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Wolflord: A Dark Shifter Romance

Page 10

by Delta James

  He put a quick end to her disrespecting banter with two rapid, staccato slaps to her rump—one to each cheek. He knew she meant no insult, but the idea of any other wolf touching her, much less having carnal knowledge of her evoked a primitive response.

  Ruari rolled up onto his knees behind her and drew her hips into alignment with his cock. She growled. He had yet to mate with her taking her from behind and he was sure her adverse response was based more on her fear that he would use her bottom hole than anything else. He landed two more rapid and punishing swats to her backside. The color that bloomed from his handprint added to his arousal and seemed to heighten hers as well.

  Grasping her firmly by the hips, he thrust into her with the ferocity to be expected from a male alpha wolf intent on subduing and ravishing his mate. As he drove forward, the inner walls of her cunt quivered and shook as he continued to pound into her. Something about slamming into her still tender backside was inordinately satisfying, and he found it difficult to comprehend the level of his response. He heard her breath speed up, and the noises she made pleased him almost as much as the way her pussy began spasming with the same intensity as his hammering. Her little whimpers morphed into cries of ecstasy as her orgasm approached, mutating into a long, drawn-out keening as she capitulated to the rapture as his cum flooded her channel.

  Ruari fell forward and Arielle collapsed beneath him. He smiled as she reached back, taking both of his hands in hers and drawing them forward over her head.

  She turned her head and whispered, “Good morning, Annwyl. That means beloved in Welsh.”

  “Muirnin is what you would call me. I would refer to you as searc. I like hearing you call me such, regardless of the language,” he rumbled lovingly.

  He rolled off her and threw his legs over the edge of the bed, sitting up. He rubbed her back from the nape of her neck down along her spine to lovingly fondle her derriere.

  “Take me with you,” she pleaded quietly.

  “Nay, Annwyl,” he said, trying out the foreign word. “I warned you during the night to quit pestering me. I have told you no and my answer hasn’t changed. You’ll stay here where I know you are safe.”

  She tried to withdraw, but he stayed her with his hand. Even though he had prevented her from physically moving away from him, he could feel her emotional retreat.

  “Perhaps I won’t be here when you return.”

  “Then when I run you to ground, and I will, you’ll find yourself face down over my knee for a welting before I use your bottom hole for my pleasure,” he said, repeating what he had told her previously.

  She started to growl, but he warned her off with one of his own.

  “Let’s not fight, Ari. I have but a few hours left before I leave. Why don’t we have breakfast here together in our chambers...”

  “Rowan and Alaric often have breakfast privately. Ro says he likes to have her sit naked on his lap when they do.”

  “He’s a wise man. You wait here and I’ll go fetch us something to eat.”

  Ruari pulled on his breeches and boots before drawing his shirt over his head. He crossed back to her and cupped her face before leaning down to kiss her mouth, both of her nipples, and her mouth again. He headed out the door and trotted down the stairs, happier than he’d ever been.

  “You seem pleased with yourself this morning, my alpha,” said Bridget a bit frostily.

  “Mind your tone with me, Bridget.” He turned to the head of the household staff. “Prepare a tray for me to take back to share with my lady before I leave. Connor?”

  “Yes, my alpha?”

  “Can I ask you to see to the final preparations for those we take to Ravenscar?”

  “It has already been done. All that’s left is to load the men and the horses.”

  Ruari nodded. “I’ll have a quick breakfast with Ari and join you to ride down with the men to board the ship.” He turned back to Bridget and taking hold of her upper arm, he drew her aside. “Think what you want of me, but may I ask you to indulge me?”

  “I am yours to command, as is every other she-wolf under this roof,” she said evenly.

  Ruari drew a deep breath, reining in his temper. “I have neither the time nor the interest in arguing with you. What I would ask is that you look after Arielle for me. Try to make things easier for her.”

  “I don’t want her to think she has to compete with me as the mistress of the clan...”

