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Wolflord: A Dark Shifter Romance

Page 12

by Delta James

  Chapter Eleven

  Edwyn of Chepstow was not having a good day.

  “Milord, there is an ever-tightening noose around our necks. Gareth of Ravenscar has entered the battle from the north, Ruari of Dundalk approaches from the west, and an advance raiding party from Calon Onest has cut off our retreat.”

  “Damn!” spat Edwyn. “How did they know we were coming?”

  “A good question,” said Simon of York as he rode up beside Edwyn. “The forces of Ravenscar, Calon Onest, and Dundalk are herding us into this small valley like sheep to the slaughter.”

  Edwyn had believed he had kept his army’s movements under wraps. He had planned to catch Gareth of Ravenscar off guard. His spies had assured him to Gareth was either still at Calon Onest or in route for home.

  “My intelligence indicated that Gareth had weakened his own defenses when he rode to his brother’s aid. Aid that never should have been needed if either my brother hadn’t managed to get his fool head cut off or Alaric had killed the bitch who murdered him.”

  “But that’s not what happened. It seems you are an even poorer matchmaker than you are a tactician. If the she-wolf you promised me wasn’t with Gareth, I wouldn’t have ridden with you. Mira was to have been mine.”

  “It is not my fault that you couldn’t manage to mark and claim that mousy little she-wolf,” growled Edwyn. “For God’s sake, Simon, all you had to do was keep your lust in check until you got Mira marked, bedded, and knotted. But instead you terrorized her to the point she escaped your grasp.”

  Edwyn now had word that the group of dam-builders he had brought to Britannia had been discovered and sent packing by Alaric. Normally, Edwyn would have simply withdrawn, tucked tail, and headed back to Chepstow to lick his wounds and regroup. The problem was that he had all but promised Ravenscar to Simon of York, and Simon was here with him.

  “Damn the man. Every time I think I have Gareth where I want him, he manages to turn the tables on me. I had thought that Eloise would quicken with Gareth’s seed and produce an heir. Then I would have dispatched Gareth and taken Ravenscar to hold for his son. But she and the child she carried died in childbirth,” spat Simon.

  Edwyn shook his head. “At least your sister, Eloise, knew her place. There seems to be a whole generation of she-wolves that don’t. They refuse to obey or be forced into submission. Wolves like Alaric and Gareth seem to favor them. At least the alpha of Dundalk had the sense to mark and claim the biddable sister from Calon Onest. But still Ruari, Gareth, and Alaric have formed a powerful triumvirate based on blood.”

  “I say we attack... take the fight to them,” cried Simon before laughing bitterly and placing himself slightly ahead of Edwyn. “We might as well; I don’t think surrendering and asking for mercy will be well met.”

  “Perhaps not,” said Edwyn, pulling a hidden dagger.

  Before Simon knew his intent or even saw the blade, Edwyn slammed the stiletto into the base of Simon’s skull, jamming it upward and killing him silently and almost immediately. Simon slid to the ground. Edwyn smiled as he thought that with all the noise of the pre-engagement skirmishes and the main army readying themselves for battle, that sound, or the lack thereof, was probably not much of a factor.

  Gareth’s and Ruari’s men sounded their attack and galloped down into the valley. Edwyn and Simon’s men answered with their own sounding and charged toward them to engage in a battle Edwyn was sure they’d lose. He had no intention of being taken captive by Gareth or Ruari. Alaric had merely thrown him into his dungeon; he paled at the thought of what Gareth or Ruari might do.

  He watched from the far end of the field while his men were cut down. While he had numbers on his side, his opponents’ army was better trained and armed.

  * * *

  Ruari spurred his horse forward and began fighting through Edwyn and Simon’s forces. It wasn’t much of a contest. He was in the midst of battling two men who were on foot and trying to pull him from his horse when a wave of dizziness and disorientation assailed him. His sense of balance was lost and a third soldier joining the other two caused Ruari to be pulled from his mount.

  “Ruari!” he thought he heard a woman scream.

  He shook his head trying to find his equilibrium. He heard another horse approaching and looked up to see Edwyn riding down on him.

