider as Chaz inched inside him, filling him. Big hands gripped his hips, as Chaz pumped into him. Lev’s mouth opened and a low moan escaped him as Chaz continued to hit his prostate again and again. His legs shook, fingers nearly breaking the tiles as they made love, the water raining down on them both.

  “Love you,” Chaz rasped.

  “Love you.” Lev threw his head back and moaned as his orgasm overwhelmed him.

  Chaz let loose a loud groan and slumped against his back. He ran his hands up Lev’s thighs, gently cleaning him as he kissed and nibbled on his skin.

  “Tired?” Chaz asked.

  Lev chuckled. “Oh God, yes.”

  “Let’s get out of here.”

  Lev slipped under the sheets with a sigh. He felt fulfilled in every way. He was back with Chaz. Now knew this was where he always belonged.

  “What are you thinking?” Chaz asked as he turned back the comforter.

  “I was thinking fate has a funny way of bringing people together. Back in New York, I never thought I’d be here, in this situation: I’m a werewolf and I’m with the only man who ever had my heart.”

  “I’m glad you are. Even though I had Cole as a best friend, I always felt as if something was missing in my life. When I met you, I wanted so badly for you to be the one for me. The one person who would make my life worth all the sacrifices I’d made.”

  “I want to be that man.”

  “You already are.”

  “So tomorrow we pack and head out,” Lev sighed.

  “Are you okay with all this? I know you haven’t been back to New York since you left.”

  “Yes, I’ll be fine. I actually want to stop and visit my parents’ graves if that’s okay?”


  “Goodnight, Chaz.” Lev snuggled into Chaz’s warmth.

  “Night, Lev.”


  Knowing people who owned jets made life so much easier. Between Caden Fournier, Riley Flynn-Esposito and Wayne Maccon, the whole group made it to New York without once stepping through a security line. Not that they would have to anyway, they all had badges that allowed them to step through any line at any airport. James had a way of making things happen.

  The sun was shining, but the air was crisp as they all arrived at Canarsie Pier. Chaz hadn’t seen Cole yet, but he had his own outfit for the wedding. Chaz caught Jesse Salvatore’s smirk and narrowed his eyes at him.


  “A Jedi Master robe?” Jesse grinned.

  “What? You didn’t want a double ‘Wars’ wedding?” Lev laughed.

  “No thanks. Noah and I are headed to Hawaii right after this.”

  “And we’ll be going with you.” Chaz patted Jesse’s back. “Won’t that be fun?”

  “Are you excited about marrying Noah?” Lev asked.

  “Hell, yes! It took us so long to get here,” Jesse sighed.

  “I know, I know,” Justice interrupted. “It’s all my fault.”

  “If the shoe fits,” Skylar shrugged before dodging Justice’s swipe.

  “Can we please get on the ferry now?” Chaz fidgeted. “I need to help Cole with his robe.”

  “Is Ross going to be Yoda?” Skylar chuckled.

  “Hell, no. He’ll be Boba Fett.” Lev tried hard to contain his laughter at Chaz’s horrified look.

  “Do not ever mention the dark side in Ross and Cole’s presence! You’ll get a lecture.”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it.” Lev took Chaz’s hand as they boarded the ferry.

  Mini-lights covered the trees and rose petals were scattered on the ground. Chaz knew Cole had gone to great lengths to make this day as special as possible for Ross. The two of them had had a rocky beginning, but Ross had seen in Cole what Chaz always knew was there — a frightened man with a past that haunted him, and boundless love for someone worthy of it. He couldn’t have asked for a better friend. Cole had been there through Chaz’s worst nightmare and held his hand. He stood proudly next to Cole as they waited for Ross to make his entrance.


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