  “She doesn’t need your help to be mistress of Dundalk. She was raised to be mate to the alpha of a great pack. But she knows no one here. Be her friend; try to keep her from doing too much. And if you could arrange to have a tub taken up for her to soak in, I’d be very grateful.” He took the offered tray and turned to go up.

  Bridget reached out to prevent him from leaving. “You truly care for her...”

  “She is my fated mate. I have to leave her before I can take her into seclusion and solidify things between us. I understand my brother took you into seclusion kicking and screaming, but when you rejoined the clan, they say there have been few fated mates as devoted to one another...”

  He watched the happy memories cross behind her eyes and then dim in the light of her grief.

  “I’ll see your mate is seen to after what I’m sure was a momentous night. See that you come home to her, Ruari of Dundalk.”

  “I will.” He turned from them and headed back to his mate and their bed.

  * * *

  Arielle stretched and purred in contentment. She thought about how her life had changed in just the past few days. She had left home, been marked and claimed by a powerful alpha, and been taken to the heights of ecstasy repeatedly in the embrace of her fated mate. It was a glorious morning. She frowned as she spied Ruari’s armor but reminded herself she had seen Rowan off to many battles and then been there to greet her when she returned victorious. Arielle told herself that it would be no different with Ruari, except, she suspected, reunions with Ruari would be far more enjoyable.

  Feeling much better about his departure, she sat up. She was unprepared for the pain that ripped through her lower abdomen and the fire that reignited across her backside. As the feeling of bliss was quickly replaced by soreness, she realized that there was blood on her thighs and throat, that her nipples were chafed, and that the remnants of their passion had dried on the short, softly curled hair that formed the triangle at the apex of her legs.

  The door opened and Ruari reentered carrying a tray laden with food. Arielle grabbed the closest object at hand—a large wine goblet—and launched it at his head. His honed instinct was the only thing that saved him from having it hit its intended target... him.

  “Bastard,” she shouted.

  “Arielle,” Ruari thundered. “What the hell has gotten into you?”

  “You! Repeatedly! That monstrous thing hanging between your legs! Do you have any idea how much pain you caused me? Do you? You spank me, knot me, and fuck me all night long and now you’re up getting ready to ride off for more glory, and leave me behind ill-used from your lust.”

  Ruari quickly joined her, putting the tray on the table beside the bed.

  “Here now, cushla macree...” he said as he tried to take her in his arms to comfort her.

  Arielle batted at his hands, trying to fend him off. “No,” she shouted. “Don’t you touch me!”

  He laughed. She launched herself at him; he caught her easily, pulling her into his lap. “I’ll do more than just touch you if you don’t settle down. Now cease your caterwauling and let’s have peace between us before I sail.”


  She balled up her fist, but as she tried to punch him, he used the inertia of the attempt to flip her over his knee, landing a series of hard swats to her rump before beginning to caress her pinkened globes. As he slid his hand between her legs, Arielle was embarrassed that she could feel her arousal kick in. It seemed that all Ruari had to do was touch her and call to her in the way of alpha males and her body responded—h
er nipples stiffened, desire swirled in her belly and pooled in her core. He withdrew his hand with a very self-satisfied purr that managed to sound almost arrogant and patted her backside.

  “Enough or I’ll put more sting in your tail than you’ll know how to deal with and there will be no relief for your arousal that always accompanies your spanking.”

  “Ow, Ruari, that hurt... I hurt.”

  “I know, sweetheart. I would be a better mate if I regretted being the instrument of your discomfort, but I’m not. What’s worse is I don’t regret any of it.”

  “You don’t?” she said tearfully as he helped her back up and into his lap.

  “Not one damn second of it. I knew you were a maid when I ran you to ground; knew you’d never been knotted, and never been rutted by a well-endowed warrior bent on seeing just how many orgasms he could wring from his mate while seeding her as many times as his cock could get the job done. I knew all of that. And still, your beauty, sensual nature, and fiery spirit woke and called to the most feral part of me. I have always prided myself on my control, but you, my gorgeous mate, made me cast aside any and all caution and reason so I could revel between your legs. No man ever found such rapture in the embrace of his mate.”