  * * *

  The hooded warrior stood vigil as men were ordered by their alphas and betas into the slaughter. If Alaric of Calon Onest didn’t hurry, he would miss the fighting altogether. Not that he was needed, Gareth and Ruari would make short work of Edwyn’s hapless forces. He watched as three of Edwyn’s men dragged the alpha of Dundalk from his horse. It appeared as though Edwyn meant to dispatch Ruari himself. That would be a mistake. Even if he could manage it, Alaric and Gareth would exact a terrible revenge.

  The dark stranger turned to go. After all, the affairs of these mortals meant nothing to him. He was returning home, heartsick, and wanted no part of their schemes and disputes. He shook his head trying to dislodge the smell of blood and dust from his nostrils. What now filled his senses was the undeniable scent of daffodils, a symbol of rebirth and faithfulness. He told himself it was just his imagination; just his desire to be home.

  He lifted his face to the sky and inhaled deeply. There it was again, the floral notes of the cool spring mornings from his homeland. He felt his cock stir. Had the gods finally seen fit to gift him with his fated mate?

  * * *

  Arielle watched in horror as three warriors surrounded Ruari and dragged him from his horse.

  “Ruari!” she screamed as she spurred her horse down the hillside and charged into the fray.

  She was glad she had ridden the big gray stallion. She was able to outmaneuver or simply mow down anyone trying to come between her and Ruari. She saw Edwyn reach Ruari and dismount and urged her horse to go faster.

  * * *

  Ruari was struggling to get to his feet, but without the advantage of being mounted, the three men were able to keep him on his knees.

  “Well, well, Ruari of Dundalk. I should have known you would take Gareth’s part in this,” said Edwyn from atop his horse.

  Ruari struggled. “Yes, you should have.”

  “This hasn’t turned out the way I planned but perhaps if I get rid of you, that’s one less enemy I need to worry with. That would leave your Arielle without a mate. Perhaps I should ride from here to Eire to stake my claim. I understand she’s a tasty morsel.”

  Before Ruari could speak, he felt her presence behind him. He scanned the area to try to locate her. He blanched as she rode up and slipped from the back of the large charger. She stepped amid the fallen bodies to join him at his side.

  “You might find that more difficult than you think, you mangy mutt. Ruari is ten times the wolf you ever dreamed of being, and even he found it difficult to mark and claim me,” Arielle snarled.

  “But the claiming mark on your neck says he got the job done. Did he have time to introduce you to all the pleasure to be found in an alpha’s bed? Did he knot you and rut himself senseless between your thighs?” taunted Edwyn.

  Ruari growled and struggled in the steely grasp of the two warriors. Arielle moved past him, running her fingers along his shoulder as she moved toward Edwyn.

  “You have no idea the rapture I found in my fated mate’s embrace. I gave him the gift of my virginity. In exchange he took me to the heights of ecstasy again and again, as we reveled in each other’s arms. Tell me, Edwyn, can you even form a knot or have you fallen so low that the gods deny you that?”

  Arielle spoke in a sweet voice, but her words were pure venom. Edwyn swung down off his horse, ready to end both of their lives. He closed on Arielle with deadly intent. Ruari watched as Edwyn’s eyes widened in surprise as his neck beneath his Adam’s apple was slit and blood came gushing out. Arielle whirled back toward Ruari, slicing open the wrist of one of those who held him and allowing Ruari to take advantage of their shock to disarm and dispatch

  Without a word, Ruari swung up on the gray charger that had once belonged to his brother and hauled Arielle up to sit in front of him and into his arms. He caught the reins of his own stallion and galloped out of the chaos that still remained all around them. He spied Bridget at the top of the knoll and rode to her.

  Depositing Arielle on the ground, he tossed her the reins and roared, “If either of you ever expects to sit down again, you will remain here until Connor or I come for you.”

  “But, Ruari...” started Arielle.

  Ruari leaned out of the saddle, cupping the base of her skull in his hands. “You will do as I say. You’re in enough trouble as it is.”

  He ended his brief tirade with a deep and fierce kiss, his tongue thrusting into her mouth to sweep all around, savoring her taste.

  “You were magnificent. I can’t wait to get you naked beneath me,” he whispered.

  He watched her mount his horse and then wheeled the stallion away and headed back into battle. It didn’t take long before most of Edwyn and Simon’s men lay either dead or dying. Those few who remained were on their knees and faced the ire of Gareth of Ravenscar.

  As they approached the surrendered men, Alaric’s forces topped the hill to the south. Ruari smiled as he watched Alaric charge down to meet them. He slid his horse to a stop alongside his brother.

  “You were always late... even as a small boy,” growled Gareth, trying to keep the laughter and affection out of his voice.

  “You know what they say about we pack leaders... ever the alpha, never the warlord,” replied Alaric with a grin.

  “About damn time. And what say you, Ruari of Dundalk?”

  “Me? I learned a long time ago to never get in the middle between you two. I am alpha of my clan... we have to be both. What are you going to do with them?” Ruari said, nodding toward the prisoners.

  “I haven’t a clue and I’m too tired to figure it out,” said Gareth.

  “As I seem to have missed the battle, why don’t I see them into the dungeon? I believe both of you have she-wolves that need seeing to,” Alaric offered.

  Gareth and Ruari eyed each other and smiled.

  “Alaric is right, but I have already seen to mine’s disobedience and can simply allow myself to enjoy being returned to her. You on the other hand...” said Gareth, turning to Ruari.

  Ruari laughed. “I am looking forward to the same. It would seem, my old friend, that my admonishment to you to mate with the sweet, biddable sister would have been bad advice.”

  Alaric joined in his merriment. “I’m finding the she-wolves of Calon Onest have a remarkable spirit, but need to be ruled with an iron fist, a good strap, and a hard cock.”

  “Ruari, I’ve sent word to have rooms prepared for you and your two errant females,” offered Gareth.

  “Thank you. I will have Connor deal with Bridget. I will need to deal with Arielle...”

  “Now there’s a conundrum I don’t envy you. She most likely saved your life but risked her own to do so. At least my Sloan just rode around the threat to get to you for help.” Gareth paused as a sly smile spread across his face. “On the other hand, there are worse things than having your mate face down over your knee...”

  The three friends chuckled.

  “Or having your mate on her knees as you slide your cock between her legs, feeling the warmth of your correction against your groin as you surge forward,” said Alaric wistfully.

  “I’d be careful where your mind drifts, brother, you are a long way from your mate,” teased Gareth.

  “True, but at least yours isn’t as close as some...” said Alaric, looking pointedly at Arielle and Bridget.

  Ruari looked up and then back at the brothers. “I’d best go collect Connor. I will send him back to the manor to deal with Bridget. I may well begin my beloved’s mate punishment before we get there.”

  Alaric laughed. “I highly recommend that. When I returned from battle with Rowan in my arms, it wasn’t just her hard ride to reach Gareth that had exhausted her.”

  “I was under the impression that it was your hard riding of her that put her in that state,” said Gareth with a chuckle. “Do what you like with your women, Ruari. You and yours are welcome at Ravenscar for as long as you need.”

  “I appreciate your hospitality, but I would prefer to get back to Dundalk as soon as possible. I’ll talk to Connor and Fallon to assess the health of our wounded. Perhaps I’ll see if I can’t steal Fallon away from you permanently. She always liked me better.”

  Gareth smiled. “True, but Tyler hasn’t taken their separation well. You haven’t a chance.”

  Connor joined them. “I just spoke with Fallon, Tristan, and Edan. We suffered no losses. Mostly minor injuries, but the few serious ones will heal. We are lucky, my alpha, none of our men was badly hurt.”

  “In that case,” said Ruari, “let’s join those at Ravenscar to celebrate our victory and then plan to leave as soon as we are able. I suppose given the fact that it was my mate who struck the lethal blow that I will need to make some allowances in her punishment.”

  Turning to Connor, he said, “We’d best go collect our two misbehaving she-wolves.”

  * * *

  Arielle and Bridget watched as Ruari and Connor made their way up the hill.