  Arielle knew she shouldn’t allow his words to sway her, but she could feel herself responding to the resonant rumblings she could hear and feel coming from him. She had been right earlier, her life had changed in the past few days. No, not just her life, but she had changed, in the most fundamental way. It wasn’t just that he had laid claim and marked her as his on the ground, but he had become a part of her. Rowan and Sloan had talked about feeling as though they and their mate were one soul shared between two bodies.

  “Don’t leave me...”

  “Ari, I have to go. An alpha leads his men in battle. He doesn’t just send others off to fight for him.”

  “I know. My father was alpha. He died leading our men into battle. But I’m not asking you not to go, I’m asking you to take me with you.”

  “That I will not do,” he growled. “And before you think about following me or stowing away, keep in mind that I told you I’d give you a good welting before taking my pleasure in your bottom hole if you left this keep without my permission.”

  She started to protest.

  “No, Ari. The matter is settled.”

  “Why? Because you say so? I’m warning you not to leave me...”

  “Do not threaten me, Arielle. You will remain here and behave yourself.”

  He helped her up from his lap and then tucked her back into their bed. Tears rolled silently down her face as he gathered up his armor.

  “It’ll be all right, Ari. I’ll be back in no time. There’s no way that Edwyn will win this fight. Be a good girl and eat some breakfast...”

  “I thought you brought it for us to share.”

  “I did, but my naughty mate needed to be reassured of my devotion to her. I’ll eat on the ship.”

  Arielle threw back the bedcovers. “I’ll get dressed and come see you off.”

  “Nay, lass,” he said, tucking her back in. “You’ll remain in our bed and eat. I’ll have a tub sent up and prepared for you. I want you to soak and then get back into bed. I want you to rest for the remainder of the day. By tomorrow, there will be gowns ready for you and you may have the run of the castle. But you are to take your ease and let your body recuperate so that I can ravage you again when I return.”

  She laughed, as she knew he had intended her to. “I’m not some fragile porcelain doll.”

  “No, you are the daughter of an alpha, sister to a rogue female warrior, and cherished mate to the alpha of Dundalk. In my absence, in most ways, you will rule here. Our clan will look to you for comfort and guidance. There will be those whose mates are with me and do not have your strength, skills, and pedigree. I leave our lands and our clan in your most capable hands.”

  Arielle wasn’t sure what to say. She had always felt that Rowan had so much more to offer, that her own capabilities were so much less. But to hear Ruari speak, she knew that was not the case. Arielle rose up out of the bed and joined him where she stood, splendid and unashamed in her nudity and with the evidence of his claiming still apparent.

  “I will miss you, my lord,” she purred, winding her arms around his neck and rubbing her body on the cold metal armor.

  “No lines outside our bedchamber door?” he teased.

  “I don’t think you’re leaving enough young, virile men behind to get the job done. After all, my sheath has only known the staff of an alpha. Surely it would take many men to satisfy my need.”

  Ruari laughed and cupped her behind in his hands, lifting her so that he could kiss her thoroughly.

  “Far too many; best you wait for my return.”

  “And will you see to my need when you come back to me?”

  “I will,” he rumbled, now thoroughly aroused. “You’d better rest while I am gone for you will have none when I return.”

  He was quiet while he stroked her hair, tucking one of the errant locks behind her ear. “Be well, my sweet mate. I will miss you far more than I ever dreamed possible.”

  His mouth descended and took hers in a passionate kiss meant to try to sustain them both until he could return. Ruari released her and turned to the door. Before he could exit, he turned back to her and gave her a hard, savage kiss. “You are the mistress of Dundalk. Do not forget that and behave yourself. When I return whether I fuck your pussy or your bottom hole will make no difference to me.”

  He left their room. Arielle followed him to the door but stopped just before flinging the door wide to plead with him to take her. She overheard Bridget say, “What a lovely parting thought.”