  “I don’t like the look on their faces,” said Bridget.

  “Nor do I. And I really don’t like the waves of angry energy directed my way by Ruari. Any words of advice for dealing with a rightfully enraged alpha?”

  “Nothing that will get you out of the punishment, but I would caution you to mind your tongue and do your best to quell his temper. He most likely will not knot you again until he has dealt with what he thinks is your disobedience and has you at home, but he will not be gentle in his punishment or the coupling that comes after... at least not if he’s anything like his brother.”

  Arielle blushed. “Is it wrong that I am so enraptured by Ruari and his touch that I find it difficult not to become aroused by both his spanking and the rough pleasure that comes after?”

  Bridget reached across and laid her hand on Arielle’s arm. “He wouldn’t be your fated mate if he didn’t affect you that way. There is rightness in their discipline and their need to reconnect with you in a very visceral way.”

  “But he once threatened to... no, he wouldn’t. It won’t fit; I’m quite sure of it.”

  “Ruari is like his brother. He neither makes idle threats nor bluffs. And I can assure you that it will.”

  Arielle whipped her head around to stare at Bridget, who held her eye. Bridget nodded and Arielle felt herself go pale.

  “Oh, it’s not so bad... in fact it often helps them lose their anger.”

  “I can’t even imagine... why would they want to?”

  “For one thing, it’s a snugger fit, especially for a man who isn’t well endowed. But mostly it’s about reinforcing their dominance and your submission. And it doesn’t have to be painful. In fact, if they take their time and let you get used to the way it stretches you, it can offer its own kind of pleasure.”

  The closer Ruari got, the more she could feel his presence. His anger seemed to be somewhat abated, but behind it was full-blown arousal and need. She felt her nipples harden and her nether regions clench in anticipation. She tried to balance that with the knowledge that he was most likely going to blister her backside. For as much as she could feel his lust washing over her like the waves of the ocean, his anger and fear were there as well.

  “So you were victorious?” asked Bridget.

  Connor nodded. “You and I need to ride back to Ravenscar where we will discuss your involvement in this misadventure.”

  “Misadventure?” queried Bridget. “From up here, it looked like if it hadn’t been for Arielle, Clan Dundalk would be without an alpha once again.”

  “Hold your tongue, Bridget! Were it not for you, Arielle would not have been able to leave Dundalk,” growled Ruari.

  Bridget laughe
d. “I’m not the one who got her to Eire. She managed to do that without anyone’s help.”

  As the three of them argued, Arielle turned her horse away from her companions and urged him into an easy canter in the opposite direction of them and Ravenscar. If she was lucky, they’d be so engrossed in quarreling with one another, that they wouldn’t notice her quiet withdrawal. She was quickly disposed of that hope.

  She heard and felt Ruari’s surge of energy in her direction only moments before she heard the pounding of hooves behind her. Before she could urge her own mount forward, she felt Ruari’s arm snake around her waist as he snatched her from the saddle, depositing her sidesaddle in front of him.

  “Sometimes I question whether or not you have any notion of when you have gone too far. For your information, you crossed that line when you left Castle Dundalk without permission and against my express orders.”

  “I warned you about leaving me,” she said threateningly.

  “Yes, you did. And I told you what would happen to you if you chose to disobey me. I’ve sent Connor back to Ravenscar to deal with Bridget...”

  “She did nothing that I didn’t order her to do...”

  “That may be, but she knew the consequences of helping you with this folly. Neither of you will ride back to Dundalk easily. Whereas Bridget will only find sitting to be uncomfortable, you, my sweet mate, will find areas other than your glorious backside to be quite painful.”

  Ruari continued to ride on in the direction that Arielle had gone.

  “Isn’t Ravenscar in the other direction?” she asked.

  “It is indeed, but we will not ride for Ravenscar until later. I mean to teach you a lesson you won’t forget anytime soon. I think it’s best that the number of those who will be in earshot when I do be kept to a minimum.”

  “What... what do you mean?”

  “I think you know exactly what I mean. I cautioned you that if you left our castle without permission, I would lay a set of stripes across your backside and use your back passage for my pleasure.”


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