  Ruari growled but continued down the main stairs. Arielle rushed to the window. She didn’t want to be found eavesdropping. She heard a tapping on the door.

  “Come in,” Arielle called as she looked down on the bailey. She pasted on a brave smile and waved to Ruari as she watched him mount and ride toward the ship.

  “I’ve often thought it would be easier to be mated to a fisherman,” said Bridget softly.

  Arielle wiped her tears away as she turned to face the former mistress of Dundalk.

  “Easier than having to ride into battle...” said Arielle bravely.

  Bridget shook her head. “So they say, but I’m not sure I agree.”

  Arielle laughed. “Me either; nice to know someone agrees with me.”

  “You can always talk to me, Arielle. I might not agree with you, but I will keep your confidences and help you in whatever way I can. Your mate seems to think you would appreciate a bath. From what I can see, I would agree.”

  Arielle realized that she was naked. She started to become acutely embarrassed, but realized it probably wasn’t anything Bridget hadn’t seen or experienced.

  Grabbing Ruari’s discarded shirt, she smiled. “Thank you. I would appreciate a bath. Would you mind keeping me company?”

  “Not at all. Let me get them started.”

  Arielle sat on the edge of their bed stroking the covers where Ruari had laid. Bridget was gone for a few minutes, but when she returned, she was followed by what seemed to be a small army who had a tub of steaming water prepared in no time. Bridget pinned Arielle’s hair up.

  “You don’t need to wait on me. You were once mistress here.”

  “And now, I am not. I have to say I couldn’t be happier about that. Everyone always looking to you to be the model of the perfect mate. What bullshit. I can’t tell you how many times I went around with my mate over that. I swear he beat my ass harder because he felt I should try to be an inspiration. The fact that I wasn’t raised in this or any other castle and could swear like a sailor didn’t help matters.”

  Arielle giggled. “I left Calon Onest because I got spanked for the first time...”

  “And found yourself mated to Ruari, who spent part of his life masquerading as a beta so is well-trained in how to express his displeas
ure with a she-wolf.”

  Arielle smiled, but said nothing more.

  “But I rather imagine that it isn’t just your backside that’s sore this morning.”

  “No. Although in his defense, at the time, I was an eager participant.”

  Bridget laughed. “I remember that too. At least my mate took his time with me. He could have treated you a bit more gently or foregone knotting and tying you to him.”

  “No, I would hate to have missed that. I really can’t blame him. We both knew he was to ride out this morning. I welcomed every kiss, every caress, every... well, you know.”

  “I do. There is nothing quite like feeling them mount you, stroking you as they rumble and growl...”

  “And then when you feel them releasing their essence into you... I’ve never known such bliss.”

  “Come on, let’s get you in the tub. He was quite adamant that you have a bath and remain quiet. I have another nightgown you can borrow. I see the other one suffered a small tear.”

  Bridget held up the tattered remains of the nightgown that Ruari had ripped from her body the night before. The two women eyed one another and then broke into peals of laughter. Ari knew she had found a friend and silently vowed to do all she could to ensure that Bridget was never forced into a pairing and would be happy for the rest of her days.

  Chapter Ten

  Ruari was glad once the men and horses were loaded and they were headed to Britannia. He had thought the tales of being separated from one’s fated mate were just wolves being parted from their bed mates... he was wrong. Having left Arielle behind was the right thing to do, but it didn’t mean that his insides weren’t gnawing away with his need for her... and not just to sink his hard cock into her warm, wet sheath. He missed her scent, the sound of her voice; her very presence had now become necessary to his wellbeing.

  “Your brother used to miss his Bridget something fierce when he had to be away from her,” offered Connor.

  “I feel as though I owe him and Alaric both an apology for making light of their pain. We’re going to need to ride hard, but I want our two best riders to take a forward, scouting position to see if we can locate Edwyn’s army. I want to send another two to Calon Onest so we can ensure Edwyn hasn’t split his forces to try and catch Alaric by surprise.”


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